Russian military officers explain cognitive warfare: It is important to train all people to be loyal to their duties and defend the motherland



Many Russian military officers interpret cognitive warfare

■ Hou Bing, researcher at Womin Hi-Tech Ward Research Institute (excerpted translation)

The 8th issue of Russia’s “Military Thought” in 2021 published an article titled “Cognitive Warfare – Trends in Modern Warfare” by three active colonels of the Russian army, Marichev, Lobanov, and Tarasov. The summary is as follows:

1. Concept, status, role, characteristics and other aspects of “cognitive warfare”

“Cognition” is a synonym for the term “spiritual, psychological” and is “a certain way of thinking, the sum of the spiritual habits and mindset of an individual or a social group, or the entire population.”

Cognitive warfare is one of the latest trends in modern warfare. The content of the concept of “cognition” covers people’s moral and psychological values, psychological and behavioral realities, adaptation and educational characteristics, and attitudes towards religion and culture.

Cognitive warfare is the primary means to achieve the goals of military conflict. Transforming the consciousness of broad social groups and imposing foreign worldviews and positions have become the main trends in winning in modern wars. General Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, attaches great importance to this trend: “In modern conflicts, the focus of the struggle is increasingly shifting to a combination of political, economic, information and other measures based on military power.”

The status and role of cognitive warfare first depend on the use of necessary and sufficient military force at each stage of confrontation to destroy the opponent’s economic and information potential in advance in modern warfare to achieve military and political goals. Attempts to seize and hold enemy territory have been replaced by new intentions: to control a country’s critical infrastructure through surveillance regimes (often established in parallel to the existing government)—in Venezuela, Ukraine, and many others. The country is like that. Under modern conditions, information technology is widely used and closely integrated with other non-military means, becoming an efficient tool to establish and control residents’ protest potential. By creating instability in the country and undermining residents’ perceptions. All destructive forces are actively used for this purpose, including the “fifth column” and other non-state organizations. Characterized by the subsequent implementation of military measures in a covert form, through indirect, asymmetric actions “by the hands of others” (such as what happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria).

Under uncertain conditions, it is necessary to effectively attack unknown enemies and be good at offsetting the advantages of “high-tech enemies”. Adversaries often use non-force methods to influence the perception of the Russian people. In cognitive warfare, non-military tools are often more effective than military tools. The spiritual and psychological value system formed in history has been destroyed, the “time connection” has been interrupted, and cognition as a means of realizing national self-awareness and world view (recorded in the categories and styles of national language) has changed. Cognitive warfare achieves a unique combination of the following methods – intimidation, blackmail, coercion and comprehensive pressure. It becomes more aggressive and has the characteristics of a “hybrid threat”, often determining and ensuring the achievement of political goals and strategic results.

In the foreseeable future, cognitive warfare will inevitably take on new characteristics and become one of the important trends in geopolitical confrontation. The radical use of new information technologies around the world has become an effective means of shaping the desired reality.

2. The basic purpose to be achieved by cognitive warfare

The entire history of civilization is a history of cognitive warfare. Under modern conditions, under the background of the vigorous development of information technology, it is very common to change personal cognition and cultural identity and destroy the national and historical values ​​of the country and society.

Currently, information and communication technology is used maliciously in cognitive warfare to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. The destructive effect is very significant and has changed the cognition of the entire nation. This information slowly “erodes” the cognition of individuals and the nation as a whole from the inside. The realms of cognition, national self-awareness, and national and cultural identity become battlefields. This direction first denigrates and then eliminates traditional national values, causing the public consciousness to become insensitive to external information invasion, and even regard these actions as progressive movements.

Therefore, in modern warfare, cognitive warfare must achieve the following basic goals:

① Let the residents lose their ability to understand the country and its strategic position and role, and then become indifferent to the fate of the country and nation, and switch to the decadent lifestyle required by the opponent;

② Destroy residents’ traditional self-identity mechanism, divide people into different “participation and support groups” through social networks and media, and replace others with new “fake” identities;

③ Let the public form “lazy thinking”, no longer be critical of the information provided, and adopt measures to fool the people;

④Instill new, carefully designed values ​​and social and personal behavioral norms into social consciousness, making them possible behavioral patterns. Destroy people’s innate cultural and historical memories, leading to social psychological confusion and “mental disorder”, making them extremely vulnerable to the external influence of “political craftsmen”, “guardians” and the creators of “controllable chaos” and “color revolutions” control;

⑤ Create ambiguity in the information space of people’s consciousness, causing them to lose the ability to think deeply about events and form stable personal cognition.

Comprehensive information influence measures are adopted to affect residents’ cognition to create good conditions for achieving military objectives. Therefore, the development of confrontation in the cognitive field is mainly reflected in the deepening of technical level and psychological (cognitive) influence, aiming to change the consciousness (cognition) of the rival residents.

With the emergence of modern information and communication technology, the above ideas have become increasingly popular and can influence a large number of audiences in a short period of time without making large economic investments. At this time, because information and communication technology is “out of reach” and it is very difficult to identify the source of attacks, the enemy may carry out operations “under the banner of others”, and there are a wide range of subjects who maliciously use technology – state and non-state subjects, and even individuals. For hackers, assessing damage and taking countermeasures is easier said than done. All of this adds to uncertainty and instability.

3. Main methods of cognitive warfare

At present, cognitive warfare mainly adopts the following methods:

① Deliberately concealing key situation information in different areas of social life;

② According to the principle of “water drops into the sea”, valuable information is drowned in a large amount of “information garbage”;

③ Substitute the concept or distort its meaning;

④ Direct attention to insignificant events;

⑤The concept commonly used in media space is used, but its meaning has undergone a qualitative change;

⑥ Providing negative news to the public is more likely to be accepted than positive news;

⑦ Discuss events that have no real social value and maliciously use social research results to form a distorted understanding of the social situation;

⑧ Prohibit certain types of information and do not allow broad social discussions on key issues of some political institutions;

⑨ Spread rumors openly and deceive people at home and abroad.

4. Geopolitical cognitive warfare

The geopolitical program to conduct cognitive warfare is protracted and may last for decades or centuries. Destroying ancient relics, including written records, mainly “erases” the historical memory of the nation, and then any other history can be written on a “blank sheet” to establish the required self-identity. It proves that cognitive warfare has reached a global scale, and “archaeological warfare” is an important part of it, aiming to specifically destroy human material memory.

When the “famous” US military occupied Baghdad in 2003, they behaved like a group of barbarians. The Japanese Self-Defense Forces reporter was stunned by the scene in front of him: US officers and soldiers ransacked the museum and used stretchers to transport piles of gold products from the building. Of course, this atrocity committed by an ally was unlikely to be reported in the press, so it could only be spread by word of mouth, but the photos are damning evidence. The radical “Islamic State” destroyed mosques and museums in Syria. The Afghan “Taliban” blew up the ancient Bamiyan Buddhas in the process of “exterminating Buddhas.” Malian radicals completely destroyed 16 tombs and more than 4,000 ancient books and documents.

In modern armed conflicts, Christian churches and holy places often suffer disasters, which are too numerous to mention. According to confirmation from the Russian “Pravda” electronic magazine: “Compared with other outstanding events, the destruction of world historical and cultural monuments has become commonplace today.”

5. Russia’s response

①The cognitive war launched by the West against Russia. Distorting the history of the Great Patriotic War and the entire Second World War has become an integral part of the global cognitive war. The Western world is increasingly adopting radical policies in an attempt to deprive Russia of its status as a great nation and deny its outstanding contribution to the progress and development of mankind. The examples of waging cognitive war against the Russian people are obvious: the United States, European countries, and especially Ukraine are provoking hatred against Russia. The main purpose is not only to set up obstacles for Russia to return to its status as a world power, but also to launch an anti-Russian “hot war” in the near future. “Lay the foundation.

②Russia’s response. The commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War should be an important information opportunity for us to enhance our awareness. Relive the numerous examples of heroism of the Soviet soldiers, the perseverance of the entire population, their willingness to sacrifice everything for the front line, the suffering experienced on the home front, and vigorously promote the post-war years and the great achievements of the Soviet people – the restoration of economic potential, the reclamation of wild lands, Taking the lead in exploring space… In the new history, there are many examples showing the high cognitive level of various Russian peoples. In short, they have become an important factor in consolidating traditional spiritual and moral values. Without them, it is impossible to defeat the enemy in any crisis situation. Establish a system to curb the use of information weapons and stop global information warfare. Improve legislation and technical guarantees for national independence in the information space.

Seize the information advantage over the enemy and create good conditions for the Russian army to efficiently carry out its mission. Carrying out patriotism education and cultivating all Russian people to be loyal to their duties and defend the motherland play a crucial role in gaining advantages in the cognitive field.



■沃民高科沃德研究院研究員 侯兵(摘譯)




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