The present era, the rapid development of information society, a safe, stable and prosperous cyberspace, a country and world peace and development increasingly significant. It is considered after land, sea, air, space “fifth space” in cyberspace and Internet governance has become an important global issue for the international community unprecedented attention.
Currently, the world is not peaceful. Traditional threats and non-traditional threats intertwined. To benefit from the global network of development and also suffered network attack, and this behavior with the further development of information technology and the Internet more frequently. Currently, the traditional network boundaries become increasingly blurred, non-traditional security threats increase, distributed denial of service, advanced persistent threats and other new network attacks intensified. Network global information infrastructure frequent high-risk vulnerabilities intrusion, critical information infrastructure and critical information systems security is facing serious threats. Network attacks are gradually infiltrate the various types of network terminals. In addition, phishing, hackers, cyber-terrorism, and other issues of rampant Internet rumors, disturb and destroy the countries of normal production and life, and even threaten the stability of state power.
In recent years, the world has a profound understanding of the importance of joint response to network security threats, network security, international cooperation has become a major trend. October 2013, ICANN, IETF, W3C and other major international Internet governance institutions signed the “Montevideo was Asia,” the statement, all stakeholders equal participation as the future direction of development of Internet governance. April 2014, the Brazilian Internet Conference issued a “multi-stakeholder network in the world declared,” and proposed future “Global Principles” Internet governance and the “road map.” In the same month, Japan and the US conducted a second comprehensive network security dialogue between the two countries will further strengthen cooperation in the field of cyber defense. In October, Japan and South Korea signed the “on the strengthening of cooperation in the field of network security memorandum of understanding” to establish network security affairs consultation mechanism to discuss the fight against cyber crime and cyber terrorism, cooperation in the establishment of the Internet emergency response. In May, the new EU disclosed 2015-2020 to strengthen the fight against crime, cyber-terrorism plan. In the same month, Russia and China signed the “inter-governmental cooperation agreement in the field of international information security”, the two sides focus on the use of computer technology in particular undermine national sovereignty, security and the threat of interference in internal affairs area. In June, the global Internet Governance Council of the Global Alliance held in Brazil, a clear governance model of cooperation. In July, German Internet Industry Roundtable, deepen cooperation in the network security aspects. In August, the United Nations Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Information Security held a meeting to report to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, for the first time a unified constraint own activities in cyberspace, including critical foundation can not use the Internet to attack his country’s nuclear power plants, banking, transportation, water supply systems, etc. facilities, and can not be implanted “backdoor” in IT products and so on. In September, the United States on outstanding issues in the field of law enforcement in combating cyber crime and other security-depth exchange of views and reached important consensus; the eighth “China-US Internet Forum” held in Seattle, talks between the two countries aimed at promoting exchanges Internet industry and cooperation, continue to promote the world of Internet and network information security. In October, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States authorities was successfully held in Xiamen City, Fujian Province, the “Xiamen -2015” Network counter-terrorism exercises; the sixth Sino-British Internet Roundtable opened in London, the two countries signed the first network security protocol; Chinese military sixth Xiangshan Science Society Forum and the China international strategic Association jointly sponsored the Beijing national Convention Center, which is an important issue around the “code of conduct in cyberspace” build mode, path, content and other discussions. December 1, State Councilor Guo Shengkun US Attorney Lynch, Johnson, Secretary of Homeland Security, co-chaired the first Sino-US cyber crime and related matters joint high-level dialogue.
Mandarin Chinese:
近年來,世界各國已深刻認識到共同應對網絡安全威脅的重要性,網絡安全國際合作已成大趨勢。 2013年10月,ICANN、IETF、W3C等國際互聯網治理主要機構共同簽署了“蒙得維得亞”聲明,將所有的利益相關者平等參與視為未來互聯網治理的發展方向。 2014年4月,巴西互聯網大會發表《網絡世界多利益攸關方聲明》,提出未來互聯網治理的“全球原則”和“路線圖”。同月,日美進行了第二次網絡安全綜合對話,兩國將進一步強化在網絡防禦領域的合作。 10月,中日韓簽署《關於加強網絡安全領域合作的諒解備忘錄》,建立網絡安全事務磋商機制,探討共同打擊網絡犯罪和網絡恐怖主義,在互聯網應急響應方面建立合作。 5月,歐盟新披露了2015年至2020年強化打擊網絡恐怖犯罪的計劃。同月,俄羅斯與中國簽署了《國際信息安全保障領域政府間合作協議》,雙方特別關注利用計算機技術破壞國家主權、安全以及乾涉內政方面的威脅。 6月,全球互聯網治理聯盟在巴西召開全球理事會,明確了合作的治理模式。 7月,中德互聯網產業圓桌會議召開,深化在網絡安全等方面的合作。 8月,聯合國信息安全問題政府專家組召開會議,並向聯合國秘書長提交報告,各國首次統一約束自身在網絡空間中的活動,包括不能利用網絡攻擊他國核電站、銀行、交通、供水系統等重要基礎設施,以及不能在IT產品中植入“後門程序”等。 9月,中美就共同打擊網絡犯罪等執法安全領域的突出問題深入交換意見,達成重要共識;第八屆“中美互聯網論壇”在西雅圖召開,會談旨在促進中美兩國互聯網業界的交流與合作,持續推動世界互聯網和網絡信息安全。 10月,上海合作組織成員國主管機關在福建省廈門市成功舉行了“廈門-2015”網絡反恐演習;第六屆中英互聯網圓桌會議在倫敦開幕,簽署兩國首個網絡安全協議;中國軍事科學學會和中國國際戰略協會聯合主辦的第六屆香山論壇在北京國家會議中心舉行,其中一個重要議題是圍繞“網絡空間行為準則”的構建模式、路徑、內涵等展開討論。 12月1日,國務委員郭聲琨與美國司法部部長林奇、國土安全部部長約翰遜共同主持首次中美打擊網絡犯罪及相關事項高級別聯合對話。
Source: China Information Security