
The Way of Internet Governance with Chinese Characteristics and the Strategic Thought of Network Power






黨的十八大以來,以習近平同志為核心的黨中央審時度勢、高瞻遠矚,順勢應時,吹響了向網絡強國進軍的號角。 2014年2月27日,在中央網絡安全和信息化領導小組第一次會議上,習近平同志提出,要從國際國內大勢出發,總體佈局,統籌各方,創新發展,努力把我國建設成為網絡強國。





Network security and informatization are related to the long-term governance of the party, the long-term stability of the country, economic and social development and the well-being of the people. Comrade Xi Jinping stood at the political height of our party “If you can’t pass the hurdle of the Internet, you can’t pass the hurdle of long-term governance”, accurately grasped the opportunities and challenges brought about by the informatization revolution, and clearly stated that we should strive to build our country into a cyber power. The third part of the book “Excerpts of Xi Jinping’s Discussions on Internet Power” edited by the Central Academy of Party History and Documentation is titled “Strive to Build my country into a Cyber ​​Power” and includes relevant expositions by Comrade Xi Jinping.

Looking at the history of world civilizations, humanity has successively undergone agricultural revolution, industrial revolution and information revolution. Every revolution in industrial technology has had a huge and profound impact on human production and life. Today, information technology represented by the Internet is changing with each passing day, leading new changes in social production, creating a new space for human life, expanding new areas of national governance, and greatly improving human ability to understand and transform the world. The Internet has turned the world into a global village where “the voices of chickens and dogs hear each other”, and people separated by thousands of miles no longer “do not communicate with each other”. The world is more colorful because of the Internet, and life is richer because of the Internet.

Human society is undergoing a great information revolution, and China is in the historical process of rapid development of informatization. The trend of the era of information revolution and the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation have had a historic intersection, which has brought great benefits to us in building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. New opportunities and challenges. Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out that informatization has brought golden opportunities to the Chinese nation. We are at the right time, and we must follow the trend, ride on the trend, and meet each other halfway.

With the rapid development of network information technology and its comprehensive integration into social production and life, it has also profoundly changed the global economic pattern, interest pattern, and security pattern. Major countries in the world regard the Internet as the focus of economic development and technological innovation, and regard the Internet as a strategic direction for seeking new competitive advantages. Whether it can adapt to and lead the development of the Internet has become a key to determining the rise and fall of a big country. Whoever controls the Internet will grasp the initiative of the times; whoever despises the Internet will be abandoned by the times. To a certain extent, it can be said that those who win the Internet win the world. Informatization provides a favorable opportunity for my country to seize the commanding heights of a new round of development and build new advantages in international competition.

China attaches great importance to the development of the Internet. Since its access to the international Internet, we have strengthened the construction of information infrastructure, developed the network economy, and promoted information to benefit the people in accordance with the ideas of active utilization, scientific development, law-based management, and security assurance. At the same time, we have carried out cyberspace governance in accordance with the law, and cyberspace has become increasingly clear. Although it started relatively late, after more than 20 years of hard work, it quickly narrowed the informatization gap with developed countries and became a network powerhouse that has attracted worldwide attention. At the same time, we must also see that although my country’s network information technology and network security have made great achievements, there is still a big gap compared with the world’s advanced level. We are still relatively backward in terms of independent innovation, the differences between regions and urban and rural areas are relatively obvious, and the bottleneck of domestic Internet development is still relatively prominent.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has judged the situation, looked far ahead, followed the trend, and sounded the clarion call to march towards a cyber power. On February 27, 2014, at the first meeting of the Central Network Security and Informatization Leading Group, Comrade Xi Jinping proposed that we should proceed from the international and domestic trends, make an overall layout, coordinate all parties, innovate and develop, and strive to build my country into a cyber power .

Building a cyber power is a major decision made by the Party Central Committee based on the overall development of the Party and the country. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee proceeded from the great struggle with many new historical characteristics, attached importance to the Internet, developed the Internet, and governed the Internet. sexual achievement.

We put forward the strategic goal of building a strong network country, basically established the top-level design and overall structure of network information work, issued the “Opinions on Strengthening Network Security and Informatization Work”, basically straightened out the Internet management leadership system and mechanism, and formed a national “one game of chess” work pattern; The security of Internet ideology has been effectively safeguarded, positive online propaganda has been made bigger and stronger, and heavy blows and sharp swords have been used to manage and control the Internet. A series of major struggles in the field of Internet ideology have been won, which has fundamentally reversed the past. In the situation of being occupied and passively beaten, the positive energy of cyberspace is stronger and the main theme is more high-spirited; the national network security barrier is further consolidated, the network security law is formulated and implemented, the construction of network security guarantee capabilities is strengthened, and the security protection of key information infrastructure is continuously strengthened. Activities have been effectively curbed, and the awareness of network security and protection capabilities of the whole society have been significantly enhanced; the military-civilian integration of network information has achieved phased results, and the network security deterrence and countermeasure capabilities have been continuously enhanced; attention has been paid to the driving and leading role of informatization in economic and social development, “Internet + “The action plan has been implemented in depth, the digital economy and the sharing economy have flourished; positive progress has been made in core technology innovation in the information field, breakthroughs have been made in the research of new-generation mobile communication (5G), high-performance computing, quantum communication and other technologies, and a number of network information enterprises have entered the world In the forefront; the international discourse power and influence of cyberspace have been significantly improved, holding high the banner of cyber sovereignty, promoting the construction of a community of shared future in cyberspace, actively participating in the process of global Internet governance, creating and successfully hosting the World Internet Conference, and winning More and more recognition and support; speed up the construction of network infrastructure and the popularization of information services, the widespread popularization of new technologies and new applications such as online transactions, mobile payment, and shared travel; the accelerated development of e-government affairs; The service level continues to improve, and the people have a greater sense of gain, happiness, and security. The achievement of these historic achievements fully proves that the Party Central Committee’s decision on strengthening the party’s centralized and unified leadership over cybersecurity and informatization work and a series of strategic deployments for cybersecurity and informatization work are completely correct.

The new era calls for new ideas, and new practices breed new theories. In the process of striving to build a strong network country, we have continuously promoted theoretical innovation and practical innovation, not only blazing a way to govern the network with Chinese characteristics, but also put forward a series of new ideas, new viewpoints and new conclusions, forming the strategic thinking of a strong network country. To sum up, there are mainly the following aspects.

First, clarify the important position of cybersecurity and informatization work in the overall situation of the party and the country. We propose that there will be no national security without network security, and no modernization without informatization. If we do not pass the hurdle of being in power for a long time, we must place cybersecurity and informatization work in the overall planning of the party and the country, and earnestly strengthen the party’s centralized and unified leadership.

Second, clarify the strategic goal of building a cyber power. We propose that we must accelerate the construction of a cyber power from the height of realizing the “two centenary” goals and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In accordance with the requirements of strong technology, strong content, strong foundation, strong talents, and strong international discourse power, we must move towards the basic popularization of network infrastructure, significant enhancement of independent innovation capabilities, comprehensive development of the digital economy, strong network security guarantees, and balanced network offensive and defensive capabilities. Keep moving forward, and finally achieve the goal of advanced technology, developed industry, both offensive and defensive capabilities, full control of network control, and indestructible network security.

Third, clarify the principles and requirements for building a cyber power. We propose that we must adhere to the principles of innovative development, governing by law, ensuring security, promoting benefits and eliminating disadvantages, and benefiting the people, adhere to innovation-driven development, cultivate new kinetic energy with informatization, and use new kinetic energy to promote new development; adhere to the rule of law, so that the Internet will always be under the rule of law. We will continue to operate healthily on track; adhere to the correct concept of network security, and build a national network security barrier; adhere to the principle of equal emphasis on preventing risks and promoting healthy development, and grasp opportunities and challenges, so that the Internet can better benefit the society; The people have a greater sense of gain in sharing the fruits of Internet development.

Fourth, clarify the international propositions for Internet development and governance. We propose to adhere to the four principles of global Internet governance: respecting Internet sovereignty, maintaining peace and security, promoting openness and cooperation, and building a good order. The five-point proposal for building a community of shared future in cyberspace, such as ensuring network security and building an Internet governance system, emphasizes joint advancement of development, joint maintenance of security, joint participation in governance, and joint sharing of achievements, and jointly build a peaceful, secure, open, and cooperative cyberspace.

Fifth, clarify the basic methods for doing a good job in cybersecurity and informatization work. We realize that cybersecurity and informatization work involves many fields, and it is necessary to strengthen overall planning and coordination, implement comprehensive management, and form a strong work force. It is necessary to grasp the dialectical relationship between security and development, freedom and order, openness and autonomy, management and service, and comprehensively promote various tasks such as network content construction, network security, informatization, and international governance of cyberspace.

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on the network power, adhere to the Marxist position, viewpoint and method, based on the new era background of human beings entering the information society, systematically summed up our party’s practical experience in network management and network governance, and profoundly answered why we should build a network power and how to build a network power. A series of major theoretical and practical issues such as building a powerful network country, with a high-level view, overall control, profound thinking, and rich connotations, have become the guide to action leading the development of my country’s Internet information industry, and are the fundamental principles for doing a good job in Internet information work. Continuously enrich and develop.

Focusing on the overall development of human society, Comrade Xi Jinping creatively put forward the concept of making the Internet better benefit the world and the people of all countries, and building a community with a shared future in cyberspace. He proposed a Chinese plan for global Internet development and governance, and contributed Chinese wisdom. The mind of a responsible big country and Comrade Xi Jinping’s broad mind of the leader of a big country to seek peace and development for the world and civilization and progress for mankind.

We must combine in-depth study of Comrade Xi Jinping’s important expositions on building a strong network country, strengthen the “four consciousnesses”, strengthen the “four self-confidence”, and achieve “two safeguards”, constantly explore new paths for building a strong network country, and open up a new realm of global network governance , Let the Internet become a powerful boost to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

(Author: Xu Shan, Director of the Second Division of the First Research Department of the Central Academy of Party History and Documentation, Deputy Editor)


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