Category Archives: Chinese Military Views – 中國軍事觀


Chinese Military Establishes Battle Rhythm of Cyber Warfare in the Cognitive Domain

目前,認知域已作為獨立一域登上戰爭舞台,日益成為大國博弈的常鬥之域、必爭之地、勝戰砝碼。 分析認知域作戰特徵及發展趨勢,至少反映為以下八個面向。


軍事對抗,表面上看來是雙方硬實力的對抗,深層看不管戰爭是什麼性質、何種目的,終歸是人的意志的較量。 勝利的關鍵是將己方意志強加在受眾身上的能力。 只要剝奪、擊潰了敵人的戰爭意志,就意味著贏得了戰爭。 認知域作戰,以人的意志、精神、心理等為對抗目標,增強己方意志的同時削弱敵方的意志,進而達成攻心奪志的政治目的。 從這個意義上講,認知域是軍事優勢轉化為政治勝勢的關鍵領域。 隨著戰爭形態加速向智慧化演進,認知品質優勢帶來決策行動優勢,不僅可在道德、法理上佔據制高點,塑造正義合法的有利態勢,還可透過混合戰爭、綜合博弈手段,實現小戰 甚至不戰而勝的目的。 尤其是大國競爭背景下戰爭成本高昂,各方都希望透過加大認知域爭奪力度,以「人道」且「經濟」的形式,迫使對手知難而退。


實施認知攻擊的目的,就是用一隻“看不見的手”操控對手意志,讓對手感到“我不能”“我不敢”,從而達到“我不想”的效果。 外軍實踐表明,對人的意志、信念、思維、心理實施認知攻擊,可以是長期的文化植入,可以是「資訊海洋+摀嘴封聲」式的資訊壓制,可以是先入為主、搶先發聲 的主動塑造,也可以利用歷史積怨來挑動矛盾爆發。 目前,資訊科技、人工智慧技術、媒體科技強化了對認知域的直接作用,利用智慧生成軟體,可製造大量認知“彈藥”,精準作用於作戰目標的認知層,直接將“意志強加 於對手”,快速改變戰略態勢。 展望資訊化智慧化戰場,態勢感知力量與平台廣泛分佈於陸海空天網等作戰域,規劃、決策、控制等認知行為主導各作戰域行動,尤其是未來智能化戰爭中人機混合的認知 優勢將主導戰場,可以透過認知幹擾、認知混淆、認知阻斷等手段,製造戰爭認知“迷霧”,誘使對手誤判態勢,做出錯誤決策和行動。


認知域作戰呈現出全方位、多層次、超時空、跨領域等特點,模糊了戰時和平時、前方和後方的界限,跨越了戰場和國界,超越了單純的軍事領域,廣泛滲透於政治 、經濟、外交等各社會領域,表現為「五全」特質。 全時攻防,沒有平時戰時之分,沒有前方後方之別,表現為全時在線、全時在戰。 全員覆蓋,任何人甚至包括智慧機器人,都可能成為認知域作戰的目標對象。 全程使用,貫穿聯合作戰的戰前戰中戰後,聯合軍事行動未展開,認知塑勢行動已開始,並且伴隨軍事行動而行,不隨軍事行動停而停。 全域塑造,認知塑造貫穿戰略、戰役、戰術各層,作用範圍涵蓋陸海空天網各域,跨域賦能,對全域行動都有影響。 全政府行動,認知塑造自然具有戰略性,需要跨部門、跨領域、跨軍地、跨層級一致協調行動,以求達到最佳傳播效果。


認知賽局鬥爭,涉及多個對抗方,看似紛繁複雜,關鍵在於圍繞認知域的「三權」展開爭奪。 其一,爭奪事件性質定義權。 即這個事件該怎麼看,是正義的還是非正義的,是合法的還是非法的。 通常採取先發制人搶先定義、建群結盟強行定義、資訊壓制單方定義、設定議題套用定義等,引導塑造民眾形成定性認知。 其二,爭奪事件過程主導權。 即這事該怎麼幹、不該怎麼做,誰做的是對的、誰做的是錯的,通常採取設局布阱等方式,試圖按照己方所期望出現的狀態,主導目標事件發展方向、 快慢、暫停、繼續與終結。 其三,爭奪事件結局評判權。 即對這事該怎麼評,誰是獲利方、誰是受損方,誰是眼前的失利者、誰是長遠的受損者,等等。 各方都試圖透過掌控事件結局的評判權,放大於己有利之處、放大於敵不利之處,目的是利用事件延伸效應,持續傷敵利己。


軍事行動歷來講究「師出有名」。 雖然戰爭形態加速演變,但是戰爭從屬於政治的本質屬性不會改變;戰爭性質和人心向背,仍是影響戰爭勝負的關鍵因素。 認知域戰場上,佔據了政治、道義、法理的製高點,就能夠贏得民心、道義支持,營造得道多助的輿論氛圍,進而掌握制敵先機。 每次戰爭或衝突,無論是強者或弱者,無論是進攻方防守方或第三方,各方都會全力搶佔認知主導權、輿論主動權,千方百計用道義包裝自己、注重宣示正義立場,設法為 戰爭定性、為行動正名,以消除阻力、增加助力,塑造以「有道」伐「無道」的有利態勢。 戰爭雙方實力對比不同,瞄準佔據道德法理制高點進行的認知對抗方式也會不同。 近幾場戰爭表明,當一方軟硬實力均很強大時,即軍事實力強、盟友夥伴眾多、國際話語權佔有率大,常常高調宣戰;當軍事行動有可能引發連鎖反應時,則常常模糊處理 「戰」的提法。


網路資訊時代,人類溝通方式持續發生複雜深刻變化。 現場互動互動逐漸讓位給網路線上連線,一些大型社群平台成為認知博弈鬥爭的主陣地、影響民眾認知的主管道,以資訊為彈藥進行國際網路封鎖權、話語控制權爭奪成為當今認 知對抗的主要行動之一。 在這些平台上,各種短視頻成為公眾了解戰況的“第一現場”,訊息比砲彈跑得快。 圍繞平台的使用與封鎖、主導與規製成為認知域作戰爭奪的焦點,各方努力透過操控社交平台來傳播、放大己方宣傳,聲討、壓制對方宣傳,形成「我說的多、你說的少 」「我說的對、你說的錯」「只能我說、不讓你說」的局面。 民眾作為大型社群平台的使用者,在「聽」與「說」甚至「做」的過程中,受別人影響,也影響別人,不知不覺地成為幕後推手的代理人和攻擊道具。


人類戰爭史表明,兵戰永遠是政治較量的基礎支撐,心戰則是兵戰的效能倍增器。 戰場上拿不回來的東西,不能指望在談判桌上拿回來,更不能指望在輿論場上拿回來。 現代戰爭中,認知傳播行動總是與聯合軍事行動如影隨形,心戰與兵戰互相影響、互為支撐,兵戰心戰化和心戰兵戰化趨勢更為明顯。 從戰爭實踐看,沒有軍事實力是萬萬不能的,但僅有軍事行動又不是萬能的。 戰場上的多次勝利,並不是奪取戰爭勝利的充分條件。 越戰中,美雖「贏得了每次戰鬥,卻輸掉了整場戰爭」。 21世紀初,美國連續打的伊拉克戰爭、阿富汗戰爭,贏得了戰場勝利,也沒有贏得政治勝勢。 同樣的道理,軍事上的勝勢不等於贏得輿論上的強勢,贏得戰場勝利也不意味著贏得戰略的勝利。 現代戰爭中,兩類人員的角色越來越大,一類人員透過編寫成千上萬行程式碼謀勝,一類人員透過編寫成千上萬條資訊謀勝。 這兩類人員數品質都佔優的一方,取勝的機率往往就大。


過去戰爭中,對認知域的影響和作用,主要是透過物理域的大量毀傷行動,逐級逐層傳遞到認知域。 隨著資訊通訊、人工智慧、生物交叉、腦科學等技術的發展和突破,新的認知戰工具和技術直接瞄準軍事人員。 認知對抗不僅使用傳統的資訊戰武器,也使用以大腦為作戰目標的神經武器庫。 屆時,機器將可以讀懂人腦,人腦也將能夠直接控制機器,智慧指控系統可以直接提供戰場態勢和決策輔助,逼真的認知彈藥和精準的受眾投放將極大增強社會影響效果。 認知對抗技術越來越直接運用於戰爭,原來資訊化所隱含的間接認知,正逐步轉變為直接對人的認知進行影響與控制。 可以說,先進科技的支撐,使認知域作戰透過建構現代網路架構、開發資料視覺化平台,快速了解資訊環境並有效影響目標人群,可以更直接且有效率地達成政治目的。


Modern English:

Analysis of the characteristics and development trends of cognitive domain operations

Cognitive domain operations take people’s will, beliefs, thinking, psychology, etc. as direct combat objects, and then affect their decisions and actions by changing the opponent’s cognition. Entering the era of information-based and intelligent warfare, cognitive domain warfare has become an important form of great power game, with all parties striving to achieve political goals in a relatively controllable manner. Gaining insight into the characteristics and development trends of cognitive domain operations is of urgent and important practical significance for winning future wars.

At present, the cognitive domain has entered the war stage as an independent domain, and has increasingly become a common domain, a battleground, and a weight for victory in the game between great powers. Analyze the characteristics and development trends of cognitive domain operations, which are reflected in at least the following eight aspects.

The cognitive domain is the key domain for transforming military advantage into political victory.

On the surface, military confrontation is a confrontation between the hard power of both sides. On a deeper level, no matter what the nature of the war is and for what purpose, it is ultimately a contest of human wills. The key to victory is the ability to impose your will on your audience. As long as the enemy’s will to fight is deprived and defeated, the war is won. Cognitive domain warfare uses human will, spirit, psychology, etc. as the target of confrontation, strengthening one’s own will while weakening the enemy’s will, thereby achieving the political goal of conquering the heart and mind. In this sense, the cognitive domain is the key domain for transforming military advantage into political victory. As war accelerates its evolution toward intelligence, cognitive quality advantages bring decision-making and action advantages, which can not only occupy the moral and legal high ground and create a favorable situation of justice and legality, but also realize small wars through hybrid warfare and comprehensive game means. Even the purpose of winning without fighting. Especially in the context of great power competition, the cost of war is high. All parties hope to intensify the competition for cognitive domains and force their opponents to retreat in a “humane” and “economic” manner.

By changing the opponent’s perception, it can change its decisions and actions

The purpose of implementing cognitive attacks is to use an “invisible hand” to control the opponent’s will, making the opponent feel “I can’t” and “I dare not”, and then achieve the effect of “I don’t want to”. Foreign military practice has shown that cognitive attacks on people’s will, beliefs, thinking, and psychology can be long-term cultural implantation, information suppression in the form of “information ocean + covering one’s mouth to silence”, or preemptive speech. Active shaping of political power can also use historical grievances to provoke the outbreak of conflicts. At present, information technology, artificial intelligence technology, and media technology have strengthened their direct effects on the cognitive domain. Using intelligent generation software, a large amount of cognitive “munitions” can be produced to accurately act on the cognitive layer of combat targets, directly imposing “will” “to rivals” and quickly change the strategic situation. Looking forward to the informationized and intelligent battlefield, situational awareness forces and platforms are widely distributed in combat domains such as land, sea, air, and space networks. Cognitive behaviors such as planning, decision-making, and control dominate operations in various combat domains, especially the cognition of human-machine hybrids in future intelligent warfare. Advantages will dominate the battlefield. Cognitive interference, cognitive confusion, cognitive blocking and other means can be used to create a “fog” of war cognition, inducing opponents to misjudge the situation and make wrong decisions and actions.

Cognitive domain operations are full-time offense and defense, full personnel coverage, full use, full domain shaping, and full government action

Cognitive domain operations are all-round, multi-level, hyper-temporal, and cross-domain. They blur the boundaries between wartime and peacetime, front and rear, cross battlefields and national boundaries, go beyond the pure military field, and widely penetrate into politics. , economy, diplomacy and other social fields, showing the characteristics of “five completes”. Full-time offense and defense, there is no distinction between peacetime and wartime, and there is no difference between the front and the rear. It is expressed as being online all the time and in war all the time. Covering all personnel, anyone, including intelligent robots, may become the target of cognitive domain operations. It is used throughout the whole process of joint operations before and during the war. Before the joint military operation is launched, the cognitive shaping operation has begun and will accompany the military operation and will not stop with the military operation. Global shaping, cognitive shaping runs through all levels of strategy, operations, and tactics, and its scope covers all domains of land, sea, air, and space networks. Cross-domain empowerment has an impact on all-domain operations. As a whole-of-government action, cognitive shaping is naturally strategic and requires consistent and coordinated actions across departments, fields, military and localities, and levels to achieve the best communication effect.

The key is to seize control over the right to define the nature of an action or activity, the right to dominate the process, and the right to judge the outcome.

The cognitive game struggle involves multiple opposing parties and seems complicated. The key is to compete for the “three powers” in the cognitive domain. First, fight for the right to define the nature of the event. That is, how to view this incident, whether it is just or unjust, legal or illegal. Usually, pre-emptive definitions, group alliances and forced definitions, information suppression and unilateral definitions, setting issues and applying definitions are usually adopted to guide and shape the public to form qualitative perceptions. Second, compete for dominance over the event process. That is, how to do something, how not to do it, who did it right and who did it wrong, usually by setting up a trap and other methods, trying to dominate the development direction of the target event according to the state that one’s own side expects. Fast and slow, pause, continue and end. Third, compete for the right to judge the outcome of the incident. That is, how to evaluate this matter, who is the gainer and who is the loser, who is the immediate loser, who is the long-term loser, etc. All parties strive to control the outcome of the incident by amplifying their own advantages and amplifying the disadvantages of the enemy. The purpose is to use the extended effect of the incident to continue to harm the enemy and benefit themselves.

Morality and legal principles are the focus of contention between all parties

Military operations have always paid attention to the principle of “discipline and reputation”. Although the shape of war is evolving at an accelerated pace, the essential nature of war as subordinate to politics will not change; the nature of war and the support of people’s hearts are still the key factors that affect the outcome of a war. On the battlefield in the cognitive domain, by occupying the commanding heights of politics, morality, and law, we can win the hearts and minds of the people and moral support, create a public opinion atmosphere in which moral support is abundant, and then seize the opportunity to defeat the enemy. In every war or conflict, whether it is the strong or the weak, whether the attacker, the defender, or a third party, all parties will try their best to seize cognitive dominance and the initiative of public opinion. They will do everything possible to package themselves with morality, focus on declaring a just position, and try to find ways to defend themselves. Qualify the war, justify the action, eliminate resistance, increase support, and create a favorable situation in which “righteousness” defeats “unrighteousness”. The strength balance between the two sides in the war is different, and the cognitive confrontation methods aimed at occupying the moral and legal high ground will also be different. Recent wars have shown that when a party has strong soft and hard power, that is, it has strong military strength, many allies and partners, and a large share of international voice, it often declares war in a high-profile manner; when military actions may trigger chain reactions, it is often handled in a vague manner. The word “war”.

Information is the basic “ammunition” for cognitive attack and defense

In the network information age, the way humans communicate continues to undergo complex and profound changes. On-site interactive interactions have gradually given way to online connections. Some large-scale social platforms have become the main battleground for cognitive games and the main channels for influencing public cognition. Using information as ammunition to fight for the right to block international networks and control discourse has become a common practice today. One of the main actions of confrontation. On these platforms, various short videos have become the “first scene” for the public to understand the war situation, and information travels faster than cannonballs. The use and blocking, dominance and regulation of platforms have become the focus of battles in the cognitive domain. All parties strive to spread and amplify their own propaganda, denounce and suppress the other party’s propaganda by manipulating social platforms, forming a “I say more, you say less” “What I said is right and what you said is wrong” is a situation where “I can only say it and you are not allowed to say it”. As users of large-scale social platforms, the public is influenced by and affects others in the process of “listening”, “speaking” and even “doing”, and unknowingly becomes the agents and attack props of those behind the scenes.

Military operations play a key supporting role in shaping cognition

The history of human war shows that military warfare is always the basic support of political contests, while psychological warfare is the effectiveness multiplier of military warfare. What cannot be retrieved on the battlefield cannot be expected to be retrieved at the negotiation table, let alone in the field of public opinion. In modern warfare, cognitive communication operations always go hand in hand with joint military operations. Mental warfare and military warfare influence and support each other. The trend of military warfare becoming mental warfare and mental warfare becoming military warfare is more obvious. From the perspective of war practice, it is absolutely impossible without military strength, but military actions alone are not omnipotent. Multiple victories on the battlefield are not a sufficient condition for victory in war. In the Vietnam War, although the United States “won every battle, it lost the entire war.” At the beginning of the 21st century, the United States fought successive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, winning battlefield victories but not political victory. By the same token, military victory does not mean winning public opinion, and winning the battlefield does not mean winning strategic victory. In modern warfare, two types of people play an increasingly important role: those who win by writing thousands of lines of code, and those who win by writing thousands of messages. The side with superior quantity and quality of these two types of personnel will often have a higher probability of winning.

Cognitive countermeasures technology is increasingly used directly in warfare

In past wars, the influence and effect on the cognitive domain were mainly transmitted to the cognitive domain level by level through a large number of damaging actions in the physical domain. With the development and breakthroughs of information communications, artificial intelligence, biocrossing, brain science and other technologies, new cognitive warfare tools and technologies are directly targeting military personnel. Cognitive countermeasures use not only traditional information warfare weapons, but also an arsenal of neural weapons that target the brain. By then, machines will be able to read human brains, and human brains will also be able to directly control machines. Intelligent command and control systems can directly provide battlefield situation and decision-making assistance. Realistic cognitive ammunition and precise audience placement will greatly enhance the social impact. Cognitive countermeasures technology is increasingly being used directly in warfare. The indirect cognition implicit in informatization is gradually transforming into a direct influence and control of people’s cognition. It can be said that with the support of advanced technology, cognitive domain operations can achieve political goals more directly and efficiently by building a modern network architecture and developing a data visualization platform to quickly understand the information environment and effectively influence target groups.

(Author’s unit: Institute of War Studies, Academy of Military Sciences)

原來的 中国军网 国防部网:沒有湯給你.htm


Chinese Military Focus on Cognitive Domain Warfare is the New Focus of Main Effort for Battlefield Confrontation

認知域作戰是指運用輿論、心理、法律等多域手段,運用現代網絡、媒體、文字、圖片、視頻、數字等多維技術開展輿論宣傳。 、心理攻防,以及爭奪人心、顛覆信心、影響信仰、爭奪思想、意識形態鬥爭等重要形式,旨在爭奪人們在思想、信仰、價值觀、個人態度、情感、認同、 和判斷傾向。 認知領域戰是傳統輿論戰、心理戰、法律戰、貿易戰、外交戰、科技戰、意識形態戰等多領域戰的複雜集合。

目前,認知域作戰已經成為國家間軍事鬥爭和其他領域鬥爭的重要基礎,認知域目標驅動的語言對抗成為認知域作戰的重要形式,值得高度重視。 .


認知領域作戰是當代認知科學研究和發展的伴隨成果。 它是人們積極探索大腦的認知活動,以期對大腦有更複雜、更抽象、更透徹的認識而產生的新戰場。 高級深度隱蔽活動是對行動對象影響的高端形式。 無論是信息行動的對象、信息的生產者、信息的內容本身,還是信息的傳播渠道,認知域中的操作都貫穿著認知的特徵,從一開始就突出認知層面的行動 結束。

從信息接收者的角度來看,這種認知是針對對手受眾的深度認知,包括其人民、軍隊、軍方指揮官或重要領導人、政商界重要人物,甚至直接包括 對方國家或軍隊的領導人。 具體的重要將領等,也可以是具體的人群或人群。 它可以涉及個人或群體的認知偏好、認知缺陷、認知習慣、認知偏見、認知誤解; 它還可以是個人和群體的信仰、價值觀、政治認同、族裔認同、社會和文化認同以及情感態度。

從信息提供者和內容的角度來看,應該融入信息生產者的認知設計和安排,包括對文本的獨特認知,如文本的話語方式、文本的敘述方式、 觀察事物的視角、敘述的認知重點和深度、句子的組織形式、句子的價值觀念傾向、句子概念的可接受性等。

在信息發布和傳播的渠道上,文本形式更接近多媒體多模態形式,更接近網絡空間的需要,更接近當代智能手機的優勢,更接近當前新興媒體時代的特徵,即 是,更符合受眾接受的認知特徵,即認知習慣和認知傾向。 文本的傳播形式充分考慮了國際傳播中的認知效應,尤其是跨文化、跨語言、跨媒體、跨群體的認知傳播。 這樣,文本會更好地從認知層面影響受眾。


縱觀人類歷史,不難發現,軍事鬥爭的風格一直在不斷變化。 從最初借助冷兵器的肉搏戰,發展到機械力與熱兵器的較量,也發展到高科技戰爭條件下信息能力的製衡。 每一次變化都帶來戰術上的深刻變化。 在當前機械化、信息化、智能化並存的過渡階段,人們不僅關注戰場物理域和信息域的主導權爭奪,更關注對戰場主體的控制。 戰爭-人類認知領域,即思維方式、認知模式和風格、價值觀、情感態度、文化模式、溝通模式、心理優勢和劣勢、認知偏好、文化和知識圖譜以及意識形態認同。 後者涉及基本情況


話題靈活性和機動性:認知域作戰可以在認知域中選擇多個話題進行靈活機動的作戰行動。 根據現狀和需要,選題可以選擇涉及比較宏觀的戰略層面(比如對方整個社會的意識形態和製度等),或者中等層面的運動層面(比如社會問題) 在對方社會的局部或方向:社會福利政策或環保政策等),也可以選擇涉及社會中非常微觀的戰術問題(比如社會不公平、不公正、不美好的一面) 由某個人或特定事件反映)。 宏觀、中觀和微觀認知領域相互聯繫、相互轉化。 很可能一個微觀問題也會成為一個宏觀的戰略問題。 要根據與整個軍事行動的關係提出問題,認知域作戰要服從整體作戰行動,服務於宏觀政治外交形勢的需要。 更重要的是平時要準備好選題,平時要收集各種選題的數據,尤其要關注現實社會中的各種重要數據。 一旦需要,這些數據可以迅速轉化為箭矢、子彈、砲彈射向敵人的認知領域,甚至成為影響全局的戰略武器。

作戰層面的可控性:認知戰的重要設計是在作戰層面整體可控可調,可以根據形勢變化進行升級或縮減。 如果需要戰略層面,指揮員可以啟用戰略層面的設計和兵力投入; 如果需要campaign級別,也可以在相應的campaign級別進行控制; 如果只是在特定的小問題層面需要,也可以控制在相應的小眾局部層面,讓整個操作為整體作戰操作的需要服務。 這裡的戰略、戰役和戰術,更多的是指作戰設計和力量投入。 由於戰場態勢瞬息萬變,一些問題在層面上也可能發生變化,從戰略問題到影響戰役和戰術層面的效果; 有些問題,由於戰術問題的特殊性,成為影響全局的戰役層面的問題。

新興媒體主導:認知領域的主要影響渠道已經從傳統的紙質媒體和平面媒體轉向新興媒體。 傳統媒體主要依靠單一的媒介,如報紙、雜誌、書籍、傳單、海報等來傳遞信息; 後來的電視帶來了三維媒體。 在互聯網時代,尤其是互聯網2.0時代和智能通訊設備的誕生,人們更多地依賴多媒體、多模態、短視頻和文字來傳遞信息。 智能手機、智能平板、智能播放器等各種先進設備的問世,各種新型社交軟件和工具的誕生,使新媒體成為人們交流、溝通的主要工具。 新興媒體、新興社交軟件和工具已經成為各種力量在社會保障、輿論保障、意識形態保障、社會保障、政治保障等方面較量和鬥爭的重要空間。 互聯網安全,尤其是對新興社交媒體、新興社交軟件和工具等的安全把握能力,某種程度上是一個國家認知領域安全的關鍵。 新興媒體工具和新媒體空間的信息化已經成為各國認知戰的主戰場、主陣地和主空間。 值得指出的是,影響人們認知的思想和理論,將成為認知域運作各個層次上最具影響力的武器。


人工智能時代,在大數據分析與應用、超級計算能力、智能計算能力、自然語言處理能力、智能手機傳播能力和新一代網絡通信能力的基礎上,人類開始能夠理解 整個社會和整個網絡。 對不同領域、地域群體、不同地域群體、特定個體的語言文化、心理認知、群體情感、社會行為進行精準建模與分析。 尤其是人的內心深處

對大腦認知、人腦思維、思維方式、習慣偏好、圖像圖式、認知框架,甚至神經網絡、人機協作、腦控技術等的理解和掌握,只要有足夠多樣的動態數據, 人們可以計算和模擬所有人的心理活動、情感活動、認知活動、輿論和行為模式。 通過深算、精算、巧算,準確把握人的認知世界,形成對人認知領域的理解。 精細而深入的控制。 這一方面呈現出以下特點:

計算全維性:認知領域作為一個新興領域,可以全方位數字化,可以全方位、全過程、全個體進行計算。 它可以廣泛收集各種類型的信息,然後將其反映為作戰對手多樣化主要因素的大數據信息,從而可以對整體、組、組、個體數據以及它們之間進行各種計算。 各種活動都可以通過計算完成、顯示和準確掌握。

計算認知:認知領域的計算體現了很強的認知能力,能夠揭示更多肉眼難以觀察到的各種事物、事件、人物之間的關係,能夠揭示同一事件框架下各種概念之間的關係。 概念之間的聚類和層次關係反映了概念之間或顯性或隱性、直接或間接的深層認知聯繫,揭示了概念之間複雜的概念網絡系統,讓人看到一個完全超越普通肉眼的深層認知世界 觀察。 .

計算智能:認知領域的計算體現了強智能。 這種智能表現在計算上,會得出智能的結論。 例如,通過大量文本的收集和數據挖掘,我們可以找到由於人力有限而無法看到的各種主題、觀點、傾向、人群、立場和訴求之間的關係,從而 對某個問題形成更全面的認識。 全面、深入、準確、系統的認識,做出科學優化的決策。 這種決策可能符合人類智能,也可能超過甚至遠遠超過人類智能。 利用好認知計算的力量,特別是結合本國和對手的數據,可以更好地做到早預防、早預警、早部署,可以做到最好、最好、最快、最準的打擊 和反擊。 也更能體現高效、有力、針對性的保障。 這裡的認知計算更多的是一個可能出現在不同人群、不同時間段、不同背景、整個網絡域或局部網絡域、特定特定網絡域內的宏觀-中觀或微觀層面的問題。 團體。 特別是對與對手對局時雙方可能呈現的主動和被動情況的分析和考察,以及認知域的攻防等。


認知域作戰有一個非常重要的支撐,即主要依靠語言媒介發揮作用,主要通過語篇層面發揮影響,主要通過語篇的敘事性對認知域形成隱性效應,主要 externing influence on the cognitive domain through cultural models 通過跨文化交際所發揮的潛在作用,顯性或隱性作用。 主要體現在以下幾個方面:

文本話語唯一性:認知領域需要信息來影響。 雖然信息可能依靠視頻畫面的特殊視覺效果來展現,但從根本上說,文本所表達的整合話語的獨特性成為認知衝擊的主要支撐。 其中,話語表達的方式、話語表達的技巧、話語表達的說服力和感染力的主要設計,尤其是話語敘事的獨特性,將是影響人們認知的關鍵。 這可能包括敘事視角、敘事主題、風格、敘事故事框架、敘事語言創新、敘事關鍵句,敘事包含哲學、人文、宗教、社會、自然等,以及敘事中不同參與者的身份,多樣化的內容。 評價敘事、真實性、深度和情感

敘事的溫度,敘事對觀點的潛移默化影響,以及敘事所釋放的個人情感、價值觀、意識形態和立場評價。 文本語篇的獨特性是文本在認知域操作中發揮認知影響的重要依托。 充分利用文本的複雜性,發揮不同文本各自的優勢,充分發揮文本內涵的隱性和顯性認知影響,已成為文本話語認知領域作戰的關鍵。 最重要的是創新文本話語,以全新的話語、更新穎的表達方式、更獨特的表達方式贏得讀者,讓讀者潛移默化地理解和感受文本中的思想,並默默接受。 文字的思想。

文化模式的潛能:要在認知領域作戰,必須深入把握不同國家、民族文化的特點和模式。 不同的國家、不同的民族有著不同的文化模式、哲學思維、傳統文化、宗教信仰、風俗習慣、思維方式等明顯不同; 不同文化的公民也有不同的民族心理和民族認知模式,也應該有屬於自己民族和文化的典型認知偏好,以及相應的缺點和弱點,其中一些明顯與其他民族在本民族中存在巨大差異 國,甚至產生誤解和敵意。 因此,在文化層面,認知領域的作戰,就是把握不同國家的整體文化模式,為不同國家的不同群體建立文化模式,為不同國家的不同事物建立不同的認知模式,全面掌握某一國家的文化模式。 一系列事物中的文化模式。 對問題和問題的整體態度和做事方式,特別是對一些典型案例、文化禁忌、宗教要求、精神追求、一般觀念等,需要利用已有的理論和發現,綜合建構不同的基本表現 對一些典型的、敏感的、重要的問題進行認知領域的群體研究,從而為下一步的認知操作提供重要的參考和指導。 加強對敵不同人員特別是軍人、要職人員文化模式的研究,包括將軍、官兵等基本文化特徵和模型的研究與構建,如心理認知行為 人物和文化模型畫像,已經成為認知域操作的核心實踐。 分析普通民眾,尤其是普通公民和公民,以及特定人群,包括特殊NGO力量的認知模式也具有重要價值。

跨文化戰略傳播:認知域操作是國際語言文化傳播,需要遵循國際傳播規律。 掌握國際傳播的基本範式,將本國故事與國際表達巧妙結合,將對方的語言文化與自己的故事和思想巧妙結合; 善於結合不同的藝術形式,包括文字、圖片、繪畫、音樂(聲音)、視頻等手段或多模態手段,實現信息的國際傳播。 同時,還要在戰略層面統籌多維度、宏觀溝通:運用多種手段,依托軍民融合、軍民協同、軍民融合開展溝通; 除了非政府組織,特別是依靠非政府力量、專家、意見領袖和普通民眾來幫助軍隊開展認知域作戰; 統一設置議題,發出多方位、多人、多方位的聲音,形成戰略溝通態勢,形成重大行動、重大問題、重大危機處置和應急處置的良好局面。 控制等,形成良好的輿論氛圍,產生積極影響,消除不利影響或消除不利影響。 尤其要建立一支精通外語、通曉跨文化、通曉國際交流規律、能在國際多維平台上暢所欲言的精幹團隊。 這些人員通常可以藉助常見或特殊問題進行廣泛的問題認知、收集和討論,建立人脈和粉絲群; 更重要的是,在關鍵時刻,通過自己的粉絲團,發揮影響力,完成戰略傳播任務。

目前,隨著混合戰、多域戰和全球戰的普及,認知域戰已經成為一種常見的混戰方式。 、法律戰發展的高級階段、複雜階段和升級階段。 它的興起更具欺騙性、曖昧性、隱蔽性、嵌入性、植入性和不可觀察性,特別是考慮到它與當代新興媒體的深度融合,不斷學習和借鑒多學科、跨學科、交叉的新思想、新技術、新方法。 於是,認知領域的戰鬥成為我們必須高度警惕的戰斗形式。 (國防科技大學文理學院教授、博士生導師 梁曉波)


Modern English Version:


People’s Daily Online

Cognitive domain combat refers to the use of multi-domain means such as public opinion, psychology, and law, and the use of modern network, media, text, pictures, video, digital and other multi-dimensional technologies to carry out public opinion propaganda, psychological attack and defense, and The important forms of fighting for people’s hearts, subverting confidence, influencing beliefs, fighting for thinking, and ideological struggle are intended to compete for people’s initiative in thinking, beliefs, values, personal attitudes, emotions, identification, and judgmental tendencies. Cognitive domain warfare is a complex collection of multi-domain warfare such as traditional public opinion warfare, psychological warfare, legal warfare, trade war, diplomatic warfare, technological warfare, and ideological warfare.

At present, combat in the cognitive domain has become an important basis for military struggles and struggles in other fields between countries, and language confrontation driven by goals in the cognitive domain has become an important form of combat in the cognitive domain, which deserves great attention.

A New Frontier for Language Countermeasures to Influence on Objects of Operation

Cognitive domain combat is the accompanying result of the research and development of contemporary cognitive science. It is a new combat field created after people actively explore the cognitive activities of the brain to gain a more complex, abstract and thorough understanding of the brain. Advanced deep covert activities are the high-end form of influence on the object of action. Regardless of whether it is the object of information action, the producer of information, the content of information itself, or the channel of information, operations in the cognitive domain all run through the characteristics of cognition, and highlight actions from the cognitive level from beginning to end.

From the perspective of the recipients of the information, this cognition is aimed at the deep cognition of the opponent’s audience, including its people, the army, military commanders or important leaders, important figures in the political and business circles, and even directly including the leaders of the opponent’s country or the military. Specific important generals, etc., can also be specific groups of people or people. It can involve the cognitive preferences, cognitive shortcomings, cognitive habits, cognitive biases, cognitive misunderstandings of individuals or groups; it can also be the beliefs, values, political identity, ethnic identity, social and cultural identity and emotional attitudes of individuals and groups.

From the perspective of the information provider and content, it should be infused with the cognitive design and arrangement of the information producer, which includes the unique cognition of the text, such as the discourse mode of the text, the narrative mode of the text, the perspective of observation of things, the narrative Cognitive focus and depth, organizational form of sentences, tendencies such as value concepts of sentences, acceptability of concepts of sentences, etc.

In terms of channels for information distribution and dissemination, the form of text is closer to the multimedia multimodal form, closer to the needs of cyberspace, closer to the advantages of contemporary smartphones, and closer to the characteristics of the current emerging media era, that is, more in line with the audience The cognitive characteristics of acceptance are cognitive habits and cognitive tendencies. The form of dissemination of the text fully considers the cognitive effect in international communication, especially the cognitive communication across cultures, languages, media, and groups. In this way, the text will better influence the audience from the cognitive level.

Language confrontation responds to changes in combat styles and generates new tactics

Throughout human history, it is not difficult to find that the style of military struggle has been constantly changing. From the initial physical fight with the help of cold weapons, it has developed into a contest of mechanical power with hot weapons, and has also developed into a check and balance of information capabilities under the conditions of high-tech warfare. Every change brings about profound changes in tactics. In the current transitional stage of co-existence of mechanization, informationization and intelligence, people not only pay attention to the struggle for dominance in the physical domain and information domain of the battlefield, but also pay more attention to the control of the main body of war-human cognitive domain, that is, the way of thinking, Cognitive models and styles, values, emotional attitudes, cultural models, communication models, psychological strengths and weaknesses, cognitive preferences, cultural and knowledge maps, and ideological identity. The latter involves the basic situation of social personnel and social existence, that is, the emerging field of cognitive domain operations exerting influence, and its tactics have strong particularities.

Topic flexibility and mobility: Cognitive domain operations can select many topics in the cognitive domain to carry out flexible and mobile combat operations. According to the current situation and needs, the topic can be chosen to involve a relatively macro strategic level (such as the ideology and system of the other party’s entire society, etc.), or a medium-level campaign level (such as social issues in a local area or direction of the other party’s society: Social welfare policies or environmental protection policies, etc.), you can also choose to involve very microscopic tactical issues in society (such as the unfair, unjust, and not beautiful side of society reflected by a certain person or a specific event). The macro, meso, and micro cognitive domains are interconnected and transform into each other. It is very likely that a micro issue will also become a macro strategic issue. The question should be raised according to the relationship with the entire military operation, and the cognitive domain operation must be subordinated to the overall combat operation and serve the needs of the macro political and diplomatic situation. More importantly, the topics should be prepared in normal times, and the data of various topics should be collected in normal times, especially paying attention to various important data in the real society. Once needed, these data can be quickly transformed into arrows, bullets, and shells fired at the enemy’s cognitive domain, and even become strategic weapons that affect the overall situation.

Controllability at the combat level: The important design of cognitive warfare is that at the combat level, it is controllable and adjustable as a whole, and can be upgraded or reduced according to changes in the situation. If the strategic level is needed, the commander can enable the design and force input at the strategic level; if the campaign level is needed, it can also be controlled at the corresponding campaign level; if it is only needed at the specific small problem level, it can also be controlled at the corresponding The niche local level makes the whole operation serve the needs of the overall combat operation. The strategy, campaign and tactics here refer more to combat design and power input. Since the battlefield situation may change rapidly, some issues may also change at the level, from strategic issues to affect the effects of campaign and tactical levels; some issues, due to the particularity of tactical issues, become campaign-level issues that affect the overall situation.

Emerging media dominance: The main influence channel of the cognitive domain has shifted from traditional paper media and print media to emerging media. Traditional media mainly rely on a single medium, such as newspapers, magazines, books, leaflets, posters, etc. to convey information; the later generation of television brought three-dimensional media. In the Internet era, especially the Internet 2.0 era and the birth of smart communication devices, people rely more on multimedia, multi-modality, and short videos and texts to transmit information. The introduction of various advanced devices such as smart phones, smart tablets, and smart players, and the birth of various new social software and tools have made new media the main tool for people to communicate and communicate. Emerging media, emerging social software and tools have become an important space for various forces to compete and struggle in social security, public opinion security, ideological security, social security, and political security. Internet security, especially the ability to grasp the security of new social media, emerging social software and tools, etc., is to some extent the key to the security of a country’s cognitive domain. The information of emerging media tools and new media spaces has become the main battlefield, main position and main space for cognitive warfare in various countries. It is worth pointing out that the thoughts and theories that influence people’s cognition will become the most influential weapons at all levels of cognitive domain operations.

Language confrontation adapts to the age of intelligence, cognitive computing enhances new computing power

In the era of artificial intelligence, on the basis of big data analysis and application, supercomputing ability, intelligent computing ability, natural language processing ability, smart phone dissemination ability and new generation network communication ability, human beings have begun to be able to understand the whole society and the whole network. Carry out precise modeling and analysis of language culture, psychological cognition, group emotion, and social behavior in different domains, local groups, different local groups, and specific individuals. Especially people’s deep understanding and grasp of brain cognition, human brain thinking, thinking mode, habit preference, image schema, cognitive framework, and even neural network, human-computer collaboration, brain control technology, etc., as long as there are enough diverse dynamic data , people can calculate and simulate all people’s psychological activities, emotional activities, cognitive activities, public opinion, and behavioral patterns. Through deep calculations, actuarial calculations, and clever calculations, people can accurately grasp people’s cognitive world and form an understanding of people’s cognitive domain. fine and deep control. This aspect presents the following characteristics:

Computational all-dimensionality: As an emerging field, the cognitive domain can be digitized in all aspects and can be calculated in all directions, the whole process and the whole individual. It can collect various types of information extensively, and then can be reflected as information about Big data with diversified main factors of combat opponents, so that various calculations can be carried out for the whole, groups, groups, and individual data and between them. All kinds of activities can be completed, displayed and accurately grasped through calculation.

Computational cognition: Computation in the cognitive domain embodies strong cognition, and it can reveal more relationships between various things, events, and characters that are difficult to observe with the naked eye, and can reveal the relationship between various concepts in the same event frame. The clustering and hierarchical relationship between concepts reflects the deep cognitive connection between concepts, whether explicit or implicit, direct or indirect, and reveals the complex concept network system between concepts, allowing people to see a deep cognitive world that is completely beyond the ordinary naked eye observation. .

Computing intelligence: Computing in the cognitive domain embodies strong intelligence. This kind of intelligence is manifested in the calculation, and it will draw intelligent conclusions. For example, through the collection of a large amount of text and data mining, we can find the relationship between various themes, viewpoints, tendencies, groups of people, positions, and appeals that cannot be seen due to limited human power, so as to form a more comprehensive understanding of a certain issue. Comprehensive, in-depth, accurate and systematic understanding to make scientific and optimized decisions. This kind of decision-making may be in line with human intelligence, or it may exceed or even far exceed human intelligence. By making good use of the power of cognitive computing, especially by combining the data of the country and the opponent, we can better achieve early prevention, early warning, and early deployment, and can achieve the best, best, fastest and most accurate strikes and counterattacks. It can also better reflect efficient, powerful and targeted protection. Cognitive computing here is more about a possible macro-meso or micro-level issue that may arise in different groups of people, in different time periods, in different backgrounds, in the entire network domain or in a local network domain, or within a specific group. In particular, the analysis and inspection of the active and passive situations that may be presented by both parties when playing games with opponents, and the attack and defense of the cognitive domain, etc.

Give full play to the status of discourse subject and release the new application of discourse power

Cognitive domain combat has a very important support, that is, it mainly relies on the language medium to play its role, exerting influence mainly through the discourse level, forming a hidden effect on the cognitive domain mainly through the narrative nature of discourse, and mainly exerting influence on the cognitive domain through cultural models Potential role, overt or implicit role exerted through cross-cultural communication. It is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Text Discourse Uniqueness: Cognitive Domains Need Information to Influence. Although the information may be displayed by relying on the special visual effects of video pictures, fundamentally speaking, the uniqueness of the integrated discourse expressed by the text becomes the main support for the cognitive impact. Among them, the mode of discourse expression, the skill of discourse expression, the main design of persuasion and appeal of discourse expression, especially the uniqueness of discourse narrative will be the key to affect people’s cognition. This may include narrative perspectives, narrative themes, styles, narrative story frameworks, narrative language innovations, narrative key sentences, narratives contain philosophy, humanities, religion, society, nature, etc., and the identities of different participants in the narrative , the diversified evaluation of narrative, the authenticity, depth and emotional temperature of narrative, the subtle influence of narrative on viewpoints, and the personal emotions, values, ideology, and position evaluation released by narrative. The uniqueness of text discourse is an important reliance on cognitive influence exerted by text in cognitive domain operations. Making full use of the complexity of texts, giving full play to the respective advantages of diverse texts, and giving full play to the implicit and explicit cognitive influences of text connotations have become the key to combat in the cognitive domain of text discourse. The most important thing is to innovate text discourse, to win readers with brand-new discourse, more novel expressions, and more unique expressions, so that readers can understand and feel the thoughts in the text subtly, and accept them silently. The thought of the text.

Potential of cultural models: To fight in the cognitive domain, we must deeply grasp the characteristics and models of different countries and national cultures. Different countries and different nationalities have different cultural models, philosophical thinking, traditional culture, religious beliefs, customs, and ways of thinking are obviously different; citizens of different cultures also have different national psychology and national cognition Models should also have typical cognitive preferences belonging to their own nation and culture, as well as corresponding shortcomings and weaknesses, and some of them obviously have a huge difference from other nationalities in their own country, and even have misunderstandings and hostility. Therefore, at the cultural level, combat in the cognitive domain is to grasp the overall cultural models of different countries, build cultural models for different groups in different countries, build different cognitive models for different things in different countries, and fully grasp a certain country’s cultural models in a series of things. The overall attitude and way of doing things on issues and issues, especially for some typical cases, cultural taboos, religious requirements, spiritual pursuits, general concepts, etc. It is necessary to use existing theories and findings to comprehensively construct the basic performance of different groups of people in the cognitive field on some typical, sensitive, and important issues, so as to provide important reference and guidance for the next step of cognitive operations. Strengthen the research on the cultural patterns of different personnel of the enemy, especially military personnel, personnel in key positions, including the research and construction of basic cultural characteristics and models of generals, officers, soldiers, etc., such as the psychological cognitive behavior of characters and cultural model portraits, It has become the core practice of cognitive domain operations. It is also of great value to analyze the cognitive patterns of ordinary people, especially ordinary citizens and citizens, as well as specific groups of people, including special NGO forces.

Cross-cultural strategic communication: Cognitive domain operations are international language and cultural communication, which need to follow the laws of international communication. To grasp the basic paradigm of international communication, to skillfully combine national stories with international expressions, to skillfully combine the other party’s language and culture with their own stories and ideas; to be good at combining different art forms, including words, pictures, paintings, music (Sound), video and other means or multi-modal means to achieve the international dissemination of information. At the same time, it is also necessary to coordinate multi-dimensional and macroscopic communication at the strategic level: use various means, rely on military-civilian integration, military-civilian coordination, and military-civilian integration to carry out communication; in addition to non-governmental organizations, especially rely on non-governmental forces, experts, opinion leaders, and ordinary people To help the military carry out cognitive domain operations; to set up issues in a unified way, to make multi-point, multi-person and multi-dimensional voices, to form a strategic communication situation, to form a good situation for emergency solutions for major actions, major issues, major crisis management and control, etc., to form a good atmosphere of public opinion, and to create Positive effects, eliminating adverse effects or extinguishing adverse effects. In particular, it is necessary to establish a capable team that is proficient in foreign languages, understands cross-cultural skills, understands the laws of international communication, and can skillfully speak out on international multi-dimensional platforms. These personnel can usually carry out extensive issue awareness, collection and discussion, establish personal connections and fan groups with the help of common or special issues; more importantly, at critical moments, through their fan groups, exert influence and complete strategic communication tasks .

At present, with the popularity of hybrid warfare, multi-domain warfare and global warfare, cognitive domain warfare has become a common method of hybridization and mixing. , The advanced stage of the development of legal warfare, the complex stage and the escalation stage. Its rise is more deceptive, ambiguous, concealed, embedded, implanted and unobservable, especially considering its deep integration with contemporary emerging media, and continuous learning and reference into multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary new ideas, new technologies, and new methods. As a result, combat in the cognitive domain has become a form of combat that we must be highly vigilant against. (Liang Xiaobo, professor and doctoral supervisor of the College of Arts and Sciences, National University of Defense Technology)

[This article is a phased achievement of the National Social Science Fund’s major project “National Defense Language Capacity Building from the Perspective of National Defense and Military Reform”]

Original Chinese Military Source:


Chinese Military Mandate of Intelligent Communication: An Important Field of Cognitive Domain Operations

Original Mandarin Chinese:







萬物泛在互聯。隨著智能傳播的發展演進,人與人、人與物、物與物都將被連接起來,任何智能終端都可以成為用戶接收信息的工具和平台投放內容的渠道,並且推送能力更加強大,分發場景也更為廣泛。受此影響,傳播平台的作用不再是純粹的信息輸出,對傳播內容甚至對人的思維、行為以及各種關系的塑造能力也將越來越突出。智能傳播可以深度介入並促進人際交往、數據交互和信息交換,無形之中使得認知域作戰空間、參戰力量類型得到極大拓展,同時還實現了對公眾思維認知、生產交往的全方位操控。 “萬物泛在互聯”的持續演進,使一切物體都可能成為媒介實現信息傳播的工具,信息也不再受到維域的限制,認知對抗的主體無處不在、空間廣為擴展。














●Under the intelligent communication environment, people continue to “absorb” information and become the extension of the media, and the media gradually become “persons with the initiative”. Both man and machine have achieved cyclic alternation and real-time interaction, making cognitive attack and defense present uninterrupted and normalized features.

●Intelligent communication can shape the relationship between users and information in all dimensions, all time and all domains, making public opinion guidance, concept shaping, and behavior guidance more convenient. It has increasingly become a “brain control weapon” and gradually developed a set of cognitive manipulation methods Practical approach.

With the rapid development of intelligent media and platform technology, intelligent communication has gradually realized the cross-border integration and application of intelligent technology and communication media, which has not only greatly changed the production style and communication mode of information, but also profoundly affected human thinking logic and values. . Intelligent communication provides strong support and broad space for influencing cognition, dominating cognition, subverting cognition, etc., and is triggering iterative upgrades and profound changes in cognitive domain operations. Clarifying the mechanism and means of intelligent communication on cognitive attack and defense is of great significance for innovating combat tactics in the cognitive domain with the help of intelligent communication.

The Characteristics of the Cognitive Domain of Intelligent Communication

Intelligent communication is an activity that applies technologies such as big data, cloud computing, machine learning, and virtual reality to information production and dissemination. Intelligent communication can continuously shape and deeply induce the value orientation and behavioral speculation of the target audience, and has increasingly become a new platform and important field for cognitive attack and defense.

Everything is ubiquitously connected. With the development and evolution of intelligent communication, people and people, people and things, and things and things will all be connected. Any smart terminal can become a tool for users to receive information and a channel for the platform to deliver content, and the push capability is more powerful. The scene is also wider. Affected by this, the role of the communication platform is no longer pure information output, and its ability to shape the content of communication and even people’s thinking, behavior and various relationships will become more and more prominent. Intelligent communication can deeply intervene and promote interpersonal communication, data interaction and information exchange, which invisibly greatly expands the combat space in the cognitive domain and the types of forces participating in the war. The continuous evolution of “Ubiquitous Internet of Everything” makes it possible for all objects to become a tool for media to realize information dissemination, and information is no longer limited by dimensions. The subject of cognitive confrontation is ubiquitous and the space is widely expanded.

Mixture of fiction and reality. Under the multi-communication pattern empowered by intelligent technology, whether it is text, pictures, sound, video and other product forms, it can be easily forged and spread wantonly. With the iterative evolution of deep forgery technology, its production content can be presented to a wide audience in a form that is infinitely close to reality, which can easily affect the public’s attitude towards a certain issue, event, or object. At the same time, social robots driven by codes and algorithms can carry out “sprinkling” dissemination by extracting key information, liking and forwarding comments, etc., so as to continuously spread false information and false information to confuse public opinion and aggravate the public’s irrationality and dissatisfaction with information. Emotional responses, which in turn manipulate cognitive trends. Information dissemination is true and false, and the true and false are mixed. This state of mixed and interconstructed truth and falsehood can easily lead to a tear in group trust, making the situation of cognitive attack and defense more complicated and difficult to control.

Human-machine two-way interaction. Intelligent media not only continuously enriches the input and output methods of information, but also increasingly blurs the original clear boundary between people and media. It can not only simply execute user instructions, but also give more feedback according to the propagation effect. If things go on like this, the public may subtly regard it as an external “brain” and be influenced by it unconsciously. With the support of technology, intelligent media can also obtain human-like perception, computing, and even emotional intelligence. With the help of human-computer interaction, it can reversely affect the user’s way of thinking, and shape the user’s behavior orientation through algorithm recommendations. In the intelligent communication environment, people continue to “absorb” information and become the extension of the media, and the media gradually become “people with subjective initiative”. Both man and machine have achieved cyclic alternation and real-time interaction, making cognitive attack and defense present uninterrupted and normalized features.

The Mechanism of Intelligence Spreading in the Cognitive Domain

At present, intelligent communication has become an effective means to dominate information content and control the direction of public opinion. With the help of an all-round and multi-sensory media system, it can mobilize the immersive experience and subject consciousness of the target audience from the shallower to the deeper, thereby deepening their perception and broadening their horizons. Its scope of cognition and its influence on its value choices have gradually become an important way to infiltrate thoughts and implement mind-boggling.

Cognitive influence is exerted through situational immersion. According to psychological theory, the audience’s body and its interaction with the environment play a key role in cognitive activities. As an artificial sensory system outside the human body, media technology can change and even reshape the way of perception. Smart media can superimpose and merge or simulate complex information that cannot appear in the same time and space at the same time, so as to restore the original appearance of the information to the greatest extent, and provide the public with immersive sensory experiences such as vision, hearing, and touch. As a result, the communication effect is increasingly showing an immersive trend. Intelligent communication enables information to directly hit the sensory channels of the target audience in a more three-dimensional, time-space and shocking way, thus giving birth to the “sensory touch-psychological A series of chain reactions of “touch-emotional resonance” in order to realize the influence and control of its perception on the physiological level.

Influence cognitive orientation through virtual mapping. The development and popularization of smart devices have improved people’s “quantifiability” and “traceability”. Some of these devices exist in the external environment, but in the future they will increasingly form an inseparable relationship with the human body. Thanks to this, the behavior, activities, and physical status of the audience can be mapped in the virtual world in multiple dimensions. Once people can truly experience the process of cognition and its environment through the “virtual entity”, the relationship between the cognitive domain and the cognitive context will no longer be separated into two dimensions: virtual and real. In this process, as the audience, it is not only enhanced, that is, to obtain a new sensory experience, to realize the free extension of cognitive activities; but also constrained, that is, the individual who is digitally mapped is more likely to be observed and manipulated by others.

Using human-machine fusion to strengthen cognitive intervention. At present, social robots can shape a human-like communication object by capturing users’ emotional dynamics and analyzing information content and structure, and promote the main body of communication from “human” to “human-machine symbiosis”. Based on user identity and real-time interaction, social robots can affect the public’s thinking habits and behavior patterns to a certain extent, and have remarkable effects in spreading false information, manipulating public opinion, conducting social mobilization, and inciting public emotions. With the continuous improvement of technology, the image of social robots will be richer and more textured, and can even imitate human emotions. Some time ago, based on the generative AI ChatGPT, the data and information generated by it are easier to be trusted and accepted by users, and the impact on thinking and cognition is more direct and effective. It can change the user’s consciousness subtly and continuously construct The user’s cognitive framework.

The Means of Intellectual Diffusion in the Cognitive Domain

Intelligent communication can shape the relationship between users and information in all dimensions, time and space, making public opinion guidance, concept shaping, and behavior guidance more convenient. It has increasingly become a “brain control weapon” and gradually developed a set of cognitive manipulation practices. technique.

Create information fog and attack cognitive black holes. Under the environment of intelligent communication, deep fake information confuses the boundaries between existence and nothingness, reality and virtuality, memory and forgetting, and can be used to distort the truth, influence the flow of public opinion, and then achieve the purpose of influencing the direction of cognition and strengthening cognitive intervention. In particular, intelligent programs represented by social robots have the ability of automatic recognition, intelligent response and even brain-like thinking. Bombing forms high-intensity thinking and cognitive oppression. Once false opinions or falsified events form a public opinion environment, the individual reaction time will be greatly reduced, and it will be difficult for the audience to think deeply, and it is easy to be driven by the herd mentality, from disbelief to belief, from non-acceptance to acceptance, from The qualitative change from disapproval to identification creates a false collective identity and leads the target audience into the preset issue trap.

Implement targeted attacks and build a cognitive cocoon. In the era of informationization and intelligence, the public’s perception of things is potentially affected by all kinds of ubiquitous push information. The foreign army believes that by grasping the target’s online traces, shopping records, social status, etc., it can quickly collect cognitive data of different dimensions, levels, and modes, and provide support for efficiently grasping its values, public opinion positions, etc. On the basis of accurately drawing the cognitive landscape, it is possible to discover doubts, weaknesses, and needs of the target object’s cognitive system, and to set content themes, narrative methods, and discourse frameworks according to their thinking preferences. Then either select a group with a similar understanding context and the same emotional characteristics, or select a specific individual who is susceptible and has a greater influence value, and through selective recommendation and targeted filtering, differentiated and segmented delivery Related Information. With the help of targeted delivery of content and precise attacks on channels, it can carry out targeted attack and continuous influence on the target object, effectively solidify the scope of their information acceptance, continuously weaken their independent thinking ability, cause them to fall into a cognitive cocoon and mindset, and even forcibly change Its decision-making intention and action deployment.

Penetrate psychological fissures and break down emotional embankments. Different from the previous means of communication, intelligent communication can build an immersive virtual environment. While expanding the user’s sense of space and dimension, it also naturally comes with strong sensory stimulation and perceptual cognitive bias, which wears down the user’s rationality. Cognitive level and value judgment ability. When the audience perceives the truth of the event, they will be more subject to the influence of sensibility. If they want to leverage cognition, they need to rely more on sensibility. Either attract people with gorgeous landscapes, seduce people with entertaining scenes, or frighten people with scary scenes. With the help of tactile, sensible and interactive intelligent communication, it creates a very deceptive, confusing and provocative The information scene strongly stimulates the user’s psychological feelings, making them deeply immersed in it without knowing it. Once immersed in emotional infiltration and scene infiltration, you can use common emotions and common values ​​​​to incite emotions or impose moral coercion, destroy their emotional dependence, destroy their value support, and then shock, occupy, and even polarize the mind of the target object.

(Author unit: National Security College, National Defense University)



Chinese Military Analysis and Understanding of Foreign Military Cyberspace Combat Forces – People’s Liberation Army Situational Awareness Series


随着网络信息技术的迅猛发展及在军事上的广泛运用,网络空间已成为继陆、海、空、天 4 个疆域之后的新兴作战疆域,网络空间作战也成为全域联合作战不可分割的重要组成部分,并成为夺取和保持作战主动权、控制权和制胜权的关键。美国、俄罗斯、日本等世界主要国家纷纷制定网络空间安全和发展战略,组建网络空间作战部队,研发先进网络技术和武器装备,加紧抢夺这一新的战略制高点。

1 美国引领网络空间建设

无论是网络空间概念和理论研究,还是其他相关技术研究和应用实践,美国都是网络空间发展的策源地和引领者,带动了各个国家与地区的网络空间发展。美军网络部队是世界上最早建立的“成建制”网络作战部队,历经克林顿时期初建防御、小布什时期网络反恐、奥巴马时期慑战并举和特朗普政府时期“前出防御”等阶段,已发展成为拥有 133 支网络任务分队、各军种数万人规模的网络作战部队。

1.1 强化战略威慑地位


美国颁布的网络空间相关重要战略文件如表 1所示。2011 年,美国先后发布《网络空间国际战略》《网络空间可信身份识别国家战略》和《国防部网络空间行动战略》3 大战略文件,首次提出将网络空间视为第五作战域,将对网络空间的利用和控制提升为基本国策。

近年来,美军立足大国竞争,进一步提升网络空间的战略地位,网络空间作战的作战体系结构基本形成。2018 年,美军先后发布新版《国防部网络战略》[1] 以及《网络空间作战》联合条令,明确网络空间作战本身可作为独立作战样式达到创造战术、战役或战略效果,也可实现与其他领域作战样式的集成,通过协同作战以提升联合作战效能;2020 年,美网络空间日光浴委员会发布《来自未来的警告》报告,提出“前出防御”战略,建议由美国国防部将其拓展至国家层面,该战略是以持续交锋为主要行动模式,以行为塑造、获益拒止和成本强加为根本途径的国家网络空间分层威慑战略。

1.2 领导体制分工明确

美国将国家网络安全业务总体分成国土安全业务、国防业务、情报业务、执法业务 4 个部分,如图 1 所示。其中,国土安全业务由国土安全部主导,主要负责协调重要基础设施的网络空间安全,保护政府与商用网络和系统;国防业务由国防部主导,由美军网络司令部牵头,各军兵种提供组成部队力量,兼具攻击、防御、军事信息基础设施运维管理 3 大职能,是美网络安全力量的核心;情报业务由国家安全局主导,主要负责探测国外网络空间恶意活动,同时向国土安全局和国防部提供能力支援;犯罪执法则涉及司法部等多个部门及其下属机构。

表 1 美国颁布的网络空间相关重要战略文件

图 1 美国网络空间组织管理协调框架

美军网络司令部成立于 2009 年,原隶属于美军战略司令部,2017 年 8 月,美军网络司令部升级为第 10 个独立的美军联合作战司令部,将作战指控职责划归至网络司令部,并由国家安全局局长兼任司令官。对于美军网络作战,尤其是实时性要求很高的作战来说,此举措理顺了指挥控制关系,升级后的美国网络司令部与其他机构间的组织关系如图 2 所示。

图 2 升级后的美国网络司令部与其他机构间的组织关系



1.3 组织力量规模庞大


美军网络空间战略作战力量主要是网络司令部下辖的 133 支网络任务分队,约 6200 名现役和文职人员。根据国防部 2013 年指示,该部队由各军种抽组力量组建(陆军 41 支,海军 40支,空军 39 支,海军陆战队 13 支)而成,2016年具备初始作战能力,2018 年具备全面作战能力,其主要遂行国防部信息网络运维防护行动、进攻性网络空间作战和防御性网络空间作战等任务。133 支网络任务分队根据肩负任务类型不同,编为国家网络任务部队、作战任务部队和网络防护部队 3 种类型部队。当前,美网络任务部队正扩充规模,2024 年将完成 21 支网络防护分队组建,使网络任务分队数量增至 154 支。

美军网络空间战术作战力量主要由美网络司令部下辖的陆军、海军、空军和海军陆战队4 大网络司令部的网络空间部队构成(总人数约为 8 万人),承担各军种网络防护和作战支援任务,在联合作战中为网络任务部队的进攻、防御和运维行动提供支撑。各军种网络司令部也正加紧网络作战力量的扩充与整合工作,为网络任务部队行动和各军种网络防护提供支撑。

1.4 作战能力系统全面


网络防御最具代表性的装备包括“网络诱骗”系统、“网络狼”软件系统、网络攻击报警系统和网络漏洞扫描仪等,同时,美军还非常重视对“主动网络防御”概念的应用,这促使网络攻击溯源技术取得了长足的发展。网络攻击拥有“震网”“火焰”等威力强大的多种计算机病毒;战场网络攻击比较有代表性的是空军“舒特”系统和海军 EA-18G“咆哮者”飞机。侦察感知具备获取敌方通信、内容、网络协议、硬件地址、口令、身份鉴别过程、网络漏洞等信息的能力,通过实施“棱镜”“主干道”“码头”“核子”等一系列监控项目和“爱因斯坦”“普罗米修斯”等计划,形成大规模的情报生产能力,力图构建全球范围内的网络空间态势感知体系。

1.5 装备研制力量兼收并蓄

美军网络作战武器装备研发始终按照军商民结合、兼收并蓄的方法进行。网络空间作战装备与常规作战装备不同,其主要是以代码为基础、以设计为核心的研制生产形式,供应链的层级关系并不明晰。如今,美国具有以美国国防部高级研究计划局(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,DARPA)为核心的军方研究力量,以诺斯罗普·格鲁曼、雷声、洛克希德·马丁等传统防务公司为主,互联网、电子、软件、信息安全等领域公司兼收并蓄的研制力量。

美军方、政府科研机构和传统防务公司的网络空间研究方向通常覆盖网络空间侦察(态势感知)、监视、攻击、防御、测试验证、综合集成中的一方面或多个方面;而互联网、电子、软件、信息安全等领域公司,则在各自领域开展网络空间技术研究与装备研制生产。另外,由于网络空间作战装备的研发产品主要是软件,是一种逻辑层产品,这导致网络空间基础研究与装备研制生产之间的界限模糊,各大院校和政府科研机构,甚至一些小型科研团队及个人,也是美国网络空间工业的重要组成部分。网络空间研制生产能力主要力量结构如图3 所示。

图 3 美国网络空间研制生产能力主要力量结构

其中,大中型军工企业是美国网络空间装备分系统 / 子系统 / 技术领域研发的中坚力量。近几年,美国传统大中型军工企业以“兼并重组”为主要手段,迅速进入网络安全领域,形成了以诺斯罗普·格鲁曼、雷声、波音、洛克希德·马丁等几家综合性公司为龙头的网络安全国防产业,在 DARPA 和各军种网络空间项目的竞标中,这些大中型军工企业通常占据主承包商位置。

2 欧洲紧随其后蓄势待发

欧洲网络空间工业的起步晚于美国,主要侧重于对网络空间防御和网络空间安全问题的研究。近几年,欧洲各国政府和国防 / 电子企业也纷纷投入到网络空间安全领域,通过逐步完善战略政策,公私联合,引导网络空间技术研发,现已初步形成了跨越整个欧洲及其他国家和地区的网络空间防御体系。具体表现为以下几个层面。




3 俄罗斯网络空间发展思路别具一格


战略规划层面,俄罗斯曾发布了一系列旨在保护国家各个方面信息安全的法律文件,例如《俄罗斯联邦信息安全学说》《俄罗斯社会信息发展战略》等,但在现有的法律文件中,没有涵盖信息空间与网络空间的关系体系,“网络安全”这一术语并未从“信息安全”的概念中分离。随着网络安全风险的不断增大,俄罗斯自 2010 年开始,将保护网络空间安全的重点放在关键信息基础设施方面,先后颁布了《俄罗斯联邦武装力量在信息空间活动的构想观点》《2020 年前俄罗斯联邦国际信息安全领域国家政策框架》《俄罗斯联邦网络安全战略构想(草案)》《俄罗斯联邦信息安全学说(第二版)》及《俄罗斯联邦关键信息基础设施安全法》等法律文件,从多个层面阐述了俄罗斯为推动网络空间发展的战略目标,以及为保护关键信息基础设施、指导网络空间发展所实施的重要举措。组织机构层面,2013 年 8 月,俄罗斯政府宣布在俄罗斯武装部队下面组建一个专门的信息战机构,且决定组建网络安全司令部和一个武装部队新机构,目的是提高该国的网络作战能力。

应用实践层面,美国 2010 年出版的《网络指挥官手册》中显示,全球网络作战的唯一实例是 2007—2009 年发生在爱沙尼亚、格鲁吉亚和吉尔吉斯斯坦的信息网络攻击事件,这 3 次小规模的攻击都是俄罗斯所为,可以认为俄罗斯在网络安全领域拥有独一无二的实战经验。



4 日本掀起网络空间发展热潮

日本是全球信息技术最先进的国家之一,同时也受到越来越多从针对个人到针对公共部门及基础设施的网络空间威胁,因此日本很早就开始关注网络空间安全议题。日本将这些威胁归为“信息安全”范畴,并在 2005 年成立了国家信息安全中心以应对威胁。随着美国提出的“网络空间”概念被广泛接受,日本也于 2010年前后开始从国家层面专门强调“网络空间”,并将网络安全作为影响国家安全的重要议题。具体表现为以下几个层面。

战略规划层面,2013 年,日本政府发布首份《网络安全战略》,该战略从国家层面推动网络安全建设与发展,明确提出了要将日本建设成为网络安全强国。2015 年 8 月、2018 年 7 月,日本政府先后出台了 2 份升级版《网络安全战略》,主要是为 2020 年东京奥运会和残奥会的网络安全防护提供准备。

组织机构层面,2010 年,日本防卫厅组建了一支由陆、海、空自卫队计算机专家构成的5 000 人左右的“网络战部队”,让其专门从事网络系统的攻防。日本“网络战部队”的主要任务是负责研制开发可破坏其他国家网络系统的跨国性“网络武器”,并承担自卫队计算机网络系统防护、病毒清除、程序修复等任务;开发战术性“网络武器”,并研究网络战的有关战术等;支援“网络特攻队”的反黑客组织、反病毒入侵等任务。国际研究人士指出,从日本“网络战部队”身上,可以看到美军“超级黑客部队”的影子。

应用实践层面,日本在网络攻防演习中,更注重贴合实战背景,从而提升演习的实用性和针对性。在 2014 年“3·18”演习中,预设场景为 2020 年东京奥运会期间日本关键基础设施遭遇网络攻击。在 2019 年日美举行的“山樱”联合演习中,预设场景为日本东京都和西南地区遭受导弹袭击等多项事态并发,该演习旨在检验指挥控制系统在网络和电磁攻击下的运转情况并研习对策。


5 启示建议


5.1 深化顶层设计,提升网络空间战略地位


5.2 夯实能力基础,发展网络空间对抗能力


5.3 加强力量建设,构建网络空间支撑体系

如今,网络空间已成为新兴作战域,必须建设强大的网络空间作战部队,夺取这一新兴作战域的控制权,才能有效维护网络空间的国家安全和发展利益。自 2009 年 6 月美军网络司令部组建以来,美军的网络军事力量建设取得较大成效,形成了美国网络安全的有力军事保障,同时也对其他国家网络空间构成巨大威胁。我们必须加快网络空间部队建设步伐,不断提升全民的网络安全意识和信息防护能力,并加强国防动员建设,培养预备力量,打造有足够作战能力的网络作战力量体系,才能有效遏制抗衡对手对我国的网络威胁。

6 结 语


引用格式:李硕 , 李祯静 , 王世忠 , 等 . 外军网络空间作战力量发展态势分析与启示 [J]. 信息安全与通信保密 ,2022(5):90-99.

作者简介 >>>

From the perspective of the construction of cyberspace combat forces in major countries in the world, the U.S. military, as the first army to publicly announce the construction of cyberspace combat forces, has relatively strong strength and has carried out cyberspace combat operations many times in war practice. Organizations and countries such as the European Union and Russia have also launched cyberspace combat force building and carried out some actual combat operations. The study and analysis of the successful experience and practices of the major countries and regions in the world in the construction of military cyberspace combat forces has important reference and enlightenment significance for the development of cyberspace in my country.

With the rapid development of network information technology and its wide application in the military, cyberspace has become an emerging combat domain following the four domains of land, sea, air, and space, and cyberspace operations have also become an inseparable and important component of all-domain joint operations part, and become the key to gaining and maintaining the operational initiative, control and victory. The United States, Russia, Japan and other major countries in the world have formulated cyberspace security and development strategies, established cyberspace combat forces, and developed advanced network technologies and weapons and equipment, stepping up to seize this new strategic commanding height.

  1. The United States leads the construction of cyberspace

Whether it is cyberspace concept and theoretical research, or other related technology research and application practice, the United States is the source and leader of cyberspace development, driving the development of cyberspace in various countries and regions. The U.S. military’s cyber force is the earliest “established” cyber combat force in the world. It has gone through stages such as the establishment of defense during the Clinton era, cyber counter-terrorism during the Bush era, simultaneous deterrence and war during the Obama era, and “forward defense” during the Trump administration. It has developed into a network combat force with 133 network task teams and tens of thousands of people in various services.

1.1 Strengthening the strategic deterrent position

In order to compete for the control and development of cyberspace, the United States actively responds to the new requirements of changes in the shape of future wars, and establishes cyberspace as an emerging combat domain alongside land, sea, air, and space, and places it as a strategic deterrent. Strategic Position.

The important strategic documents related to cyberspace promulgated by the United States are shown in Table 1. In 2011, the United States successively issued three major strategic documents, the “International Strategy for Cyberspace”, the “National Strategy for Trusted Identity in Cyberspace” and the “Strategy for Cyberspace Operations of the Department of Defense”. The use and control of cyberspace has been elevated to a basic national policy.

In recent years, based on competition among major powers, the U.S. military has further enhanced its strategic position in cyberspace, and a combat system structure for cyberspace operations has basically taken shape. In 2018, the U.S. military successively released the new version of the “DoD Cyber Strategy” [1] and the “Cyberspace Operations” joint doctrine, clarifying that cyberspace operations themselves can be used as an independent combat style to achieve tactical, operational or strategic effects, and can also be integrated with other fields. The integration of combat styles improves the effectiveness of joint operations through coordinated operations; in 2020, the U.S. Cyberspace Sunbathing Committee released the “Warning from the Future” report, proposing the “defense forward” strategy, and recommending that the U.S. Department of Defense expand it to the national level , the strategy is a national cyberspace layered deterrence strategy based on continuous confrontation as the main mode of action, and behavior shaping, benefit denial, and cost imposition as the fundamental approaches.

1.2 The leadership system has a clear division of labor

The United States divides its national cyber security business into four parts: homeland security business, national defense business, intelligence business, and law enforcement business, as shown in Figure 1. Among them, the homeland security business is dominated by the Department of Homeland Security, which is mainly responsible for coordinating the cyberspace security of important infrastructure and protecting government and commercial networks and systems; the national defense business is dominated by the Department of Defense, led by the US Cyber Command, and various military services provide troops It has three major functions of attack, defense, and military information infrastructure operation and maintenance management. It is the core of the US cyber security force; the intelligence business is dominated by the National Security Agency, which is mainly responsible for detecting malicious activities in foreign cyberspace. The Ministry of Defense provides capability support; criminal law enforcement involves multiple departments including the Department of Justice and its subordinate agencies.

Table 1. Important strategic documents related to cyberspace promulgated by the United States

Figure 1. Management and coordination framework of cyberspace organizations in the United States

The U.S. Cyber Command was established in 2009 and was originally affiliated to the U.S. Strategic Command. In August 2017, the U.S. Cyber Command was upgraded to the 10th independent U.S. Joint Operations Command, and the responsibility for combat command was assigned to the Cyber Command. And the director of the National Security Agency also serves as the commander. For the U.S. military’s network operations, especially operations with high real-time requirements, this move straightens out the command and control relationship. The organizational relationship between the upgraded U.S. Cyber Command and other agencies is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. The organizational relationship between the upgraded US Cyber Command and other agencies

The U.S. Cyber Command is under the command of the President and Secretary of Defense of the United States, and has operational control over the headquarters of the National Cyber Mission Force, the Headquarters of the Joint Cyberspace Forces, the Headquarters of the Cyberspace Forces of the Services, and the Headquarters of the Joint Forces of the Department of Defense Information Network; Mission detachments, combat detachments, protection detachments and support detachments have operational control.

During the operation, the U.S. Cyber Command conducts cyber operations in accordance with the instructions of the U.S. President and Secretary of Defense, implements operational control over its subordinate forces, and provides customized force packages to the Joint Operations Command for support. The force package is composed of cyber combat forces, combat support personnel and other cyberspace forces under the Cyber Command. Cyber Command maintains operational control of force packages and delegates operational control to subordinate commands as appropriate. The commander receiving the force package has tactical control over the timing and tempo of cyberspace operations.

1.3 Large scale of organizational strength

The U.S. military’s cyber force is the first established “organized” cyber combat force in the world. It has long recruited cyber talents, formed a cyber force, and held secret exercises. At present, the U.S. military has basically formed a general pattern in which the Cyber Command is responsible for operations, and the military services and the Defense Information Systems Agency and other Ministry of Defense business bureaus are responsible for the construction. Different from the land, sea, and air combat domains, the particularity of the cyberspace combat domain requires that the two chains of management (military administration) and operations (military orders) must cooperate more closely.

The U.S. military’s cyberspace strategic combat force is mainly composed of 133 cyber mission teams under the Cyber Command, with about 6,200 active duty and civilian personnel. According to the instructions of the Ministry of National Defense in 2013, the force was formed by drawing forces from various services (41 from the Army, 40 from the Navy, 39 from the Air Force, and 13 from the Marine Corps). It mainly performs tasks such as the operation and maintenance protection operations of the Ministry of National Defense information network, offensive cyberspace operations, and defensive cyberspace operations. The 133 cyber mission teams are organized into three types of troops: national cyber mission troops, combat mission troops, and network protection troops, according to the different types of tasks they undertake. Currently, the U.S. Cyber Task Force is expanding its scale. By 2024, 21 cyber protection teams will be formed, increasing the number of cyber task teams to 154.

The cyberspace tactical combat force of the U.S. military is mainly composed of the cyberspace forces of the four major cybercommands of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps under the U.S. Cyber Command (the total number is about 80,000 people), and they are responsible for network protection and combat support of various services. The mission provides support for the offensive, defensive, and operation and maintenance operations of the cyber mission force in joint operations. The network commands of various services are also stepping up the expansion and integration of network combat forces to provide support for the operations of network mission forces and the network protection of various services.

1.4 Comprehensive combat capability system

In terms of equipment research and development, the U.S. military adheres to the principle of “building while using, and integrating construction and use”, continuously intensifies the research and development of cyber warfare weapon systems and equipment, and conducts research on key technologies for cyber warfare. A number of research programs have been carried out in early warning, command and control, and training and evaluation, and tens of billions of dollars have been invested in the research and development of various cyberspace combat equipment, thereby promoting and improving the level of network combat technology, enhancing service support capabilities and operational capabilities. efficiency.

The most representative equipment for network defense includes “network deception” system, “cyber wolf” software system, network attack alarm system and network vulnerability scanner. At the same time, the US military also attaches great importance to the application of the concept of “active network defense”. It has promoted the rapid development of network attack traceability technology. Cyber attacks include a variety of powerful computer viruses such as “Stuxnet” and “Flame”; battlefield cyber attacks are more representative of the Air Force’s “Shuter” system and the Navy’s EA-18G “Growler” aircraft. Reconnaissance perception has the ability to obtain information such as enemy communications, content, network protocols, hardware addresses, passwords, identity authentication processes, and network vulnerabilities. Programs such as “Einstein” and “Prometheus” have formed large-scale intelligence production capabilities and are trying to build a global cyberspace situational awareness system.

1.5 Equipment research and development forces are all-inclusive

The research and development of the U.S. military’s network combat weapons and equipment has always been carried out in accordance with the method of combining military, commercial and civilian, and inclusive. Cyberspace combat equipment is different from conventional combat equipment. It is mainly a code-based, design-centric development and production form, and the hierarchical relationship of the supply chain is not clear. Today, the United States has a military research force with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as the core, and traditional defense forces such as Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin. The company is the mainstay, and the company has an eclectic research and development force in the fields of Internet, electronics, software, and information security.

The cyberspace research directions of the U.S. military, government scientific research institutions, and traditional defense companies usually cover one or more aspects of cyberspace reconnaissance (situational awareness), surveillance, attack, defense, test verification, and comprehensive integration; while the Internet, electronics, Companies in the fields of software and information security carry out cyberspace technology research and equipment development and production in their respective fields. In addition, since the research and development products of cyberspace combat equipment are mainly software, which is a logical layer product, this has led to a blurred boundary between basic research in cyberspace and equipment development and production. Teams and individuals are also an important part of the US cyberspace industry. Figure 3 shows the main power structure of cyberspace R&D and production capabilities.

Figure 3 The main force structure of US cyberspace R&D and production capabilities

Among them, large and medium-sized military enterprises are the backbone of the research and development of the US cyberspace equipment subsystem/subsystem/technical field. In recent years, the traditional large and medium-sized military enterprises in the United States have rapidly entered the field of network security through “mergers and reorganizations” as the main means, and formed several companies such as Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin. Comprehensive companies are the leading network security defense industry. In the bidding of DARPA and various military cyberspace projects, these large and medium-sized military enterprises usually occupy the position of main contractors.

2 Europe follows closely behind

The European cyberspace industry started later than the United States, mainly focusing on research on cyberspace defense and cyberspace security issues. In recent years, European governments and national defense/electronic companies have also invested in the field of cyberspace security. Through the gradual improvement of strategic policies, public-private alliances, and guidance of cyberspace technology research and development, a network that spans the entire Europe and other countries and regions has been initially formed. Cyberspace defense system. Specifically, it is manifested in the following levels.

At the level of research and development, European countries not only follow the lead of the United States, but also rely on NATO, the European Union and other transnational platforms to achieve integration and complementarity within Europe and between Europe and the United States, and finally formed a cyberspace security capability with both commonality and characteristics, second only to the United States .

At the level of organization and management, since most European countries are small in scale and easy to manage, they have achieved a relatively efficient, integrated, and powerful cyberspace management mechanism. At the same time, due to the large number of European countries and the existence of competition, there are sometimes obstacles to the implementation of national-level cooperation on cyberspace security.

At the level of system research and development, due to the very high level of digitalization, softwareization, and networking in many European countries (even higher than the United States), they are facing great pressure in cyberspace defense just like the United States. Therefore, their cyberspace development is to ensure cyberspace Safety first. In recent years, under the guidance of cyberspace thinking that focuses on defense, the research and development of cyberspace technology, especially cyberspace security technology, has been gradually strengthened. Expand investment and deployment in the field. When countries are investing in the cyberspace security market one after another, the cyberspace security products of some major European countries have already occupied a relatively large market share and opened up a certain scale of global market.

  1. Russia’s cyberspace development ideas are unique

Compared with Western countries, Russia has always paid attention to comprehensive and large-scale information space, and has not conducted in-depth and systematic research on cyberspace as a subdomain of information space like the United States. However, due to Russia’s long-term attention to the field of information security and industrial accumulation, it has a good foundation in the field of cyberspace. Specifically, it is manifested in the following levels.

At the level of strategic planning, Russia has issued a series of legal documents aimed at protecting information security in all aspects of the country, such as the “Russian Federation Information Security Doctrine”, “Russian Social Information Development Strategy”, etc., but in the existing legal documents, it does not cover The relational system between information space and cyberspace, the term “cyber security” is not separated from the concept of “information security”. With the continuous increase of network security risks, Russia has focused on the protection of cyberspace security on key information infrastructure since 2010, and successively promulgated “Conceptual Viewpoints of Russian Federation Armed Forces in Information Space Activities” and “2020 Legal documents such as the National Policy Framework in the Field of International Information Security of the Russian Federation, the Strategic Conception of the Russian Federation Network Security (Draft), the Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation (Second Edition) and the Law on the Security of Key Information Infrastructures of the Russian Federation It expounds Russia’s strategic goals to promote the development of cyberspace at multiple levels, as well as the important measures implemented to protect key information infrastructure and guide the development of cyberspace. At the organizational level, in August 2013, the Russian government announced the formation of a specialized information warfare agency under the Russian Armed Forces, and decided to form a cyber security command and a new agency of the armed forces, with the aim of improving the country’s cyber combat capabilities.

At the level of application practice, the “Network Commander’s Handbook” published by the United States in 2010 shows that the only example of global network operations is the information network attacks that occurred in Estonia, Georgia, and Kyrgyzstan from 2007 to 2009. These three small-scale attacks They are all done by Russia. It can be considered that Russia has unique practical experience in the field of network security.

In terms of research and development capabilities, Russia has a network security defense company with outstanding strength. For example, Kaspersky Lab is an important company in the field of global information security, and the “Russian Technological Information” company under the Rostec Group is also a core network security company in Russia. because

Transparency is limited, and it is difficult to find Russian companies capable of researching and developing cyber attack equipment from public channels, but this does not mean that Russia does not have such capabilities. In addition, Russian hacker organizations enjoy a “famous reputation” around the world. Research, production and trade of equipment.

4 Japan set off a wave of cyberspace development

Japan is one of the countries with the most advanced information technology in the world. At the same time, it is also subject to more and more cyberspace threats ranging from targeting individuals to public sectors and infrastructure. Therefore, Japan has long paid attention to cyberspace security issues. Japan classifies these threats under the umbrella of “information security” and established the National Information Security Center in 2005 to address the threat. As the concept of “cyberspace” proposed by the United States has been widely accepted, Japan also began to emphasize “cyberspace” at the national level around 2010, and regarded cybersecurity as an important issue affecting national security. Specifically, it is manifested in the following levels.

At the level of strategic planning, in 2013, the Japanese government issued the first “Network Security Strategy”, which promotes the construction and development of network security at the national level, and clearly proposes to build Japan into a powerful country in network security. In August 2015 and July 2018, the Japanese government successively issued two upgraded versions of the “Cyber Security Strategy”, mainly to prepare for the network security protection of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.

At the organizational level, in 2010, the Japanese Defense Agency established a “cyber warfare force” of about 5,000 people composed of computer experts from the land, sea, and air self-defense forces to specialize in the attack and defense of network systems. The main task of Japan’s “cyber warfare forces” is to develop transnational “cyber weapons” that can destroy the network systems of other countries, and undertake tasks such as self-defense force computer network system protection, virus removal, and program repair; develop tactical “cyber weapons” “, and study the relevant tactics of cyber warfare; support the anti-hacking organization and anti-virus intrusion tasks of the “Network Special Attack Team”. International researchers pointed out that from the Japanese “cyber warfare forces”, we can see the shadow of the US military’s “super hacker force”.

At the level of application practice, Japan pays more attention to the actual combat background in network offensive and defensive exercises, so as to improve the practicality and pertinence of the exercises. In the “March 18” exercise in 2014, the preset scenario was that Japan’s key infrastructure encountered cyber attacks during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. In the “Yamazakura” joint exercise held by Japan and the United States in 2019, the preset scenario was that Tokyo and the southwest region of Japan were attacked by missiles and other events concurrently. The exercise aimed to test the operation of the command and control system under cyber and electromagnetic attacks situation and study countermeasures.

At the level of system research and development, Japan emphasizes “both offense and defense” in building a network combat system, allocates a large amount of funds to invest in network hardware and “network warfare troops”, and establishes a “defense information communication platform” and a “common computer system platform” respectively. It facilitates the mutual communication and resource sharing of various organs and military network systems of the Self-Defense Force.

5 Apocalyptic Suggestions

From the perspective of the construction of cyberspace combat forces in major countries in the world, major countries and organizations in the world, such as the United States, Russia, Japan, and the European Union, have continuously strengthened military cyberspace operations through strategic planning guidance, organizational structure construction, combat force formation, and system equipment research and development. This has certain reference significance for the development of my country’s cyberspace.

5.1 Deepen the top-level design and enhance the strategic position of cyberspace

Cyberspace has greatly extended and expanded the boundaries of national interests. The Internet has increasingly become the basic platform for national political, economic, cultural and social activities, the lifeblood of the real economy and the nervous system on which the entire society depends. It can be seen that network security is not only a security issue of the network itself, but its impact has radiated to all aspects of national security and national interests. Therefore, it is necessary to plan and deploy the country’s network security issues from the national strategic level. my country should learn from the experience of foreign cyberspace strategies, formulate cyberspace strategies at the national level, strengthen cybersecurity legislation, build an international cooperation system, and plan and deploy national cybersecurity development as a whole at the national level.

5.2 Consolidate the foundation of capabilities and develop cyberspace countermeasures

In recent years, with the advancement of my country’s informatization construction and the comprehensive popularization of national network infrastructure equipment, network security threats from home and abroad have shown a trend of diversification, complexity, and frequent occurrence, posing a major threat to China’s cyberspace security, leading to my country’s Important information systems of government agencies and critical infrastructure may face security risks such as large-scale leakage of sensitive information and paralysis of information systems. In order to ensure the integrity and availability of cyberspace information infrastructure, it is necessary to improve its survivability, respond quickly to cyber threats, and initiate attacks at the right time. Based on this, our country must proceed from the aspects of theory, technology, and talents to consolidate the foundation of cyberspace capabilities and provide guarantees for possible cyberspace confrontation and defense in the future.

5.3 Strengthen strength building and build a cyberspace support system

Today, cyberspace has become an emerging combat domain. It is necessary to build a powerful cyberspace combat force and seize control of this emerging combat domain in order to effectively maintain national security and development interests in cyberspace. Since the establishment of the U.S. Cyber Command in June 2009, the U.S. military has made great achievements in the construction of cyber military power, forming a strong military guarantee for U.S. cyber security, and at the same time posing a huge threat to the cyberspace of other countries. We must speed up the construction of cyberspace forces, continuously improve the cybersecurity awareness and information protection capabilities of the whole people, strengthen national defense mobilization, cultivate reserve forces, and build a network combat force system with sufficient combat capabilities, so as to effectively contain and counter the opponent’s attack on our country. cyber threat.

6 Conclusion

Cyberspace has become an important combat force for the military to seek development because of its characteristics such as not being restricted by time and space, not being constrained by combat objectives, having a wide range of sources of support for combat forces, and strong mutations in the combat process. In recent years, major countries and organizations in the world, such as the United States, Russia, Japan, and the European Union, have been committed to promoting the construction of cyberspace combat capabilities in order to seize the dominant position in this field. my country should accelerate the construction of military cyberspace forces and enhance our country’s cyberspace combat capabilities in order to seek the right to win future information warfare.

Citation format: Li Shuo, Li Zhenjing, Wang Shizhong, et al. Analysis and Enlightenment of the Development Situation of Foreign Military Cyberspace Combat Forces [J]. Information Security and Communication Secrecy, 2022(5):90-99.



Chinese Military Perspective on the New Development Trends in Foreign Military Network Warfare

After decades of development, cyberspace has become an important field of production and life in human society, and has become the fifth-dimensional battlefield after “land, sea, air, and sky.” In recent years, the United States and other developed countries have rushed to introduce cyberspace strategies, build (expand) cyber warfare forces, and implement cyber offensive and defensive operations. The moves in the construction, development, and application of cyber warfare deserve the attention of the world.

Pay attention to cyberspace security, and accelerate the establishment of supporting strategies and regulations

Since cyberspace security is a security issue in an emerging field, most countries lack supporting strategies and systems of laws and regulations. In recent years, major countries in the world have positioned it as a major security field, and the pace of promulgating network security strategies and regulations has been significantly accelerated. For example, since the first national network security strategy was proposed in 2000, the United States has continuously formulated, expanded, and updated various policies, strategies, regulations, and regulations in the field of network security. The network strategy alone includes the “National Network Strategy”, “International Cyberspace Strategy”, ” The Cyber ​​Strategy of the Ministry of National Defense and the cyber strategy of the military services, etc., are used to standardize and guide the development and application of cyber warfare. In October 2014, the U.S. military also issued the world’s first joint doctrine “Cyberspace Operations”, which elaborated and standardized the concepts, actions, and tasks of cyberspace operations. In response to cyber attacks by the United States and NATO, Russia announced the “Russian Federation Cyber ​​Security Strategic Concept” in 2014, and promulgated a new version of the “Information Security Doctrine” in 2016, proposing to ensure network information security. In order to strengthen the overall guidance of network security affairs, India issued the “National Cyber ​​Security Policy” in 2013 and plans to issue a “National Cyber ​​Security Strategy”; the Indian military has formulated policies such as the “Army Cyber ​​Security Policy” and “Navy Information Security Policy” regulations.

Strengthen the professional construction of cyber warfare forces, and pay attention to the use of non-governmental network forces

In recent years, the establishment, integration, and expansion of specialized cyber warfare forces have become a trend among foreign militaries. The United States was the first country to propose the concept of cyber warfare, and it was also the first country to form a professional cyber warfare force. The U.S. military established the Cyber ​​Command in 2010, and upgraded it to a first-level joint operations command in 2018. The number of cyber task forces under its jurisdiction has reached 133, with about 6,200 personnel. Russia established a professional information warfare unit in 2013, and cyber warfare is an important function of it. The Japanese Self-Defense Force established the Cyber ​​Defense Team in 2014, initially with more than 100 members, and has now increased to nearly 300, and plans to expand to a thousand in the future. The United Kingdom also announced in 2020 that it will soon create a national cyber force. On this basis, foreign militaries have generally carried out systematic design and layout of cyber warfare forces. In the field of cyber warfare, forces such as network attack, network defense, and network operation and maintenance are inseparable; externally, network warfare forces are integrated and integrated with information warfare forces such as signal reconnaissance and electronic warfare. For example, the commander of the U.S. Cyber ​​Command also serves as the director of the National Security Agency, and the network attack and defense are integrated with signal intelligence and reconnaissance. The Japanese Self-Defense Force has set up a special first-level command to oversee space, network, and electronic warfare affairs.

It is worth noting that foreign military forces constitute the “regular army” of cyber warfare forces, and private cybersecurity companies, technology companies, hacker organizations, etc. have also become important cyber offensive and defensive forces and have attracted much attention. The notorious “Eye of Sauron” and “Equation Group” and other hacker organizations are inextricably linked to the US military. In recent years, Iran, Russia, and Venezuela have encountered cyber attacks, all of which have the shadow of “Equation Group”. The Indian Army is also considering absorbing its rich IT talents to form a cyber warfare reserve force to further strengthen its cyber warfare capabilities.

Actively develop and build a network arsenal, and intelligent weapon systems are beginning to emerge

Cyber ​​weapons are special weapons used for network attack and defense. They can be viruses, loopholes, denial of service attacks, phishing attacks and other offensive and defensive technologies, or network attack and defense system platforms. Anatoly Smirnov, chairman of the International Information Security Association of the Russian Federation, disclosed in 2019 that many Western countries were developing cyber weapons; the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan also made no secret of possessing cyber weapons. According to the disclosures of Snowden and WikiLeaks, U.S. intelligence agencies and the U.S. military have built a systematic offensive cyber arsenal, some of which can be called “weapons of mass destruction” in cyberspace. In 2020, Patrick Saunders, commander of the British Strategic Command, took the initiative to declare that the UK has developed a “destructive” cyber weapon, which can effectively kill the enemy’s power grid and other facilities and equipment.

In terms of network system platforms, the U.S. military has built the most complete network warfare system platform in the world, including accusation management systems such as joint network command and control and unified platform, basic systems for network warfare planning and execution such as the IKE project, and network warfare and network warfare systems such as “Shute”. A weapon system with integrated firepower. In terms of network monitoring and defense, India has developed and built system platforms such as a central monitoring system, network traffic analysis system, and network security monitoring and evaluation system.

Cyber ​​weapons have a natural “kinship” with smart technology. At present, weapon systems in the fields of network situation monitoring, network attack and defense, and password deciphering have already taken shape in intelligentized countries in cyberspace dominant countries. With the development of artificial intelligence technology, the trend of intelligent network weapons will become more and more obvious.

Focus on enhancing the actual combat capabilities of network attack and defense, and innovate network training methods

In view of the reality and destructiveness of cyber threats, foreign militaries attach great importance to testing the security of information network systems and improving the cyber offensive and defensive capabilities of military and government agencies through cyber exercises and training activities in the context of actual combat.

In terms of participating forces, it covers the military, government agencies, reserves and civilian cyber forces. In the method mode, opponents are generally set to ensure the confrontation of the exercise. Some also innovatively use the method of offering rewards to attract hackers to “legally” attack specific target networks and help find network system defense loopholes. In terms of the training environment, actively build a network shooting range to simulate the information network environment of one’s own side and the opponent’s. The United States, Britain, Japan, Canada and NATO have all established professional cyber ranges. As the world’s largest multinational cyber exercise, NATO’s “Lock Shield” exercise simulated a country’s information network environment in 2019. The content of the drill includes responsiveness testing, defense vulnerability inspection, and election interference analysis. India regularly holds “Cyber ​​Fortress” exercises. It is said that in the “Cyber ​​Fortress-8” exercise organized in 2015, the Indian Army’s cyber brigade used remote penetration and other means to successfully obtain the administrator authority of a certain network system of the Indian Army, and found that 13 major categories of security vulnerabilities were identified. In addition, the U.S. military has begun to practice the integration of cyber warfare and operations in other fields. In the U.S. military’s “Schriever” exercise, the integration of space operations and cyber warfare is one of the important contents.

At present, some countries have regarded some serious cyber attacks as acts of war. As the international rules of conduct in cyberspace restrict and deter cyber attacks more and more, cyber exercises may replace real network operations and become foreign military training and upgrading. The primary path to network offensive and defensive capabilities.

Emphasis on pre-emptive offensive operations, actual combat tends to integrate deterrence and multi-domain integration

The hugeness, complexity, and fragility of the network system make network defense difficult and costly. For this reason, the United States and other countries have gradually changed their network security policy and operational thinking from the initial comprehensive defense to preemptive offensive operations, emphasizing Conduct pre-emptive offensive operations in hostile networks to eliminate potential or actual threats.

Driven by offensive thinking, cyber warfare is common in international conflicts, and the targets of attacks are no longer limited to military targets. The United States is the first country to apply cyber warfare to actual combat. In 2009, the U.S. military used the “Stuxnet” virus to carry out cyber attacks on Iran’s nuclear facilities, causing more than 1,500 centrifuges to be scrapped and the Iranian nuclear process to be paused. In 2020, after the assassination of Soleimani, the U.S. military launched cyber attacks on the command and control of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, missiles, and air defense systems to deter and prevent Iran from carrying out military retaliation. Of course, the idea of ​​offensive cyber warfare does not require absolute cyber superiority. Some non-cyber powers have also proposed the idea of ​​using asymmetric cyber capabilities to carry out preemptive attacks on the enemy’s weaknesses, and then achieve the goal of using the small to gain the big and the weak in the network game. Mandatory.

It is worth noting that in recent international conflicts, the trend of multi-domain integration in the fields of cyber warfare and firepower warfare, electromagnetic spectrum warfare, and cognitive domain warfare has become very obvious. For example, when armed conflicts broke out between Azerbaijan and Armenia in the Naka region in 2020, the two sides launched cyber offenses and defenses in cyberspace on the one hand, and on the other hand launched fierce confrontations in the cognitive domain around international and domestic public opinion, military morale, legal principles and morals.

At present, the low-intensity and ambiguous nature of cyber warfare attracts some international actors to frequently carry out cyberspace operations regardless of the consequences, and the risk of conflict escalation out of control is constantly accumulating. To this end, all countries in the world should start consultations and negotiations on international rules of conduct in cyberspace and cyber arms control as soon as possible, jointly restrict military activities in cyberspace, create a new pattern of cybersecurity, and build a community of shared future in cyberspace.

Original Mandarin Chinese:

經過幾十年的發展,網絡空間已經成為人類社會生產生活的重要領域,成為繼“陸、海、空、天”之後的第五維戰場。 近年來,美國等發達國家紛紛出台網絡空間戰略,建設(壯大)網絡戰力量,實施網絡攻防作戰。 網絡戰建設、發展和應用的動向值得世人關注。


由於網絡空間安全是一個新興領域的安全問題,大多數國家缺乏配套的戰略和法律法規體系。 近年來,世界主要國家將其定位為重大安全領域,出台網絡安全戰略和法規的步伐明顯加快。 例如,自2000年第一個國家網絡安全戰略提出以來,美國不斷制定、擴充和更新網絡安全領域的各種政策、戰略、規章制度。 僅網絡戰略就有《國家網絡戰略》、《國際網絡空間戰略》、《國防部網絡戰略》和《軍種網絡戰略》等,用於規範和指導發展 2014年10月,美軍還發布了世界上第一個聯合條令“網絡空間作戰”,對網絡空間作戰的概念、行動和任務進行了闡述和規範。 北約、俄羅斯2014年公佈《俄羅斯聯邦網絡安全戰略構想》,2016年頒布新版《信息安全條令》,提出保障網絡信息安全。為加強網絡安全統籌指導 事務方面,印度2013年出台《國家網絡安全政策》,併計劃出台《國家網絡安全戰略》;印度軍方制定了《陸軍網絡安全政策》、《海軍信息安全政策》等政策 安全策略”的規定。


近年來,網絡戰專業化力量的建立、整合和壯大成為外軍發展趨勢。 美國是最早提出網絡戰概念的國家,也是最早組建專業網絡戰部隊的國家。 美軍於2010年成立網絡司令部,2018年升格為一級聯合作戰司令部,下轄的網絡特遣部隊已達133個,人員約6200人。 俄羅斯於2013年成立專業信息戰部隊,網絡戰是其重要職能。 日本自衛隊在2014年成立了網絡防衛隊,最初有100多名成員,現在已經增加到近300人,未來還計劃擴大到千人。 英國也在2020年宣布將很快創建一支國家網絡部隊。 在此基礎上,外軍普遍進行了網絡戰力量的系統化設計和佈局。 在網絡戰領域,網絡攻擊、網絡防禦、網絡運維等力量密不可分; 對外,網絡戰力量與信號偵察、電子戰等信息戰力量融合融合。 比如美國網絡司令部司令兼任國家安全局局長,網絡攻防與信號情報偵察相結合。 日本自衛隊設立了專門的一級司令部,負責監管太空、網絡和電子戰事務。

值得注意的是,外國軍隊構成了網絡戰力量的“正規軍”,民間網絡安全公司、科技公司、黑客組織等也成為重要的網絡攻防力量,備受關注。 臭名昭著的“索倫之眼”和“方程組”等黑客組織都與美軍有著千絲萬縷的聯繫。 近年來,伊朗、俄羅斯、委內瑞拉等國都遭遇過網絡攻擊,都有“方程組”的影子。 印度陸軍也在考慮吸納其豐富的IT人才,組建網絡戰後備力量,進一步加強網絡戰能力。



攻防。 它們可以是病毒、漏洞、拒絕服務攻擊、釣魚攻擊等攻防技術,也可以是網絡攻防系統平台。 俄羅斯聯邦國際信息安全協會主席阿納托利·斯米爾諾夫在2019年透露,許多西方國家正在研發網絡武器; 美國、英國、德國和日本也毫不掩飾擁有網絡武器。 根據斯諾登和維基解密的披露,美國情報機構和美國軍方已經建立了一個系統的進攻性網絡武器庫,其中一些武器堪稱網絡空間的“大規模殺傷性武器”。 2020年,英國戰略司令部司令帕特里克桑德斯主動宣稱,英國已經研製出“破壞性”網絡武器,可以有效殺傷敵方電網等設施設備。

在網絡系統平台方面,美軍建成了世界上最完備的網絡戰系統平台,包括聯合網絡指揮控制、統一平台等指控管理系統,IKE等網絡戰規劃與執行基礎系統。 項目,以及“樹特”等網絡戰和網絡戰系統。 具有綜合火力的武器系統。 在網絡監控防禦方面,印度開發建設了中央監控系統、網絡流量分析系統、網絡安全監控評估系統等系統平台。

網絡武器與智能技術有著天然的“親緣關係”。 目前,網絡態勢監測、網絡攻防、密碼破譯等領域的武器系統在網絡空間主導國家的智能化國家已經形成。 隨著人工智能技術的發展,網絡化武器的智能化趨勢將越來越明顯。



在參與力量方面,它涵蓋了軍隊、政府機構、預備役和民間網絡力量。 在方法模式中,一般都會設置對手,以保證練習的對抗性。 有的還創新性地採用懸賞的方式,吸引黑客“合法”攻擊特定目標網絡,幫助尋找網絡系統防禦漏洞。 在訓練環境方面,積極建設網絡靶場,模擬己方和對方的信息網絡環境。 美國、英國、日本、加拿大和北約都建立了專業的網絡靶場。 作為全球規模最大的多國網絡演習,北約“鎖盾”演習模擬了2019年一個國家的信息網絡環境,演練內容包括響應能力測試、防禦漏洞檢查、選舉干擾分析等。 印度定期舉行“網絡堡壘”演習。 據稱,在2015年組織的“網絡堡壘-8”演習中,印陸軍網絡旅利用遠程滲透等手段,成功獲取了印軍某網絡系統的管理員權限,並發現13 確定了主要類別的安全漏洞。 此外,美軍也開始實踐網絡戰與其他領域作戰的融合。 在美軍的“施里弗”演習中,太空作戰與網絡戰的融合是重要內容之一。

目前,一些國家已將一些嚴重的網絡攻擊行為視為戰爭行為。 隨著網絡空間國際行為準則對網絡攻擊的約束和威懾越來越強,網絡演習有可能取代真正的網絡作戰,成為外國軍事訓練和升級。 網絡攻防能力的主要途徑。


網絡系統的龐大性、複雜性和脆弱性使得網絡防禦難度大、成本高。 為此,美國等國逐漸將網絡安全政策和作戰思路從最初的全面防禦轉變為先發製人的進攻作戰,強調在敵對網絡中進行先發製人的進攻作戰,以消除潛在或實際的威脅。


攻擊目標不再局限於軍事目標。 美國是第一個將網絡戰應用到實戰中的國家。 2009年,美軍利用“震網”病毒對伊朗核設施進行網絡攻擊,導致1500多台離心機報廢,伊朗核進程暫停。 2020年,蘇萊曼尼遇刺後,美軍對伊朗革命衛隊的指揮控制、導彈、防空系統等發起網絡攻擊,以威懾和阻止伊朗進行軍事報復。 當然,進攻性網絡戰的思路並不需要絕對的網絡優勢。 一些非網絡大國也提出了利用非對稱網絡能力對敵方弱點進行先發製人攻擊的想法,進而在網絡博弈中達到以小博大、以弱勝強的目的。 強制的。

值得注意的是,在近期的國際衝突中,網絡戰與火力戰、電磁頻譜戰、認知域戰等領域的多域融合趨勢十分明顯。 例如,2020年阿塞拜疆與亞美尼亞在納卡地區爆發武裝衝突,雙方一方面在網絡空間展開網絡攻防,另一方面圍繞國際國內展開認知領域的激烈交鋒。 民意、軍隊士氣、法理和道德。

當前,網絡戰的低烈度和模糊性,吸引了一些國際行為體不顧後果地頻繁開展網絡空間作戰,衝突失控升級的風險不斷累積。 為此,世界各國應盡快啟動網絡空間國際行為規則和網絡軍控磋商談判,共同製約網絡空間軍事活動,打造網絡安全新格局,構建網絡空間共享共同體。 網絡空間的未來。

Chinese Military Source:


Chinese Military Exploring the Strategy of Winning Superiority in Information Warfare


In the era of information warfare, due to changes in the mechanism of winning wars, the strategy of winning with the inferior to the superior has also changed accordingly. Under the new situation, exploring the new characteristics, new laws, and new strategies of informatization warfare to win the war with the inferior has very important practical significance for winning future wars.

Information has become the dominant factor in winning a war, and the victory of the inferior is concentrated in seizing information superiority

As information technology is widely used in the military field, informationized weapons and equipment have become the main weapons on the battlefield. Information flow will determine material flow, force flow and energy flow, and become the dominant element of combat effectiveness, penetrating every corner of the battlefield. Competing for information superiority and linking multidimensional forces such as land, sea, air, space, and electricity have become the focus of confrontation in informationized warfare. Taking the information combat system as the primary target of using troops, finding the weak parts of the opponent’s information system, concentrating on destroying them, and making the opponent’s intelligence information system and command and control system paralyzed or unable to operate normally has become an important way for the inferior equipment to defeat the strong enemy. By striking information targets, one hair can affect the whole body and even directly achieve the purpose of war.

The more the party has the advantage of information technology, the more afraid the disadvantaged party will adopt asymmetric means of confrontation. As someone pointed out: our practice of using information as the focus of operations can become our strength, but it is also easy to become a vulnerable weakness. Therefore, aim at the weaknesses and weaknesses of the powerful enemy’s informationized combat platform, concentrate elite weapons and trumpet weapons and equipment, avoid the enemy’s sharp edge, take a slanted sword, and attack its weak links, such as comprehensively using information attack, navigation countermeasures, photoelectric interference and other means to destroy enemy information Even if only one or two of the network system, reconnaissance and early warning system, command and control system, and navigation and positioning system are successful, it can disrupt its overall structure and combat order, effectively paralyze its combat system, and finally achieve the effect of four or two.

System confrontation has become the basic law of victory in war, and the superiority of the inferior is highlighted by the weakening and deprivation of the enemy’s systematic combat advantages

In informationized warfare, the integration, complementarity, and interdependence of the various services and arms have increased, and the confrontation between the combat systems of the two hostile parties has become increasingly prominent. War is no longer a confrontation of single functions between combat units, but a systemic confrontation based on the comprehensive integration of various combat units and combat elements. The overall function of the combat system has a major impact on the success or failure of a war. In the face of an enemy with systemic advantages, it is very difficult to rely on a single force and a single means to achieve victory over the superior. Whether it can weaken and deprive the combat advantages of a powerful enemy system has become a key link in information warfare to achieve victory over the superior.

The practice of several local wars in recent years has proved that the party with inferior equipment can effectively destroy the key targets of the enemy’s combat system by developing and using some advanced weapons and combining them with other weapons and equipment when there is a “generational difference” in the overall combat capability. It is entirely possible to cause a powerful enemy’s overall operational dysfunction or paralysis. The larger and more sophisticated the combat system of a strong enemy in information technology, the easier it is to expose its vulnerable side. Once it is destroyed, it will often cause serious consequences. During the Iraq war, the U.S. military was shocked by the fact that GPS precision-guided weapons lost their accuracy after being interfered by the Iraqi army’s GPS jammers. During the Kosovo War, the soldiers and civilians of Yugoslavia used flexible and diverse computer network warfare, which also caused NATO’s computer network system to be attacked and paralyzed many times.

Quick decision has become the basic requirement for winning a war, and more emphasis is placed on immediate linkage to form a local advantage over the enemy by using the inferior to win the superior

The depreciation of the space factor and the sharp increase in the value of the time factor in the informationized battlefield lead to the acceleration of the combat rhythm, the shortening of the duration of the war, and the significant enhancement of the quick decision of the war. Although the basic combat procedures and information flow have not undergone fundamental changes, the processes of discovering targets, making decisions, issuing orders, and troop actions are carried out almost simultaneously in real time. The U.S. military’s book “Awe and Fear–The Way to Quickly Conquer the Enemy” pointed out that when talking about the quick victory of information warfare: “From a technical point of view, the speed here includes the formulation of combat plans, combat determination, and deployment and use of troops. Everything requires the troops to respond quickly in the shortest possible time.” In the Afghan war, it took about 19 minutes for the U.S. military to go from the “discovery-location-aiming-attack-assessment” kill chain, while it only took 10 minutes in the 2003 Iraq war about.

At the same time, various information-based weapons can carry out rapid and deadly long-range precision strikes, making the disadvantaged party form a passive situation where they cannot be seen, relied on, grasped, or hit. In exchange for room for maneuver in battles and battles; through long-term local gathering of superior forces and annihilating the enemy, accumulating small victories into big victories, it becomes more difficult to finally realize the growth and decline of the enemy and our forces. We must pay attention to the function of network aggregation, select and deploy new quality and elite forces, adopt modular organization, building block combination, task combination and other force formation methods, use multi-dimensional distribution, network chain combat configuration, and use link cycle linkage and leapfrog Response methods such as direct linkage, synchronous parallel linkage, sequential connection linkage, etc., realize network aggregation efficiency, system linkage, and multi-dimensional response to obtain local strength advantages against the enemy.

Technological factors are becoming more and more important in war, and the victory of the inferior depends on the close integration of people and technology

Information technology, especially disruptive technology, has triggered revolutionary changes in weaponry, organizational structure, and combat styles, and has become a direct driving force for the transformation of information warfare. Information warfare relies on the combination and application advantages of weapon platforms to realize domain linkage and cross-domain control. The proportion of technology-intensive arms and new-quality combat forces continues to increase. The concept of inferior superiority is facing challenges. However, information-based weapons and equipment put forward higher requirements for the quality of personnel. The organic combination of information-based weapons and equipment and high-quality personnel has become a key factor in winning a war. When the disadvantaged party confronts a strong enemy, it is even more necessary to do more in terms of human subjective initiative. enough articles.

In the man-machine system composed of man and weapon, the scientific and technological content of weapons and equipment is increasing day by day, and the trend of intelligence is becoming more and more obvious. The political, theoretical, military and technological literacy of commanders has become the key factor for winning an information war. General Sullivan of the U.S. Army once said: “Even in the information age, it is still people who dominate war operations. Changes in technology, equipment, and force structure will not lead to the disappearance of courage, selflessness, camaraderie, and leadership. “Information warfare has not changed that people are the decisive factor in the outcome of a war. How to make full use of strengths and avoid weaknesses for the party with inferior weapons and equipment, give full play to the effective combination of people and technology, and make up for technological disadvantages has become a key factor in defeating an enemy with superior equipment.

The contest of intelligence and strategy has become an important aspect of winning a war, and the strategy of using the inferior to win the superior exists in the active role

If a weak army wants to defeat a strong enemy, simply competing in military strength is tantamount to hitting a rock with an egg – there is no advantage at all; simply competing in equipment technology is tantamount to using its own strengths to defeat the enemy’s strengths – always being passive; Competing with external support is tantamount to discarding the decisive role of internal factors-willing to seek defeat with inferiority. What ultimately depends on the inferior to the superior? Relying on the active role of self-consciousness, relying on intelligence and strategic competition, this is the fundamental factor to realize the transformation from weak to strong, and the inferior to the superior.

Subjective initiative is manifested in many aspects for “surviving the superior with the inferior”. Although the “potential” here has a certain relationship with the strength of the opposing sides, it still depends on the degree of the commander’s subjective initiative. Those who plan well gain power, and those who do not plan lose power. The second is to actively plan a series of strategies to actively seize the advantages of opportunities. War is a vigorous confrontation between two sides fighting wits and courage. If the weaker side can make a superior move and make a living in a row, it will surely win the first opportunity. The third is to actively create local advantages and actively establish overall victory. Global strength does not mean local overall superiority, and overall global weakness does not mean local overall inferiority. Concentrating forces to form local advantages will eventually break the comparison of advantages and disadvantages and lay the foundation for overall victory. The fourth is to make the best use of the situation and actively innovate and adapt tactics. Water is impermanent, and soldiers are impermanent. According to changes in the enemy’s situation, we can flexibly innovate and change our own tactics, and constantly change the situation of both the enemy and ourselves, so as to gradually provide conditions for our own side to change from weak to strong.

Original Mandarin Chinese:

在信息戰時代,由於戰爭制勝機制的變化,以弱勝強的製勝策略也隨之發生了變化。 新形勢下,探索信息化戰爭的新特點、新規律、新戰略,以弱勝強,對打贏未來戰爭具有十分重要的現實意義。


隨著信息技術在軍事領域的廣泛應用,信息化武器裝備成為戰場上的主力武器。 信息流將決定物質流、力量流和能量流,成為戰鬥力的主導要素,滲透到戰場的每一個角落。 爭奪信息優勢,聯動陸、海、空、天、電等多維力量,成為信息化戰爭的對抗焦點。 把信息作戰系統作為用兵的首要目標,發現對方信息系統的薄弱環節,集中摧毀,使對方情報信息系統和指揮控制系統癱瘓或無法正常運轉,已成為重要的作戰手段。 以劣裝備打敗強敵的方法。 通過打擊信息目標,一根頭髮絲牽一發而動全身,甚至直接達到戰爭目的。

越是擁有信息技術優勢的一方,就越害怕處於劣勢的一方採取不對稱的對抗手段。 正如有人指出的那樣:我們將信息作為作戰重點的做法可以成為我們的優勢,但也很容易成為我們脆弱的弱點。 因此,針對強敵信息化作戰平台的薄弱環節和弱點,集中精銳武器和喇叭武器裝備,避敵利刃,斜劍攻其薄弱環節,如綜合運用信息攻擊、航海導航等。 反制、光電干擾等手段破壞敵方信息 即使網絡系統、偵察預警系統、指揮控制系統、導航定位系統中只有一兩個得手,也能擾亂其整體結構和作戰秩序 ,有效地麻痺了它的戰鬥系統,最終達到四兩的效果。


信息化戰爭中,各兵種融合、互補、依存度增強,敵對雙方作戰體係對抗性日益突出。 戰爭不再是作戰單位之間單一職能的對抗,而是各種作戰單位和作戰要素綜合融合的系統性對抗。 戰鬥系統的整體功能對一場戰爭的成敗具有重大影響。 面對擁有系統優勢的敵人,僅靠單一的力量和單一的手段,是很難戰勝上位的。 能否削弱和剝奪強敵系統的作戰優勢,成為信息戰制勝制勝的關鍵環節。

近年來的幾次局部戰爭實踐證明,裝備劣勢的一方在存在“代溝”的情況下,通過研製和使用一些先進武器,並與其他武器裝備相結合,可以有效摧毀敵方作戰體系的重點目標。 ”在整體作戰能力上。 完全有可能造成強敵整體作戰失靈或癱瘓。 信息化強敵的作戰體系越大越精密,越容易暴露其弱點。 一旦被破壞,往往會造成嚴重的後果。 伊拉克戰爭期間,GPS精確制導武器在受到伊拉克軍隊的GPS干擾器干擾後,精度下降,令美軍震驚。 科索沃戰爭期間,南斯拉夫軍民使用了靈活多樣的計算機網絡戰,這也導致北約的計算機網絡系統多次遭到攻擊而癱瘓。



戰鬥節奏,戰爭持續時間的縮短,戰爭速決能力的顯著增強。 雖然基本的作戰程序和信息流沒有發生根本性的變化,但發現目標、決策、下達命令和部隊行動的過程幾乎是同時實時進行的。 美軍著作《敬畏與恐懼——速克敵之道》在談到信息戰的速勝時指出:“從技術角度看,這裡的速度包括作戰計劃的製定、作戰 決心,部署和用兵。一切都需要部隊在最短的時間內迅速做出反應。” 在阿富汗戰爭中,美軍從“發現-定位-瞄準-攻擊-評估”殺傷鏈走完大約需要19分鐘,而在2003年的伊拉克戰爭中只用了10分鐘左右。

同時,各種信息化武器可以進行快速、致命的遠程精確打擊,使處於不利地位的一方形成看不見、依靠不了、抓不住、打不著的被動局面。 以換取戰場上的迴旋餘地; 通過長期局部集結優勢兵力殲滅敵人,積小胜為大勝,最終實現敵我力量的消長變得更加困難。 要注重發揮網絡聚合作用,選拔部署新型精銳力量,採用模塊化編組、積木組合、任務組合等兵力編組方式,多維度佈局、網絡鍊式作戰配置、使用鏈條 循環聯動、蛙跳式直接聯動、同步並聯、順序連接聯動等響應方式,實現網絡聚合高效、系統聯動、多維響應,獲取對敵局部兵力優勢。


信息技術特別是顛覆性技術引發了武器裝備、組織結構、作戰方式的革命性變革,成為信息化戰爭變革的直接驅動力。 信息戰依托武器平台的組合和應用優勢,實現域聯動和跨域控制。 技術密集型兵種和新型作戰力量比重不斷提高。 自下而上的概念正面臨挑戰。 但信息化武器裝備對人員素質提出了更高的要求。 信息化武器裝備與高素質人才的有機結合,成為打贏戰爭的關鍵因素。 當弱勢一方面對強敵時,更需要在人的主觀能動性上多做一些事。 足夠的文章。

在人與武器組成的人機系統中,武器裝備的科技含量與日俱增,智能化趨勢越來越明顯。 指揮官的政治素養、理論素養、軍事素養和科技素養成為打贏信息戰的關鍵因素。 美國陸軍將軍蘇利文曾說過:“即使在信息時代,主導戰爭行動的仍然是人。技術、裝備和部隊結構的變化不會導致勇氣、無私、友情和領導力的消失。” “信息戰沒有改變人是決定戰爭勝負的因素。 武器裝備劣勢黨如何揚長避短,充分發揮人與科技的有效結合,彌補科技劣勢,成為以優裝備克敵制勝的關鍵因素。


弱軍欲勝強敵,單純比武無異於以卵擊石——毫無優勢可言; 單純的比拼裝備技術,無異於以己之長克敵之長——永遠被動; 與外援競爭,無異於捨棄了內因的決定作用——以弱求敗。 到底是什麼決定了下位者對上位者的影響? 依靠自覺的主動作用,依靠智慧和戰略競爭,這是實現由弱變強的根本因素,而


“以弱勝強”的主觀能動性表現在很多方面。 這裡的“勢”雖然與對方的實力強弱有一定的關係,但還是要看指揮官主觀能動性的高低。 計劃好者得勢,計劃不周者失勢。 二是積極謀劃系列戰略,積極搶占先機。 戰爭是雙方鬥智斗勇的激烈交鋒。 弱小的一方若能出高招,連續謀生,必能奪得先機。 三是積極打造局部優勢,積極確立全局勝利。 全球強不代表局部整體優勢,全球整體弱不代表局部整體劣勢。 集中力量形成局部優勢,終將打破優勢劣勢比較,為全面勝利奠定基礎。 四是因勢利導,積極創新調整戰術。 水無常,兵無常。 根據敵情變化,靈活創新和改變己方戰術,不斷改變敵我雙方形勢,逐步為己方由弱變強提供條件。

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Chinese People’s Liberation Army Actively Responding to the Challenge of Intelligent Warfare

In recent years, the wave of intelligence has surged and has been widely used in the military field. Major countries in the world attach great importance to the construction and application of military intelligence, and various unmanned combat platforms and intelligent weapons and equipment continue to appear, and they are installed in troops and put into actual combat. In the face of the accelerated evolution of intelligent warfare, only by seizing development opportunities, actively responding to challenges, accelerating the development of military intelligence, and accelerating the forging of intelligent combat capabilities can we seize the strategic initiative of intelligent warfare and win future intelligent warfare.

Focusing on designing wars to create intelligent theory

Military theory comes from combat practice and is used to guide combat practice. Restricted by various conditions in the past, military theory research was mostly “looking backwards”, that is, summarizing battle examples to form combat guidance. With the rapid development of modern technology, especially big data, cloud computing and other disruptive technologies, the research on combat theory has got rid of the traditional follow-up and inductive reasoning mode, and has entered a new era of experimental warfare and design warfare. New disruptive technologies in the field of intelligence have opened up new space for military theory innovation. To this end, we should create a basic theory of intelligent warfare in accordance with the idea of ​​”proposing concepts-needs analysis-innovating theories”, and conduct in-depth research on the concept connotation, essential characteristics, war guidance, combat styles, offensive and defensive actions, winning mechanisms, etc. of intelligent warfare. Features and laws, etc.; innovate intelligent combat methods and methods, give full play to the overall effectiveness of the intelligent combat system, strengthen research on new intelligent combat methods and methods such as man-machine collaborative intelligent combat, intelligent robot combat, and intelligent unmanned swarm combat, as well as intelligent Combat command, the process and methods of intelligent combat support, etc.; focus on effectively responding to the threat of intelligent combat, and research strategies to defeat the enemy, such as intelligent interdiction warfare and intelligent disruption warfare. These theories are the cornerstone of the theoretical system of intelligent warfare. In the future, the theory of war centered on strengthening “controlling intellectual power” and competing for “algorithm-centric warfare” will most likely replace the theory of warfare centered on “network-centric warfare.”

Focus on cross-domain interconnection and explore intelligent forms

The military organization is the link connecting military technology and combat theory, and the lever to exert the overall combat effectiveness of the military. Modern combat places more emphasis on “elite combat under the support of a large system”, that is, supported by the joint combat system, “fine front and strong back”, according to the idea of ​​”integrated design, modular formation, and combined application”, the formation is more precise and more accurate. The powerful combat module enables the maximum release of combat energy. The organization of the future intelligent warfare system will be based on strategies, campaigns, and tactics at different levels and different arms and arms, and will form different types and purposes of small, multi-functional and intelligent new joint combat forces. According to the requirements of reconfigurability, scalability and self-adaptation, the intelligentized combat network can seamlessly link and flexibly organize individual weapon platforms according to changes in the enemy situation and battlefield environment, and then aggregate them to form System advantages, forming a combat module integrating offense and defense. The intelligent new combat force system is a comprehensive product of the development of artificial intelligence technology, the formation of new combat capabilities, and the evolution of war forms. new growth point.

Focus on the integration of man and machine to develop intelligent weapons With the development of information technology and intelligent technology, whoever can win in the field of artificial intelligence is expected to have the initiative in future military confrontation. We should focus on the dual needs of intelligent warfare system operations and intelligent weapon equipment system construction, do a good job in top-level design and overall planning, compile a road map for the development of intelligent weapon equipment systems, and develop high, medium, low-end, low-end, and Large, medium and small, long-range and short-range, covering space fields such as land, sea, air, space, electricity, and networks, and an intelligent unmanned combat equipment system that matches combat and support, and establishes a “human-led, machine-assisted, mixed formation, joint “Operation” manned-unmanned cooperation system, enhance the system integration of various military arms and various intelligent weapons and equipment such as operations and support. Intelligent unmanned combat system is a new trend in the development of future war equipment. Its core is to aim at the requirements of “zero casualties”, “full coverage” and “fast response” in future wars, and make full use of new theories, new materials, new processes, new energy, and new technology development achievements in two aspects: man-machine collaboration and autonomous action. Continuously make breakthroughs, build a three-level unmanned equipment sys

tem of strategy, campaign, and tactics, build a new type of intelligent unmanned division on a large scale, and realize the systematic and coordinated operations of unmanned combat systems. At the same time, we should focus on the needs of unmanned and anti-unmanned, intelligent and anti-intelligent operations, and focus on the development of anti-enemy intelligent unmanned combat weaponry systems to ensure effective intelligent unmanned offensive and defensive confrontation with the enemy.

Focus on ability compound innovation intelligent training

The professional division of labor in modern warfare is becoming more and more detailed, and the entire combat system is becoming more and more complex, which promotes the transition from manpower-intensive to technology-intensive operations, requiring combatants not only to have good physical fitness, but also to have good technical literacy and intellectual advantages , to meet the needs of different combat missions, combat environments, and combat opponents. Military intelligence puts forward higher requirements on the quality of people. Correspondingly, intelligent military talents should have the characteristics of group talents, sophisticated skills, complex knowledge, innovative thinking, and intelligent decision-making. Intelligent warfare will be a war carried out by the combination of man and machine, and the combat force with the intelligent unmanned combat system as the main body will play an increasingly important role. The effective combination of high-quality personnel and intelligent weapons can maximize combat effectiveness. It is necessary to adapt to the new characteristics of the intelligent warfare force system, innovate and develop the concept of intelligent training, and explore a new model for the generation of intelligent warfare combat power. At present, artificial intelligence technology can create a more “real” weapon operation experience and battlefield environment, and can realistically interpret the combat process, assist decision-making and command, and evaluate combat concepts. To this end, adapt to the new characteristics of the intelligent warfare force system, focus on the improvement of the self-command, self-control, and self-combat capabilities of the intelligent combat system, and make full use of the characteristics of the intelligent system that can self-game and self-growth, forming a special strategy for intelligent warfare. Combat system training system, training environment and training mechanism, strengthen “human” control of intelligent system training, and explore a new training mode with “machine” as the main object. In this way, the intelligent combat system can obtain a leap in combat capability after short-term self-intensive training, so as to cope with the test of disorder, complexity and uncertainty in the future combat environment.

Focusing on Accurate and Efficient Improvement of Guarantee Mode

Intelligent battlefields and the degree of realization of comprehensive support for joint operations are important factors that directly affect the generation of combat effectiveness of troops. The development of intelligent technology will surely trigger a revolutionary change in the construction of the joint combat support system and realize intelligent comprehensive support. Comprehensive support is the foundation of combat effectiveness and a bridge that transforms national economic strength into military combat capability. With the continuous maturity of the Internet of Things technology, intelligent warfare puts more emphasis on integrated guarantee, precise guarantee, and distribution guarantee, that is, the required amount is delivered to the required place at the required time. Relying on the integrated support system, the dispersedly deployed support forces and resources are grouped according to functional modules such as supplies, supplies, maintenance, ammunition, and management, so that they cover all areas of combat service support. Relying on visualization technology, the entire process of combat supply is tracked and mastered According to the current situation, according to the real-time development of the battle situation, information control, reception and distribution of personnel flow and material flow are carried out to achieve point-to-point direct support. Through the use of technologies such as the Internet of Things, drones, smart cars, remote surgery, and 3D printing, upgrade and build an intelligent after-installation support system covering intelligent warehousing, intelligent delivery, intelligent maintenance, and intelligent medical treatment, so as to realize automatic, fast and accurate supply of after-load materials on the battlefield , Rapid diagnosis and maintenance of equipment failures, timely rescue of battlefield personnel, changing passive support into active service, and improving the overall support efficiency and effectiveness of aftermarket.

Focus on both military and

civilian use and deepen intelligent integration

Breakthroughs in the core and key technologies of artificial intelligence are the “country’s most important weapon” to deal with the threats and challenges of intelligent warfare. The rapid development of intelligent technology has become an accelerator of military intelligence. In the information age, the boundary between military technology and civilian technology is becoming more and more blurred, and the transferability is becoming stronger and stronger. Actively establish a military-civilian collaborative innovation mechanism, continuously strengthen the driving force for the innovation and development of intelligent core technologies, build an open industry-university-research collaborative innovation system for the whole society, plan forward and support investment in core cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, and give full play to the innovation power of the entire society. Promote the rapid and sustainable development of military intelligence. Accelerate technological breakthroughs in key areas. It is necessary to focus on relevant key technical fields and break the technical bottleneck that restricts the development of military intelligence. Strengthen research on the basic support fields of military intelligence, such as military big data, military Internet of Things, etc.; start from combat requirements, strengthen research on intelligent application technologies in various operational elements, especially intelligent command and decision-making, intelligent weapon platforms, Research on intelligent battlefield perception and intelligent countermeasure technology. The research and development of the core key technology of military intelligence not only requires interdisciplinary and cross-field collaborative innovation, but also integrates the development of social intelligence and military intelligence. Intelligent technology is quickly embedded in operational elements and operational processes. To accelerate the development of military intelligence, we should explore the rules of cultivating relevant talents, make full use of military and local education resources, increase the intensity of training relevant talents, and provide solid intellectual support and talent guarantee for promoting the construction of military intelligence.

近年來,智能化浪潮席捲而來,並在軍事領域得到廣泛應用。 世界主要國家高度重視軍事智能化建設和應用,各種無人作戰平台和智能化武器裝備不斷湧現,並列裝部隊,投入實戰。 面對智能化戰爭加速演進,只有抓住發展機遇,積極應對挑戰,加快軍事智能化發展,加快鍛造智能化作戰能力,才能搶占智能化戰爭的戰略主動權,贏得智能化未來。 戰爭。


軍事理論來源於作戰實踐,用於指導作戰實踐。 過去受制於各種條件,軍事理論研究多是“回頭看”,即總結戰例形成作戰指導。 隨著現代科技尤其是大數據、雲計算等顛覆性技術的迅猛發展,作戰理論研究擺脫了傳統的跟風和歸納推理模式,進入了實驗戰和設計戰的新時代 . 情報領域的顛覆性新技術為軍事理論創新開闢了新空間。 為此,應按照“提出概念——需求分析——創新理論”的思路,打造智能戰爭基礎理論,對概念內涵、本質特徵、戰爭指導、作戰方式等進行深入研究。 智能戰的風格、攻防動作、制勝機制等。 特徵和規律等; 創新智能作戰方式方法,充分發揮智能作戰系統整體效能,加強人機協同智能作戰、智能機器人作戰、智能無人蜂群作戰等新型智能作戰方式方法研究, 如智能作戰指揮、智能作戰保障的流程和方法等; 重點有效應對智能化作戰威脅,研究智能化攔截戰、智能化干擾戰等克敵制勝策略。 這些理論是智能戰理論體系的基石。 未來,以加強“控制智力”和爭奪“算法中心戰”為中心的戰爭理論,極有可能取代以“網絡中心戰”為中心的戰爭理論。


軍事編制是連接軍事技術和作戰理論的紐帶,是發揮軍隊整體戰鬥力的槓桿。 現代作戰更強調“大體系支撐下的精銳作戰”,即以聯合作戰體係為支撐,“前精後強”,按照“一體化設計、模塊化編隊、 和組合應用”,編隊更精準、更精準。 強大的戰鬥模塊,最大限度釋放戰鬥能量。 未來智能化作戰體系的編組,將基於不同層次、不同兵種的戰略、戰役、戰術,形成不同類型、不同用途的小型化、多功能化、智能化的新型聯合作戰力量。 智能化作戰網絡根據可重構性、可擴展性和自適應性的要求,可以根據敵情和戰場環境的變化,無縫鏈接和靈活組織單個武器平台,進而聚合形成系統優勢,形成作戰模塊 攻防一體。 智能化新型作戰力量體係是人工智能技術發展、新型作戰能力形成、戰爭形態演進的綜合產物。 新的增長點。


隨著信息技術和智能技術的發展,誰能在人工智能領域取得勝利,誰就有望掌握未來軍事對抗的主動權。 圍繞智能作戰體系運行和智能武器裝備體系建設雙重需求,做好頂層設計和統籌規劃,編制智能武器裝備體係發展路線圖,發展高、中 、低端、低端、大、中、小型、遠程、近程,涵蓋陸、海、空、天、電、網等空間領域,以及智能化無人作戰裝備系統, 作戰與保障相匹配,建立“人主導、機助、混合編隊、聯合作戰”的有人無人協同體系,增強各軍兵種和作戰保障等各類智能化武器裝備的系統集成。 智能無人作戰系統是未來戰爭裝備發展的新趨勢,其核心是針對未來戰爭“零傷亡”、“全覆蓋”和“快速反應”的要求,使 充分利用新理論、新材料、新工藝、新能源、新技術的開發成果,在人機協作和自主行動兩個方面。 不斷突破,打造三級無人裝備體系

戰略、戰役、戰術三位一體,大規模建設新型智能化無人師,實現無人作戰系統系統化、協同化作戰。 同時,圍繞無人與反無人、智能與反智能作戰需求,重點發展對敵智能無人作戰武器裝備系統,確保智能無人攻防有效對抗。 敵人。


現代戰爭職業分工越來越細,整個作戰體系越來越複雜,促使作戰從人力密集型向技術密集型轉變,要求作戰人員不僅要有良好的身體素質 ,還要具備良好的技術素養和智力優勢,以滿足不同作戰任務、作戰環境、作戰對手的需要。 軍事情報對人的素質提出了更高的要求。 相應地,智能軍事人才應具有人才群體性、技能精良、知識複雜、思維創新、決策智能等特點。 智能化戰爭將是一場人機結合的戰爭,以智能化無人作戰系統為主體的作戰力量將發揮越來越重要的作用。 高素質人才與智能化武器的有效結合,才能最大限度地發揮戰鬥力。 要適應智能戰力體系新特點,創新發展智能化訓練理念,探索智能戰力生成新模式。 目前,人工智能技術可以創造出更加“真實”的武器操作體驗和戰場環境,能夠逼真地解讀作戰過程、輔助決策指揮、評估作戰理念。 為此,適應智能作戰力量體系的新特點,著力提升智能作戰體系的自主指揮、自主控制、自主作戰能力, 能夠自我博弈、自我成長的智能係統,形成智能作戰的特殊策略。 作戰系統訓練體系、訓練環境和訓練機制,強化智能係統訓練的“人”把控,探索以“機”為主要對象的新型訓練模式。 這樣,智能作戰系統在經過短期的自我強化訓練後,就能獲得作戰能力的飛躍,以應對未來作戰環境無序、複雜、不確定的考驗。

聚焦精準高效 完善擔保模式

智能戰場和聯合作戰綜合保障的實現程度,是直接影響部隊戰鬥力生成的重要因素。 智能技術的發展必將引發聯戰保障體系建設的革命性變革,實現智能化綜合保障。 綜合保障是戰鬥力的基礎,是國民經濟實力轉化為軍事作戰能力的橋樑。 隨著物聯網技術的不斷成熟,智能化作戰更加註重綜合保障、精准保障和配送保障,即按需按時將所需數量送達所需地點。 依託一體化保障體系,將分散部署的保障力量和資源按照補給、補給、維修、彈藥、管理等功能模塊進行編組,覆蓋戰勤保障各個領域。 依托可視化技術,全程跟踪掌握戰時補給,根據戰況實時發展,對人員流、物資流進行信息管控、接收和分配,實現 點對點直接支持。 通過利用物聯網、無人機、智能汽車、遠程手術、3D打印等技術,升級構建涵蓋智能倉儲、智能配送、智能維修、智能醫療等的智能後裝支撐體系,使 實現戰場後裝物資的自動、快速、準確供應,設備故障快速診斷和維修,戰場人員及時救援,變被動保障為主動服務,提高後市場整體保障效率和效果。



突破人工智能核心關鍵技術,是應對智能化戰爭威脅和挑戰的“國之重器”。 智能技術的快速發展成為軍事智能化的加速器。 信息時代,軍事技術與民用技術的界限越來越模糊,可移植性越來越強。 積極建立軍民協同創新機制,不斷增強智能化核心技術創新發展的驅動力,構建面向全社會開放的產學研協同創新體系,統籌支持核心切削領域的投入—— 人工智能等前沿技術,充分發揮全社會創新力量。 推動軍事情報快速可持續發展。 加快重點領域技術攻關。 要聚焦相關關鍵技術領域,破解制約軍事情報發展的技術瓶頸。 加強軍事情報基礎支撐領域研究,如軍事大數據、軍事物聯網等; 從作戰需求出發,加強各作戰要素的智能化應用技術研究,特別是智能指揮決策、智能武器平台、智能戰場感知和智能對抗技術研究。 軍事情報核心關鍵技術的研發,不僅需要跨學科、跨領域的協同創新,還要融合社會情報和軍事情報的發展。 智能技術快速嵌入到運營要素和運營流程中。 加快軍隊智能化發展,探索相關人才培養規律,充分利用軍隊和地方教育資源,加大相關人才培養力度,為推進軍隊建設提供堅實的智力支持和人才保障 智力。



Chinese Military Higher Education in the Age of Intelligent Warfare

“Military academies are born for war and built for war.” At the opening ceremony of the 2019 military academy principal training, Chairman Xi proposed the military education policy for the new era, pointing out the direction for the military academies to cultivate high-quality, professional new military talents. At present, the form of war is accelerating towards informationization and intelligence. What kind of soldiers are needed to win future intelligent wars, and how military higher education can cultivate talents suitable for intelligent warfare are major issues before us.

The form of war is accelerating towards intelligent development

The form of war is the expression form and state of war history staged mainly marked by the technical attributes of the main battle weapon. So far, after experiencing cold weapon wars, hot weapon wars, and mechanized warfare, the form of warfare is accelerating its development towards informationized and intelligentized warfare. The increasingly widespread application of advanced technologies such as big data, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and brain science in the military field is becoming an important driver of the new military revolution, giving rise to new forms of unmanned, autonomous, and intelligent warfare, changing the Traditional war winning mechanism. In 2014, a foreign military think tank released a research report titled “20YY: War in the Robot Era”, arguing that a storm of military transformation marked by intelligent armies, autonomous equipment, and unmanned warfare is approaching. Platforms, information systems and decision support systems, as well as new weapons such as directed energy, hypersonics, bionics, genes, and nanometers, will initially establish an intelligent combat system by 2035, and will develop to an advanced stage by 2050, fully realizing combat platforms, information Systems, command and control are intelligentized and even unmanned, new weapons such as bionics, genes, and nanometers are on the battlefield, and the combat space is further expanded to biological space, nanospace, and intelligent space.

In recent years, with the continuous deepening of research on the human brain, the brain-computer interface technology is becoming more and more mature. In the future, the information exchange between human beings and the outside world will no longer be limited to the senses, and the direct information exchange between the brain and the outside world can also be realized through chips. People and people, people and things are fully interconnected, and human beings may surpass the Internet and the Internet of Things and enter the era of intelligence supported by the Internet of Brains. In the era of the Internet of Brains, soldiers’ brains are directly connected to combat platforms, information systems, and decision-making support systems, and decisions are made with the assistance of technologies such as quantum computing and cloud platforms. Information and mind merge. Some domestic experts believe that under the influence of artificial intelligence technology, the winning mechanism of future wars will change from “information dominance, system confrontation, precise strikes, and joint victory” in information warfare to “intelligence dominance, independent confrontation, and traceability” in intelligent warfare. Following the transformation of “strike, cloud and brain winning”, following matter, energy, and information, cloud intelligence that integrates man and machine has become the key to determining the outcome of a war. This transformation of the form of intelligent warfare is accelerating, and any hesitation may bring unimaginable consequences.

But it should be noted that no matter how the war develops, people are always the most fundamental element. The form of intelligent warfare will lead to changes in the functions and roles of soldiers, and will put forward higher requirements for the ability and quality of soldiers. Cognitive ability may surpass knowledge and skills and become the core ability of soldiers.

Intelligent warfare requires the upgrading and reconstruction of the comprehensive quality of soldiers.

Chinese Military Mandarin Chinese:

“軍校為戰而生,為戰而建”。 在2019年軍事院校校長培訓開班儀式上,習主席提出新時代軍事教育方針,為軍隊院校培養高素質、專業化的新型軍事人才指明了方向。 當前,戰爭形態正在加速向信息化、智能化方向發展。 打贏未來智能戰爭需要什麼樣的士兵,軍事高等教育如何培養適合智能戰爭的人才,是擺在我們面前的重大課題。


戰爭形態是以主戰武器的技術屬性為主要標誌的戰爭歷史上演的表現形式和狀態。 目前,戰爭形態在經歷了冷兵器戰爭、熱武器戰爭、機械化戰爭之後,正在加速向信息化、智能化戰爭發展。 大數據、物聯網、人工智能、生物技術、腦科學等先進技術在軍事領域的日益廣泛應用,正在成為新軍事革命的重要驅動力,催生了無人、自主、 智能化戰爭,改變傳統戰爭制勝機制。 2014年,國外某軍事智庫發布了一份題為《20YY:機器人時代的戰爭》的研究報告,認為一場以軍隊智能化、裝備自主化、無人化戰爭為標誌的軍事變革風暴正在逼近。 平台、信息系統和決策支持系統,以及定向能、高超音速、仿生、基因、納米等新型武器,到2035年初步建立智能化作戰體系,到2050年發展到高級階段,全面實現 作戰平台、信息系統、指揮控制智能化甚至無人化,仿生、基因、納米等新型武器投入戰場,作戰空間進一步向生物空間、納米空間、智能空間拓展。

近年來,隨著對人腦研究的不斷深入,腦機接口技術日趨成熟。 未來,人類與外界的信息交流將不再局限於感官,大腦與外界的直接信息交流也可以通過芯片實現。 人與人、人與物充分互聯,人類有可能超越互聯網、物聯網,進入以腦聯網為支撐的智能時代。 腦聯網時代,士兵的大腦直接與作戰平台、信息系統、決策支持系統相連,並藉助量子計算、雲平台等技術進行決策。 信息和思想融合在一起。 國內有專家認為,在人工智能技術的影響下,未來戰爭的製勝機制將從信息戰的“信息主導、系統對抗、精準打擊、共同製勝”轉變為“情報主導、自主對抗、追溯”。 在智能戰爭中。 隨著“打、雲、腦制勝”的轉變,繼物質、能量、信息之後,人機合一的雲智能成為決定戰爭勝負的關鍵。 這種智能化戰爭形態的轉變正在加速,任何猶豫都可能帶來不堪設想的後果。

但需要看到的是,無論戰爭如何發展,人永遠是最根本的要素。 智能化戰爭形態將導致士兵職能和作用發生變化,對士兵的能力和素質提出更高要求。 認知能力有可能超越知識和技能,成為軍人的核心能力。


According to the talent growth cycle, soldiers who are currently receiving higher education will become the main force of combat training in more than 10 years, and will also become the first main force to meet the challenges of intelligent warfare. At present, there are still some deficiencies in the design of personnel training goals in our military’s higher education, and insufficient attention is paid to the ability to adapt to the ever-changing intelligent battlefield in the future. There is still a certain gap between the personnel training objectives and the needs of intelligent warfare. On July 23, 2020, when Chairman Xi inspected the Air Force Aviation University, he emphasized that we must persist in cultivating people with morality, educating people for war, strengthening m

ilitary spirit education, strengthening fighting spirit, and comprehensively strengthening the ideological and political, military, scientific and cultural aspects of pilot students. , Physical and psychological quality foundation. To implement President Xi’s important instructions and meet the needs of future intelligent warfare, it is urgent to build a higher-level military talent training goal with thinking as the core, and accelerate the upgrading and reconstruction of military personnel’s comprehensive quality.

Intelligent warfare is a complex giant system integrating multiple fields. Its intelligence-based characteristics and iterative and changeable development trend are changing the role of soldiers in warfare. Soldiers may gradually move from the foreground of the war to behind the scenes, from direct face-to-face combat to man-machine collaborative combat, from front-line charging to back-end planning and design of war. In order to be competent in man-machine coordination, planning and designing wars and other functional roles, in addition to ideological, political, physical and psychological requirements, in terms of military profession and scientific culture, soldiers should focus on improving the following five aspects of knowledge, ability and quality: First, multidisciplinary integration Master the core principles of multiple disciplines related to intelligent warfare, such as nature, military, cognitive psychology, and network intelligence, and be able to integrate knowledge across disciplines to guide military practice; the second is strong cognitive ability, with logical thinking, judgment Thinking and system thinking ability, able to use scientific methods to analyze and reason to solve combat problems; the third is human-machine collaboration ability, deeply grasp the characteristics and laws of intelligent warfare, skillfully use combat platforms, command and control systems, and decision support systems, and be able to control diversified intelligent weapons The fourth is the ability to innovate, with a keen sense of technology and strong creativity, able to grasp the frontiers of science and technology, innovate combat styles, and grasp the laws of war development; the fifth is the ability to self-growth, to be able to accurately recognize oneself , rationally plan military careers, freely use information means to acquire new knowledge, new technologies, and new methods, constantly improve the knowledge structure, enhance cognitive ability, and better adapt to the complex and changeable military revolution development.

Identifying the Emphasis Points of Military Higher Education Reform

At present, the superposition of informatization and intelligentization has brought greater complexity to the personnel training work of military academies. It is necessary to meet the actual needs of informatization operations and at the same time lay the foundation for adapting to intelligent warfare. We should focus on The following work.

Restructure the curriculum system. The curriculum system supports the formation of talent knowledge structure. In order to cultivate military talents that meet the needs of intelligent warfare and achieve the training goals of military majors, science and culture, it is necessary to break the practice of designing a curriculum system with a single major as the background and establish a curriculum system of “general education + direction”. The general education course is based on the existing natural science and public courses, adding courses such as mathematical logic, mathematical modeling, critical thinking, network foundation, artificial intelligence, cognitive neuroscience, system engineering, etc., to establish cross-field and interdisciplinary courses System, expand the knowledge of students, build a knowledge structure urgently needed for intelligent warfare, and lay a broad knowledge foundation for their lifelong growth. Orientation courses are to establish a discipline and professional direction, set up a vertical curriculum system of mathematical science, professional foundation, and professional positions, build a solid professional background, and cultivate students’ ability to use professional theories to solve complex combat training problems. The curriculum system of “General Education + Orientation” helps build a “T”-shaped knowledge structure and meets the needs of military personnel to adapt to diverse and intelligent warfare.

按照人才成長周期,目前正在接受高等教育的士兵將在10年以上成為作戰訓練的主力軍,也將成為迎接智能化戰爭挑戰的第一主力軍。 目前,我軍高等教育在人才培養目標設計上還存在一些不足,對適應未來瞬息萬變的智能戰場的能力重視不夠。 人才培養目標與智能化作戰需求還存在一定差距。 2020年7月23日,習主席視察空軍航空大學時強調,要堅持立德樹人、以戰育人、強軍

加強軍人精神教育,強化戰鬥精神,全面加強飛行員思想政治、軍事、科學、文化等方面的素質。 、身心素質基礎。 為貫徹落實習總書記重要指示精神,面向未來智能化戰爭需求,迫切需要構建以思維為核心的更高層次軍事人才培養目標,加快推進軍隊人才綜合素質升級再造。

智能戰爭是一個融合多領域的複雜巨系統。 其智能化特徵和迭代多變的發展趨勢正在改變士兵在戰爭中的角色。 士兵可能會逐漸從戰爭的前台走向幕後,從直接的面對面作戰走向人機協同作戰,從前線衝鋒走向戰爭的後端規劃設計。 為勝任人機協同、戰爭策劃設計等職能作用,除思想政治、生理心理等方面的要求外,在軍事職業和科學文化方面,士兵應著重提高以下五個方面 知識、能力和素質:一是多學科融合 掌握自然、軍事、認知心理學、網絡智能等與智能戰爭相關的多學科核心原理,能夠跨學科整合知識指導軍事實踐; 二是認知能力強,具有邏輯思維、判斷思維和系統思維能力,能夠運用科學的方法分析推理解決作戰問題; 三是人機協同能力,深刻把握智能作戰的特點和規律,熟練運用作戰平台、指揮控制系統、決策支持系統,駕馭多樣化智能武器。 具有敏銳的科技觸覺和極強的創造力,能夠把握科技前沿,創新作戰方式,把握戰爭發展規律; 五是自我成長能力,能夠準確認識自己,合理規劃軍旅生涯,自由運用信息手段獲取新知識、新技術、新方法,不斷完善知識結構,增強認知能力, 更好地適應複雜多變的軍事革命發展。


當前,信息化與智能化的疊加,給軍隊院校的人才培養工作帶來了更大的複雜性。 既要滿足信息化作戰的實際需要,又要為適應智能化作戰打下基礎。 重點抓好以下工作。

重構課程體系。 課程體系支撐人才知識結構的形成。 為培養適應智能化作戰需求的軍事人才,實現軍事專業、科學文化的培養目標,必須打破以單一專業為背景設計課程體系的做法,建立課程體系 “通識教育+方向”。 通識教育課程在現有自然科學和公共課程的基礎上,增加數理邏輯、數學建模、批判性思維、網絡基礎、人工智能、認知神經科學、系統工程等課程,建立跨領域、跨學科的課程 課程體系,拓展學生知識面,構建智能化戰爭急需的知識結構,為學生終身成長奠定廣闊的知識基礎。 定向課程是確立學科專業方向,建立數學科學、專業基礎、專業崗位垂直課程體系,構建紮實的專業背景,培養學生運用專業理論解決複雜實戰訓練問題的能力。 “通識教育+迎新”課程體系構建“T”型知識結構,滿足軍隊人才適應多樣化、智能化戰爭的需求。

Deepen classroom reform. Educational neuroscience believes that education is the reshaping of students’ brains, and the classroom is the main position for reshaping students’ neural networks, especially for the formation of high-level cognitive abilities required for intelligent warfare. Continuously deepening classroom reform is the key to military Critical tasks for higher education today. It should be seen that a classroom with only knowledge and understanding is far from a good classroom. All human behaviors, though

ts and emotions are all controlled by the brain, and every knowledge, thought and emotion corresponds to a specific neural network of the brain. Therefore, classroom reform should center on students’ learning, follow the cognitive laws of the human brain, and Attract and maintain attention as the starting point, establish a scientific thinking framework, and mobilize students to think proactively. Usually, teaching methods aimed at higher-level abilities have a general model—problem-driven heuristic teaching, and the commonly used problem-based teaching methods, project-based teaching methods, and inquiry-based teaching methods all belong to this model. Therefore, the main path to promote classroom reform is to develop unknown, novel, and interesting questions and stories for students, design a thinking framework that points to logical reasoning, critical thinking, reflection, creativity, and learning ability, and inspire students under the guidance of the framework. Active thinking, supplemented by the output process of speaking and writing, finally achieves the goal of internalizing knowledge understanding and forming high-level abilities.

Promote comprehensive education. Modern educational theory not only regards the classroom as an important position of education, but also regards all time and space outside the classroom as an important resource for cultivating students. The time and space outside the classroom not only support classroom teaching and promote the formation of knowledge and ability, but also an important place to cultivate non-intellectual ability. Colleges and universities should make full use of these time and space, clarify specific training objectives, focus on going deep into the army, close to actual combat, highlighting practicality and creativity, and scientifically design education and training programs. Focus on giving full play to the advantages of military academies in management and education, explore the establishment of a student management model, and promote the cultivation of students’ leadership and management capabilities; continue to enrich the second classroom, build an innovative platform, create more opportunities for independent practice, and improve students’ innovation capabilities; make full use of various Large-scale activities to cultivate students’ competition awareness and teamwork ability; strengthen the construction of management cadres, improve scientific management and training capabilities, and effectively guide students to carry out time management, goal management, emotional management, psychological adjustment, habit formation, etc., to help students improve self-management and self-learning ability.

All in all, education is a systematic project. The above are only three aspects to break through the shortcomings of talent training in the era of intelligence. To truly solve the problem, military academies need to carry out systematic reforms, such as strategic planning, quality management, personnel quality, teaching conditions, etc. All aspects can effectively support the achievement of the goal of personnel training, and this requires us to continuously explore and innovate, continuously improve the level of running schools and educating people, and strive to create a new situation in the construction and development of military academies.

深化課堂改革。 教育神經科學認為,教育是對學生大腦的重塑,而課堂是重塑學生神經網絡的主要陣地,尤其是智能戰爭所需的高級認知能力的形成。 不斷深化課堂改革是當今軍事高等教育的關鍵任務。 應該看到,只有知識和理解力的課堂,遠談不上好課堂。 所有的人類行為,雖然

和情緒都是由大腦控制的,每一種知識、思想和情緒都對應著大腦特定的神經網絡。 因此,課堂改革應以學生的學習為中心,遵循人腦的認知規律,以吸引和保持注意力為出發點,建立科學的思維框架,調動學生主動思考。 通常,針對更高層次能力的教學方法有一個通用的模式——問題驅動啟發式教學,常用的問題導向教學法、項目導向教學法、探究式教學法都屬於這種模式。 因此,推動課堂改革的主要路徑是為學生開發未知的、新穎的、有趣的問題和故事,設計指向邏輯推理、批判性思維、反思、創造力和學習能力的思維框架,激發學生在 框架的指導。 思維活躍,輔之以說、寫的輸出過程,最終達到知識理解內化,形成高層次能力的目的。

推進綜合教育。 現代教育理論不僅把課堂視為教育的重要陣地,而且把課堂以外的一切時間和空間都視為培養學生的重要資源。 課堂外的時間和空間不僅支持課堂教學,促進知識和能力的形成,也是培養非智力能力的重要場所。 高校要充分利用這些時間和空間,明確具體培養目標,著眼於深入軍隊、貼近實戰、突出實踐性和創造性,科學設計教育培養方案。 著力發揮軍隊院校管理教育優勢,探索建立學生管理模式,促進學生領導力和管理能力培養; 繼續豐富第二課堂,搭建創新平台,創造更多自主實踐機會,提升學生創新能力; 充分利用各種大型活動,培養學生的競爭意識和團隊協作能力; 加強管理幹部隊伍建設,提高科學管理和培養能力,有效引導學生進行時間管理、目標管理、情緒管理、心理調適、習慣養成等,幫助學生提高自我管理和自主學習能力 能力。

總而言之,教育是一項系統工程。 以上只是要突破智能時代人才培養短板的三個方面。 要真正解決問題,軍隊院校需要進行系統性的改革,如戰略規劃、質量管理、人才素質、教學條件等,方方面面都能有效支撐人才培養目標的實現,這就需要我們 不斷探索創新,不斷提高辦學育人水平,努力開創軍隊院校建設發展新局面。

Source: PLA Military


Chinese Military Perspective on the Evolution of the Winning Mechanisms of Intelligent Warfare

Military theorists have often said that victory tends to smile to those who can foresee changes in the character of warfare, rather than to those who wait for changes to occur before adapting. In recent years, disruptive technologies represented by artificial intelligence have developed rapidly and are widely used in the military field, accelerating the evolution of warfare to intelligence, and correspondingly, the concept of warfare is also undergoing changes. Only by discovering changes in time, actively responding to changes, and actively adapting to changes can we be invincible in future wars.

From “fighting the weak with the strong” to “controlling the clumsy with wisdom”

“The strong win the weak and the weak lose” is a law of victory in war with certain universality. Even those battles in which the weak defeated the strong often had to form a strength advantage against the enemy at a local and specific period of time in order to truly win. In the era of intelligent warfare, the contribution rate of intelligence superiority to combat effectiveness is much higher than that of other factors.

In the confrontation of intelligent warfare, human intelligence widely penetrates into the combat field and is transplanted into weapon systems. Global multi-dimensional and various types of intelligent combat platforms can quickly couple combat forces, build a combat system according to mission requirements, and independently implement coordinated operations. After the end, it quickly returned to the standby state, showing the trend of intelligence and autonomy. The side with a higher and stronger level of intelligence can better develop and use the mechanism of “controlling stupidity with wisdom”, and even design wars based on this, dominate the development of the battle situation, and win the final victory. It should also be noted that in the era of intelligent warfare, there are likely to be multiple stages of development from low to high. Try to keep yourself at an advanced stage, and attack your opponent so that it is at a low-dimensional stage. use.

From “destroying power” to “destroying cognition”

With the accelerated evolution of warfare to intelligence, the combat space has gradually expanded from the physical domain and the information domain to the cognitive domain, from the tangible battlefield to the invisible battlefield. The cognitive space composed of people’s spiritual and psychological activities has become a new combat space. Different from the main purpose of destroying the enemy’s vital forces in traditional warfare, intelligent warfare will pay more attention to weakening the enemy’s morale, disintegrating the enemy’s will, and destroying the enemy’s cognition.

Through the intelligent analysis of the opponent’s personality preferences, psychological characteristics, and decision-making habits, deterrent information can be “tailored” in a targeted manner, and the advantages of cutting-edge technologies such as intelligence can be used to show the opponent’s powerful strength in a vivid way, so that anxiety, suspicion, etc. , panic and other emotions continue to ferment inside it, which eventually leads to its self-defeating. Known as the “new oil”, big data not only enriches intelligence sources, but also becomes an important “weapon” that acts on the opponent’s cognition. By processing big data and deliberately “leaking” it to the opponent, it will create a new “fog of war” for it, and make it fall into a situation of cognitive confusion. In an intelligent war, the game of struggle will be more intense, and the party with a cognitive advantage will be ahead of the opponent, and it will be easier to grasp the initiative and opportunities.

From “people-oriented” to “human-machine collaboration”

In traditional warfare, the organization and use of military power are dominated by people. With the widespread application of intelligent technology, the proportion of unmanned equipment continues to increase. In intelligent warfare, combat tasks will be completed by man-machine collaboration, and the two will achieve organic integration and complement each other’s advantages. The third “offset strategy” proposed by the foreign military regards human-machine cooperation as a key technology for key development, and its successively proposed concepts such as “loyal wingman” are also aimed at exploring the realization of manned/unmanned coordinated operations. It is foreseeable that human-machine collaboration will play an important role in future warfare.

Using unmanned reconnaissance forces to carry out three-dimensional and multi-dimensional battlefield situational awareness can provide real-time intelligence support for manned combat forces; use unmanned platforms to carry relay loads to continuously provide communication relay support for manned combat forces; use

Modern Military Mandarin Chinese:

軍事理論家常說,勝利往往會向那些能夠預見戰爭性質變化的人微笑,而不是向那些等待變化發生再適應的人微笑。 近年來,以人工智能為代表的顛覆性技術發展迅速,廣泛應用於軍事領域,加速戰爭向智能化演進,相應地,戰爭理念也在發生變化。 只有及時發現變化,積極應對變化,積極適應變化,才能在未來的戰爭中立於不敗之地。


“強勝弱勝”是戰爭的製勝法則,具有一定的普遍性。 即便是那些以弱勝強的戰鬥,往往也需要在局部的、特定的時間段對敵形成實力優勢,才能真正取勝。 在智能化戰爭時代,情報優勢對戰鬥力的貢獻率遠高於其他因素。

在智能戰爭的對抗中,人類智能廣泛滲透到作戰領域,並被移植到武器系統中。 全球多維度、多類型智能作戰平台,可快速耦合作戰力量,按任務需求構建作戰體系,獨立實施協同作戰。 結束後迅速回到待機狀態,呈現出智能化、自主化的趨勢。 智力水平更高更強的一方,才能更好地開發和運用“以智治愚”機制,甚至以此為基礎設計戰爭,主導戰局發展,取得最終勝利。 還需要看到的是,在智能化戰爭時代,很可能存在從低到高的多個發展階段。 盡量讓自己保持在高級階段,攻擊對手使其處於低維階段。 使用。


隨著戰爭向智能化加速演進,作戰空間逐漸從物理域、信息域擴展到認知域,從有形戰場擴展到無形戰場。 由人的精神心理活動構成的認知空間成為新的作戰空間。 與傳統戰爭以消滅敵人有生力量為主要目的不同,智能化戰爭將更加註重削弱敵人的士氣、瓦解敵人的意志、摧毀敵人的認知。

通過對對手的性格偏好、心理特徵、決策習慣等進行智能分析,有針對性地“量身定做”威懾信息,利用情報等前沿技術的優勢,展現對手的強大實力 以生動的方式表現力量,使焦慮、懷疑等、恐慌等情緒在其內部不斷發酵,最終導致其弄巧成拙。 被譽為“新石油”的大數據不僅豐富了情報來源,更成為作用於對手認知的重要“武器”。 通過處理大數據,故意“洩露”給對手,為其製造新的“戰爭迷霧”,使其陷入認知混亂的境地。 在智慧戰爭中,博弈博弈會更加激烈,擁有認知優勢的一方會先於對手,更容易掌握主動權和先機。


在傳統戰爭中,軍事力量的組織和運用都是由人主導的。 隨著智能化技術的廣泛應用,無人化裝備比例不斷提高。 在智能戰爭中,作戰任務將由人機協同完成,兩者將實現有機結合,優勢互補。 外軍提出的第三次“抵消戰略”將人機協作作為重點發展的關鍵技術,其先後提出的“忠誠僚機”等概念也旨在探索實現有人/無人協同作戰。 可以預見,人機協作將在未來戰爭中發揮重要作用。

利用無人偵察力量進行三維、多維戰場態勢感知,可為有人作戰力量提供實時情報支持; 利用無人平台搭載中繼載荷,持續為有人作戰部隊提供通信中繼保障; 使用

unmanned combat forces to go deep into the front battlefield, It can attract the enemy to attack, force the enemy to expose its position, and provide target guidance and fire support for manned combat forces; use unmanned transport equipment to provide supplies for the front line, which can improve the efficiency of logistics support, reduce transportation costs, and reduce unnecessary casualties. With the assistance of artificial intelligence, manned combat forces and unmanned combat forces will realize scientific division of labor and reasonable collocation in terms of quantity, scale and function, so as to maximize the overall effectiveness.

From “eat the small with the big” to “eat the slow with the fast”

In traditional warfare, it is often necessary to make up for shortcomings in equipment performance and other aspects by increasing the number of troops. The rapid development of military intelligence has greatly improved the speed of information transmission and the accuracy of weapon strikes, greatly reduced the time for reconnaissance and early warning, intelligence processing, command decision-making, firepower strikes, and damage assessment, and accelerated the OODA kill chain cycle. , making “find and destroy” possible.

Hypersonic missiles, laser weapons, microwave weapons, electromagnetic pulse weapons and other new rapid-kill weapons have further pushed the rhythm of war to “second kill”. In the Gulf War, the loop time of the OODA loop required 3 days; in the Iraq War, the loop time has been shortened to less than 10 minutes; and in the Syrian War, the loop has almost achieved near real-time. In intelligent warfare, the use of an unmanned platform for surveillance and attack to quickly target high-value targets such as the enemy’s core command post and high-level commanders will cause the opponent to suffer heavy losses before they can react, and even face the danger of paralysis. It can be seen that victory does not necessarily favor the side with a large military force, and the side that moves quickly and accurately will be more likely to win the battlefield. According to statistics, the reaction time required by artificial intelligence to respond to changes in the battlefield is more than 400 times faster than that of humans. In the face of the rapidly changing battlefield situation, people will be more inclined to use artificial intelligence technology to realize the adaptive planning and autonomous decision-making of the command and control system, so that the command and control mode will be changed from “people on the loop” to “people outside the loop”, so as to reduce the While shouldering the burden of commanding personnel, it can improve combat efficiency and the success rate of mission execution.

From “Integrated Winning” to “Cluster Winning”

The traditional concept of equipment development is to invest a lot of money in the research and development of highly integrated high-precision weapon platforms, in order to achieve dimensionality reduction strikes on the enemy by virtue of intergenerational advantages and performance advantages in war. However, developing and deploying a multi-functional high-end platform not only takes a lot of time and money, but when multiple software and hardware modules are integrated into a single weapon platform, there may be incompatibility among them. Once the platform is destroyed, it will cause heavy losses. The military application of disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence has led to the rapid development of unmanned swarms. Unmanned swarms have the advantages of large scale, low comprehensive cost, and decentralization. Unmanned platforms coordinate with each other, divide labor and cooperate, and can make independent decisions and carry out combat tasks in an organized manner. Even if some unmanned platforms are destroyed, it will not affect the overall operation. efficacy. Combat concepts such as “decision-making center warfare” and “mosaic warfare” proposed by foreign militaries focus on the use of unmanned swarms to complete combat tasks. In intelligent warfare, by dispersing functions such as reconnaissance and surveillance, information communication, command and control, and fire strikes into a large number of single-function unmanned combat units, a highly robust and highly elastic “kill net” is constructed, and then Adjusting the combination method will make it emerge a powerful group intelligence, creating great uncertainty for the opponent, and then trap the opponent in the judgment link of the OODA loop, unable to make effective decisions. In addition, due to the large number of unmanned swarms, the opponent’s detection, tracking, and interception capabilities can be quickly saturated, and the opponent has to face the dilemma of fortification failure because it cannot destroy all unmanned platforms in the swarm.

From “Military Dominance” to “Multiple Mixture”

Traditional warfare mainly relies on violent means to make the enemy submit to one’s own will, and usually has a strong war intensity, with clear boundaries between peacetime and wartime. With the continuous expansion of the field of military struggle to new fields such as space, network, and intelligence, and the increasingly prominent role of economic, cultural, diplomatic, and legal means in warfare, intelligent warfare will be carried out in many fields represented by the “grey zone”. Developed in the form of “multi-pronged approach”. The intensity of war may be weakened, and the boundary between peace and war will become more blurred. Whether in 2019, half of Saudi Arabia’s oil fields were attacked by drones and half of its oil production was shut down, or in 2021, the largest oil pipeline in the United States was hit by cyber attacks and caused a large-scale oil shortage. The far-reaching impact of various new attack methods cannot be ignored underestimate.

無人作戰部隊深入前線戰場,可以吸引敵人進攻,迫使敵人暴露位置,為有人作戰部隊提供目標引導和火力支援; 使用無人運輸設備為前線提供補給,可以提高後勤保障效率,降低運輸成本,減少不必要的人員傷亡。 在人工智能的輔助下,有人作戰力量和無人作戰力量將在數量、規模和功能上實現科學分工和合理搭配,實現整體效能最大化。


在傳統戰爭中,往往需要通過增加兵力數量來彌補裝備性能等方面的短板。 軍事情報的快速發展極大地提高了信息傳輸速度和武器打擊的準確性,大大縮短了偵察預警、情報處理、指揮決策、火力打擊、毀傷評估的時間,加速了OODA 殺傷鏈循環。 ,使“發現並摧毀”成為可能。

高超音速導彈、激光武器、微波武器、電磁脈衝武器等新型速殺武器進一步將戰爭節奏推向“秒殺”。 在海灣戰爭中,OODA循環的循環時間需要3天; 在伊拉克戰爭中,循環時間縮短到不到10分鐘; 而在敘利亞戰爭中,環路幾乎做到了近乎實時。 在智能化戰爭中,利用無人監視攻擊平台快速瞄準敵方核心指揮所、高級指揮員等高價值目標,使對方來不及反應就損失慘重,甚至面臨 癱瘓的危險。 由此可見,勝利並不一定偏向兵力多的一方,行動迅速準確的一方更容易贏得戰場。 據統計,人工智能應對戰場變化所需的反應時間比人類快400多倍。 面對瞬息萬變的戰場態勢,人們將更傾向於利用人工智能技術實現指揮控制系統的自適應規劃和自主決策,使指揮控制模式從“人”轉變為“人”。 環上”轉變為“環外人”,從而在減輕指揮人員負擔的同時,提高作戰效率和任務執行的成功率。


傳統的裝備研製理念是投入大量資金研發高度集成的高精度武器平台,以期憑藉代際優勢和戰爭性能優勢實現對敵降維打擊。 然而,開發和部署一個多功能的高端平台不僅需要花費大量的時間和金錢,而且當多個軟硬件模塊集成到一個武器平台時,它們之間可能會出現不兼容的情況。 一旦平台被破壞,將造成重大損失。 人工智能等顛覆性技術的軍事應用,催生了無人蜂群的快速發展。 無人蜂群具有規模大、綜合成本低、分散化等優點。 無人平台相互協調、分工協作,能夠自主決策、有組織地執行作戰任務。 即使部分無人平台被毀,也不會影響整體運作。 功效。 外軍提出的“決策中心戰”、“馬賽克戰”等作戰概念,著眼於利用無人蜂群完成作戰任務。 在智能化戰爭中,通過將偵察監視、信息通信、指揮控制、火力打擊等功能分散到大量功能單一的無人作戰單元中,構建高魯棒性、高彈性的“殺傷網”,進而 調整組合方式會使其湧現出強大的群體智能,給對手製造很大的不確定性,進而將對手困在OODA循環的判斷環節,無法做出有效的決策。 此外,由於無人蜂群數量眾多,對方的探測、跟踪、攔截能力會很快飽和,對方不得不面臨無法摧毀蜂群中所有無人平台的設防失敗的困境。


傳統戰爭主要依靠暴力手段使敵人屈服於自己的意志,通常具有強烈的戰爭強度,和平與戰時界限分明。 隨著軍事鬥爭領域不斷向太空、網絡、情報等新領域拓展,經濟、文化、外交、法律等手段在戰爭中的作用日益凸顯,智能化戰爭將在眾多領域展開 由“灰色地帶”。 以“多管齊下”的形式開展。 戰爭的激烈程度可能會減弱,和平與戰爭的界限將變得更加模糊。 無論是2019年,沙特半數油田遭到無人機襲擊、一半石油生產停產,還是2021年,美國最大的輸油管道遭到網絡攻擊,造成大規模石油短缺。 各種新型攻擊手段的深遠影響不容忽視低估。

With the development and maturity of intelligent technology, the comprehensive use of various means to attack opponents’ industrial, transportation, financial, communication, energy, medical and other facilities and networks will become more common. The threshold of intelligent warfare will show a downward trend, and the warring parties may adopt the method of undeclared war to launch a hybrid war that integrates economic warfare, diplomatic warfare, cyber warfare, public opinion warfare, psychological warfare, legal warfare, etc., so that the opponent is exhausted. Handle.

From “actual combat inspection” to “experimental exercise”

Under traditional conditions, due to the lack of scientific simulation and evaluation tools, the true capabilities of the army can only be tested in actual combat. Under intelligent conditions, using virtual reality technology can create a virtual scene with a strong sense of three-dimensional and realism based on the actual battlefield environment and task background. This scene can not only restore objective things such as weapons and equipment from multiple dimensions such as sound, appearance, and performance, but also simulate various severe weather such as heavy fog, heavy rain, and snowstorm, and display the terrain, meteorology, hydrology, etc. of the battlefield in a visualized form. Electromagnetic, nuclear and other information, close to the real situation of the battlefield.

Set the imaginary enemy in the virtual environment according to the characteristics of the enemy in reality, and carry out intelligent simulation of the possible trend of the battle situation, so that officers and soldiers can “experience” the war in virtual reality several times before the official war, so as to improve the equipment performance, The rhythm of the war and the situation of the enemy and the enemy are all clear, and it will be easier to perform realistic tasks. Before the outbreak of the Iraq War, the U.S. military secretly developed a computer game that simulated the combat environment in Baghdad. Among the personnel dispatched to Iraq to perform missions, the survival rate of those trained in the game was as high as 90%. With the continuous enrichment and improvement of data collected in reality, the construction of virtual battlefields will be more realistic, the prediction of the battlefield situation will be more accurate, and the comprehensive evaluation of exercises will be more credible. If the outcome of the war is known in advance, there may be a situation where “surrender the enemy” without a fight or a small fight.

隨著智能技術的發展和成熟,綜合運用各種手段攻擊對手的工業、交通、金融、通信、能源、醫療等設施和網絡將變得更加普遍。 智能戰的門檻將呈下降趨勢,交戰各方可能會採取不宣戰的方式,發動集經濟戰、外交戰、網絡戰、輿論戰、心理戰、法律戰等為一體的混合戰爭。 ,使對手筋疲力盡。 處理。


在傳統條件下,由於缺乏科學的模擬和評估工具,軍隊的真實能力只能在實戰中檢驗。 在智能化條件下,利用虛擬現實技術,可以根據實際戰場環境和任務背景,營造立體感強、真實感強的虛擬場景。 該場景不僅可以從聲音、外觀、性能等多個維度還原武器裝備等客觀事物,還可以模擬大霧、暴雨、暴風雪等各種惡劣天氣,展示地形、氣象、水文等 等戰場的可視化形式。 電磁、核等信息,貼近戰場真實情況。

根據現實中敵人的特點,在虛擬環境中設置假想敵,對可能的戰局走向進行智能模擬,讓官兵在臨戰前數次在虛擬現實中“體驗”戰爭 正式戰爭,從而提升裝備性能,戰爭的節奏和敵我雙方的情況都一目了然,更容易執行逼真的任務。 伊拉克戰爭爆發前,美軍秘密研發了一款模擬巴格達作戰環境的電腦遊戲。 在派往伊拉克執行任務的人員中,在遊戲中受訓人員的存活率高達90%。 隨著現實採集數據的不斷豐富和完善,虛擬戰場的構建將更加真實,戰場態勢的預測將更加準確,演習的綜合評價將更加可信。 如果事先知道戰爭的結果,可能會出現不戰不戰、不戰不戰“投敵”的情況。



Chinese Military to focus on the integration and development of mechanization, informationization and intelligence

Adhere to the integration and development of mechanization, informationization and intelligence

——Conscientiously study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

■Chinese People’s Liberation Army Unit 66011

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized that we should adhere to the integrated development of mechanization, informationization and intelligence. This important exposition endows the modernization of national defense and the armed forces with new connotations of the times, and further points out the development direction and path for accelerating the modernization of national defense and the armed forces. We must seize the opportunity, based on the status quo, insist on promoting the integrated development of mechanization, informationization and intelligence with systematic thinking, coordinate the development of various fields, especially key areas, realize the positive interaction of the three, and promote the overall improvement of national defense and military modernization.

Engels pointed out: “Human beings fight in the same way as they produce.” At present, the new military revolution in the world is developing rapidly, the degree of informatization in modern warfare is constantly improving, and the characteristics of intelligence are becoming increasingly apparent. Especially under the influence of the new round of scientific and technological revolution, the concepts, elements and methods of winning war are undergoing major changes. Judging from the recent local wars and armed conflicts in the world, a large number of high-tech weapons and equipment have been used in actual combat, and intelligent technology, unmanned equipment, and data information have become new growth points for combat effectiveness. In the face of increasingly fierce military competition, only by standing at the forefront of war and technology, and adhering to the integration of mechanization, information, and intelligence, can we seize the opportunity and win the initiative in military strategic competition.

“Everything must come, and it is a matter of course.” Mechanization, informatization, and intelligence are superimposed, interpenetrated, and mutually supported. Among them, mechanization is the material basis and carrier for the development of informatization and intelligence; informatization plays a connecting role between mechanization and intelligence; intelligence represents advanced combat effectiveness and is the development direction of future military construction. Without the previous “transformation” as the premise and foundation, there would be no emergence and development of the latter “transformation”.

Adhering to the integration and development of mechanization, informationization and intelligence is in line with the reality of our military construction and development, and is the only way for the modernization of national defense and the military in the future. Our army has basically achieved mechanization, and the construction of informatization has made significant progress but has not yet been completed. If the intelligentization is carried out after completing the informatization step by step, it will open up a new generation gap with the armed forces of developed countries; if the construction focus is fully shifted to intelligentization, it is unrealistic to expect to be in place in one step.

Science and technology are the core combat capability and the most active and revolutionary factor in military development. The key to adhering to the integrated development of mechanization, informationization and intelligence lies in promoting technological innovation. We should vigorously implement the strategy of strengthening the army through science and technology, actively promote self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology, accelerate the breakthrough of key core technologies, accelerate the development of strategic, cutting-edge, and disruptive technologies, and realize the transformation from following and running to leading and running as soon as possible. Persist in seeking combat effectiveness from scientific and technological innovation, improve scientific and technological cognition, innovation, and application capabilities, speed up the resolution of “stuck neck” problems, and firmly grasp the lifeline of our army’s development in our own hands.

Wars change with the times, and preparations for wars should not be conservative or rigid. To promote war preparations in the new era, we must focus on winning the new requirements of information-based and intelligent warfare. The construction of our army’s combat effectiveness has accelerated transformation, overall reshaping, and leapfrog development to ensure that it can attack and defend freely and win opportunities in future wars.

(Author unit: Unit 66011)

Original Mandarin Chinese:



■ 中國人民解放軍66011部隊

黨的二十大報告強調,要堅持機械化、信息化、智能化融合發展。 這一重要論述賦予了國防和軍隊現代化建設新的時代內涵,進一步為加快推進國防和軍隊現代化建設指明了發展方向和路徑。 我們要抓住機遇,立足現狀,堅持以系統思維推進機械化、信息化、智能化融合發展,統籌各領域特別是重點領域發展,實現三者良性互動,促進 國防和軍隊現代化建設全面加強。

恩格斯指出:“人類以生產的方式進行鬥爭”。 當前,世界新軍事革命快速發展,現代戰爭信息化程度不斷提高,智能化特徵日益明顯。 特別是在新一輪科技革命的影響下,打贏戰爭的觀念、要素和方式正在發生重大變化。 從近期全球發生的局部戰爭和武裝衝突來看,大量高科技武器裝備投入實戰,智能技術、無人裝備、數據信息等成為戰鬥力新的增長點。 面對日益激烈的軍事競爭,只有站在戰爭和科技的前沿,堅持機械化、信息化、智能化融合,才能搶占先機,贏得軍事戰略競爭的主動權。

“凡事必來,順理成章。” 機械化、信息化、智能化相互疊加、相互滲透、相互支撐。 其中,機械化是信息化、智能化發展的物質基礎和載體; 信息化在機械化和智能化之間起著承上啟下的作用; 智能化代表著先進的戰鬥力,是未來軍隊建設的發展方向。 沒有前一個“轉化”作為前提和基礎,就沒有後一個“轉化”的產生和發展。

堅持機械化、信息化、智能化融合發展,符合我軍建設發展實際,是未來國防和軍隊現代化建設的必由之路。 我軍基本實現機械化,信息化建設取得重大進展但尚未完成。 如果在逐步完成信息化後進行智能化,將與發達國家軍隊拉開新的代溝; 如果建設重心全面轉向智能化,指望一步到位是不現實的。

科技是核心作戰能力,是軍隊發展中最活躍、最具革命性的因素。 堅持機械化、信息化、智能化融合發展,關鍵在於推進科技創新。 大力實施科技強軍戰略,積極推進高水平科技自立自強,加快突破關鍵核心技術,加快發展戰略性、前沿性、 和顛覆性技術,盡快實現從跟隨跑向引領跑的轉變。 堅持從科技創新中求戰鬥力,提昇科技認知、創新和應用能力,加快化解“卡脖子”問題,把我軍發展的生命線牢牢掌握在自己手中。

戰爭隨著時代的變化而變化,戰爭準備不能保守僵化。 推進新時代備戰,必須圍繞打贏信息化、智能化戰爭新要求。 我軍戰鬥力建設加快轉型、全面重塑、跨越發展,確保攻守自如,在未來戰爭中贏得先機。

