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Chinese Military Higher Education in the Age of Intelligent Warfare

“Military academies are born for war and built for war.” At the opening ceremony of the 2019 military academy principal training, Chairman Xi proposed the military education policy for the new era, pointing out the direction for the military academies to cultivate high-quality, professional new military talents. At present, the form of war is accelerating towards informationization and intelligence. What kind of soldiers are needed to win future intelligent wars, and how military higher education can cultivate talents suitable for intelligent warfare are major issues before us.

The form of war is accelerating towards intelligent development

The form of war is the expression form and state of war history staged mainly marked by the technical attributes of the main battle weapon. So far, after experiencing cold weapon wars, hot weapon wars, and mechanized warfare, the form of warfare is accelerating its development towards informationized and intelligentized warfare. The increasingly widespread application of advanced technologies such as big data, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and brain science in the military field is becoming an important driver of the new military revolution, giving rise to new forms of unmanned, autonomous, and intelligent warfare, changing the Traditional war winning mechanism. In 2014, a foreign military think tank released a research report titled “20YY: War in the Robot Era”, arguing that a storm of military transformation marked by intelligent armies, autonomous equipment, and unmanned warfare is approaching. Platforms, information systems and decision support systems, as well as new weapons such as directed energy, hypersonics, bionics, genes, and nanometers, will initially establish an intelligent combat system by 2035, and will develop to an advanced stage by 2050, fully realizing combat platforms, information Systems, command and control are intelligentized and even unmanned, new weapons such as bionics, genes, and nanometers are on the battlefield, and the combat space is further expanded to biological space, nanospace, and intelligent space.

In recent years, with the continuous deepening of research on the human brain, the brain-computer interface technology is becoming more and more mature. In the future, the information exchange between human beings and the outside world will no longer be limited to the senses, and the direct information exchange between the brain and the outside world can also be realized through chips. People and people, people and things are fully interconnected, and human beings may surpass the Internet and the Internet of Things and enter the era of intelligence supported by the Internet of Brains. In the era of the Internet of Brains, soldiers’ brains are directly connected to combat platforms, information systems, and decision-making support systems, and decisions are made with the assistance of technologies such as quantum computing and cloud platforms. Information and mind merge. Some domestic experts believe that under the influence of artificial intelligence technology, the winning mechanism of future wars will change from “information dominance, system confrontation, precise strikes, and joint victory” in information warfare to “intelligence dominance, independent confrontation, and traceability” in intelligent warfare. Following the transformation of “strike, cloud and brain winning”, following matter, energy, and information, cloud intelligence that integrates man and machine has become the key to determining the outcome of a war. This transformation of the form of intelligent warfare is accelerating, and any hesitation may bring unimaginable consequences.

But it should be noted that no matter how the war develops, people are always the most fundamental element. The form of intelligent warfare will lead to changes in the functions and roles of soldiers, and will put forward higher requirements for the ability and quality of soldiers. Cognitive ability may surpass knowledge and skills and become the core ability of soldiers.

Intelligent warfare requires the upgrading and reconstruction of the comprehensive quality of soldiers.

Chinese Military Mandarin Chinese:

“軍校為戰而生,為戰而建”。 在2019年軍事院校校長培訓開班儀式上,習主席提出新時代軍事教育方針,為軍隊院校培養高素質、專業化的新型軍事人才指明了方向。 當前,戰爭形態正在加速向信息化、智能化方向發展。 打贏未來智能戰爭需要什麼樣的士兵,軍事高等教育如何培養適合智能戰爭的人才,是擺在我們面前的重大課題。


戰爭形態是以主戰武器的技術屬性為主要標誌的戰爭歷史上演的表現形式和狀態。 目前,戰爭形態在經歷了冷兵器戰爭、熱武器戰爭、機械化戰爭之後,正在加速向信息化、智能化戰爭發展。 大數據、物聯網、人工智能、生物技術、腦科學等先進技術在軍事領域的日益廣泛應用,正在成為新軍事革命的重要驅動力,催生了無人、自主、 智能化戰爭,改變傳統戰爭制勝機制。 2014年,國外某軍事智庫發布了一份題為《20YY:機器人時代的戰爭》的研究報告,認為一場以軍隊智能化、裝備自主化、無人化戰爭為標誌的軍事變革風暴正在逼近。 平台、信息系統和決策支持系統,以及定向能、高超音速、仿生、基因、納米等新型武器,到2035年初步建立智能化作戰體系,到2050年發展到高級階段,全面實現 作戰平台、信息系統、指揮控制智能化甚至無人化,仿生、基因、納米等新型武器投入戰場,作戰空間進一步向生物空間、納米空間、智能空間拓展。

近年來,隨著對人腦研究的不斷深入,腦機接口技術日趨成熟。 未來,人類與外界的信息交流將不再局限於感官,大腦與外界的直接信息交流也可以通過芯片實現。 人與人、人與物充分互聯,人類有可能超越互聯網、物聯網,進入以腦聯網為支撐的智能時代。 腦聯網時代,士兵的大腦直接與作戰平台、信息系統、決策支持系統相連,並藉助量子計算、雲平台等技術進行決策。 信息和思想融合在一起。 國內有專家認為,在人工智能技術的影響下,未來戰爭的製勝機制將從信息戰的“信息主導、系統對抗、精準打擊、共同製勝”轉變為“情報主導、自主對抗、追溯”。 在智能戰爭中。 隨著“打、雲、腦制勝”的轉變,繼物質、能量、信息之後,人機合一的雲智能成為決定戰爭勝負的關鍵。 這種智能化戰爭形態的轉變正在加速,任何猶豫都可能帶來不堪設想的後果。

但需要看到的是,無論戰爭如何發展,人永遠是最根本的要素。 智能化戰爭形態將導致士兵職能和作用發生變化,對士兵的能力和素質提出更高要求。 認知能力有可能超越知識和技能,成為軍人的核心能力。


According to the talent growth cycle, soldiers who are currently receiving higher education will become the main force of combat training in more than 10 years, and will also become the first main force to meet the challenges of intelligent warfare. At present, there are still some deficiencies in the design of personnel training goals in our military’s higher education, and insufficient attention is paid to the ability to adapt to the ever-changing intelligent battlefield in the future. There is still a certain gap between the personnel training objectives and the needs of intelligent warfare. On July 23, 2020, when Chairman Xi inspected the Air Force Aviation University, he emphasized that we must persist in cultivating people with morality, educating people for war, strengthening m

ilitary spirit education, strengthening fighting spirit, and comprehensively strengthening the ideological and political, military, scientific and cultural aspects of pilot students. , Physical and psychological quality foundation. To implement President Xi’s important instructions and meet the needs of future intelligent warfare, it is urgent to build a higher-level military talent training goal with thinking as the core, and accelerate the upgrading and reconstruction of military personnel’s comprehensive quality.

Intelligent warfare is a complex giant system integrating multiple fields. Its intelligence-based characteristics and iterative and changeable development trend are changing the role of soldiers in warfare. Soldiers may gradually move from the foreground of the war to behind the scenes, from direct face-to-face combat to man-machine collaborative combat, from front-line charging to back-end planning and design of war. In order to be competent in man-machine coordination, planning and designing wars and other functional roles, in addition to ideological, political, physical and psychological requirements, in terms of military profession and scientific culture, soldiers should focus on improving the following five aspects of knowledge, ability and quality: First, multidisciplinary integration Master the core principles of multiple disciplines related to intelligent warfare, such as nature, military, cognitive psychology, and network intelligence, and be able to integrate knowledge across disciplines to guide military practice; the second is strong cognitive ability, with logical thinking, judgment Thinking and system thinking ability, able to use scientific methods to analyze and reason to solve combat problems; the third is human-machine collaboration ability, deeply grasp the characteristics and laws of intelligent warfare, skillfully use combat platforms, command and control systems, and decision support systems, and be able to control diversified intelligent weapons The fourth is the ability to innovate, with a keen sense of technology and strong creativity, able to grasp the frontiers of science and technology, innovate combat styles, and grasp the laws of war development; the fifth is the ability to self-growth, to be able to accurately recognize oneself , rationally plan military careers, freely use information means to acquire new knowledge, new technologies, and new methods, constantly improve the knowledge structure, enhance cognitive ability, and better adapt to the complex and changeable military revolution development.

Identifying the Emphasis Points of Military Higher Education Reform

At present, the superposition of informatization and intelligentization has brought greater complexity to the personnel training work of military academies. It is necessary to meet the actual needs of informatization operations and at the same time lay the foundation for adapting to intelligent warfare. We should focus on The following work.

Restructure the curriculum system. The curriculum system supports the formation of talent knowledge structure. In order to cultivate military talents that meet the needs of intelligent warfare and achieve the training goals of military majors, science and culture, it is necessary to break the practice of designing a curriculum system with a single major as the background and establish a curriculum system of “general education + direction”. The general education course is based on the existing natural science and public courses, adding courses such as mathematical logic, mathematical modeling, critical thinking, network foundation, artificial intelligence, cognitive neuroscience, system engineering, etc., to establish cross-field and interdisciplinary courses System, expand the knowledge of students, build a knowledge structure urgently needed for intelligent warfare, and lay a broad knowledge foundation for their lifelong growth. Orientation courses are to establish a discipline and professional direction, set up a vertical curriculum system of mathematical science, professional foundation, and professional positions, build a solid professional background, and cultivate students’ ability to use professional theories to solve complex combat training problems. The curriculum system of “General Education + Orientation” helps build a “T”-shaped knowledge structure and meets the needs of military personnel to adapt to diverse and intelligent warfare.

按照人才成長周期,目前正在接受高等教育的士兵將在10年以上成為作戰訓練的主力軍,也將成為迎接智能化戰爭挑戰的第一主力軍。 目前,我軍高等教育在人才培養目標設計上還存在一些不足,對適應未來瞬息萬變的智能戰場的能力重視不夠。 人才培養目標與智能化作戰需求還存在一定差距。 2020年7月23日,習主席視察空軍航空大學時強調,要堅持立德樹人、以戰育人、強軍

加強軍人精神教育,強化戰鬥精神,全面加強飛行員思想政治、軍事、科學、文化等方面的素質。 、身心素質基礎。 為貫徹落實習總書記重要指示精神,面向未來智能化戰爭需求,迫切需要構建以思維為核心的更高層次軍事人才培養目標,加快推進軍隊人才綜合素質升級再造。

智能戰爭是一個融合多領域的複雜巨系統。 其智能化特徵和迭代多變的發展趨勢正在改變士兵在戰爭中的角色。 士兵可能會逐漸從戰爭的前台走向幕後,從直接的面對面作戰走向人機協同作戰,從前線衝鋒走向戰爭的後端規劃設計。 為勝任人機協同、戰爭策劃設計等職能作用,除思想政治、生理心理等方面的要求外,在軍事職業和科學文化方面,士兵應著重提高以下五個方面 知識、能力和素質:一是多學科融合 掌握自然、軍事、認知心理學、網絡智能等與智能戰爭相關的多學科核心原理,能夠跨學科整合知識指導軍事實踐; 二是認知能力強,具有邏輯思維、判斷思維和系統思維能力,能夠運用科學的方法分析推理解決作戰問題; 三是人機協同能力,深刻把握智能作戰的特點和規律,熟練運用作戰平台、指揮控制系統、決策支持系統,駕馭多樣化智能武器。 具有敏銳的科技觸覺和極強的創造力,能夠把握科技前沿,創新作戰方式,把握戰爭發展規律; 五是自我成長能力,能夠準確認識自己,合理規劃軍旅生涯,自由運用信息手段獲取新知識、新技術、新方法,不斷完善知識結構,增強認知能力, 更好地適應複雜多變的軍事革命發展。


當前,信息化與智能化的疊加,給軍隊院校的人才培養工作帶來了更大的複雜性。 既要滿足信息化作戰的實際需要,又要為適應智能化作戰打下基礎。 重點抓好以下工作。

重構課程體系。 課程體系支撐人才知識結構的形成。 為培養適應智能化作戰需求的軍事人才,實現軍事專業、科學文化的培養目標,必須打破以單一專業為背景設計課程體系的做法,建立課程體系 “通識教育+方向”。 通識教育課程在現有自然科學和公共課程的基礎上,增加數理邏輯、數學建模、批判性思維、網絡基礎、人工智能、認知神經科學、系統工程等課程,建立跨領域、跨學科的課程 課程體系,拓展學生知識面,構建智能化戰爭急需的知識結構,為學生終身成長奠定廣闊的知識基礎。 定向課程是確立學科專業方向,建立數學科學、專業基礎、專業崗位垂直課程體系,構建紮實的專業背景,培養學生運用專業理論解決複雜實戰訓練問題的能力。 “通識教育+迎新”課程體系構建“T”型知識結構,滿足軍隊人才適應多樣化、智能化戰爭的需求。

Deepen classroom reform. Educational neuroscience believes that education is the reshaping of students’ brains, and the classroom is the main position for reshaping students’ neural networks, especially for the formation of high-level cognitive abilities required for intelligent warfare. Continuously deepening classroom reform is the key to military Critical tasks for higher education today. It should be seen that a classroom with only knowledge and understanding is far from a good classroom. All human behaviors, though

ts and emotions are all controlled by the brain, and every knowledge, thought and emotion corresponds to a specific neural network of the brain. Therefore, classroom reform should center on students’ learning, follow the cognitive laws of the human brain, and Attract and maintain attention as the starting point, establish a scientific thinking framework, and mobilize students to think proactively. Usually, teaching methods aimed at higher-level abilities have a general model—problem-driven heuristic teaching, and the commonly used problem-based teaching methods, project-based teaching methods, and inquiry-based teaching methods all belong to this model. Therefore, the main path to promote classroom reform is to develop unknown, novel, and interesting questions and stories for students, design a thinking framework that points to logical reasoning, critical thinking, reflection, creativity, and learning ability, and inspire students under the guidance of the framework. Active thinking, supplemented by the output process of speaking and writing, finally achieves the goal of internalizing knowledge understanding and forming high-level abilities.

Promote comprehensive education. Modern educational theory not only regards the classroom as an important position of education, but also regards all time and space outside the classroom as an important resource for cultivating students. The time and space outside the classroom not only support classroom teaching and promote the formation of knowledge and ability, but also an important place to cultivate non-intellectual ability. Colleges and universities should make full use of these time and space, clarify specific training objectives, focus on going deep into the army, close to actual combat, highlighting practicality and creativity, and scientifically design education and training programs. Focus on giving full play to the advantages of military academies in management and education, explore the establishment of a student management model, and promote the cultivation of students’ leadership and management capabilities; continue to enrich the second classroom, build an innovative platform, create more opportunities for independent practice, and improve students’ innovation capabilities; make full use of various Large-scale activities to cultivate students’ competition awareness and teamwork ability; strengthen the construction of management cadres, improve scientific management and training capabilities, and effectively guide students to carry out time management, goal management, emotional management, psychological adjustment, habit formation, etc., to help students improve self-management and self-learning ability.

All in all, education is a systematic project. The above are only three aspects to break through the shortcomings of talent training in the era of intelligence. To truly solve the problem, military academies need to carry out systematic reforms, such as strategic planning, quality management, personnel quality, teaching conditions, etc. All aspects can effectively support the achievement of the goal of personnel training, and this requires us to continuously explore and innovate, continuously improve the level of running schools and educating people, and strive to create a new situation in the construction and development of military academies.

深化課堂改革。 教育神經科學認為,教育是對學生大腦的重塑,而課堂是重塑學生神經網絡的主要陣地,尤其是智能戰爭所需的高級認知能力的形成。 不斷深化課堂改革是當今軍事高等教育的關鍵任務。 應該看到,只有知識和理解力的課堂,遠談不上好課堂。 所有的人類行為,雖然

和情緒都是由大腦控制的,每一種知識、思想和情緒都對應著大腦特定的神經網絡。 因此,課堂改革應以學生的學習為中心,遵循人腦的認知規律,以吸引和保持注意力為出發點,建立科學的思維框架,調動學生主動思考。 通常,針對更高層次能力的教學方法有一個通用的模式——問題驅動啟發式教學,常用的問題導向教學法、項目導向教學法、探究式教學法都屬於這種模式。 因此,推動課堂改革的主要路徑是為學生開發未知的、新穎的、有趣的問題和故事,設計指向邏輯推理、批判性思維、反思、創造力和學習能力的思維框架,激發學生在 框架的指導。 思維活躍,輔之以說、寫的輸出過程,最終達到知識理解內化,形成高層次能力的目的。

推進綜合教育。 現代教育理論不僅把課堂視為教育的重要陣地,而且把課堂以外的一切時間和空間都視為培養學生的重要資源。 課堂外的時間和空間不僅支持課堂教學,促進知識和能力的形成,也是培養非智力能力的重要場所。 高校要充分利用這些時間和空間,明確具體培養目標,著眼於深入軍隊、貼近實戰、突出實踐性和創造性,科學設計教育培養方案。 著力發揮軍隊院校管理教育優勢,探索建立學生管理模式,促進學生領導力和管理能力培養; 繼續豐富第二課堂,搭建創新平台,創造更多自主實踐機會,提升學生創新能力; 充分利用各種大型活動,培養學生的競爭意識和團隊協作能力; 加強管理幹部隊伍建設,提高科學管理和培養能力,有效引導學生進行時間管理、目標管理、情緒管理、心理調適、習慣養成等,幫助學生提高自我管理和自主學習能力 能力。

總而言之,教育是一項系統工程。 以上只是要突破智能時代人才培養短板的三個方面。 要真正解決問題,軍隊院校需要進行系統性的改革,如戰略規劃、質量管理、人才素質、教學條件等,方方面面都能有效支撐人才培養目標的實現,這就需要我們 不斷探索創新,不斷提高辦學育人水平,努力開創軍隊院校建設發展新局面。

Source: PLA Military


Chinese Military Perspective on the Evolution of the Winning Mechanisms of Intelligent Warfare

Military theorists have often said that victory tends to smile to those who can foresee changes in the character of warfare, rather than to those who wait for changes to occur before adapting. In recent years, disruptive technologies represented by artificial intelligence have developed rapidly and are widely used in the military field, accelerating the evolution of warfare to intelligence, and correspondingly, the concept of warfare is also undergoing changes. Only by discovering changes in time, actively responding to changes, and actively adapting to changes can we be invincible in future wars.

From “fighting the weak with the strong” to “controlling the clumsy with wisdom”

“The strong win the weak and the weak lose” is a law of victory in war with certain universality. Even those battles in which the weak defeated the strong often had to form a strength advantage against the enemy at a local and specific period of time in order to truly win. In the era of intelligent warfare, the contribution rate of intelligence superiority to combat effectiveness is much higher than that of other factors.

In the confrontation of intelligent warfare, human intelligence widely penetrates into the combat field and is transplanted into weapon systems. Global multi-dimensional and various types of intelligent combat platforms can quickly couple combat forces, build a combat system according to mission requirements, and independently implement coordinated operations. After the end, it quickly returned to the standby state, showing the trend of intelligence and autonomy. The side with a higher and stronger level of intelligence can better develop and use the mechanism of “controlling stupidity with wisdom”, and even design wars based on this, dominate the development of the battle situation, and win the final victory. It should also be noted that in the era of intelligent warfare, there are likely to be multiple stages of development from low to high. Try to keep yourself at an advanced stage, and attack your opponent so that it is at a low-dimensional stage. use.

From “destroying power” to “destroying cognition”

With the accelerated evolution of warfare to intelligence, the combat space has gradually expanded from the physical domain and the information domain to the cognitive domain, from the tangible battlefield to the invisible battlefield. The cognitive space composed of people’s spiritual and psychological activities has become a new combat space. Different from the main purpose of destroying the enemy’s vital forces in traditional warfare, intelligent warfare will pay more attention to weakening the enemy’s morale, disintegrating the enemy’s will, and destroying the enemy’s cognition.

Through the intelligent analysis of the opponent’s personality preferences, psychological characteristics, and decision-making habits, deterrent information can be “tailored” in a targeted manner, and the advantages of cutting-edge technologies such as intelligence can be used to show the opponent’s powerful strength in a vivid way, so that anxiety, suspicion, etc. , panic and other emotions continue to ferment inside it, which eventually leads to its self-defeating. Known as the “new oil”, big data not only enriches intelligence sources, but also becomes an important “weapon” that acts on the opponent’s cognition. By processing big data and deliberately “leaking” it to the opponent, it will create a new “fog of war” for it, and make it fall into a situation of cognitive confusion. In an intelligent war, the game of struggle will be more intense, and the party with a cognitive advantage will be ahead of the opponent, and it will be easier to grasp the initiative and opportunities.

From “people-oriented” to “human-machine collaboration”

In traditional warfare, the organization and use of military power are dominated by people. With the widespread application of intelligent technology, the proportion of unmanned equipment continues to increase. In intelligent warfare, combat tasks will be completed by man-machine collaboration, and the two will achieve organic integration and complement each other’s advantages. The third “offset strategy” proposed by the foreign military regards human-machine cooperation as a key technology for key development, and its successively proposed concepts such as “loyal wingman” are also aimed at exploring the realization of manned/unmanned coordinated operations. It is foreseeable that human-machine collaboration will play an important role in future warfare.

Using unmanned reconnaissance forces to carry out three-dimensional and multi-dimensional battlefield situational awareness can provide real-time intelligence support for manned combat forces; use unmanned platforms to carry relay loads to continuously provide communication relay support for manned combat forces; use

Modern Military Mandarin Chinese:

軍事理論家常說,勝利往往會向那些能夠預見戰爭性質變化的人微笑,而不是向那些等待變化發生再適應的人微笑。 近年來,以人工智能為代表的顛覆性技術發展迅速,廣泛應用於軍事領域,加速戰爭向智能化演進,相應地,戰爭理念也在發生變化。 只有及時發現變化,積極應對變化,積極適應變化,才能在未來的戰爭中立於不敗之地。


“強勝弱勝”是戰爭的製勝法則,具有一定的普遍性。 即便是那些以弱勝強的戰鬥,往往也需要在局部的、特定的時間段對敵形成實力優勢,才能真正取勝。 在智能化戰爭時代,情報優勢對戰鬥力的貢獻率遠高於其他因素。

在智能戰爭的對抗中,人類智能廣泛滲透到作戰領域,並被移植到武器系統中。 全球多維度、多類型智能作戰平台,可快速耦合作戰力量,按任務需求構建作戰體系,獨立實施協同作戰。 結束後迅速回到待機狀態,呈現出智能化、自主化的趨勢。 智力水平更高更強的一方,才能更好地開發和運用“以智治愚”機制,甚至以此為基礎設計戰爭,主導戰局發展,取得最終勝利。 還需要看到的是,在智能化戰爭時代,很可能存在從低到高的多個發展階段。 盡量讓自己保持在高級階段,攻擊對手使其處於低維階段。 使用。


隨著戰爭向智能化加速演進,作戰空間逐漸從物理域、信息域擴展到認知域,從有形戰場擴展到無形戰場。 由人的精神心理活動構成的認知空間成為新的作戰空間。 與傳統戰爭以消滅敵人有生力量為主要目的不同,智能化戰爭將更加註重削弱敵人的士氣、瓦解敵人的意志、摧毀敵人的認知。

通過對對手的性格偏好、心理特徵、決策習慣等進行智能分析,有針對性地“量身定做”威懾信息,利用情報等前沿技術的優勢,展現對手的強大實力 以生動的方式表現力量,使焦慮、懷疑等、恐慌等情緒在其內部不斷發酵,最終導致其弄巧成拙。 被譽為“新石油”的大數據不僅豐富了情報來源,更成為作用於對手認知的重要“武器”。 通過處理大數據,故意“洩露”給對手,為其製造新的“戰爭迷霧”,使其陷入認知混亂的境地。 在智慧戰爭中,博弈博弈會更加激烈,擁有認知優勢的一方會先於對手,更容易掌握主動權和先機。


在傳統戰爭中,軍事力量的組織和運用都是由人主導的。 隨著智能化技術的廣泛應用,無人化裝備比例不斷提高。 在智能戰爭中,作戰任務將由人機協同完成,兩者將實現有機結合,優勢互補。 外軍提出的第三次“抵消戰略”將人機協作作為重點發展的關鍵技術,其先後提出的“忠誠僚機”等概念也旨在探索實現有人/無人協同作戰。 可以預見,人機協作將在未來戰爭中發揮重要作用。

利用無人偵察力量進行三維、多維戰場態勢感知,可為有人作戰力量提供實時情報支持; 利用無人平台搭載中繼載荷,持續為有人作戰部隊提供通信中繼保障; 使用

unmanned combat forces to go deep into the front battlefield, It can attract the enemy to attack, force the enemy to expose its position, and provide target guidance and fire support for manned combat forces; use unmanned transport equipment to provide supplies for the front line, which can improve the efficiency of logistics support, reduce transportation costs, and reduce unnecessary casualties. With the assistance of artificial intelligence, manned combat forces and unmanned combat forces will realize scientific division of labor and reasonable collocation in terms of quantity, scale and function, so as to maximize the overall effectiveness.

From “eat the small with the big” to “eat the slow with the fast”

In traditional warfare, it is often necessary to make up for shortcomings in equipment performance and other aspects by increasing the number of troops. The rapid development of military intelligence has greatly improved the speed of information transmission and the accuracy of weapon strikes, greatly reduced the time for reconnaissance and early warning, intelligence processing, command decision-making, firepower strikes, and damage assessment, and accelerated the OODA kill chain cycle. , making “find and destroy” possible.

Hypersonic missiles, laser weapons, microwave weapons, electromagnetic pulse weapons and other new rapid-kill weapons have further pushed the rhythm of war to “second kill”. In the Gulf War, the loop time of the OODA loop required 3 days; in the Iraq War, the loop time has been shortened to less than 10 minutes; and in the Syrian War, the loop has almost achieved near real-time. In intelligent warfare, the use of an unmanned platform for surveillance and attack to quickly target high-value targets such as the enemy’s core command post and high-level commanders will cause the opponent to suffer heavy losses before they can react, and even face the danger of paralysis. It can be seen that victory does not necessarily favor the side with a large military force, and the side that moves quickly and accurately will be more likely to win the battlefield. According to statistics, the reaction time required by artificial intelligence to respond to changes in the battlefield is more than 400 times faster than that of humans. In the face of the rapidly changing battlefield situation, people will be more inclined to use artificial intelligence technology to realize the adaptive planning and autonomous decision-making of the command and control system, so that the command and control mode will be changed from “people on the loop” to “people outside the loop”, so as to reduce the While shouldering the burden of commanding personnel, it can improve combat efficiency and the success rate of mission execution.

From “Integrated Winning” to “Cluster Winning”

The traditional concept of equipment development is to invest a lot of money in the research and development of highly integrated high-precision weapon platforms, in order to achieve dimensionality reduction strikes on the enemy by virtue of intergenerational advantages and performance advantages in war. However, developing and deploying a multi-functional high-end platform not only takes a lot of time and money, but when multiple software and hardware modules are integrated into a single weapon platform, there may be incompatibility among them. Once the platform is destroyed, it will cause heavy losses. The military application of disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence has led to the rapid development of unmanned swarms. Unmanned swarms have the advantages of large scale, low comprehensive cost, and decentralization. Unmanned platforms coordinate with each other, divide labor and cooperate, and can make independent decisions and carry out combat tasks in an organized manner. Even if some unmanned platforms are destroyed, it will not affect the overall operation. efficacy. Combat concepts such as “decision-making center warfare” and “mosaic warfare” proposed by foreign militaries focus on the use of unmanned swarms to complete combat tasks. In intelligent warfare, by dispersing functions such as reconnaissance and surveillance, information communication, command and control, and fire strikes into a large number of single-function unmanned combat units, a highly robust and highly elastic “kill net” is constructed, and then Adjusting the combination method will make it emerge a powerful group intelligence, creating great uncertainty for the opponent, and then trap the opponent in the judgment link of the OODA loop, unable to make effective decisions. In addition, due to the large number of unmanned swarms, the opponent’s detection, tracking, and interception capabilities can be quickly saturated, and the opponent has to face the dilemma of fortification failure because it cannot destroy all unmanned platforms in the swarm.

From “Military Dominance” to “Multiple Mixture”

Traditional warfare mainly relies on violent means to make the enemy submit to one’s own will, and usually has a strong war intensity, with clear boundaries between peacetime and wartime. With the continuous expansion of the field of military struggle to new fields such as space, network, and intelligence, and the increasingly prominent role of economic, cultural, diplomatic, and legal means in warfare, intelligent warfare will be carried out in many fields represented by the “grey zone”. Developed in the form of “multi-pronged approach”. The intensity of war may be weakened, and the boundary between peace and war will become more blurred. Whether in 2019, half of Saudi Arabia’s oil fields were attacked by drones and half of its oil production was shut down, or in 2021, the largest oil pipeline in the United States was hit by cyber attacks and caused a large-scale oil shortage. The far-reaching impact of various new attack methods cannot be ignored underestimate.

無人作戰部隊深入前線戰場,可以吸引敵人進攻,迫使敵人暴露位置,為有人作戰部隊提供目標引導和火力支援; 使用無人運輸設備為前線提供補給,可以提高後勤保障效率,降低運輸成本,減少不必要的人員傷亡。 在人工智能的輔助下,有人作戰力量和無人作戰力量將在數量、規模和功能上實現科學分工和合理搭配,實現整體效能最大化。


在傳統戰爭中,往往需要通過增加兵力數量來彌補裝備性能等方面的短板。 軍事情報的快速發展極大地提高了信息傳輸速度和武器打擊的準確性,大大縮短了偵察預警、情報處理、指揮決策、火力打擊、毀傷評估的時間,加速了OODA 殺傷鏈循環。 ,使“發現並摧毀”成為可能。

高超音速導彈、激光武器、微波武器、電磁脈衝武器等新型速殺武器進一步將戰爭節奏推向“秒殺”。 在海灣戰爭中,OODA循環的循環時間需要3天; 在伊拉克戰爭中,循環時間縮短到不到10分鐘; 而在敘利亞戰爭中,環路幾乎做到了近乎實時。 在智能化戰爭中,利用無人監視攻擊平台快速瞄準敵方核心指揮所、高級指揮員等高價值目標,使對方來不及反應就損失慘重,甚至面臨 癱瘓的危險。 由此可見,勝利並不一定偏向兵力多的一方,行動迅速準確的一方更容易贏得戰場。 據統計,人工智能應對戰場變化所需的反應時間比人類快400多倍。 面對瞬息萬變的戰場態勢,人們將更傾向於利用人工智能技術實現指揮控制系統的自適應規劃和自主決策,使指揮控制模式從“人”轉變為“人”。 環上”轉變為“環外人”,從而在減輕指揮人員負擔的同時,提高作戰效率和任務執行的成功率。


傳統的裝備研製理念是投入大量資金研發高度集成的高精度武器平台,以期憑藉代際優勢和戰爭性能優勢實現對敵降維打擊。 然而,開發和部署一個多功能的高端平台不僅需要花費大量的時間和金錢,而且當多個軟硬件模塊集成到一個武器平台時,它們之間可能會出現不兼容的情況。 一旦平台被破壞,將造成重大損失。 人工智能等顛覆性技術的軍事應用,催生了無人蜂群的快速發展。 無人蜂群具有規模大、綜合成本低、分散化等優點。 無人平台相互協調、分工協作,能夠自主決策、有組織地執行作戰任務。 即使部分無人平台被毀,也不會影響整體運作。 功效。 外軍提出的“決策中心戰”、“馬賽克戰”等作戰概念,著眼於利用無人蜂群完成作戰任務。 在智能化戰爭中,通過將偵察監視、信息通信、指揮控制、火力打擊等功能分散到大量功能單一的無人作戰單元中,構建高魯棒性、高彈性的“殺傷網”,進而 調整組合方式會使其湧現出強大的群體智能,給對手製造很大的不確定性,進而將對手困在OODA循環的判斷環節,無法做出有效的決策。 此外,由於無人蜂群數量眾多,對方的探測、跟踪、攔截能力會很快飽和,對方不得不面臨無法摧毀蜂群中所有無人平台的設防失敗的困境。


傳統戰爭主要依靠暴力手段使敵人屈服於自己的意志,通常具有強烈的戰爭強度,和平與戰時界限分明。 隨著軍事鬥爭領域不斷向太空、網絡、情報等新領域拓展,經濟、文化、外交、法律等手段在戰爭中的作用日益凸顯,智能化戰爭將在眾多領域展開 由“灰色地帶”。 以“多管齊下”的形式開展。 戰爭的激烈程度可能會減弱,和平與戰爭的界限將變得更加模糊。 無論是2019年,沙特半數油田遭到無人機襲擊、一半石油生產停產,還是2021年,美國最大的輸油管道遭到網絡攻擊,造成大規模石油短缺。 各種新型攻擊手段的深遠影響不容忽視低估。

With the development and maturity of intelligent technology, the comprehensive use of various means to attack opponents’ industrial, transportation, financial, communication, energy, medical and other facilities and networks will become more common. The threshold of intelligent warfare will show a downward trend, and the warring parties may adopt the method of undeclared war to launch a hybrid war that integrates economic warfare, diplomatic warfare, cyber warfare, public opinion warfare, psychological warfare, legal warfare, etc., so that the opponent is exhausted. Handle.

From “actual combat inspection” to “experimental exercise”

Under traditional conditions, due to the lack of scientific simulation and evaluation tools, the true capabilities of the army can only be tested in actual combat. Under intelligent conditions, using virtual reality technology can create a virtual scene with a strong sense of three-dimensional and realism based on the actual battlefield environment and task background. This scene can not only restore objective things such as weapons and equipment from multiple dimensions such as sound, appearance, and performance, but also simulate various severe weather such as heavy fog, heavy rain, and snowstorm, and display the terrain, meteorology, hydrology, etc. of the battlefield in a visualized form. Electromagnetic, nuclear and other information, close to the real situation of the battlefield.

Set the imaginary enemy in the virtual environment according to the characteristics of the enemy in reality, and carry out intelligent simulation of the possible trend of the battle situation, so that officers and soldiers can “experience” the war in virtual reality several times before the official war, so as to improve the equipment performance, The rhythm of the war and the situation of the enemy and the enemy are all clear, and it will be easier to perform realistic tasks. Before the outbreak of the Iraq War, the U.S. military secretly developed a computer game that simulated the combat environment in Baghdad. Among the personnel dispatched to Iraq to perform missions, the survival rate of those trained in the game was as high as 90%. With the continuous enrichment and improvement of data collected in reality, the construction of virtual battlefields will be more realistic, the prediction of the battlefield situation will be more accurate, and the comprehensive evaluation of exercises will be more credible. If the outcome of the war is known in advance, there may be a situation where “surrender the enemy” without a fight or a small fight.

隨著智能技術的發展和成熟,綜合運用各種手段攻擊對手的工業、交通、金融、通信、能源、醫療等設施和網絡將變得更加普遍。 智能戰的門檻將呈下降趨勢,交戰各方可能會採取不宣戰的方式,發動集經濟戰、外交戰、網絡戰、輿論戰、心理戰、法律戰等為一體的混合戰爭。 ,使對手筋疲力盡。 處理。


在傳統條件下,由於缺乏科學的模擬和評估工具,軍隊的真實能力只能在實戰中檢驗。 在智能化條件下,利用虛擬現實技術,可以根據實際戰場環境和任務背景,營造立體感強、真實感強的虛擬場景。 該場景不僅可以從聲音、外觀、性能等多個維度還原武器裝備等客觀事物,還可以模擬大霧、暴雨、暴風雪等各種惡劣天氣,展示地形、氣象、水文等 等戰場的可視化形式。 電磁、核等信息,貼近戰場真實情況。

根據現實中敵人的特點,在虛擬環境中設置假想敵,對可能的戰局走向進行智能模擬,讓官兵在臨戰前數次在虛擬現實中“體驗”戰爭 正式戰爭,從而提升裝備性能,戰爭的節奏和敵我雙方的情況都一目了然,更容易執行逼真的任務。 伊拉克戰爭爆發前,美軍秘密研發了一款模擬巴格達作戰環境的電腦遊戲。 在派往伊拉克執行任務的人員中,在遊戲中受訓人員的存活率高達90%。 隨著現實採集數據的不斷豐富和完善,虛擬戰場的構建將更加真實,戰場態勢的預測將更加準確,演習的綜合評價將更加可信。 如果事先知道戰爭的結果,可能會出現不戰不戰、不戰不戰“投敵”的情況。



Chinese Military to focus on the integration and development of mechanization, informationization and intelligence

Adhere to the integration and development of mechanization, informationization and intelligence

——Conscientiously study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

■Chinese People’s Liberation Army Unit 66011

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized that we should adhere to the integrated development of mechanization, informationization and intelligence. This important exposition endows the modernization of national defense and the armed forces with new connotations of the times, and further points out the development direction and path for accelerating the modernization of national defense and the armed forces. We must seize the opportunity, based on the status quo, insist on promoting the integrated development of mechanization, informationization and intelligence with systematic thinking, coordinate the development of various fields, especially key areas, realize the positive interaction of the three, and promote the overall improvement of national defense and military modernization.

Engels pointed out: “Human beings fight in the same way as they produce.” At present, the new military revolution in the world is developing rapidly, the degree of informatization in modern warfare is constantly improving, and the characteristics of intelligence are becoming increasingly apparent. Especially under the influence of the new round of scientific and technological revolution, the concepts, elements and methods of winning war are undergoing major changes. Judging from the recent local wars and armed conflicts in the world, a large number of high-tech weapons and equipment have been used in actual combat, and intelligent technology, unmanned equipment, and data information have become new growth points for combat effectiveness. In the face of increasingly fierce military competition, only by standing at the forefront of war and technology, and adhering to the integration of mechanization, information, and intelligence, can we seize the opportunity and win the initiative in military strategic competition.

“Everything must come, and it is a matter of course.” Mechanization, informatization, and intelligence are superimposed, interpenetrated, and mutually supported. Among them, mechanization is the material basis and carrier for the development of informatization and intelligence; informatization plays a connecting role between mechanization and intelligence; intelligence represents advanced combat effectiveness and is the development direction of future military construction. Without the previous “transformation” as the premise and foundation, there would be no emergence and development of the latter “transformation”.

Adhering to the integration and development of mechanization, informationization and intelligence is in line with the reality of our military construction and development, and is the only way for the modernization of national defense and the military in the future. Our army has basically achieved mechanization, and the construction of informatization has made significant progress but has not yet been completed. If the intelligentization is carried out after completing the informatization step by step, it will open up a new generation gap with the armed forces of developed countries; if the construction focus is fully shifted to intelligentization, it is unrealistic to expect to be in place in one step.

Science and technology are the core combat capability and the most active and revolutionary factor in military development. The key to adhering to the integrated development of mechanization, informationization and intelligence lies in promoting technological innovation. We should vigorously implement the strategy of strengthening the army through science and technology, actively promote self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology, accelerate the breakthrough of key core technologies, accelerate the development of strategic, cutting-edge, and disruptive technologies, and realize the transformation from following and running to leading and running as soon as possible. Persist in seeking combat effectiveness from scientific and technological innovation, improve scientific and technological cognition, innovation, and application capabilities, speed up the resolution of “stuck neck” problems, and firmly grasp the lifeline of our army’s development in our own hands.

Wars change with the times, and preparations for wars should not be conservative or rigid. To promote war preparations in the new era, we must focus on winning the new requirements of information-based and intelligent warfare. The construction of our army’s combat effectiveness has accelerated transformation, overall reshaping, and leapfrog development to ensure that it can attack and defend freely and win opportunities in future wars.

(Author unit: Unit 66011)

Original Mandarin Chinese:



■ 中國人民解放軍66011部隊

黨的二十大報告強調,要堅持機械化、信息化、智能化融合發展。 這一重要論述賦予了國防和軍隊現代化建設新的時代內涵,進一步為加快推進國防和軍隊現代化建設指明了發展方向和路徑。 我們要抓住機遇,立足現狀,堅持以系統思維推進機械化、信息化、智能化融合發展,統籌各領域特別是重點領域發展,實現三者良性互動,促進 國防和軍隊現代化建設全面加強。

恩格斯指出:“人類以生產的方式進行鬥爭”。 當前,世界新軍事革命快速發展,現代戰爭信息化程度不斷提高,智能化特徵日益明顯。 特別是在新一輪科技革命的影響下,打贏戰爭的觀念、要素和方式正在發生重大變化。 從近期全球發生的局部戰爭和武裝衝突來看,大量高科技武器裝備投入實戰,智能技術、無人裝備、數據信息等成為戰鬥力新的增長點。 面對日益激烈的軍事競爭,只有站在戰爭和科技的前沿,堅持機械化、信息化、智能化融合,才能搶占先機,贏得軍事戰略競爭的主動權。

“凡事必來,順理成章。” 機械化、信息化、智能化相互疊加、相互滲透、相互支撐。 其中,機械化是信息化、智能化發展的物質基礎和載體; 信息化在機械化和智能化之間起著承上啟下的作用; 智能化代表著先進的戰鬥力,是未來軍隊建設的發展方向。 沒有前一個“轉化”作為前提和基礎,就沒有後一個“轉化”的產生和發展。

堅持機械化、信息化、智能化融合發展,符合我軍建設發展實際,是未來國防和軍隊現代化建設的必由之路。 我軍基本實現機械化,信息化建設取得重大進展但尚未完成。 如果在逐步完成信息化後進行智能化,將與發達國家軍隊拉開新的代溝; 如果建設重心全面轉向智能化,指望一步到位是不現實的。

科技是核心作戰能力,是軍隊發展中最活躍、最具革命性的因素。 堅持機械化、信息化、智能化融合發展,關鍵在於推進科技創新。 大力實施科技強軍戰略,積極推進高水平科技自立自強,加快突破關鍵核心技術,加快發展戰略性、前沿性、 和顛覆性技術,盡快實現從跟隨跑向引領跑的轉變。 堅持從科技創新中求戰鬥力,提昇科技認知、創新和應用能力,加快化解“卡脖子”問題,把我軍發展的生命線牢牢掌握在自己手中。

戰爭隨著時代的變化而變化,戰爭準備不能保守僵化。 推進新時代備戰,必須圍繞打贏信息化、智能化戰爭新要求。 我軍戰鬥力建設加快轉型、全面重塑、跨越發展,確保攻守自如,在未來戰爭中贏得先機。




Chinese Military Will Effectively Create a Solid Foundation for informatization & cyberwarfare丨 Military Forum
Source: PLA Daily






The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized that we should adhere to the integrated development of mechanization, informationization and intelligence. From the perspective of the relationship between mechanization, informatization and intelligence, mechanization is the foundation of informatization, and intelligence is the sublimation of informatization. Without mechanization, there will be no informatization, and without sufficient informatization, it is impossible to achieve a major breakthrough in intelligence. At present, to vigorously promote military intelligence, we must first lay a solid foundation for informatization construction, and strive to improve the level of army informatization.

Lay a solid material foundation. Make bricks without straw. In order to shorten the “system gap” with powerful enemies, informatization construction should closely follow missions and tasks, keep up with cutting-edge technology, do a good job in top-level design, and promote peacetime and wartime integration. First, upgrade and improve various information systems. It is necessary to focus on the construction of the command and control center, use the information infrastructure as a platform, coordinate the construction of sub-systems and the linkage construction of various systems, promote the construction of command and control with all elements and a system, and realize the integration of information networks in various sub-domains, command and control real-time. Second, build and use the combat database well. In accordance with the principle of “integration of peacetime and wartime, overall planning, and classified implementation”, a comprehensive operational database will be established to achieve information sharing, data support, and decision-making assistance, and “information flow” to support the “chain of command.” Again, a backup mobile command post is preset. Actively learn from the beneficial practices of foreign militaries, vigorously strengthen civil air defense projects, and form a mobile command capability with multi-point layout, dynamic and static complementarity, and rapid deployment.

Build a strong team. Building a strong information force team is an important guarantee for winning an informationized local war with intelligent features. On the whole, we should focus on cultivating four types of talents: First, information command talents. Front-line mid-level and senior commanders should study information and data like they study soldiers, study the construction of information systems like they study the breakthroughs of battles, and study the use of electromagnetic spectrum like they study the performance of ammunition. The second is information warfare personnel. Cultivate a group of intelligent staff, combat planning, cognitive operations and other talents who are competent in information-based operations. The third is information security personnel. Focusing on the personnel of the information assurance department and the information assurance operation and maintenance professional technical team as the main target, continue to increase professional training efforts to improve network management, system use, inspection and maintenance capabilities. The fourth is information research and development personnel. Take the method of inviting in and going out, let go of the burden and hand over tasks, cultivate a group of expert technical talents with strong system research and development capabilities, establish a mobile station for high-end informatization talents, and form a “not for me, but for me” “A virtuous circle.

Change the concept of command. Modern warfare is all about the system, and joint combat command is a key part of it. In order to cope with the challenges of real threats, it is necessary to establish a new concept of command that is compatible with future warfare. The first is to firmly establish the concept of integrated command. Overcome the narrow command concept of a single service and arms, comprehensively coordinate multi-dimensional battlefield operations such as land, sea, air, space, electricity, and network, comprehensively integrate various combat elements, and effectively improve the combat effectiveness of overall and joint victory. The second is to firmly establish the concept of digital command. Transform from extensive to precise command, specify and refine task division, force use, time-space division, and target determination, standardize the command procedures, command methods, and command content of joint combat forces, and integrate reconnaissance intelligence, weapons Platforms, command and control, etc. are networked and real-time, shortening the command process and improving command timeliness. The third is to firmly establish the concept of intelligent command. Actively explore the systematic application of artificial intelligence technology, accelerate the development and application of new technologies such as intelligent decision-making, digital twins, big data, and cloud computing, improve the level of complex information processing on the battlefield, and enable commanders to control combat units and various weapons with the support of intelligent cloud brains. Platform mission command.

Promote innovative practices. In order to adapt to changes in technology, changes in warfare, and changes in opponents, we should speed up the construction of the “three systems” to win the information war. The first is to innovate the tactical system. In-depth research on the real tactics of defending against enemy information attacks, resisting enemy information interference, and counterattacking enemy information under the circumstances of all-round information strikes and hard fire destruction by powerful enemies, and strive to achieve precise control of the enemy. The second is to innovate the training system. Focusing on powerful enemies and combat missions, set up an information warfare environment, conduct in-depth research on topics such as command coordination, tactical application, system construction, and comprehensive support, and promote actual combat deployment and application. The third is the innovation management system. Adhere to the integration of peacetime and wartime management and the combination of virtual reality and real situation, establish a demand traction mechanism led by war, a plan-led mechanism, and an inspection and evaluation mechanism to create independent and controllable industrial chains, supply chains, and guarantee chains to ensure that “peacetime management” and “wartime management” “Use” seamless connection to help the continuous improvement of informationized combat capabilities.

(Author unit: Central Theater)



Chinese Spying Operations – Games Chinese Spooks Play

From 國家安全部 ‘Guójiā ānquán bù’ to 新華社 ‘Xinhua’, how China’s espionage network operates in shadows.

China has systemically set up one of the quietest but most lethal espionage networks across the world.

As the world continues to debate over the spy balloons allegedly sent by China for espionage in the United States, probably it is missing the big picture. The real threat to global security comes from China’s spy network which is a complex web of many agencies, most of whom have successfully remained in the shadows. This multipart series would unravel the lesser known as well the unknown details about the Chinese espionage network.

The Chinese spy network has successfully remained in the shadows for decades. The Chinese Communist Party had built its spy network much before it came to power in China in 1949 turning a republic into a communist dictatorship. Since then, China has systematically set up one of the quietest but one of the most lethal espionage networks across the world.

The information regarding the Chinese spy network is scant and so scattered that it makes it difficult for even keen China watchers to paint the big and the real picture.

Ministry of State for Security

Ministry of State for Security (MSS) is China’s premier intelligence agency. It is also known as 國家安全部 ‘Guójiā ānquán bù’. MSS is largely responsible for operations outside China. The domestic intelligence and surveillance is looked after by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS). In addition, Chinese defence forces have their own intelligence agencies which conduct operations all over the globe.

Peter Mattis, one of the foremost authorities on Chinese intelligence operations, explains the Chinese military intelligence network (A Guide to Chinese Intelligence Operations, August 18, 2015), “Within the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), intelligence organizations fall under the General Staff Department (the Second and Third Departments, or, respectively, China’s DIA and NSA equivalents); the General Political Department for intelligence and covert influence operations; the PLA Navy, Air Force, and Second Artillery headquarters; and technical reconnaissance bureaus in the military regions. Much of the military intelligence infrastructure is based in China, but defence attachés and clandestine collectors do operate abroad, including from the service intelligence elements.”

New China News Agency (Xinhua)

Founded in 1931 by the Chinese Communist Party, Xinhua is the official news agency of China and a major facilitator for China’s intelligence gathering. According to an investigative report in Greek media outlet Pentapostagma published in April 2021, “Xinhua is primarily the eyes, ears, and voice of China. It is one of the important arms of the Chinese Intelligence agency in gathering information. Its prime objective is to promote positive news/narrative about CCP leadership/Chinese government and to marginalize, demonize, or entirely suppress anti-CCP voices, incisive political commentary and exposes that present the Chinese Government/CCP leadership in a negative light. It owns more than 20 newspapers and a dozen magazines and prints in eight languages: Chinese, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic and Japanese It has established 107 bureaus in foreign countries including eight sub offices or editorial offices in Hong Kong, New York, Mexico, Nairobi, Cairo, Paris, Moscow, and Rio de Janeiro and currently employs more than 10,000 people.”

The report explained the standard operating procedure of gathering intelligence by this Chinese agency which has been operating in India also for several years, “Xinhua covers all news and developments/events in foreign countries which have meaning, or which could be of any significance for China. It then forwards reports/articles to China’s Ministry of State Security which directly handles the information inflow from Xinhua. The reports/articles are uploaded in a secured web system. Those that contain intelligence value are treated as classified and forwarded to CCP leadership for their consumption. Xinhua journalists are trained to be able to identify news/articles that are suitable for the CCP leaders and not for the public.” 

According to this investigative report, “The agency (Xinhua) maintains a huge database of experts across the world and contacts favorable pro-Chinese contacts/assets in foreign countries and forwards their articles/reports to concerned departments back in Beijing.”

United Front Work Department (UFWD)

Set up in 1942, UFWD is the blue-eyed boy of the Communist Party Chinese (CPC). President Xi Jinping has further strengthened it ever since he came to power in 2012 and now it plays a significant role in China’s overall espionage network as well foreign policy framework. According to a research report published in August 2018 by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, “The United Front strategy uses a range of methods to influence overseas Chinese communities, foreign governments, and other actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies.”

‘Several official and quasi-official entities conduct overseas activities guided or funded by the United Front including Chinese government and military organizations, cultural and “friendship” associations, and overseas academic groups such as Chinese Students and Scholars Associations (CSSAs) and Confucius Institutes.  The UFWD also oversees influence operations targeting Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau that aim to suppress independence movements, undermine local identity, and promote support for Beijing’s political system.

In all these cases, United Front work serves to promote Beijing’s preferred global narrative, pressure individuals living in free and open societies to self-censor and avoid discussing issues unfavorable to the CPC and harass or undermine groups critical of Beijing’s policies.’

Ryan Fedasiuk, a research Analyst at Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET) meticulously calculated the budget for UFWD in his essay ‘How China Mobilizes Funding for United Front Work (China Brief Volume: 20 Issue: 16). This indicates the priority given to this agency by the Chinese government and the CCP.

There is no direct budget for UFWD but there are several government and quasi-government bodies which fund it. That include Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, State Ethnic Affairs Commission, State Administration of Religious Affairs, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council and All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. The current annual budget for UFWD allocated through these bodies stands at not less than $1.4 billion.

“Chinese officials maintain that the United Front system is a benign network of administrative organizations, and that the PRC’s foreign policy is based on “mutual respect and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs” (PRC Embassy in Sweden, August 2019; ABC, June 2020). If this really were the case, regional governments probably would not classify their united front spending as secret 秘密資助 (Mìmì zīzhù) or refuse to disclose the structure of government offices ostensibly reserved for public diplomacy,” says Fedasiuk.

He further adds, “That regional governments in China budget nearly as much for united front work ($1.3 billion annually) as they do for CPC propaganda indicates how highly the Party values the united front as a tool for both domestic and foreign influence’.”

Overseas Chinese Affairs Office (OCAO)

This department /office is a front for keeping tabs on the Chinese communities abroad. It works closely with the Chinese Ministry of Education. According to Mattis, “The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and the Ministry of Education… keep tabs on Chinese who live outside of China. The former office maintains ties to overseas Chinese communities and sponsors a variety of Chinese professional associations. The Ministry of Education keeps tabs on Chinese students abroad and helps support students’ and scholars’ associations. Both assist in mobilizing Chinese expats and émigrés for visible displays of support when Beijing wants, such as during the 2008 Olympic torch relay.”

According to the official website of ‘Overseas Chinese Office’, its major responsibilities include, “To study and formulate the guidelines, policies and regulations concerning overseas Chinese affairs, as well as to supervise and check their implementation; and to conduct research and study on the development of overseas Chinese affairs both domestically and abroad, to provide the information to the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council.

Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC)

Established in 1956, the ISTIC is officially a premier scientific research institute of China. But that is a façade. Its real task is to collect technologies and related information from all over the world in whichever manner it is possible. If one can read between the lines, the official website of ISTIC gives ample indications about the real work it does. The website says, “ISTIC has established long-term and stable business cooperation relations with relevant research institutions in the United States, Canada, Japan and other countries and regions, and has become an important platform for international cooperation and exchange in the field of science and technology information in China.”

George Soros and Chinese spy agency worked together as comrades.

George Soros’ history with the Chinese reveals his hypocrisy as he presents himself as a champion of democracy.

George Soros, the US-based controversial billionaire, and the Chinese premier spy agency Ministry of State Security (MSS) have worked hand in glove in the 1980s where Soros provided substantial funding to MSS through Economic System Reform Institute (ESRI) and China International Culture Exchange Center (CICEC).

It appears that Soros was playing a ‘double game’ by pursuing the Western interests to infiltrate China while also forging a close partnership with Chinese intelligence network and top bosses of the Chinese Communist Party. The apparent reason was an opportunity that he must have seen to benefit from China’s economic growth in the 1980s.

But this partnership fell apart with the change in the Chinese regime after 1989. Several representatives of Soros’ entity ‘China Fund’ were arrested by the Chinese authorities post- Tiananmen square massacre in 1989. The Chinese authorities accused them of working for the US’ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Soros’ China Fund and the Ministry of State Security

Soros started making overtures to China in the 1980s. He first identified and handpicked Liang Heng, a bestselling author in 1984 to set up his shop in China. Heng had become famous after publishing his memoir Son of the Revolution’ that was a personal account of how China was opening to the West and the purges carried out at regular intervals by the Communist Party China (CPC).

Liang connected Soros with important people in the Chinese establishment. The façade kept for this whole initiative was that Soros wanted to help China to carry out reforms.

By that time, he had already set up ‘Open Society Foundations’, a funding arm known for instigating coups, political upheavals, and chaos in various countries through a web of well-funded non-Governmental organizations (NGOs). But given the fact that bets were very high in China, Soros decided to set up a separate entity which would work only in China.

In 1986, Soros set up ‘China Fund’ with a $1 million endowment. Through Liang’s network, the China Fund initially partnered with a Chinese think tank Economic System Reform Institute (ESRI).

In October 1986, Soros opened the China Fund formally in a signing ceremony at Beijing’s Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. This was his first trip to China.

Soros struck gold by roping ESRI as it was close to the premier Zhao Ziyang, who became the Party’s general secretary the next year. Zhao’s personal secretary, Bao Tong, was also known for helping the China Fund-ESRI joint venture whenever they needed to get through the Chinese bureaucracy.

Behind the façade of helping China to shape reformist economic policies, the China Fund started spreading its tentacles very fast. Within a year of its establishment, it set up an artists’ club in Beijing and an academic unit at Nankai University in Tianjin. Within the first two years of arriving in China, Soros’ China Fund gave hefty grants for at least 200 proposals. However, as the Fund started pushing the envelope too far by funding research on sensitive topics like the notorious ‘Cultural Revolution’ that had resulted in torture and deaths of millions of Chinese in 1960s, alarm bells started ringing in Chinese official circles and Zhao Ziyang had to step in despite his support for Soros and China Fund.

Alex Joske says in Spies and Lies: How China’s Greatest Covert Operations Fooled the World, “In the face of complaints from Party elders about the China Fund, Zhao Ziyang ceded its control to new management. It wasn’t a fight he wanted to pick, nor one he could dare to. Zhao agreed to sever ties between the ESRI and the China Fund, bringing in the China International Culture Exchange Center (CICEC), a group under the Ministry of Culture, as its new partner institution.

Things weren’t all bad, or so it seemed. CICEC had the backing of senior Party leaders, including (present Chinese president) Xi Jinping’s father, and served as one of the only official channels for cultural exchanges with the outside world. Its strong ties to officialdom could insulate Zhao and the China Fund.”

Soros travelled to China in February 1988 to sign a revised agreement with Yu Enguang, a Chinese spy master who was a high-ranking official of the MSS. CICEC itself was a front for the MSS. It would be too naïve to accept that Soros didn’t know about this ‘open secret’ though he tried to defend himself later by pleading ignorance about this fact.

Soros got along well with Yu Enguang at a personal level. The latter secured Soros a rare meeting with the top leadership of CCP in Beijing. Soros, reconfirmed his commitment to bankroll joint operations of China Fund and CICEC. The new Chinese co-chair of this project Yu Enguang.

According to Joske, Yu Enguang was the pseudonym of the Chinese spy master Yu Fang. ‘Among his comrades in the MSS, Yu Fang was just as respected as ‘Yu Enguang’ was by the targets he cultivated. At some point in his career, he headed the agency’s important central administrative office, and in the early nineties helped secure the passage of China’s first National Security Law, which expanded and codified MSS powers. The authors of several MSS publications, marked for internal distribution only, thank him for advising on and improving their drafts. He also oversaw MSS production and censorship of histories, TV dramas and movies about spies, which were designed to build public awareness and support for the MSS’s mission.’

Joske adds, “Ironically for a man who helped bring Chinese intelligence history into the public sphere, Yu’s true legacy is an official secret. Official references to his achievements are brief and elliptical. The authoritative People’s Daily eulogized him in 2013, an honor only a handful of intelligence officers receive: ‘In his sixty years of life in the revolution, Comrade Yu Fang was loyal to the Party, scrupulously carried out his duties and selflessly offered himself to the Party’s endeavors, making important contributions to the Party’s state security endeavor.’ The article also noted that he’d been a member of the National People’s Congress, China’s national legislature.”

Thus, Soros was dealing with a top-ranking Chinese intelligence official. Initially, this partnership was going off well. In fact, MSS was using Soros’ money to fund its operations under the garb of cultural exchange programs carried out by CICEC.

Incidentally, the official website of the CICEC, when accessed currently, doesn’t show any link it had in the past with Soros and the China Fund. It talks about its focus on ‘cultural exchange programs, which is a common phrase used frequently by the Chinese intelligence agencies to give legitimacy to their spy operations. The CICEC holds cultural festivals across the world and officially claims to be working to create support for China’s ‘One belt, one road’ initiative. Incidentally, CICEC was set up in 1984, a year after MSS came into existence and it was just a couple of years old when Soros’ China Fund forged a partnership with it. It was well-known to China watchers right since its inception that CICEC was a front for the MSS. It is difficult to apprehend that Soros didn’t know about this!

Post-Tiananmen Square

Everything was going well for Soros’ China Fund till Tiananmen square happened in 1989. Chinese authorities suspected that the China Fund played an active role in fueling demonstrations at Tiananmen square that ended in a massacre of thousands of people by Chinese authorities. Meanwhile the Tiananmen square massacre also led to a purge within the party as CCP’s general secretary Zhao Ziyang was not only replaced but was also put under house arrest.

With the arrest of Zhao as well as his secretary Bao Tong, both of whom backed Soros and his China Fund, the Chinese authorities began their crackdown. Soros immediately shut the shop leaving many of his Chinese associates in the lurch and at the mercy of Chinese authorities.

MSS, in its updates to the top party bosses, days before the Tiananmen massacre happened gave details about the role of China Fund as a CIA front in fueling these demonstrations.

According to The Tiananmen Papers, a huge cache of internal CCP reports related to the massacre, that was leaked later, the MSS told the party bosses, “Our investigations have revealed that Liang Heng, the personal representative of the (China Fund) chairman George Soros, was a suspected US spy. Moreover, four American members of the foundation’s advisory committee had CIA connections.”

“According to the MSS’s narrative, Soros showed his ‘true colors’ by asking Yu to close the fund in May 1989 once he realized that supporters of reform were being purged,” observed Joske.

Soros co-chaired the China Fund-CICEC partnership with a top-level Chinese spy master Yu Enguang (also known as Yu Fang). The MSS used the funds provided by Soros’ China Fund to finance many of its operations. Had there not been an internal turmoil in the Chinese Communist Party throwing Soros’ supporters in the Chinese establishment out of power, Soros would have been working closely with an authoritarian Chinese government and continued to play the ‘double game’ ultimately benefiting his business interests from both sides. This history of Soros with the Chinese also exposes his double speak as he claims to be the champion of democracy!

What a Chinese spy agency the Ministry of State Security disrupts the world

MSS was set up in 1983 to bring together multiple agencies which were already functional so that Chinese spy networks could work more cohesively as well as ruthlessly.

國家安全部 ‘Guójiā ānquán bù’ MSS facilities

國家安全部 ‘Guójiā ānquán bù’ MSS facilities in Xiyuan, Haidian District, Beijing. Image courtesy: Wikimedia commons

China’s premier spy agency Ministry for State Security (MSS) has been on the forefront of setting up and running a ruthless global espionage and counter-espionage network.

MSS was set up in 1983 to bring together multiple agencies which were already functional so that Chinese spy networks could work more cohesively as well as ruthlessly.

Officially the proposal to set up this agency was brought by Zhao Ziyang at the first session of the sixth National People’s Congress (NPC) on June 20, 1983. The NPC can be broadly termed as the Parliament of China.

Ziyang proposed the establishment of a state security ministry “to protect the security of the state and strengthen China’s counterespionage work.” The NPC approved it and voted to appoint Ling Yun as the first minister.

The inaugural meeting of the MSS was held on 1 July 1983 to announce the formal establishment of the. The opening speech was delivered by chairman Chen Pixian of the ‘Central Political-Legal Commission’ one of the key bodies of CCP. He categorically said, “Doing state security work well will effectively promote socialist modernization and the cause of realizing the unification of the motherland opposing hegemonism and defending world peace.” The Chinese intent was clear: MSS would be its ace espionage and counter-intelligence agency.

Since President Xi Jinping took over the reins of the Communist Party of China (CCP) and the Chinese establishment in 2012, MSS has been endowed with even greater authority and its sphere of influence has increased significantly. In Xi Jinping’s scheme of things, Chinese espionage agencies, especially MSS, lead from the front to change the existing world order.

Since the remit of China’s intelligence agencies is much broader than those of Western nations, they need more resources, and Xi Jinping has made sure they receive them, say Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg in Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World.

Roger Faligot (Chinese Spies: From Chairman Mao to Xi Jinping) has written, there has been a “formidable increase in the authority of the Chinese intelligence apparatus, specifically since 2017”.

The MSS indulges in all kinds of dubious clandestine activities including sabotage, industrial espionage, theft of technology. It has created several fronts in the form of think tanks and trade and cultural bodies to carry out such activities. The prominent among them are China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, China Reform Forum and Chinese Association for the Promotion of Cultural Exchange and Cooperation.

Structure of MSS

Last known, MSS has 18 bureaus spread over at least four compounds in Beijing serving as their headquarters and then they have provincial and other local networks within China as well as a global network. The functions of many of them are not yet known. China Institute of Contemporary International Relations is the public façade of 11th bureau of MSS. Peter Mattis and Matthew Brazil have painstakingly gathered some details about these bureaus in ‘Chinese Communist Espionage: A Primer’ such as:

“     • First Bureau: “secret line” operations by MSS officers not under covers associated with Chinese government organizations.

  • Second Bureau: “open line” operations by MSS officers using diplomatic, journalistic, or other government-related covers.
  • Fourth Bureau: Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.
  • Fifth Bureau: Report Analysis and Dissemination.
  • Seventh Bureau: Counterespionage Intelligence Bureau, gathers information and develops intelligence on hostile intelligence services inside and outside China.
  • Eighth Bureau: Counterespionage Investigation, runs investigations to detect and apprehend foreign spies in China.
  • Ninth Bureau: Internal Protection and Reconnaissance Bureau, supervises and monitors foreign entities and reactionary organizations in China to prevent espionage.
  • Tenth Bureau: Foreign Security and Reconnaissance Bureau, manages Chinese student organizations and other entities overseas and investigates the activities of reactionary organizations abroad.
  • Eleventh Bureau: China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, performs open-source research, translation, and analysis. Its analysts also meet regularly with foreign delegations and spend time abroad as visiting fellows.
  • Twelfth Bureau: Social Affairs or Social Investigation Bureau, handles MSS contributions to the CCP’s united front work System (also known as United Front Works Department-UFWD, which is another major espionage network of Chinese government and CPC).
  • Thirteenth Bureau: Network Security and Exploitation (also known as the China Information Technology Evaluation Center, manages the research and development of other investigative equipment.
  • Fourteenth Bureau: Technical Reconnaissance Bureau, conducts mail inspection and telecommunications inspection and control.
  • Fifteenth Bureau: Taiwan operations linked to the broader Taiwan Affairs work system. Its public face is the Institute of Taiwan Studies at the China Academy of Social Sciences.
  • Eighteenth Bureau: US Operations Bureau for conducting and managing clandestine intelligence operations against the United States.”

There is hardly any information about the real work done by the third, sixth, sixteenth and seventeenth bureau of the MSS.

According to an online report by China Digital published in 2015, the MSS had a strength of 100,000 ‘spies’. Around 60,000 of them worked within China while 40,000 of them were working in other countries for China.

Explaining this mammoth size and the massive expansion of MSS, Mattis and Brazil elaborated, “The expansion occurred in four waves. The original departments (or those created within the first year) appeared to be the municipal bureaus or provincial departments of state security for Beijing, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Liaoning, and Shanghai. A second wave appeared shortly thereafter between 1985 and 1988, including Chongqing, Gansu, Hainan, Henan, Shaanxi, Tianjin, and Zhejiang. The third wave from 1990 to 1995 completed the expansion of the ministry across the country at provincial levels, bringing in Anhui, Hunan, Qinghai, and Sichuan provinces.161 The fourth wave of MSS expansion was vertical. The provincial-level departments either took over local public security bureaus or established subordinate municipal or county bureaus. For many local PSB officers, they were police one day and state security the next. When MSS minister Jia left in 1998 for the MPS, the MSS was a nationwide organization at every level.”

“From the national level to the local levels, the MSS and its subordinate departments and bureaus report to a system of leading small groups, coordinating offices, and commissions to guide security work while lessening the risk of politicization on behalf of CCP leaders. At present, the two most important of these are the Political-Legal Commission and the Central State Security Commission.”

Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg have mentioned in Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World, “It was reported in 2005 that the FBI believed the MSS had set up around 3000 front companies to conceal its activities. The MSS has various arms engaged in economic espionage and it has ‘embedded itself deep in major financial and commercial organizations, particularly in Shanghai and Hong Kong’. Not all economic espionage is state directed. Chinese nationals are known to set up firms that take orders from companies in China to obtain and supply specific pieces of intellectual property from their competitors in the West, usually by identifying an employee willing to provide such secrets.”

Bloody Purge within MSS

While MSS has successfully infiltrated many spy agencies of other countries, it also suffered a major setback when in 2010, it was revealed that there are several Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) moles working in China and MSS for the American agency.

This led to a bloody purge within MSS. The CIA assets were exposed because of a botched-up communication system of the US spy agency. It reportedly used the same equipment in China which it was using to communicate with its operatives in the middle east. But the Chinese spy agency was much more efficient than the middle east and the CIA underestimated its tech capability. MSS was able to crack this communication network. According to various reports, anywhere between one dozen to two dozen operatives of the CIA were rounded up and executed over a period of two years by the MSS. The CIA did manage to take out many of its ‘assets’ but it had to suffer a major loss.

According to a report published in the journal Foreign Policy in 2018, “It was considered one of the CIA’s worst failures in decades: Over a two-year period starting in late 2010, Chinese authorities systematically dismantled the agency’s network of agents across the country, executing dozens of suspected US spies.”

Recruitment and working pattern.

One of the key methods deployed by MSS is to use the Chinese diaspora to create assets in other countries. Its first bureau plays a significant role in this regard. A survey done by the US-based Centre for Strategic Studies gives an indication about MSS’ approach towards espionage. This survey listed 160 publicly reported instances of Chinese espionage directed at the United States since 2000. According to the survey report:

  • 42% of actors were Chinese military or government employees.
  • 32% were private Chinese citizens.
  • 26% were non-Chinese actors (usually U.S. persons recruited by Chinese officials)
  • 34% of incidents sought to acquire military technology.
  • 51% of incidents sought to acquire commercial technologies.
  • 16% of incidents sought to acquire information on U.S. civilian agencies or politicians.
  • 41% of incidents involved cyber espionage, usually by State-affiliated actors.

According to Hamilton and Ohlberg, “Ego, sex, ideology, patriotism, and especially money is all exploited by China’s intelligence services to recruit spies. In 2017 an FBI employee, Kun Shan Chun (Joey Chun), was convicted of supplying information about the bureau’s organization and operations to Chinese agents, in exchange for free international travel and visits to prostitutes. Among those who spy for China, ideology is a factor mainly for people of Chinese heritage (unlike during the Cold War, when Westerners spied for the USSR for ideological reasons). Beijing also deploys the threat of punishment of family members in China if a target refuses to cooperate.

UFWD: ‘Magic weapon’ in China’s espionage arsenal

The UFWD’s work is inspired by the Leninist theory of uniting with lesser enemies to defeat greater ones

Chinese President Xi Jinping

One of the key constituents of the global Chinese Spy Network is the United Front Work Department (UFWD). It is entrusted with coordination and operational aspects of ‘united front’ activities. The Chinese initially defined ‘united front’ more as a concept. Later it set up UFWD to carry out these activities as the nodal agency.


The UFWD’s work is inspired by the Leninist theory of uniting with lesser enemies to defeat greater ones. Since its founding, this has been a key element of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) strategy to consolidate its hold on power, both domestically and internationally.

The UFWD’s first deployment was to join and subvert the then ruling Nationalist government, the Kuomintang, in the early 1920s. A 2018 research report by US-China Economic and Security Review Commission explained it further, “The CCP then formed an alliance of convenience with the Kuomintang to discourage it from trying to wipe out the fledgling CCP while uniting their efforts against Japan.”

According to Gerry Groot, senior lecturer at the University of Adelaide and renowned expert on the United Front, this campaign evolved into a systematic effort to recruit “fellow travelers,” mostly “famous intellectuals, writers, teachers, students, publishers, and businesspeople who were not necessarily Communists.”

Modus Operandi

The modus operandi of the UFWD is one of the least discussed issues in the public domain when it comes to Chinese covert operations. It is not surprising as UFWD operates through a complex web of organizations which act as a front for united front work.

There are thousands of organizations which work for UFWD under the garb of cultural, educational, commercial, and philanthropic organizations. Alex Joske explains the philosophy behind UFWD in his groundbreaking expose of Chinese intelligence operations Spies and Lies, “Party leaders since Mao Zedong have referred to the united front as one of their three ‘magic weapons’. Together with armed struggle and efforts to strengthen Party organization, the two other magic weapons, the CCP credits the united front work with major contributions to its victory in 1949, China’s modernization and subsequent economic development.”

The key task of UFWD is to build a global network of influencers and ‘operators’ who manipulate the global narrative by hook or crook.  The UFWD specifically brings into its spy net intellectuals, local community leaders, religious and ethnic figures, journalists, academia, and business magnates.

According to Joske, recent cases from around the world have shown, the (Chinese Communist) Party seeks to insert itself into segments of diaspora communities and then mobilize them as political influence. Co-optees can be used to suppress dissidents, make political donations, mentor political candidates and staffers, and otherwise apply pressure in support of Beijing’s interests.

In a 2020 research paper on UFWD, ASPI said, “There’s no clear distinction between domestic and overseas united front work: all bureaus of the UFWD and all areas of united front work involve overseas activities. This is because the key distinction underlying the United Front is not between domestic and overseas groups, but between the CCP and everyone else. For example, the UFWD’s Xinjiang Bureau plays a central role in policy on Xinjiang but is also involved in worldwide efforts to whitewash the CCP’s internment of an estimated 1.5 million people in Xinjiang, primarily ethnic Uyghur Muslims, as an anti-terrorism and vocational training effort.”


The UFWD follows the directions given by an important CCP body known as the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). The latter is led by a member of the CCP’s Politburo Standing Committee.

According to the latest information available, UFWD has a presence across all provinces in China, in all its embassies abroad, in foreign universities and in various international trade organizations as well as in civil society also. According to the ASPI report, “Internally, the department has 10 leaders, at least six of whom hold ministerial rank or higher. It has 12 bureaus, half of which were created after 2015. Bureaucratic changes in 2018 that brought overseas Chinese affairs under the UFWD’s ‘unified management’ also injected dozens if not hundreds of officials with substantial overseas experience into the department. Jinan University, Huaqiao University and the Central Institute of Socialism in Beijing are all subordinate to the UFWD and carry out research and training to support its efforts. Additionally, the UFWD runs dedicated training facilities, such as the Jixian Mountain Estate, which is a complex in the outskirts of Beijing used for training China Overseas Friendship Association cadres.”

Organizations such as the China Overseas Friendship Association, are part of the ‘united front system’. At least two such organizations held special consultative status as non-governmental organizations in the UN Economic and Social Council. According to an ASPI report, “In 2014, an official from one of them, the China Association for Preservation and Development of Tibetan Culture, was barred from a UN human rights hearing after he intimidated a woman testifying about her father, political prisoner Wang Bingzhang.”

The 12 bureaus of UFWD

UFWD’s 12 bureaus deal with separate tasks. Here is how the work has been distributed to them:

First Bureau: Minor Parties Work Bureau (Oversees China’s eight democratic parties)
Second Bureau: Deals with Ethnic Affairs
Third Bureau: Deals with Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan
Fourth Bureau: Deals with business persons and private companies
Fifth Bureau: Non-Affiliated and Minor Party Intellectuals related work
Sixth Bureau: Targets urban professionals such as employees of foreign companies
Seventh Bureau: Handles Tibet related issues
Eighth Bureau: Handles issues related to Xinjiang province
Ninth Bureau: Overseas Chinese affairs (regional responsibilities)
Tenth Bureau: Overseas Chinese Affairs (Media, Cultural and educational activities)
Eleventh Bureau and Twelfth Bureau: Issues related to religion

Xi Jinping and UFWD

Though UFWD has always been used by the CCP as a key element of its spy network, Xi Jinping pushed it to a new high after he took over as Chinese President in 2012. In 2015, Xi declared in an important central united front work meeting, “The United Front … is an important magic weapon for strengthening the party’s ruling position … and an important magic weapon for realizing the China Dream of the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation.”

More than 40,000 new personnel were recruited for different wings of UFWD within a few years of Xi taking over the reins of CCP. Xi’s specific focus on UFWD shouldn’t surprise those who know his background. Xi Jinping’s father Xi Zhongxun was known for carrying out UFWD missions in Tibet. One of his key assignments was to influence the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama. As a Politburo member he supervised the UFWD work in the 1980s. Xi rose in the party by climbing through CCP ranks in Fujian province which is known to be a hotbed of united front activities targeting Taiwan. In 1995, he wrote a paper on united front work in the Chinese diaspora. He advocated several new ideas in this paper regarding UFWD which he started implementing in 2012 and expedited it further after the 2015 conference of united front work.

The result is evident. Countries like Australia, US, Canada have exposed how Chinese have been using their spying arms like UFWD to create a deep Chinese state in their countries especially in their political and policy making sphere.

What Jamie Watt, a contributing Columnist to The Toronto Star, wrote in his column on 23 February 2023, would aptly explain the lethalness of Chinese ‘magic weapons’ such as UFWD. Commenting on how incriminating evidence has come out regarding Chinese interference in Canadian elections benefitting Justin Trudeau’s party, Watt wrote: “Just this past week, the Globe and Mail reported news from CSIS that Canadian politicians, government officials, business executives and Chinese Canadians all have been prime targets of Chinese government espionage. This espionage has deployed blackmail, bribery, and sexual seduction. The range and nature of the tactics used are usually reserved for spy novels, but national security experts now deem China’s espionage infrastructure to go far deeper than even the Soviet’s efforts at the height of the Cold War.”

Watt sounds an alarm bell about Canada which explains how Chinese espionage works through organs like UFWD, “It is time that we understand our politicians have proven incapable of addressing Chinese state influence. Chinese aren’t just at our gates, they own them. And they’re standing idly by flipping us the bird.”

A US State Department report on China’s Coercive Activities Abroad specifically highlights the role of UFWD as it says, “The CCP’s United Front Work Department (UFWD) is responsible for coordinating domestic and foreign influence operations, through propaganda and manipulation of susceptible audiences and individuals. The CCP’s United Front permeates every aspect of its extensive engagements with the international community. It targets the highest levels of Western democracies; creates a permanent class of China lobbyists whose primary job is to sell access to high level Chinese leaders to corporate America. The United Front has also penetrated deeply into state, local and municipal governments through a myriad of front organizations such as the CCP’s sister-cities programs, trade commissions, and friendship associations.”

This report also reiterates that China considers UFWD to be its ‘magic weapon’ used by China to dominate the world and manipulate the global narrative.

Chinese Military intelligence: How a mammoth war machine plays spy games across the globe.

India remains one of the primary targets of the Chinese espionage network. And Chinese military has a significant role to play in this game of cloak and dagger.

One of the key elements of the Chinese espionage network is the military intelligence that it has been able to keep under wraps. What we are witnessing is a new avatar of Chinese Military intelligence under President Xi Jinping who as a head of the Central Military Commission directly controls the Chinese military.

He started restructuring the Chinese military in 2015-16 and that also included revamping of the Chinese military intelligence network. Peter Mattis explained the importance and implications of this exercise of Chinese espionage network in China reorients strategic military intelligence (Janes, 2017), “On 26 November 2015, Chinese president Xi Jinping announced the first significant revision of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) since its reorganization during the 1950s, when the PLA transformed from an army fighting a civil war to one capable of protecting a nation-state. The reforms removed the Soviet-inspired system of general departments, established a new division of labour, and realigned the PLA organizationally to better fulfil the Military Strategic Guidelines that state the goal of winning informationized local wars.”

“Many elements of the PLA’s modernization effort in the past 25 years have had strictly military implications, but this round of reforms reaches far beyond the Chinese military to reshape how the leadership receives information. To reinforce the Central Military Commission’s (CMC’s) control over operational forces and provide better battlefield intelligence support, the PLA created the Strategic Support Force (PLASSF). The new force consolidated much of the PLA’s technical collection capabilities to direct them towards supporting military operations.”

Chinese Military Intelligence Arm: Joint Staff Department

The Chinese military intelligence arm has been innocuously named as Joint Staff Department (JSD). Earlier it was known as 2PLA or second department of the PLA (People’s Liberation Army) General Staff Department. The JSD came into existence around seven years ago.

According to Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg (Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World), “The Intelligence Bureau of the CMC Joint Staff Department is not only responsible for military intelligence but also has a history of extensive activity in civilian domains. It draws on military attachés and signals intelligence to gather intelligence. The Joint Staff Department has its own think tanks — the China Institute for International Strategic Studies, which focuses on research, and the China Foundation for International and Strategic Studies, which engages in academic and policy exchanges. Its Institute of International Relations (now part of the National University of Defense Technology) trains military attachés and secret agents.”

Structure of Chinese Military Intelligence Apparatus

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controls the PLA through its Central Military Commission. President Xi Jinping has been the chairman of the CMC ever since he came to power in 2012.

According to a US Congressional Research Report published in June 2021, China’s current military modernization push began in 1978 and accelerated in the 1990s. Xi Jinping, the General Secretary and “core leader” of the CCP, Chairman of the CCP’s Central Military Commission, and State President, has continued to make military modernization a priority and has linked military modernization to his signature issue: the “China Dream” of a modern, strong, and prosperous country.

‘In 2017, Xi formalized three broad goals for the PLA: (1) to achieve mechanization of the armed forces and to make significant progress toward what the United States would call a “networked” force by 2020; (2) to “basically complete” China’s military modernization process by 2035; and (3) to have a “world-class” military by 2049, the centenary of the establishment of the PRC. Xi has initiated the most ambitious reform and reorganization of the PLA since the 1950s, to transform the military into a capable joint force as well as to further consolidate control of the PLA in the hands of Xi and the CCP.’

Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology (ICIT), a Washington-based think tank has worked extensively on detailing the structure of Chinese military intelligence through their senior fellow James Drew and Researcher Scott Spaniel. According to Scott and Spaniel, “The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Joint Staff Department (JSD) replaced the General Staff Department on January 11, 2016, as part of Xi Jinping’s military reforms. It manages most military and covert operations. The JSD, as a division of the PLA, is dedicated to warfare. The duties of the PLA JSD include PLA Operations Command, Recruitment, Mobilization, Formation, Training, and Administration.”

Second and Third Department

The JSD has three departments which work in coordination to conduct various intelligence operations. These departments deal respectively with electronic intelligence, human intelligence, and signal intelligence. The section within the PLA’s Joint Staff Department that deals with conventional human intelligence (HUMINT) is known as ‘Second Department’.

James Scott and Drew Spaniel estimated in their 2016 book, China’s Espionage Dynasty, that this department had around 30,000–50,000 agents around the world. Their primary task is to collect useful, relevant, and confidential information and send it back to China.

‘A common misconception is that agents of the Chinese government are “sloppy”; however, agents of the second department who serve as high level spies or handlers are rarely caught. Rather, low-level assets, often belonging to the overt structure, are more often detected by foreign intelligence agencies.’

The Third Department which is entrusted with the task of signals intelligence (SIGNIT). According to Drew and Spaniel, “The Third Department is the largest intelligence agency in the Chinese government, consisting of an estimated 250,000- 300,000 linguists, technical staff, and cyber soldiers. There are at least four known Research Institutes (56, 57, 58, and 61) under the Third Department. Within the 61 Research Institute are approximately 20 bureaus that launch cyberattacks. The Third Department intercepts phone calls, launches cyberattacks, and monitors communications. Much of its efforts involve hacking devices and exfiltrating targeted data. The Third Department may launch obvious cyberattacks, such as DDoS or ransomware attacks, against target systems to mask the activity of Second Department operatives.”

Fourth Department

The Fourth Department is responsible for electronic intelligence (ELINT) operations. Its prime focus is on intercepting satellite and radar data. The operatives of Fourth Department are experts in altering, jamming, or spoofing of signals.

“It is believed that the Fourth Department research direct methods of disabling enemy communication networks. State-Sponsored APTs (i.e., Chinese state sponsored advanced persistent threats) can be identified based on their choice of targets, their proclivity for cyberespionage, and the language settings on the keyboards used to develop the malware, and their connections to other campaigns. Some groups, such as APT 1 (Unit 61398), APT 2 (Unit 61486) and APT 30 (Unit 78020) can be linked to specific units within the Third Department. Other APTs remain less defined.”

PLA Unit 61398

In May 2014, five officers of the PLA who belonged to its unit ‘61398’ commonly known for cyber espionage and cyberattacks were indicted by a US court. Several cyber security firms have reported about the clandestine operations of this unit which is one of the key parts of the Chinese Military Intelligence apparatus. This unit primarily targets countries with flourishing democracies as they are a perfect antidote to the Chinese authoritarian system. Hence along with several other countries, India has also been one of their targets. Several cyberattacks on the Indian establishment are believed to have been carried out by this unit. It is reportedly headquartered in Datong Avenue of Pudong district in Shanghai. There has been a consistent spurt in its activities.


The Chinese military intelligence is committed to pursue the so-called vision of Xi Jinping and peddle a pro-China global narrative. China Institute of International Studies (CIIS), a front form the Chinese military intelligence network, carried a detailed comment on India. Authored by Lan Jianxue, Director of the Department for Asia-Pacific Studies at CIIS, this is what Chinese military intelligence conveyed, “Noticeably, the connotation of the so-called Asian Century, as understood by the United States, is not quite the same as that understood by the Chinese. The expression “Asian Century” was coined by former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping in 1988. Deng pointed out that no genuine Asian Century can come until China, India and other neighboring countries are developed.

It is clear the United States remains one of the primary targets of the Chinese espionage network. And the Chinese military has a significant role to play in this game of cloak and dagger.

People’s Republic of China’s Practice of Network Power // 中華人民共和國網絡權力實踐

People’s Republic of China’s Practice of Network Power //


People’s Daily (April 19, 2018 01 edition)

In today’s world, the information technology revolution is changing with each passing day.

  In contemporary China, the development of the network business has advanced by leaps and bounds.

  From mobile payment everywhere to new high-level online transaction volume; from the nationwide e-government system to the booming big data industry… General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on network security and informationization work published two years ago, China’s online letter With the rapid and healthy development of the business, the Internet has increasingly become an important driving force for national development, and the digital field has continuously achieved leap-forward development.


        Under the guidance of the strategic blueprint for the “two hundred years” struggle goal, China, which is opening a new era, is striding towards a new journey of network power.

  Looking ahead and judging the situation, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core points the way forward for building a network power

  In March 2018, the “Deepening the Party and State Institutional Reform Plan” issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China opened a new chapter in the national network letter business – the Central Cyber ​​Security and Informatization Leading Group was changed to the Central Cyber ​​Security and Informatization Committee, responsible for Top-level design, overall layout, overall coordination, overall promotion, and supervision and implementation of major work in this field.

  This is the far-sightedness of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core of the national network letter, and it is also the implementation of the important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the symposium on cybersecurity and informationization.

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has accurately grasped the general trend of the times, actively responded to the requirements of practice, deeply examined the major changes in the main social contradictions, and issued a series of important speeches on the development of the network business, clearly proposing the strategic thinking of the network power.

  ”To develop a network business, we must implement a people-centered development thinking.”

  ——According to the ups and downs of Internet technology changes, General Secretary Xi Jinping always puts the people at the highest position, clearly defining “to adapt to people’s expectations and needs, speed up the popularization of information services, reduce application costs, and provide them with affordable and affordable The well-used information service has enabled hundreds of millions of people to gain more sense of sharing Internet development results.”

  “Big data is a new stage in the development of information technology.”

  ——In the face of the information-based competitive environment that you chase after me, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a keen judgment to “understand the current status and trends of big data development and its impact on economic and social development, and analyze the achievements of China’s big data development and Problems exist to promote the implementation of the national big data strategy.”

  ”Building a community of cyberspace destiny.”

  ——Investigating the profound changes in the global Internet governance system, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed “four principles” and “five points of proposition”, calling for “the Internet is invisible, but the people who use the Internet are tangible, and the Internet is the common home of mankind. It is the common responsibility of the international community to make this home more beautiful, cleaner and safer.


  New ideas lead new practices, and new strategies open up new journeys. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, a colorful network of powerful powers is slowly unfolding.

  One-point deployment, nine-point implementation, a series of new policies and new measures for the reform and development of the network letter business are turning into new achievements and new changes

  ”Party committees and governments at all levels should strengthen Internet thinking, be good at using the advantages of the Internet, and focus on integrating, sharing, facilitating, and security, promoting scientific decision-making in government, refining social governance, and improving the efficiency of public services. Perceive the social situation, open communication channels, assist decision-making and governance, and facilitate the masses to do things.

  On April 13, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions during the inspection of the Hainan Provincial Government Affairs Data Center, once again in order to speed up the development of big data and use information technology to point the way.

  Without informatization, there is no modernization.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on cybersecurity and informatization work has been published for two years. All localities and departments have kept pace with the times, pioneering and innovating, and introduced a series of new policies and new measures to promote the cause of major strategic opportunities in the network letter industry and usher in new Development, new leap.

  ——Continuously strengthen the top-level design, and the information development will add institutional guarantee.

  The Outline of the National Informatization Development Strategy was published, which depicts the development of digital China’s construction in the next 10 years, and clearly sets a clear timetable and roadmap for the construction of a network power. The “13th Five-Year National Informationization Plan” was released. It is proposed to achieve significant results in the construction of digital China as the overall goal of China’s informatization development.

  In the past two years, the informatization development strategy, the national big data strategy, and the “Internet +” action plan have been frequently deployed, and the foundation of the network is solid.

  ——The infrastructure is more perfect, and the digital development paves the way.

  In 2017, the length of new optical cable lines in China was 7.05 million kilometers. The total length of national optical cable lines reached 37.47 million kilometers, an increase of 23.2% over the previous year; the number of Internet broadband access ports reached 779 million, an increase of 9.3%.

  The Action Plan for Promoting the Scale Deployment of the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) was issued and implemented, and the scale of IPv6 deployment was comprehensively improved. As of December 31, 2017, the total number of IPv6 address allocations in China was 23,430 (/32).

  In the past two years, the quality and coverage of mobile network services have continued to improve, and the development of next-generation Internet has shown great prospects.

  – Internet innovative social governance tools, e-government work into the fast lane.

  At the Taxation Hall of the State Taxation Bureau of Jinjiang City, Fujian Province, the financial manager Shi Jinxing received dozens of special value-added tax invoices through the self-service terminal. He felt that “it took a half-day to become a few minutes, and the government service became more and more convenient. Efficient.”

  Innovative services to benefit the people. The data shows that the current total number of government websites in the country is nearly 32,000; the new government media has become a new channel for communication between the public and the public.

  In December 2017, the Central Network Information Office and other departments jointly launched a two-year national e-government comprehensive pilot project in eight provinces including Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu to explore the development of e-government development experience that can be used for promotion, and more convenient and efficient e-government experience. Just around the corner.

  Take the matter at any time, make meritorious deeds from the capital, and profit from the power of all things.

  The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China formulated a blueprint for the development of a new era, and proposed to build a network power, digital China, and a smart society, promote the deep integration of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and the real economy, develop the digital economy, share the economy, and foster new growth. Point, form new kinetic energy.

  In Zhejiang, the digital economy, which is dominated by software services, Internet of Things, cloud computing, and big data, has exceeded 10 trillion yuan for three consecutive years. In Guizhou, where poverty alleviation is the main battlefield, big data has become one of the three development strategies. Its economic growth rate has been in the forefront of the country for seven consecutive years.

  A series of data and an item of results reflect a series of historical achievements and historic changes in the digital development of China in recent years.

  Let hundreds of millions of people gain more sense of sharing the Internet development achievements, and build a strong power for building a network power.

  At the end of each course, Zhang Fan, an online training teacher, will carefully review the “Magic Mirror System” analysis of the students’ class status and adjust and optimize the teaching plan accordingly.

  Through this system, the camera captures the classroom state, such as raising hands, practicing, listening to classes, speaking, etc., and even facial expression changes at any time. Through multi-dimensional measurement of data, a unique learning report for each student is generated.

  With the help of digital technology, the goal of “there is no education, teaching students in accordance with their aptitudes”, which is the sage of the past dynasties, is now entering an ordinary life.

  No longer just online shopping, sharing bicycles, today, digital technology represented by big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence is increasingly infiltrating into every aspect of Chinese life: the construction of cancer big data portraits makes health dreams clearer; The guardian platform gives the minors a clearer cyberspace; the 5G “super speed” makes the screen “flashing” words become history…

  New products from the Internet have emerged, and digital technology has turned people’s imagined new life into reality. From the introduction of the network security law to the new stage of legal governance, to the digital economy, the “big artery” is more smooth… The world of the people of the world is more colorful because of the Internet, and the lives of the people are more abundant because of the Internet.

  Promoting the development of the Internet and making good use of the power of the Internet are the basic projects that promote social progress and enhance people’s well-being.

  Liuyu Village is located in the selenium-rich area of ​​southern Meizhou, Guangdong Province, and has a long history of growing tea. However, due to the remote location, poor traffic and information, the sales of tea has not been opened.

  Since the staying tea has been stationed in the Guangdong mobile e-commerce informationization poverty alleviation platform to achieve online sales, the problem of slow sales of tea has been solved. In the past year, the tea sold by the “Lingnan Life” platform has reached 6,000 kilograms, and the single-day sales order has reached a maximum of 1423.

  Statistics show that in 2017, China’s digital economy reached 27.2 trillion yuan, accounting for 32.9% of GDP; e-commerce and online retail continued to grow, e-commerce promoted the steady expansion of rural consumption, and rural consumer infrastructure such as logistics, telecommunications, and transportation. further improvement.

  ”Adhere to the people as the center”, digital development is constantly satisfying people’s yearning for a better life, and the people have more sense of gaining in sharing the development of the Internet.

  “The way of benefit, and the time.”

  In just over 20 years, starting from a network cable with a network speed of only 64 kilobits per second, China now has 700 million netizens and more than 4 million websites. It has built the world’s largest 4G network, and the scale of online retail transactions has jumped. The world’s first… a series of “great”, witnessed a slap in the face of a network power to the network power.

  In just two years, from the speed increase and decrease of the network to the implementation of the Cyber ​​Security Law, from the continuous hosting of the four World Internet Conferences to the Alibaba Cloud Data Center, which covers the major Internet markets in the world, a series of “big-handed” highlights China’s move to a network powerhouse. Determination and confidence.

  In December 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized in the second collective study of the Political Bureau of the 19th Central Committee that “the situation will be judged, carefully planned, advanced, and proactive” “accelerate the construction of digital China and better serve China’s economic and social development and people. Life improvement.”

  The construction of digital China is an important measure to implement the internship General Secretary General Ping Ping’s strategic thinking on network power. It is an effective way to adhere to the people-centered development thinking and continuously enhance the people’s sense of acquisition. It is an inevitable requirement for seizing development opportunities and accelerating the modernization process.

  This is an urgent call for the new era, and it is a firm declaration of China in the new era.

  Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the development of China’s network information industry will surely take greater steps in the construction of a network powerhouse, and create a more awkward innovation for the Chinese dream of building a well-off society in an all-round way and realizing the great rejuvenation of the nation. power.


Original Mandarin Chinese:























































Referring URL:

Chinese General: If hostile forces invade my network sovereignty China can use military means to fight & hack back // 中國將軍:如果敵對勢力入侵我的網絡主權,中國可以用軍事手段進行反擊和反擊

Chinese General: If hostile forces invade my network sovereignty China can use military means to fight & hack back //



Original: “National Defense Reference”, No. 3, 2017

The cyberspace was born in the military field. For example, the first computer, the APA network and the GPS navigation system all originated from the military. Today, cyberspace security has been closely related to national security, and the military has once again become the protagonist of maintaining national cyberspace security. Whether facing normalized network penetration or large-scale cyberattacks, it is urgent for the military to move from guarding the “network camp gate” to guarding the “network country gate”, breaking through the traditional military missions and missions, and breaking through the traditional war preparation mode. With a new network of national defense thinking, the founding of the network era of the country’s strong shield.

From the “network camp door” to the “network country door”, the new era brings a new trend of military mission

Cyberspace is not only related to the maintenance of national strategic interests, but also directly affects political, economic, cultural security and social development. It has also become the blood and link of modern battlefield joint operations. The Chinese military cannot be limited to maintaining the internal network security of the military camp. It must also actively adapt to the trend of the times and take the responsibility of the country that guards the “network country.” Network strong army is an important part of the construction of a network powerhouse. From the “network camp door” to the “network country door” is the inevitable trend of the development of the domestic and international situation in the information age.

Guarding the “network country door” is forced by the cyberspace security situation. As the first big Internet country, China’s security situation is not optimistic, and strategic opponents have never stopped preparing for our network operations. The United States, Britain, France and other countries are actively preparing for cyberspace, giving military functions through cyberspace security legislation, developing cyber warfare forces, developing cyber warfare weapons and equipment, and advancing war to the “fifth space” of mankind, especially in China. In the historical process of the rise, under the leadership of the Cold War mentality and the containment subversion strategy, Western countries have used network technology and communication methods to implement uninterrupted harassment, subversion and cyberattacks, seriously affecting China’s national security and social development, and China has gradually become The hardest hit by cybersecurity threats, the test sites for virus attacks, and the destinations of conscious penetration, national security faces enormous risks.

In the coming period, as a new emerging country, China’s conflicts of interest with other parties will intensify. Firmly promoting the network defense strategy and strengthening the operational preparation of cyberspace are the inevitable ways to actively strive for the dominance and discourse power of cyberspace, and also the rise of China. The only way to go. As the main force of national security and stability, the military must adapt to the characteristics of cyberspace characteristics, become the backbone and main force to resist network intrusion and network subversion, and safeguard national security and social stability.

Winning cyber warfare is the trend of new military revolution in the information age. As one of the most advanced productivity in the information age, network technology has made cyberspace warfare a leading factor in guiding the evolution of modern warfare and affecting the overall situation of war. In recent years, from the “seismic net” attack in Iran, the cyber warfare in the Russian-Georgian conflict, the large-scale obstruction of the Ukrainian power grid, and the cyberattack of the US military against IS, the huge role played by cyberspace in actual combat has gradually emerged, indicating that cyber warfare Has become an important style of future joint operations.

The US military attaches great importance to the construction of cyberspace armaments, the establishment of the cyberspace command, the launch of cyberspace joint operations, the extensive expansion of cyber warfare forces, the maintenance of its cyberspace hegemony, and the formation of cyberspace control capabilities as a “third offset strategy”. “Absolute advantage is the most important competitive content.

Many countries in the world have followed suit, and the trend of militarization of cyberspace is obvious. The rigorous cyberspace military struggle situation requires the Chinese military to focus on the changes in the network battlefield space, adapt to the requirements of the information war era, and achieve the strong military goal of smashing and winning in cyberspace.

Effective network warfare is an intrinsic need to accelerate the construction of a network powerhouse. In the process of China’s development from a network power to a network power, it is inseparable from the strong cyberspace military power as a guarantee. The international competition in cyberspace is a comprehensive game of the country’s comprehensive strength. Among them, the quality of network military capacity building is directly related to national security and stability, and it is the core element of the entire national security field.

At present, the interests of countries in the world in the cyberspace are mutually infiltrated, and there is a situation in which you have me, I have you, cooperate with each other, and develop together. However, this kind of common development is not equal. The US and Western powers have taken advantage of the cyberspace dominance and have already achieved certain network warfare advantages, which has made my network development and interests subject to people. How can the military fulfill its mission of defending the earth in the construction of a network-strength country? The premise is to form a network environment that can contain the crisis and control the opponent’s network attack and defense capabilities and ensure peaceful development.

Therefore, the military needs to establish a deterrent strategic goal of effective warfare, form a strategic check and balance ability that can “destroy each other” with the enemy, thereby enhancing strategic competitiveness, ending cyberspace aggression, and ensuring the smooth advancement of the network power strategy.

From “keeping the soil to the responsibility” to “protecting the net and defending the country”, the new situation requires the military to undertake new tasks.

The military is the main force and pillar of national security, and cyberspace is no exception. The National Security Law, which was enacted on July 1, 2015, stipulates: “Citizens of the People’s Republic of China, all state organs and armed forces, political parties and people’s organizations, enterprises and institutions, and other social organizations have the responsibility to safeguard national security. And obligations.” The Cyber ​​Security Law, promulgated in November 2016, emphasizes the need to maintain cyberspace sovereignty and national security.

On the basis of the laws of these two countries, on December 27, 2016, the National Cyberspace Security Strategy (hereinafter referred to as the “Strategy”) was officially launched, providing overall guidance for creating a new pattern of network powers at a new starting point. Basically follow, clearly put forward nine strategic tasks, further embodying the mission of the military in the process of building a network power.

With the national mission of protecting the network, the military must be a strong pillar to defend the cyberspace sovereignty. The first of the nine strategic tasks listed in the “Strategy” is “firmly defending the cyberspace sovereignty” and clearly proposes to “take all measures including economic, administrative, scientific, technological, legal, diplomatic, military, etc., and unswervingly maintain our network.” Space sovereignty.” It can be seen that the military must assume the military mission of using physical space and defend the national mission of the sovereign security and interests of virtual cyberspace.

Cyberspace sovereignty is the core interest of the state and an important component of national sovereignty. It indicates the independence, equal, self-defense and management power of the state in cyberspace. Once the hostile forces violated my cyberspace sovereignty, it would be equivalent to infringing on the national sovereignty of the physical space such as land, sea and air. China will have the right to take all measures including military means to give a firm response.

Internationally, the United States has long proposed a cyberspace deterrence strategy, declaring that attacks on US network information facilities are equivalent to war acts, and the United States will take military strikes to retaliate. Military means are the means of safeguarding national sovereignty and play a vital role in safeguarding national cyberspace security. Therefore, the military, air, sea and air military forces have been given the historical mission of protecting the cyberspace sovereignty. They must rely on the powerful physical space to defend the national interests of cyberspace and effectively deter the hostile forces from cyber-damaging attempts.

In accordance with the era of the Internet, the military must be the ballast stone to defend national security. The second item of the “Strategy” mission emphasizes the need to resolutely safeguard national security, prevent, deter and punish any use of the Internet for treason, secession, sedition, subversion or incitement to subvert the people’s democratic dictatorship.

In the era of information network, the military of all countries in the world has become an important participant in cyberspace. The level of cyberspace capability has become the main indicator for assessing the modernization of a country’s military. It is one of the main duties of the informationized military to carry out cyberspace missions and maintain national security.

Judging from the historical process of China’s development, it is necessary to be highly vigilant against the danger of the country being invaded, subverted, and divided in cyberspace in order to adapt to the national security strategy needs of building a well-off society in an all-round way. Highly alert to the reform caused by cyberspace. The danger of developing the overall situation is destroyed, and we are highly wary of the danger of interference and destruction in the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Preventing problems before they occur requires the state to have the means to cope with and deal with these risks, and to have the powerful force to prevent, stop and legally punish cyberspace violations. Defending the country has always been an unshirkable historical responsibility of the military. The inherent mission and mission have determined that the Chinese military must assume the role of taking various measures in the cyberspace to safeguard the country’s political, economic, cultural security and social stability.

The strategic mission of both offensive and defensive, the military must be a strong backing to enhance the ability of cyberspace protection. The third and eighth items of the Nine Major Tasks in the Strategy clearly state that all necessary measures must be taken to protect key information infrastructure and its important data from attack and destruction, and that technology and management should be adhered to, protected and shocked; We will build a network space protection force that is commensurate with China’s international status and adapts to the network power. We will vigorously develop network security defense methods, timely discover and resist network intrusion, and build a strong backing for national security. Among all the political, diplomatic, military, and scientific and technological capabilities of the country to maintain security, military power has always been the foundation and support for all capabilities, the fundamental guarantee for all capabilities, and the ultimate support for national security.

Therefore, the military must undertake the strategic task of strengthening the national cyberspace protection capability. In the real society, the military is the reassurance of safeguarding national security, and it should also become the security dependence and guarantee of the people in cyberspace. As an important part of the national cyberspace protection capability, the military must achieve both offensive and defensive capabilities and a unified warfare. It has the ability to resolutely safeguard the interests and security of the country and the people in cyberspace, and effectively eliminate the various crises caused by cybersecurity threats. The turbulence of thoughts enables the people to truly feel that production and life are effectively protected and become the confidence of the people of the whole country in their confidence in the national network protection capabilities.

With the global responsibility of UNPROFOR, the military must be an important support for maintaining global cybersecurity. The last item of the “Strategy” mission clearly proposes to strengthen international cooperation in cyberspace, support the United Nations in playing a leading role, promote the development of universally accepted international rules on cyberspace, international anti-terrorism conventions on cyberspace, and improve the judicial assistance mechanism against cybercrime. International cooperation in the areas of policy and law, technological innovation, standards and regulations, emergency response, and protection of key information infrastructure.

Cyber ​​terrorism and cybercrime are new forms of global threat catalyzed by information network fermentation. They pose a huge threat to the political, economic, military and cultural security of all countries in the world. It is not enough to rely solely on the power of the government and the people. Western countries have given the military the responsibility to protect cybersecurity and the power to fight cyber terrorism. Maintaining the security and stability of global cyberspace is in the fundamental interests of China and the rest of the world. The military should become an important defender of global cyberspace security and an important force in combating global cyber terrorism and cybercrime.

The globalization and unbounded nature of the Internet determine the international demand for combating cyber terrorism and transnational cybercrime. The military should promote military cooperation in network governance between countries under the framework of the UN Security Council, and use the strategies and technologies of the network era to establish joint defense and joint defense. Mechanism to effectively safeguard the security of the national and world cyberspace.

From “field training” to “network preparation”, new areas require new preparations for the military

Under the new historical situation, cyberspace puts forward new requirements for the military training and preparation mode. It should adapt to the new characteristics of cyberspace and the new mission of the military to carry out innovative reforms on the traditional model, and take the goal of strengthening the country and strengthening the military as the overall plan, and strengthen macro-coordination. Focusing on the legal needs of military operations in cyberspace, it closely follows the natural attributes of the “military and civilian integration” of cyberspace, builds a network security attack and defense system that combines peacetime and warfare, and builds a network defense force of “military and land use”.

Legislation empowerment provides a legal basis for the military to carry out its functional mission. The countries of the world, especially the western developed countries, attach great importance to the issue of network defense in cyber security legislation. The United States has successively issued a series of policies and regulations such as “National Security No. 16 Presidential Decree”, “Network Space Action Strategy”, and has continuously deepened and standardized on how to protect national network security in the field of network defense.

At present, it is necessary to clarify the duties and responsibilities of the cyberspace military from the legal level. It should be based on the National Security Law and the Cyber ​​Security Law, and introduce the network defense law and related cyberspace military operational regulations, for the construction of the network defense field and the military. The action provides regulatory support and a program of action to make the military’s responsibilities and mission in cyberspace more specific and specific.

First, through network defense legislation to further define network sovereignty and network frontiers, clear the scope of the military’s responsibilities.

The second is to establish the operational authority of the military to defend the national cyberspace security through the construction of cyber warfare laws and regulations, and to distinguish military means against network intrusion and network destruction. Third, through the cyberspace international cooperation policy, the military will coordinate with other countries and civilian forces to combat international cyber terrorism and cybercrime.

The integration of military and civilian provides an innovative driving force for the construction of a network powerhouse. The integration of military and civilian is the main practice for the world powers to enhance the competitiveness of cyberspace. For the construction of China’s network powerhouses, building a military-civilian network security attack and defense system and developing a military-land dual-use defense information infrastructure is to inspire the innovation of military cyberspace combat capability. Source.

The first is to coordinate the military, civilian, and functional departments of the state, the military, and various levels of government, set up special command and coordination agencies, mobilize all national network forces, and build a network security attack and defense system that combines “military and civilian integration” and “peace and war.”

The second is to issue guidance on the in-depth development of cybersecurity military-civilian integration as soon as possible, and gradually carry out basic legal research and demonstration of military-civilian integration to guide the development of medium- and long-term military-civil integration.

Third, relying on the country’s existing public mobile communication network, optical fiber communication network and satellite system, the military and civilians will jointly build an information infrastructure covering the entire army of the whole country, and realize the unified construction and sharing of military and civilian.

The fourth is to establish an emergency response mechanism for military-civilian joints, increase the ability to train military authorities to control events, strengthen experts and emergency professional strength, and enhance the ability to quickly recover damaged networks or information systems.

Military-civilian joint training provides a practical environment for the generation of cyberspace military capabilities. The military-civilian sharing characteristics of cyberspace make military-civilian joint training an important means of military training in cyberspace around the world. The United States and NATO countries and other cyberspace joint military and civilian exercises have formed a series of, “network storm” and “network guards” and other exercises have attracted the participation of the government, enterprises, research institutions and even civilian hackers. Our military cyberspace military strength training also needs to attract a wide range of civil forces to participate.

First, do a good job in military and political cooperation, establish a military-civilian joint offensive and defensive drill mechanism, learn from the red-blue confrontation training methods in cyber warfare drills in developed countries such as the United States, actively build a “national network shooting range”, plan a series of joint exercises of the government and non-government organizations, and enhance the integration of military and civilian. The level of attack and defense of the network of the government and the people.

The second is to do a good job in military-enterprise cooperation, relying on net-based enterprises to set up a training field on the Internet, to promote the ability of the military and civilians to attack and defend, and jointly improve the ability to prevent unknown risks.

The third is to organize private network security companies and hacker talents, carry out network security competitions and other activities, and verify each other to jointly improve the level of network security protection technology and tactics.

The network reserve service provides a source of strength for building a powerful network army. As a backup supplement to the national defense force, reserve service has both military and civilian characteristics and is a powerful measure to realize the organic unification of cyberspace economic development and national defense construction.

First, it is led by the national security department, and overall planning is carried out according to national interests. A series of laws and regulations conducive to the construction of the network national defense reserve are introduced. From the top level, the main division of labor, promotion strategy, interest coordination, etc. of the military and civilian construction in the network defense reserve construction are solved. problem.

The second is to innovate the reserve organization and comprehensive coordination mechanism, and plan to integrate the reserve construction into all levels and fields of national network information development.

The third is to focus on the reform of the military and local management modes. Based on the management mechanisms of the provincial and municipal governments, the military, and local enterprises and institutions, establish a network of national defense reserve personnel to jointly cultivate and use the mechanism, improve the national emergency mobilization mechanism, and establish a national network defense special talent. The database will include the construction of network militia and reserve forces into the scope of mobilization of the people’s armed forces. In normal times, they will be incorporated into the militia emergency detachment for training. In an emergency, select the capable personnel to participate in the non-war military operations missions, and the wartime will be recruited according to the requirements. To transform the national defense potential into national defense strength. 

Original Mandarin Chinese:














軍隊是保衛國家安全的主力和柱石,網絡空間也不例外。 2015年7月1日施行的《國家安全法》規定:“中華人民共和國公民、一切國家機關和武裝力量、各政黨和各人民團體、企業事業組織和其他社會組織,都有維護國家安全的責任和義務。”2016年11月頒布的《網絡安全法》強調了要維護網絡空間主權和國家安全。


全力護網的國家使命,軍隊要做捍衛網絡空間主權的堅強柱石。 《戰略》中列出的九大戰略任務首項就是“堅定捍衛網絡空間主權”,明確提出要“採取包括經濟、行政、科技、法律、外交、軍事等一切措施,堅定不移地維護我國網絡空間主權”。可見,軍隊須承擔起運用實體空間的軍事手段,保衛虛擬網絡空間主權安全和利益的國家使命。



依網衛國的時代擔當,軍隊要做保衛國家安全的壓艙石。 《戰略》任務的第二項著力強調要堅決維護國家安全,防範、制止和依法懲治任何利用網絡進行叛國、分裂國家、煽動叛亂、顛覆或者煽動顛覆人民民主專政政權的行為。




攻防兼備的戰略任務,軍隊要做提升網絡空間防護能力的堅強後盾。 《戰略》中九大任務的第三項和第八項明確提出,要採取一切必要措施保護關鍵信息基礎設施及其重要數據不受攻擊破壞,要堅持技術和管理並重、保護和震懾並舉;要建設與我國國際地位相稱、與網絡強國相適應的網絡空間防護力量,大力發展網絡安全防御手段,及時發現和抵禦網絡入侵,鑄造維護國家網絡安全的堅強後盾。在國家所有維護安全的政治、外交、軍事、科技能力中,軍事力量歷來是所有能力的基礎和支撐,是所有能力的根本保障,是國家安全的最終依托。


聯防聯治的全球責任,軍隊要做維護全球網絡安全的重要支撐。 《戰略》任務最後一項明確提出要強化網絡空間國際合作,支持聯合國發揮主導作用,推動制定各方普遍接受的網絡空間國際規則、網絡空間國際反恐公約,健全打擊網絡犯罪司法協助機制,深化在政策法律、技術創新、標準規範、應急響應、關鍵信息基礎設施保護等領域的國際合作。






















Referring url:

Communist Chinese Cyber Fundamentals : Strategic Thinking of Network Power //共產主義中國網絡基礎:網絡權力的戰略思考

Communist Chinese Fundamentals : Strategic Thinking of Network Power //


Author: 中國共產黨

Date: 2017

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping has attached great importance to and vigorously promoted cybersecurity and informationization, profoundly grasped the characteristics of the development of the information age of human society, and objectively analyzed the current national conditions of China’s Internet development and the development of global Internet. The situation has successively issued a series of important speeches, and put forward a series of new ideas, new ideas and new theories on the governance of the Internet, and scientifically answered the major question of “why build a network power, build a network power and how to build a network power”. Formed Xi Jinping’s strategic thinking of network power. Seriously studying these new ideas is of great significance to promoting the building of a network-building nation and realizing the “two hundred years” struggle goal and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

First, why build a network power

On February 27, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping initially proposed the vision of building a network power in the first meeting of the Central Network Security and Informatization Leading Group, and systematically explained the background, situation, tasks and connotations of the network power. Requirements, thus making this idea a relatively complete, systematic theoretical system.

Xi Jinping put forward a rigorous logical relationship between the strategic thinking of the network power, starting from the foundation of the big power network, in view of the overall situation of the network business and the new situation changes, especially objectively analyzing the existing gap and strengthening the strategy of building a network power. aims. In his speech, Xi Jinping pointed out that in today’s world, the information technology revolution is changing with each passing day, which has had a profound impact on the development of international politics, economy, culture, society and military. Informatization and economic globalization have promoted each other, and the Internet has been integrated into all aspects of social life, profoundly changing people’s production and lifestyle. China is in the midst of this tide and is getting more and more affected. China’s Internet and informatization work has achieved remarkable development achievements. The network has entered thousands of households, and the number of Internet users is the highest in the world. China has become a big network country. This is our basic premise. He pointed out that the Internet is a big platform for social information. The hundreds of millions of Internet users have access to information and exchange information. This will have an important impact on their ways of seeking knowledge, ways of thinking, and values. In particular, they will be against the country, society, and Work and perceptions of life have an important impact. Xi Jinping emphasized that cybersecurity and informatization are all about the whole world of a country. We must recognize the situation and tasks we are facing, fully understand the importance and urgency of doing a good job, and seek for the situation. Take the trend and follow the trend. This is all about the whole. Xi Jinping pointed out that with the development of the Internet, especially the mobile Internet, the social governance model is shifting from one-way management to two-way interaction, from offline to online and offline integration, from simple government supervision to more emphasis on social coordinated governance. This is a change in the situation. In today’s world, information technology is developing very fast. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. Compared with the world’s advanced level, compared with the strategic goal of building a network power, we still have a lot of gaps in many aspects, especially in terms of Internet innovation capability, infrastructure construction, information resource sharing, and industrial strength. The biggest gap is in core technology.

Second, what kind of network power to build

Xi Jinping pointed out that without cyber security, there would be no national security, and without informationization, there would be no modernization. To build a network power, we must have our own technology and have strong technology; we must have rich and comprehensive information services, a prosperous and developing network culture; we must have a good information infrastructure to form a strong information economy; we must have a high-quality network. Security and information technology talent team; we must actively carry out bilateral and multilateral Internet international exchanges and cooperation. He also stressed that cyberspace is the spiritual home of hundreds of millions of people. The cyberspace is clear and ecological, and is in line with the interests of the people. The cyberspace is smouldering and deteriorating, and it is not in the interests of the people.

In a nutshell, there are at least six major signs of network power: First, the network information infrastructure must be at the world’s leading level. The second is to have a clear cyberspace strategy and a network voice in the international community. Third, the key technologies must be self-controllable, especially the operating system and CPU technology. Fourth, network security must have sufficient safeguards and capabilities. Fifth, network applications should be at the world’s leading level in terms of scale and quality. Sixth, in the cyberspace strategy, we must have the ability and strength to occupy the commanding heights.

The Outline of the National Informatization Strategy proposes that the construction of a network powerhouse is divided into three steps: the first step is to 2020, the total amount of information consumption will reach 6 trillion yuan, and the scale of e-commerce transactions will reach 38 trillion yuan. At the international advanced level, the international competitiveness of the information industry has been greatly enhanced, and information technology has become the leading force driving the modernization drive. The second step is to 20 billion yuan in information consumption by 2025, and the scale of e-commerce transactions has reached 67 trillion yuan. The leading mobile communication network fundamentally changes the core key technologies to be controlled by people, realizes the strategic goals of advanced technology, developed industry, advanced application, and insecure network security. A large number of large-scale multinational network enterprises with strong international competitiveness emerge; By the middle of this century, informationization has comprehensively supported the building of a socialist modernized country with rich, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious relations. The status of a network powerhouse has been increasingly consolidated, and it has made greater achievements in leading the development of global informationization.

Xi Jinping planned the timetable for building a network powerhouse. The strategic deployment of building a network powerhouse should be promoted in parallel with the goal of “two hundred years”, the basic popularization of network infrastructure, the enhancement of independent innovation capability, the comprehensive development of information economy, and network security. Ensuring strong goals continue to advance.

Third, how to build a network power

(1) Fundamental requirements: People-centered

Governing the country is always the same, and the people are oriented. Xi Jinping emphasized that in order to develop the network business, it is necessary to implement the people-centered development thinking. It is necessary to adapt to people’s expectations and needs, accelerate the popularization of information services, reduce application costs, and provide useful, affordable and well-used information services for the people, so that hundreds of millions of people can gain more sense of sharing Internet development results. . Compared with cities, rural Internet infrastructure construction is our shortcoming. It is necessary to increase investment, speed up the pace of rural Internet construction, and expand the effective coverage of fiber-optic networks and broadband networks in rural areas. We can do a good job in the in-depth integration of informatization and industrialization, develop smart manufacturing, and drive more people to innovate and start a business; we can aim at the main direction of agricultural modernization, improve the level of agricultural production intelligence and network management, and help farmers increase their income; Give full play to the advantages of the Internet, implement “Internet + education”, “Internet + medical”, “Internet + culture”, etc., to promote the equalization of basic public services; can play the role of the Internet in helping to overcome poverty and promote accurate poverty alleviation and precision poverty alleviation, Let more difficult people use the Internet, let agricultural products go out of the country through the Internet, and enable children in the ravine to receive quality education; accelerate the promotion of e-government, encourage government departments at all levels to break down information barriers, improve service efficiency, and let the people run less errands. More information, running, solving problems that are difficult to handle, slow, and complicated. There are many things to do in these areas. Some Internet companies have already tried and achieved good economic and social benefits.

On November 29, 2016, the National Network Poverty Alleviation Work Promotion Meeting was held in Ningdu, Jiangxi. “We must implement the network poverty alleviation action, promote accurate poverty alleviation, and accurately eliminate poverty, so that poverty alleviation work can be accessible anytime and anywhere, so that people in poverty-stricken areas have more sense of gaining in the Internet construction and sharing.” General Secretary Xi is an important indicator in the old Red Revolution. Once again, the network’s poverty alleviation has become a new lever to win the overall well-off.

(II) Concept requirements: Practicing the five development concepts

The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward a new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing. This is based on profoundly summarizing domestic and foreign development experience and lessons, and in-depth analysis of domestic and international development trends. Our party has a new understanding of China’s economic and social development laws. Promoting China’s economic and social development in accordance with the new development concept is the general requirement and general trend of China’s development in the current and future period. The ancients said: “At any time, to raise things, to make meritorious deeds due to capital, and to profit from the power of all things.” The development of China’s online letter business should adapt to this general trend. Generally speaking, the network letter business represents new productivity and new development direction, and should be able to take the lead in practicing the new development concept.

Innovation is the core strength of the development of the network business. Innovation is the genes of Internet development. The concept innovation and technological innovation of the Internet are the needs of its own development. If there is no progress in the Internet tide, there will be no living space without innovation. We must always place innovation at the forefront, promote institutional and institutional innovation, concept innovation, technological innovation, and application innovation, and support the encouragement of Internet entrepreneurs, leading talents, and engineers to create and create innovative technologies for the development of the Internet. Xi Jinping pointed out at the 2nd World Internet Conference: “China is implementing the ‘Internet +’ action plan, promoting the construction of ‘Digital China’, developing the sharing economy, supporting various Internet-based innovations, and improving the quality and efficiency of development.”

Coordination is the inherent requirement of the development of the network business. Whether it is domestic or foreign, there are problems of unbalanced and uncoordinated development of network security and informationization. To solve these problems, we must establish a concept of coordinated development, eliminate the digital divide, narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, regional differences, and ensure information security. Balanced development, all-round development, and safe development. At the first meeting of the Central Network Security and Informatization Leading Group, Xi Jinping pointed out: “From the international and domestic general trend, the overall layout, co-ordinate all parties, innovation and development, and strive to build China into a network power.”

Green development is an important guarantee for the healthy development of the network business. The information industry is a green industry. Informationization and networking are supporting the application and upgrading of industries, agriculture, and national defense, and promoting green development, low-carbon development, and circular development. It is necessary to carry forward the main theme, spread positive energy, and make the cyberspace clear. At the symposium on April 19, 2016, Xi Jinping pointed out: “The cyberspace is clear and ecological, and it is in line with the interests of the people. The cyberspace is smouldering and ecologically degraded, which is not in the interest of the people.” He also stressed: “We want this Responsible for the society and responsible for the people, strengthen the cyberspace governance in accordance with the law, strengthen the construction of online content, strengthen the positive publicity on the Internet, foster a positive and healthy, up-to-good network culture, and nourish the social core values ​​and the outstanding achievements of human civilization. People’s hearts, nourish the society, and achieve positive energy and high melody, creating a clean and cyberspace for the majority of Internet users, especially young people.”

Openness is the essential feature of the development of the network business. The Internet has opened the door to openness in all countries of the world. Xi Jinping pointed out: “The Internet has turned the world into a global village where the sound of chickens and dogs is heard. People who are thousands of miles away are no longer ‘old and dead.’ It can be said that the world is more colorful because of the Internet, and life is more because of the Internet. Rich.” The development of China’s Internet industry is inseparable from the world, and the Internet industry in the world cannot be separated from China. Xi Jinping pointed out at the Second World Internet Conference: “The Internet in China is booming, providing a broad market space for enterprises and entrepreneurs in various countries. The door to China’s opening will never be closed, and the policy of using foreign capital will not change. Foreign-invested enterprises The protection of legitimate rights and interests will not change, and the direction for countries and enterprises to provide better services in China will not change. He also stressed: “All countries should promote open cooperation in the Internet field, enrich the open connotation, increase the level of openness, and build more Communicate and cooperate with the platform to create more points of interest, cooperation growth, and win-win new highlights, and promote mutual complementarity and common development in the cyberspace, so that more countries and people can take advantage of the information age of express trains and share Internet development results.” We must actively participate in international Internet exchanges and cooperation, learn from the advanced experience and technological achievements of countries around the world, grasp and lead the development trend of the Internet, and promote open cooperation and mutual benefit for cyberspace.

Sharing is the fundamental purpose of the development of the network business. Serving the people and benefiting the people’s livelihood is the fundamental starting point and the foothold of China’s Internet development. Xi Jinping stressed: “In order to develop the network, the company must implement the people-centered development thinking. It is necessary to adapt to the people’s expectations and needs, accelerate the popularization of information services, reduce the application cost, and provide the people with the necessary, affordable and useful. Good information services will enable hundreds of millions of people to gain more sense of sharing Internet development results. “We must push the network into thousands of households and guide the people to understand the world, master information, exchange ideas, innovate and improve, and improve through the Internet. Life, let the Internet development achievements not only benefit the 1.3 billion Chinese people, but also benefit the people of all countries in the world.

(3) Governance requirements: safety and development go hand in hand

In 2014, Xi Jinping emphasized at the first meeting of the Central Network Security and Informatization Leading Group that “maintenance of network space security and network data integrity, security, reliability, and maintenance of network space security capabilities.” He also called for the overall relationship between network security and informatization. “Network security and informatization are two wings and two wheels of integration. They must be unified planning, unified deployment, unified promotion, and unified implementation. Do a good job in network security and informationization. Work, we must handle the relationship between security and development, to achieve coherence, go hand in hand, to ensure development by safety, to promote safety through development, to strive to build a long-term security, growth and governance.” Two years later, at the symposium, he pointed out again “Network security and informatization are mutually reinforcing. Security is the premise of development, development is the guarantee of security, and security and development must advance simultaneously. From a global perspective, cybersecurity threats and risks are increasingly prominent, and increasingly toward politics, economy, Conductive penetration in the fields of culture, society, ecology, national defense, etc., especially the key information infrastructure of the country Face greater potential risks, prevention and control of network security capability is weak, it is difficult to effectively deal with national, organized high-strength network attacks. This is a problem for the world, we are certainly no exception. “

In addition, he pointed out that “in the face of complex and severe network security situation, we must remain clear-headed, and all parties must jointly manage and effectively maintain network security.” First, establish a correct view of network security. The idea determines the action. There are several main features of today’s network security. First, cybersecurity is holistic rather than fragmented. Second, network security is dynamic rather than static. Third, cybersecurity is open rather than closed. Fourth, cybersecurity is relative rather than absolute. Fifth, cybersecurity is common rather than isolated. Second, accelerate the construction of a key information infrastructure security system. Third, all-weather perception of the network security situation. Fourth, enhance network security defense capabilities and deterrence capabilities.

(4) Cadre requirements: Take the network mass line and build a concentric circle

The mass line is the fundamental line of our party. Xi Jinping pointed out: “The netizens come from the common people, the people are on the net, and the public opinion is on the net. Where are the people, where are our leading cadres going, or how to contact the masses? Party and government organs and leading cadres at all levels must learn Take the mass route through the Internet, often go online to see, dive, chat, and voice, understand what the masses think, collect good ideas and suggestions, and actively respond to netizens’ concerns and doubts. Be good at using the Internet to understand public opinion and work. It is the basic skill of leading cadres to do their work well under the new situation.”

How to take the network mass route? Xi Jinping gave the method. “The majority of netizens are ordinary people, come from all directions, and their experiences are different. The opinions and ideas must be varied. They cannot be asked to be so accurate and correct about all issues. To be more inclusive. And patience, timely absorption of constructive opinions, timely assistance for difficulties, timely referrals to those who do not understand the situation, timely clarification of vague understanding, timely resolution of complaints of resentment, timely guidance and correction of wrong opinions, Let the Internet become a new platform for us to communicate and communicate with the masses, and become a new way to understand the masses, be close to the masses, solve problems for the masses, and become a new channel for carrying forward people’s democracy and accepting people’s supervision.”

At the same time, Xi Jinping pointed out the efforts of cadres at all levels. “To correctly handle the relationship between security and development, openness and autonomy, management and service, and constantly improve the ability to grasp the laws of the Internet, the ability to guide the public opinion, and the development of informationization. Capabilities, the ability to guarantee network security, and the continuous advancement of network power construction.”

(5) Management requirements: unified leadership, management according to law

The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee conducted the 36th collective study on the implementation of the strategy of strengthening the country by the Internet. Accelerate the improvement of network management.

Xi Jinping put forward requirements from the institutional mechanism. He emphasized that the central cybersecurity and informationization leading group should play a centralized and unified leadership role, coordinate and coordinate major issues of cybersecurity and informatization in various fields, and formulate and implement national cybersecurity and informationization development strategies. , macro-planning and major policies, continuously enhance security and security capabilities.

Instructed from the management ideas, in China, more than 700 million people on the Internet, certainly need to manage, and this management is very complicated and very heavy. Enterprises must assume the responsibility of enterprises, and the party and the government must assume the responsibility of the party and the government. No side can give up their responsibilities. It is necessary to deeply understand the role of the Internet in state management and social governance, and to promote e-government and build a new smart city, and to build a nationally integrated national big data center with data concentration and sharing as a way to promote technology integration. Business integration, data integration, and cross-level, cross-regional, cross-system, cross-department, and cross-business collaborative management and services. It is necessary to strengthen the Internet thinking, take advantage of the flat, interactive and rapid advantages of the Internet, promote the scientific decision-making of the government, the precision of social governance, the efficiency of public services, and better use the means of information to better understand the social situation, smooth communication channels, and assist decision-making governance. .

From the legislative norms to point out the direction, we must promptly formulate legislative plans, improve Internet information content management, key information infrastructure protection and other laws and regulations, manage cyberspace in accordance with the law, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. It is necessary to strictly guard against cybercrime, especially new cybercrime, and safeguard the interests of the people and the harmony and stability of society. It is necessary to speed up the process of network legislation, improve the regulatory measures according to law, and resolve network risks. It is necessary to strengthen the management of big data in accordance with the law. Some data concerning national interests and national security are in the hands of Internet companies, and enterprises must ensure the security of these data. Enterprises should pay attention to data security. If the company has problems with data protection and security, it will also have an adverse impact on its own reputation.

It also puts forward hopes for the whole society. Network security is for the people, network security depends on the people, and maintaining network security is the common responsibility of the whole society. It requires the government, enterprises, social organizations and the majority of netizens to participate in the construction of a network security defense line. These characteristics must be well grasped by all relevant parties.

(6) Guarantee requirements: technological breakthroughs, construction of infrastructure and sharing systems

Xi Jinping emphasized that in order to grasp the initiative of China’s Internet development and safeguard Internet security and national security, we must break through the core technology and strive to achieve “curve overtaking” in certain areas and in certain aspects. To achieve breakthroughs in core technologies, we must have determination, perseverance, and focus. He hopes that the vast number of entrepreneurs, experts, scholars and scientific and technological personnel in the field of China’s online information should establish this ambition, strive for this tone, and strive to achieve new major breakthroughs in core technology as soon as possible. The so-called “days, not afraid of thousands of miles; often do, not afraid of thousands of things.”

Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to firmly hold the core technology of independent innovation, and to break through the cutting-edge technologies of network development and key core technologies with international competitiveness, accelerate the promotion of domestically controlled independent alternative plans, and build a safe and controllable information technology system. . First, correctly handle open and autonomous relationships. Second, concentrate on the scientific research investment to do big things. Third, actively promote the transformation of core technological achievements. Fourth, promote strong alliances and coordinated research. Fifth, we can explore the formation of an alliance of industry, academia and research, and open the list. To lay a solid foundation for the research and development of core technologies, it is necessary not only to blow up the charge, but also to blow up the collection number, that is, to accumulate the strongest forces together to form the commando and special forces.

Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to speed up the construction of a key information infrastructure security system. The key information infrastructure in the fields of finance, energy, electricity, communications, transportation, etc. is the nerve center of economic and social operation, the top priority of network security, and the target of possible key attacks. The “physical isolation” line of defense can be invaded across the network, the power allocation instructions can be maliciously tampered with, and the financial transaction information can be stolen. These are major risk hazards. If there is no problem, it will cause traffic disruption, financial disorder, power hupfer and other issues, which is very destructive and lethal. We must conduct in-depth research and take effective measures to effectively protect the country’s critical information infrastructure.

At the same time, he pointed out that it is necessary to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity through informationization, coordinate the development of e-government, build an integrated online service platform, promote the construction of new smart cities by hierarchical classification, open up information barriers, and build a national information resource sharing system. It is easy to use information technology to sense social situation, smooth communication channels, and assist scientific decision-making.

(7) Propaganda requirements: the most important thing, to build consensus

Xi Jinping pointed out that we must adhere to the attitude of being responsible to the society and responsible to the people, strengthen the cyberspace governance in accordance with the law, strengthen the construction of online content, strengthen the positive publicity on the Internet, foster a positive and healthy, up-to-good network culture, and use the socialist core values. outstanding achievements of human civilization and nourishing the heart, nourishing community, so that positive energy is abundant, the main theme of the high for the majority of Internet users, especially young people to create a Delicate gas is cyberspace.

Do online media work is a long-term task to improve the online promotion of innovation, the use of propagation network, promote the theme, stimulate positive energy, great efforts to cultivate and practice the socialist core values, when good grasp of the Internet to guide public opinion, and validity To make the cyberspace clear.

Forming a good online public opinion atmosphere is not to say that there can only be one voice, one tone, but that it cannot be used to confess right and wrong, reverse black and white, make a living, commit crimes, and cannot transcend the legal boundaries of the Constitution. An important means to put power into the cage of the system is to play the role of public opinion supervision, including Internet supervision. This article, party and government organs and leading cadres at all levels must pay special attention to, first of all, do a good job. We must not only welcome, but also carefully study and learn from the online criticism of goodwill and the supervision of the Internet, whether it is for the work of the party and the government or for the leading cadres, whether it is ruthless or loyal.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the new application of new technologies and new technologies in the Internet has made the social mobilization function of the Internet increasingly enhanced. To spread positive energy, enhance communication and guiding force. It is necessary to strictly guard against cybercrime, especially new cybercrime, and safeguard the interests of the people and the harmony and stability of society. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of network communication, experience, and sharing, listen to the will of the people, benefit the people’s livelihood, solve the people’s worries, and unite the social consensus. Online and offline networks should be united and coordinated, forming a good situation for jointly preventing social risks and building a concentric circle together. It is necessary to maintain the security of cyberspace and the integrity, security and reliability of network data, and improve the security of maintaining cyberspace.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the new application of new technologies and new technologies in the Internet has made the social mobilization function of the Internet increasingly enhanced. To spread positive energy, enhance communication and guiding force. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of network communication, experience, and sharing, listen to the will of the people, benefit the people’s livelihood, solve the people’s worries, and unite the social consensus. Online and offline networks should be united and coordinated, forming a good situation for jointly preventing social risks and building a concentric circle together.

(8) Talent requirements: unrestricted talents

“The people are happy, the losers are falling.” Xi Jinping stressed that to build a network power, we must bring together talent resources and build a strong team with strong politics, good business and good work style. “A thousand troops are easy to get, and one will be hard to find.” It is necessary to train scientists, network technology leaders, engineers, and high-level innovation teams that have created world-class skills.

In terms of ideas, he pointed out that the competition in cyberspace is, in the final analysis, talent competition. Building a network power, there is no outstanding talent team, no talent creation, vitality, and it is difficult to succeed. After reading the talents, you can get twice the result with half the effort. Our brains have to turn around, not only paying attention to capital, but also paying attention to talents. The intensity of introducing talents should be further increased, and the steps of reforming the talent system should be further developed. The field of network information can be tested first, and research should be carried out to formulate ways to attract talents, train talents, and retain talents.

In terms of scope, he pointed out that the development of China’s online letter industry must fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of entrepreneurs, experts, scholars and scientific and technological personnel. Entrepreneurs, experts, scholars, and scientific and technological personnel must have the responsibility of the state and social responsibility, and contribute their wisdom and strength to the development of the national network. Party committees and governments at all levels must respect knowledge and respect talents from the bottom of their hearts, create good conditions for talents to develop their intelligence, create a relaxed environment, and provide a broad platform.

In terms of methods, he pointed out that the Internet is mainly the cause of young people, and it is necessary to reduce talents. It is necessary to emancipate the mind, to recognize the talents, and to love the talents. To train netizen talents, we must make great efforts and make big money. We invite excellent teachers, compile excellent teaching materials, recruit outstanding students, and build a first-class cyberspace security college. Many talents in the Internet field are geeks and geniuses. They often do not take the usual routines and have many whimsy. There must be special policies for treating special talents, not requiring full blame, not arguing for seniority, and not using a ruler.

In terms of policy, he pointed out that it is necessary to adopt special policies, establish a personnel system and a salary system that adapt to the characteristics of online letters, and condense outstanding talents into technical departments, research departments, and management departments. It is necessary to establish a talent evaluation mechanism that adapts to the characteristics of online letters. The actual ability is the standard of measurement. It is not only academic, not only a thesis, not only a qualification, but also highlights professionalism, innovation and practicality. It is necessary to establish a flexible talent incentive mechanism to enable those who contribute to have a sense of accomplishment and a sense of acquisition. It is necessary to explore scientific research results, intellectual property rights, and interest distribution mechanisms in the field of online information, and formulate specific policies on talent stock participation, technology shareholding, and taxation. In the flow of talents, we must break the institutional boundaries and enable talents to achieve an orderly and smooth flow between the government, enterprises, and think tanks. The advantages of the “revolving door” system in foreign countries can also be used for reference.

At the station, he pointed out that there must be a global perspective on talent selection and the introduction of high-end talents. As China’s comprehensive national strength continues to increase, many countries’ talents also hope to come to China for development. We must take advantage of the trend, reform talents to introduce various supporting systems, and build a globally competitive talent system. No matter which country or region, as long as it is a good talent, it can be used for me. This work has been done by some enterprises and research institutes. I went to some enterprises and research institutes, and also talked with these talents imported from abroad. In this regard, we must increase our efforts to continuously improve our ability to allocate talent resources globally.

(9) Industry requirements: focus on self-discipline and healthy development

The development of a company is directly proportional to its social responsibility. Xi Jinping pointed out that China’s Internet enterprises have played an important role in stabilizing growth, promoting employment, and benefiting people’s livelihood, from small to large, from weak to strong. Let the company continue to develop healthily is not only the goal of entrepreneurs but also the needs of national development. The fate of a company is closely related to the development of the country. It is difficult to become stronger and bigger than the support of the state, the disengagement of the masses, and the service to the country and the people.

How to be stronger and bigger? Xi Jinping pointed out the direction: internally, it is necessary to introduce policies to support the development of enterprises, so that they become the main body of technological innovation and become the main body of information industry development. Externally, we must encourage and support China’s network enterprises to go out, deepen Internet international exchanges and cooperation, and actively participate in the construction of the “Belt and Road” to achieve “where the national interests are and where informationization will be covered”. Foreign Internet companies, as long as they comply with our laws and regulations, we are welcome.

How to avoid the phenomenon of “disconnecting one after another, killing one tube” that has often appeared in the past, and embarking on a new road of joint management and benign interaction? Xi Jinping gave the idea: First, insist on encouraging support and standard development in parallel. Enterprises should be encouraged and supported to become the main body of R&D, the main body of innovation, and the main body of industry. Encourage and support the cutting-edge technology of enterprise layout, promote independent innovation of core technologies, create and seize more opportunities, participate in international competition, and expand overseas development space. It is necessary to regulate market order and encourage healthy competition. The Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed to improve the system of property rights protection with fairness as the core principle, strengthen the protection of property rights of various ownership economic organizations and natural persons, and clean up laws and regulations that violate fairness. These requirements should be put in place as soon as possible. Second, adhere to policy guidance and management according to law. The government should create a favorable environment for enterprise development, accelerate the reform of the examination and approval system, financing system, and patent system, reduce duplication of testing and certification, implement a high-quality and high-price government procurement system, reduce the burden on enterprises, and remove institutional and institutional obstacles. At the same time, it is necessary to speed up the process of network legislation, improve the regulatory measures according to law, and resolve network risks. It is necessary to strengthen the management of big data in accordance with the law. Third, adhere to both economic and social benefits. Only a wealth of love is a truly meaningful asset. Only a company that actively assumes social responsibility is the most competitive and vital enterprise. It is hoped that the vast number of Internet companies will adhere to the unity of economic and social benefits, and at the same time of their own development, drink water and source, return the society and benefit the people. We must encourage and support our networked enterprises to go out, deepen the international exchanges and cooperation in the Internet, and actively participate in the construction of the “Belt and Road” to achieve “where the national interests are and where informationization will be covered”. Foreign Internet companies, as long as they comply with our laws and regulations, we are welcome.

(10) International requirements: building a community of destiny

With the multi-polarization of the world, economic globalization, cultural diversity, and in-depth development of social information, the Internet will play a greater role in promoting the progress of human civilization. At the same time, problems such as unbalanced development in the Internet field, unsound rules, and unreasonable order have become increasingly prominent. The information gap between different countries and regions is constantly widening. Existing cyberspace governance rules are difficult to reflect the wishes and interests of most countries; violations of personal privacy, intellectual property rights, cybercrime, etc. occur worldwide, network monitoring, cyber attacks, networks Terrorism and other activities have become global public nuisances.

Faced with these problems and challenges, the international community should strengthen dialogue and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and mutual trust, promote the reform of the global governance system of the Internet, and jointly build a cyberspace of peace, security, openness and cooperation, and establish multilateral, democratic and transparent. The global Internet governance system. It is proposed that “China is willing to work with the international community to adhere to the common prosperity of mankind, adhere to the concept of cyber sovereignty, promote global Internet governance in a more just and rational direction, and promote cyberspace to achieve equal respect, innovative development, open sharing, and security. The goal of the order.”

“The way of benefit is to go with time.” Cyberspace is the common space for human activities. The future of cyberspace should be mastered by all countries in the world. To promote the reform of the global Internet governance system, we should adhere to the four principles. Respect network sovereignty. Maintain peace and security. Promote open cooperation. Build a good order. Countries should strengthen communication, expand consensus, deepen cooperation, and jointly build a community of cyberspace destiny. In this regard, I would like to make five points. First, accelerate the construction of global network infrastructure and promote interconnection. Second, create an online cultural exchange and sharing platform to promote exchanges and mutual learning. Third, promote the innovation and development of the network economy and promote common prosperity. Fourth, safeguard network security and promote orderly development. Fifth, build an Internet governance system to promote fairness and justice. It has won the approval of most countries in the world.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the Internet is the common home of mankind and works together to build a community of cyberspace destiny. It is the common responsibility of the international community to make this home more beautiful, cleaner and safer. Let us join hands to jointly promote the interconnection and sharing of cyberspace, share common governance, and help create a better future for human development!

Original Mandarin Chinese:













2016年11月29日,全國網絡扶貧工作現場推進會在江西寧都召開。 “要實施網絡扶貧行動,推進精準扶貧、精準脫貧,讓扶貧工作隨時隨地、四通八達,讓貧困地區群眾在互聯網共建共享中有更多獲得感”,習總書記這一重要指示在紅色革命老區再次宣示,網絡扶貧成為決勝全面小康的新槓桿。





綠色發展是網信事業健康發展的重要保障。信息化產業就是綠色產業,信息化、網絡化正支撐著工業、農業、國防等各個領域的應用和升級,推動著綠色發展、低碳發展、循環發展。要弘揚主旋律,傳播正能量,使網絡空間清朗起來。在2016年4月19日的座談會上習近平指出:“網絡空間天朗氣清、生態良好,符合人民利益。網絡空間烏煙瘴氣、生態惡化,不符合人民利益。” 他還強調:“我們要本著對社會負責、對人民負責的態度,依法加強網絡空間治理,加強網絡內容建設,做強網上正面宣傳,培育積極健康、向上向善的網絡文化,用社會主義核心價值觀和人類優秀文明成果滋養人心、滋養社會,做到正能量充沛、主旋律高昂,為廣大網民特別是青少年營造一個風清氣正的網絡空間。”




2014年,習近平在中央網絡安全和信息化領導小組第一次會議上就特別強調,“要維護網絡空間安全以及網絡數據的完整性、安全性、可靠性,提高維護網絡空間安全能力。”同時,他還要求統籌好網絡安全和信息化的關係,“網絡安全和信息化是一體之兩翼、驅動之雙輪,必須統一謀劃、統一部署、統一推進、統一實施。做好網絡安全和信息化工作,要處理好安全和發展的關係,做到協調一致、齊頭並進,以安全保發展、以發展促安全,努力建久安之勢、成長治之業。” 兩年之後的座談會上,他再次指出,“網絡安全和信息化是相輔相成的。安全是發展的前提,發展是安全的保障,安全和發展要同步推進。從世界範圍看,網絡安全威脅和風險日益突出,並日益向政治、經濟、文化、社會、生態、國防等領域傳導滲透。特別是國家關鍵信息基礎設面臨較大風險隱患,網絡安全防控能力薄弱,難以有效應對國家級、有組織的高強度網絡攻擊。這對世界各國都是一個難題,我們當然也不例外。”















習近平強調,要加快構建關鍵信息基礎設施安全保障體系。金融、能源、電力、通信、交通等領域的關鍵信息基礎設施是經濟社會運行的神經中樞,是網絡安全的重中之重,也是可能遭到重點攻擊的目標。 “物理隔離”防線可被跨網入侵,電力調配指令可被惡意篡改,金融交易信息可被竊取,這些都是重大風險隱患。不出問題則已,一出就可能導致交通中斷、金融紊亂、電力癱瘓等問題,具有很大的破壞性和殺傷力。我們必須深入研究,採取有效措施,切實做好國家關鍵信息基礎設施安全防護。









“得人者興,失人者崩。”習近平強調,建設網絡強國,要把人才資源匯聚起來,建設一支政治強、業務精、作風好的強大隊伍。 “千軍易得,一將難求”,要培養造就世界水平的科學家、網絡科技領軍人才、卓越工程師、高水平創新團隊。















Original Referring URL:

China’s New Military Strategy : An Analysis from Asia Cyber Warfare is a Force Multiplier // 中國的新軍事戰略:亞洲網絡戰的分析是力量倍增器

China’s New Military Strategy : An Analysis from Asia Cyber Warfare is a Force Multiplier //


Author ; HongAn

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The theory of war can last for a long time because the book is based on the two pillars of “research and observation” and “philosophy and experience”. They complement each other and make war theory in philosophical dialectic, logic, and theoretical reality and effectiveness. More contemporary. The primitive violence, political nature, and the interaction between the government, the people, and the military in the observation of the nature of the Krupp War are mainly oriented to examine China’s national defense strategy and its political influence and planning in the modern war.

Since Tsai Ing-wen came to power, he requested the Ministry of National Defense to propose the adjustment of the military strategy in the emergence stage. The author believes that it must be formulated from the overall thinking of the national security strategy. The preparations for the establishment of the national army are based on the “10-year military conception” as the basis for the reconstruction of the military. The author has led the plan to report on the national defense strategy (imaginary) of the Republic of China from 1995 to 104. At present, in the face of the development of the CCP’s military aircraft carrier and the military aircraft flying over the central line of the strait, the balance of power between the two sides of the strait has been broken. How to adjust the new military strategic view, facing the threat of war in a new situation, the strategic concept should also be adjusted.

20161231 - China's "Liaoning" aircraft carrier broke through the first island chain in the Pacific Ocean and conducted cross-sea area training missions. The Chinese Navy released photos on the official Weibo.  The picture shows the Liaoning and five destroyers.  (taken from the Chinese Navy to publish Weibo)

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20161231 – China’s “Liaoning” aircraft carrier broke through the first island chain in the Pacific Ocean and conducted cross-sea area training missions. The Chinese Navy released photos on the official Weibo. The picture shows the Liaoning and five destroyers. (taken from the Chinese Navy to publish Weibo)

The author believes that the current development of the CCP’s military aircraft carrier and the military aircraft flying over the central line of the strait have broken the balance of power between the two sides of the strait, how to adjust the new military strategic view, face the threat of war in a new situation, and the strategic concept should also be adjusted. . The picture shows the Chinese “Liaoning” aircraft carrier. (taken from the Chinese Navy to publish Weibo)

Deterrence strategy for the purpose of war prevention

Defending and defending is a war act, and effective deterrence is the prevention of war behavior. In the case of the Taiwan defensive warfare, “deterring” the enemy’s military operations “war”, “prevention” means preventing the use of force by the enemy. If the defeat is defeated, the war will erupt. The use of military force in the deterrent strategy is to prevent the enemy from using military force. Therefore, the deterrent theory is skillful nonuse of military forces, so deterrence must go beyond military skills. It is “stunned”. The purpose of deterrence is not to destroy the enemy when the enemy invades, but to make the enemy realize that if he really takes action, he will be eliminated.

As far as China’s new military strategic changes are concerned, Taiwan’s defense operations are of a defensive nature. As far as the defense strategy is concerned, there are only two options: defense and active defense; as far as tactical level considerations are concerned, it is just like defensive operations, only position defense and mobile defense, or both.

The People’s Liberation Army’s force development and strategic deterrence

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s development of force has emphasized the “joint overall war.” It is familiar with the internal forces of the Communists and the people on the two sides of the strait. They are constantly launching strategic deterrence against the CCP. To some extent, the CCP has made military, economic, diplomatic, and political organizations. Comprehensive integration. The CCP’s overall national defense transformation has surpassed the scope of military strategy. It not only combines the strategic thinking of “winning local wars under the conditions of information” and “active defense”, but also enhances the “combined operations of the arms and services” and promotes the “harmonious world”. The diplomatic strategy of the “new security concept” continues to use the “three wars” and “anti-secession laws” to integrate into a new “joint overall warfare” strategy.

The People’s Liberation Army Navy’s South Navy, the missile destroyer “Hefei Ship” officers and men looking for targets (AP)

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The People’s Liberation Army Navy’s South Navy, the missile destroyer “Hefei Ship” officers and men looking for targets (AP)

The CCP’s overall national defense transformation has surpassed the scope of military strategy. It not only combines the strategic thinking of “winning partial wars under information conditions” and “active defense”, but also enhances the ability of “combined operations of arms and services.” The picture shows the naval naval performance of the PLA Navy. (Information, Associated Press)

On November 25th and December 11th, 2016, the Communists twice rounded Taiwan for half a month. On December 11th, the mainland warplanes moved more than 10 fighters across the Miyako Strait and also bypassed the eastern Taiwanese waters! The People’s Liberation Army Air Force fighters flew out of the “first island chain” while crossing the bus strait and the Miyako Strait. After the CCP’s military aircraft detoured to Taiwan, the CCP’s Liaoning aircraft carrier formation also appeared in the outer seas of my east. According to the recent development of the situation, the CCP has been moving frequently, and the political meaning is greater than the military meaning. Especially after the call of Chuan Cai on December 2, 2016, Trump challenged Beijing’s “one China” policy. Of course, Beijing will not show weakness on core interests. Sending military aircraft to bypass Taiwan and dispatching aircraft carriers through the eastern waters of Taiwan is aimed at announcing that the Taiwan issue is a matter of internal affairs to the United States. It also declares that its armed forces can extinguish the Taiwan independence forces themselves, and never It will repeat the events of 1996.

In addition, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s iron boxing force can be said to be the rapid response force established by the People’s Liberation Army in response to the 21st century. The iron boxing force basically includes the People’s Liberation Army’s air force airborne 15th Army, the Military Commission, or the rapid reaction force directly under the military region. The special military battalion directly under the military region and the Chinese Marine Corps have four major fists. According to sources, the General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army, which was established in early 2016 and completed a large division of theaters, held a cross-strait military affairs report, confirming that Chinese national leader Xi Jinping has formally signed important instructions. This is internally called “No. 41″. The military order has authorized the PLA General Staff to add and complete the 16th Airborne Airborne Forces by the end of 2018. It has two fast airborne divisions, the 69th Division Airborne and the 71st Airborne Division. The newly established Airborne Sixteenth Army will assemble elite field divisions from the Nanjing Military Region and the Jinan Military Region, and will be equipped and trained to become part of the Air Force. It will be equipped with special military and missile units to become a professional force”.

In 2017, China's "two sessions" (National People's Congress, Political Consultative Conference) debuted in Beijing, the 5th meeting of the 12th National People's Congress, the People's Liberation Army Representative (AP)

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In 2017, China’s “two sessions” (National People’s Congress, Political Consultative Conference) debuted in Beijing, the 5th meeting of the 12th National People’s Congress, the People’s Liberation Army Representative (AP)

The military commander inside the People’s Liberation Army called “Order No. 41” has authorized the PLA General Staff to add and complete the 16th Airborne Air Force before the end of 2018 and become a “professional force” against Taiwan. The picture shows the representatives of the People’s Congress and the People’s Liberation Army of the Political Consultative Conference. (Information, Associated Press)

If combined with the rapid reaction force that has been completed, that is, the Airborne 15th Army, it is based on the 3rd Airborne Infantry Divisions of the 43rd Division, 44th Division, and 45th Division, and is independent of the Air Force’s 13th Airlift and the 13th Airborne. The regiment has more than 90 large and small transport aircraft, as well as some independent helicopter regiments (Brigades) belonging to the Army Aviation. Together, they can maintain a 60% combat capability and are ready to go on-board to “can fly at any time, and can drop and drop at any time.” Hit the “iron bones” of the attack mission. The General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army has officially issued a formation order. This is also a major role played by the US military in the US-Iraq war, the powerful projection force of the US military and the visual field-distance force, which led to the reform of the traditional forces. It is also impossible for the CCP to surrender to the United States forever. At least, in the East Asian region, it is hoped that it will be equal to the United States and jointly handle the status of Asia-Pacific affairs.

How can a failing strategy and a hundred percent of combat power be played!

Definition of strategic concept: After the judgment of the strategic situation, the action plan adopted should generally consider five major factors: namely, purpose, strength, time, place and means. The so-called military strategy is built under the national (security) strategy and must follow and support the national defense policy. Military strategy is not only a rationale for thinking, but also a strategic concept. It also covers the overall consideration of force design and force building. In other words, military objectives and strategic ideas are the guidance of force planning (construction), and force building is a concrete practice, and the military design combines the above two parties into a complete strategic thinking.

The military strategic adjustment of China’s various stages is a transformation from the past offensive strategy, offensive and defensive integration, defense defense or offensive defensive strategy. The process is closely related to the US global strategy, the Asia-Pacific situation and cross-strait relations. Its purpose is to ensure Taiwan’s security and maintain national sovereignty and territorial integrity. At this stage, the author believes that “preventing war, maintaining the status quo, and safeguarding homeland security.” The Department also focused on the interception of the “defense and defense, deep suppression” to effectively curb the enemy.

Table I

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Table I

Table I

Multi-task goal is means, heavy layer interception force is joint operation deployment

Purpose and means can not cooperate (multiple deterrence is passive defense, heavy deterrence is active defense)?

According to the “multiple deterrence” that the Secretary of Defense, Mr. Feng Shikuan, has recently proposed, the difference between the “repeated resistance” and the “definitely deterrent” is that the “multiple deterrence” tends to be passive defense, that is, the defense operation limited to Taiwan’s main island; It is an active defense. It is based on the island and pushes the defense network layer by layer. The two have passive and active differences. As far as the author has been engaged in strategic teaching experience for many years, there is no passive or active distinction between the so-called “multiple deterrence” and “repeated resistance”.

20170302 Legislative Yuan. Minister of National Defense Feng Shikuan attended the report of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Commission and answered questions (photo by Chen Mingren)

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20170302 Legislative Yuan. Minister of National Defense Feng Shikuan attended the report of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Commission and answered questions (photo by Chen Mingren)

The difference between the “multiple deterrence” proposed by the Secretary of Defense Feng Shikuan and the “repeated resistance” of the final case is that “multiple deterrence” tends to passive defense. (Photo, photo by Chen Mingren)

The author believes that the reason why China has adjusted “defense and obstruction” to “effectively deterring, defending and defending” should be “effectively deterring, defending and defending”, that is, the spirit of offensive and defensive. The choice of multi-task targets is only a means, and the interception of multi-tasking is a joint strategy deployment. The strategic concept of failing to cooperate with the purpose and means is a strategy that fails. It is no longer a defensive, it is a layer. Eliminate, so there is no focus on the war of war, how much money we can play.

Has Taiwan been deterred and prepared? If the CCP attacks the national army will not be defensive again!

When the Defense Minister Feng Shikuan made a reply in the Legislative Yuan, he pointed out that the military strategy of the National Army will be adjusted to “repeated the obstacles” because the weapons developed now are more advanced than before. “Some missiles have developed well”, which can make Taiwan better. Defensive forces; if the CCP launches an attack against Taiwan, the national army will no longer be a defensive, and the “respective deterrence” will begin to turn into “active defense.” At the same time, the national army has multiple, multi-party, multi-capacity capabilities. Through the enemy’s half-crossing, beach battle, and position defense, the sea and air forces could not successfully reach the purpose of landing on the island of Taiwan (quoted from Wu Mingjie, March 13, 2017, Feng Media).

In reply to the question of the Democratic Progressive Party legislator Liu Shifang, he said that if the missile command headquarters moved to the Air Force, it would meet the requirements of the deterrent strategy. The four stages of the Flying Finger Division belonged to different units, and the combat strength continued to increase. Command unity and unity of affairs can be time-honored in the first place. The Air Force Operations Command has this power. And Feng Shikuan said that “some missiles have developed well” and “not a layer of defense, it is a layer of elimination, rejection”, which refers to the deployment and mass production of the male E E cruise missile, Wan Jian bomb, Xiong San missile and patriotic The missiles, such as missiles, intercepted and annihilated the missiles, warplanes, and warships that had come to the enemy, and then began to conduct defensive operations after the troops were projected onto Taiwan’s main island.

Table II

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Table II

Table II

Constructing a multi-layer interception joint warfare missile defense capability is the focus

The National Army’s self-developed warplanes, Tianjian-1 and II missiles, and Tiangong’s first, second and third missiles have all been deployed or mass-produced, and preparatory energy and position deployment work has been prepared. Secondly, the R&D plan of high-resolution radar, electronic warfare equipment, multi-barrel rockets and other weapon systems will be carried out to effectively improve the overall combat strength of the national army. How to improve the defense warfare early warning capability, radar performance and coverage, and strengthen the development and deployment of radar signal processing, electronic defense technology, and mobile radar. We will continue to establish an early warning control mechanism and information link construction, integrate the three-armed referral system, and accurately control the relationship between the military and the various stations.

20160811 - Hualien Air Force Base was opened to local residents and the media on the 11th. The picture shows the IDF through the national warplane.  (photo by Yan Linyu)

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20160811 – Hualien Air Force Base was opened to local residents and the media on the 11th. The picture shows the IDF through the national warplane. (photo by Yan Linyu)

The National Army’s self-developed warplanes have been deployed or entered into mass production, and preparatory energy and position deployment work has been prepared. (Photo, photo by Yan Linyu)

The author believes that the missile defense capability is the key to the joint strategic deployment of constructing heavy-layer interception, especially the ability to recover from war damage is the key to the battle; the CCP’s flight vehicles (missile, patrol missiles and unmanned vehicles, etc.) have a precise impact, and their After the first strike, the national army’s war damage and resilience were the key factors affecting my combat schedule and the CCP’s follow-up battle plan. The national army should consider the ability of independent control after the destruction of the management system and strengthen the ability of attracting, electric warfare and defensive counter-measures; only effective source anti-production warfare can reduce the enemy’s attack firepower.

The concept of “fighting how to fight” – “defense, deep defense”

What kind of war the National Army wants to fight, the National Defense Construction Army wants to build a plan based on “playing, loading, editing, and training,” and secondly, it is a comprehensive national strength to build a deterrent. The strategic concept of “defending and defending” is based on the policy guidance of “training for war, unity of war and training”, and planning the “national military annual major training flow path” for the concept of “how to fight”. The military exercises are divided into four categories: “combat, mobilization, nuclearization, and training.” In order to strengthen the ability of “outside islands and ship joints to attack targets at sea” and “three-armed joint air defense training”, the number of training should be increased to enhance The combined military training capability of the three armed forces.

As a national security indicator, comprehensive national strength has two meanings. Internally, national defense construction needs to be balanced with economic development. Externally, understanding what the enemy cares most is helpful for the formation of the “deep deterrence” program. The “deep deterrence method” can be interpreted as: “The emphasis is on an unbearable revenge for the enemy, rather than the ability to emphasize actual combat and win the war.” For example, in the “Exceeding the Limits”, the war mark is no longer limited to military It is a new trend of war type and military thinking.

According to Wu Mingjie, the wind media, from the perspective of the distance, the future defense circle of the National Army usually includes the island, the east line of the Taiwan Strait, and the ADIZ air defense identification zone. However, during the war, it will be extrapolated to the coastal air and sea bases on the mainland, and even more. Inland missile bases and combat command centers, and the eastern defense range will be extrapolated to areas outside ADIZ. In addition, after the establishment of the fourth service in the future, there is no distance limit for network information warfare. These are the future threats of the national army. The scope of defense. (Wu Mingjie, March 13, 2017, Wind Media). However, this study proposes that “depth suppression” is the distance between non-linear lines. The so-called deep combat, in short, includes the depth of the three-dimensional space warfare. As the PLA calls “land, sea, air, sky, electricity”, the “National Army Defense Operations Guide” edited by the author has divided the defense operations into five. Space, namely space, air, ground, water, underwater combat guidance. At present, what we lack most is the search for space and underwater power. It must rely on international cooperation and exchange of interests.

20170118-The second day of the National Army's Spring Festival to strengthen the war preparations tour, came to the naval left camp base.  The picture shows the Navy's classmate seal submarine on display.  (photo by Su Zhongying)

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20170118-The second day of the National Army’s Spring Festival to strengthen the war preparations tour, came to the naval left camp base. The picture shows the Navy’s classmate seal submarine on display. (photo by Su Zhongying)

The future defense circle of the National Army usually includes the island and the east line of the Taiwan Strait and the ADIZ air defense identification zone. However, during the war, it will be extrapolated to the coastal air and sea bases on the mainland, and even more inland missile bases and operational command centers. The eastern defense range will also be extrapolated to areas outside the ADIZ. The picture shows the Navy’s classmate seal submarine. (Photo, photo by Su Zhongzhen)

Integration of forces in a network-centric overall operation

The idea of ​​joint military operations of the three armed forces of the Chinese army has gradually entered the hearts of the people and adapted to the development of high-tech warfare with the main form of joint operations of the three armed forces. In the construction of military power, it will avoid Taiwan’s C4ISR capability to enter the arms race with the CCP and establish a parasitic and symbiotic relationship, and participate extensively in multinational military R&D and cooperation. Pursuing a reasonable defense space in national defense security, the force is integrated into a network-centric overall operation. In short: “To turn your own army into a company, and to pull the enemy from the mountains and waters into my vision.” Therefore, in light of the above viewpoints, the author suggests that the current military strategy should be better. The better strategic concept is to “defend and defend, deepen the deterrence”, and adhere to the policy of “preventing war”, “maintaining the status quo”, and “defending homeland security”. The combination of strategic and strategic deployment, combined with multi-layer defense guidance, combined with the national defense mobilization force, strive for “strategic lasting” time, create opportunities, destroy enemy and ensure national security.

Conclusion: National security is the common responsibility of all people

In fact, the author observes the 12 national defense blueprints published before the Democratic Progressive Party elections, and the new government-driven national defense policies, such as research and development of military strategy, national shipbuilding, national machine building, improved military recruitment, weekend warriors, and military uniforms. Can not be too demanding, the new government’s national defense policy concept, in the blue book can find clues. In the face of the CCP’s asymmetric military development, and gradually locking into the “safety dilemma” dilemma, it is necessary to maintain a calm observation and thinking plan, the most favorable security strategy for survival and development, national defense policy, and military preparation. I can’t have the mind of being big and small, then I should play the depth of being small and wise.

The state-made T75-20 cannon was drilled on the "Ilan Ship" of the Sea Guard.  (photo by Yan Linyu)

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The state-made T75-20 cannon was drilled on the “Ilan Ship” of the Sea Guard. (photo by Yan Linyu)

The defense policy promoted by the new government, such as the national shipbuilding and other national propaganda, the new government’s national defense policy concept can be found in the blue book. The picture shows the state-built T75-20 cannon exercise on the “Ilan Ship” of the Sea Guard. (Photo, photo by Yan Linyu)

Defence is too negative, and lack of nuclear weapons is effective in deterring and incapable. There is no cheap national defense in the world, and national security is the common responsibility of the whole people. There is no distinction between political parties and blue and green. The key issue in the preparation of the army is the cultivation of talents. As for the new government’s annuity reform plan, there are no reasons for the military to be included in the reform, and the difficulties in the recruitment system are even more difficult. How can Taiwan implement the reforms under the quality of grassroots personnel and the lack of cadres? Deterring the fighting power.

Original Mandarin Chinese:








嚇阻戰略以預防戰爭( war prevention )為目的

防衛固守是戰爭行為,有效嚇阻是戰爭行為的預防。就台澎防衛作戰言,「嚇阻」敵國軍事行動「戰爭」,「預防」即在防止敵國使用武力的行為,若嚇阻失敗,戰爭便爆發。嚇阻戰略中軍事武力的運用,就是阻止敵人使用軍事武力。因此嚇阻理論,就是技巧性的不使用軍事武力(skillful nonuse of military forces),因此嚇阻必須超越了軍事上的技巧。就被「嚇阻」,嚇阻的目的並非是在敵人入侵時消滅敵人,而是使敵人確實認知到假如他真的採取行動,則一定會被消滅掉。































國防部長馮世寬日前在立院答詢時曾指出,國軍軍事戰略會調整為「重層嚇阻」,是因為現在研發的武器較之前進步,「有些飛彈發展得不錯」,可以讓台灣有更好防衛力量;假如中共對台攻擊發起,國軍就不會再是守勢,「重層嚇阻」將會開始轉為「積極防禦」;同時國軍已具備多重、多方、多能力戰力,將可經由擊敵半渡、灘岸決戰、陣地防禦,讓海空兵力無法順利達成登陸台灣本島目的(引自吳明杰, 2017年03月13日,風傳媒)。
















據風傳媒吳明杰報導,從距離來看,國軍未來的防衛圈,平時包括本島、台海中線以東、ADIZ防空識別區,但戰時則將外推到大陸當面沿岸海空基地,甚至更內陸的飛彈基地和作戰指揮中心,而東部防禦範圍也會外推到ADIZ以外區域,加上未來第四軍種成立後,網路資訊戰更沒有距離限制,這些都是國軍未來「重層嚇阻」的防禦範圍。(吳明杰, 2017年03月13日,風傳媒)。但本研究所提「縱深遏阻」非直線間之距離。所謂縱深作戰,簡言之包含立體空間作戰之縱深,正如解放軍所稱「陸、海、空、天、電」,就筆者所主編之《國軍防衛作戰教則》,已將防衛作戰區分為五度空間,即太空、空中、地面、水面、水下作戰指導。目前我們最缺乏的是太空與水下之戰力情蒐,必須有賴國際合作及情資交換。














Original URL:

Chinese Military: Cyber security is a matter of war. In the information war, cyberspace has become a new dimension of battlefield space // 中國軍隊:網絡安全是戰爭問題。 在信息戰中,網絡空間已成為戰場空間的新維度

Chinese Military: Cyber security is a matter of war. In the information war, cyberspace has become a new dimension of battlefield space //

中國軍隊:網絡安全是戰爭問題。 在信息戰中,網絡空間已成為戰場空間的新維度


Author:   來源: 解放軍報 作者: 周鴻禕 張春雨

DTG: 2018年05月22日 16:XX:XX

 ● Promote network security. The integration of military and civilian needs to integrate and optimize the allocation at the national level, and promote the two-way flow of technology, talents and resources.

  ● Whether it is network security analysis, situation research, emergency response, or network protection hardware and software development, a large number of information technology talents are needed.


        President Xi profoundly pointed out that there is no national security without cyber security. In the digital age, cyberspace has penetrated into various fields such as politics, economy, military, culture, etc. It has the natural attributes of military and civilian integration, and is an important aspect of the integration and development of military and civilians in the new era. At present, China is marching toward a network power and building a network great wall combining military and civilian integration. It is not only the basic system design for building a network power and information army, but also an important driving force for promoting the deep development of military and civilian integration. Under the new situation, we will actively promote the in-depth development of cyber security, military and civilian integration, and urgently need to break down institutional barriers, structural contradictions, and policy issues, and constantly improve the level of integration and enhance joint protection capabilities.

Cybersecurity is related to the overall security of the country, and it is necessary for the military to walk away from the road of comprehensive integration.

  In the information age, cyberspace security has become a new commanding height of the national strategy. Last year, the “Eternal Blue” ransomware that broke out in the world, the Ukrainian power grid attacked, and the US election “mail door” and other events showed that cyber security concerns national security, social stability and war victory or defeat. The cyber security contest has risen to the national level of confrontation, beyond the scope of the military’s respective management and control, and it is necessary to rely on the integration of the military and the local forces to manage and manage well.

  Cybersecurity is a national interest. As the network’s tentacles extend to economic, social, cultural and other fields, its security will affect economic security, social security, cultural security, and information security. In May 2017, the “Eternal Blue” ransom virus swept through more than 150 countries and regions, including government, banks, communications companies, energy companies and other important departments, and the infrastructure was paralyzed, causing an uproar in the world. Earlier, Saudi Arabia’s infrastructure was attacked by cyber attacks. In just a few minutes, the computer hard drive was destroyed, all data was emptied, and the attacker tried to cause an explosion. If it succeeded, it would undoubtedly have serious consequences.

  Cybersecurity is a matter of war. In the information war, cyberspace has become a new dimension of battlefield space. At present, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan have established cyber warfare forces and vigorously developed various cyber weapons. In the Iraq war, the US military first destroyed the five key command and radar facilities of the Iraqi army, and used electronic interference to firmly grasp the information superiority, making the Iraqi army blind and paralyzed, and the defense system quickly paralyzed. With the accelerated evolution of war forms, the competition for information superiority has increasingly become the core content of war wins and losses. As the “main battlefield” of information control, cyberspace has increasingly become the commanding height of war games.

  Cybersecurity is a common practice in the world. At present, many countries in the world regard military and civilian integration as an important way to improve the security of cyberspace. For example, the United States has made cybersecurity the focus of national security. The White House and the Pentagon have designated Boeing and Lockheed Martin as the national network security team, and designated information technology giants such as Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, Apple, and Google for network security. Professional team, designated Symantec, McAfee and other network security protection companies for the network security special team. In Israel, after the retiring of many Israeli cyber security forces, they became the elite of local high-tech enterprises and founded several network security companies. These companies have come back to cooperate with the Israeli army in the field of network security to enhance the security of the military network and promote the development of the entire network space security.

Network security resources are diversified and diverse, requiring military to strengthen top-level design coordination

  Promoting the integration of military and civilian development is a systematic project. It is necessary to use system science, system thinking, and systematic methods to solve problems. At present, China’s various information network systems are developing at a high speed, and network functions of different functions and types are being put into use one after another. The overall framework of the network security protection system is basically established. However, network security resources are widely distributed in the military and local areas. Promoting network security and military-civilian integration, improving synergy protection needs to strengthen top-level design coordination, break down institutional barriers and departmental interests, unify integration and optimize allocation at the national level, and promote technology, talents, resources, etc. Two-way flow conversion of features.

  Establish and improve the leadership system of the network security organization. It is necessary to speed up the establishment of a leading agency for cybersecurity work organizations with Chinese characteristics in order to ensure a clear hierarchy and division of labor. The national cybersecurity leadership agency’s work focuses on strengthening the top-level design and macro-management of cybersecurity military-civilian integration, formulating development strategies and planning plans, fulfilling the overall coordination function in military-civilian integration, and being responsible for domestic cybersecurity defense and emergency response, and combating cybercrime. And cyber terrorism; military cyber security authorities focus on the overall planning and construction of military cybersecurity, integrating the areas of military and civilian integration into the overall development of national cybersecurity, and doing a good job of connecting with national cybersecurity development plans, We will clarify the relevant processes and management methods for military-land coordination, improve the work system for regular military conferences, important situation notifications, and major operational coordination, and form joint prevention, joint management, and joint control of cyberspace security.

  Coordinate the planning standards for military network security construction. With the goal of effectively responding to the current and future cyber offensive and defensive measures, the overall framework of military and civilian cybersecurity construction will be scientifically formulated, the construction model will be classified, the short-term and long-term construction goals will be defined, and the supporting measures for completing the tasks will be determined. The first is to adhere to the standard. Actively promote the unification of technical standards for network security basic products such as autonomously controllable secure operating systems and secure database systems, and achieve full integration of systems at key moments to create a solid and reliable network security defense line. The second is to insist on a unified assessment. Strengthen the assessment of network security construction and technical risk assessment of network security products, clarify the evaluation procedures and links, and adopt scientific and effective evaluation methods to ensure that the network is secure and controllable after it is built.

  Establish a network security military resource sharing mechanism. To realize the sharing of military network security resources, the key is to establish a mechanism for military land demand. The information on military and civilian technical achievements should be released in a timely manner. The real-time table of “the battlefield needs to be lacking” and “market ownership” should be fully shared with the military and land needs, technologies, standards, products and other information resources; accelerate the construction of military information integration and sharing platform, Expand Unicom channels, standardize interoperability standards, and achieve full complementarity and sharing of military and territorial information resources; establish a network security access system, clearly define the scope of confidentiality levels, and the military business authorities and the “Ministry of the Army” enterprises regularly meet, information, and demand docking Collaborate with research and development to prevent civil network security forces from developing technology and losing targets, reducing targets, protecting tactics from losing rivals, and lacking direction; establishing a network threat information exchange mechanism, timely interoperating with domestic and international network security updates and major event notifications, encouraging private Enterprises and governments, the military share real-time network security threat information, improve the professional and real-time response capabilities of research and analysis.

The essence of cybersecurity is the contest of talents.

  The essence of cybersecurity is cyber confrontation, which is essentially the competition of talents. Whether it is network security analysis, planning, situation research, response and disposal, or network protection hardware and software development, a large number of information technology talents are needed. In order to meet the huge demand of military network security talents, it is necessary to firmly establish a joint thinking.

  Jointly train talents. In recent years, important progress has been made in the training of national cyber security personnel. Cyberspace security has been added to the first-level discipline by the Academic Degrees Committee and the Ministry of Education, and nearly 10,000 graduates in the field of cyberspace security each year. However, compared with the demand for building a network strong country and strengthening the army, there is still a big gap, such as a large gap in the talent team, a need to improve the training system, and insufficient reserve of practical talents. We should actively explore the military, local colleges, research institutes and network security enterprises to carry out joint training channels for talents, build a team of teachers, jointly set up experimental sites, and set up a practice base to realize the organic combination of classroom teaching and practical practice, through network security training. Camp, safety operation and maintenance personnel training, etc., to enhance the professional capabilities of network security practitioners, improve the rapid, large-scale, actual combat security operation and maintenance, analysis and response, attack and defense penetration and other network security personnel joint training mechanism.

  Joint use of strength. We should coordinate the use of various forces in the military, strengthen operational coordination, and establish a relatively comprehensive network security joint prevention and control mechanism. On the one hand, give full play to the role of local network security talents, open up the military network security top-level design, core technology research and development, and network security overall construction to meet the needs of military network security for talents; on the other hand, give full play to the military network security needs The role of the booster is to use the military’s advanced network technology to test the security of national critical infrastructure networks such as nuclear power, communications, transportation, and finance, and to verify the effectiveness of the emergency response system.

  Joint research and development technology. Military and civilian collaborative innovation is an important way to achieve breakthroughs in network protection technology innovation. We should focus on the use of military demand for cutting-edge innovation, and focus on breaking key network technologies, promoting the sharing of military and civilians on the basic platform, and vigorously promoting the mutual transformation of military and civilian technologies; encouraging universities, research institutes, military enterprises, and superior private enterprises to strengthen alliances. Focus on military, human, material and financial resources, and focus on key chips, core devices, operating systems, etc.; explore military and civilian integration network security equipment technology innovation model, develop a new generation of firewalls, intrusion detection, information encryption, information hiding, anti-eavesdropping And other protection technologies to jointly foster an ecological chain of autonomous network security industry.

  In addition, due to the comprehensive complexity of network security, military and regional forces are needed to strengthen regulatory and policy guarantees. Formulate a legal system for network security and military-civilian integration, relevant policies to support the integration of cyber security and civil-military, and relevant documents in the field of cybersecurity military-civilian integration key protection, ensure that the measures for network security and military-civilian integration take root, and form a joint support system for military and land.

Original Mandarin Chinese:







網絡安全事關國家利益。由於網絡觸角延伸到經濟、社會、文化等各個領域,其安全必將影響到經濟安全、社會安全、文化安全、信息安全等。 2017年5月,“永恆之藍”勒索病毒席捲150多個國家和地區,包括政府、銀行、通信公司、能源企業等重要部門機構基礎設施陷入癱瘓,在全球引起軒然大波。早前,沙特的基礎設施遭網絡攻擊,僅僅數分鐘內,計算機硬盤就被破壞,所有數據被清空,攻擊者還試圖引發爆炸,如果得逞無疑會造成十分嚴重的後果。












