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Chinese Military’s Tactical Use of Dissipative Warfare: Effective Methodology within Intelligent Warfare

隨著智慧化技術快速發展及在軍事上的廣泛應用,智慧化戰爭正成為資訊化戰爭後的新戰爭形態,而耗散戰則成為智慧化戰爭的典型方式。 所謂耗散戰,是指智慧化戰爭體系透過對內富聚融合,對外突變湧現,達成集物質消耗、能量釋散和資訊擴散於一體的綜合戰力的作戰方式。 加強耗散戰研究,有利於我們深入揭示智慧化戰爭制勝機理,贏得未來戰爭賽局主動權。


耗散戰表現在智慧化時代中物理域、資訊域和認知域的綜合對抗,體現為政治較量、經濟比拼、軍事攻防、文化衝突和外交制衡等形式的高度統一,反映了智慧化戰爭體系 所具有的開放性、複雜性和湧現性。

適應智慧化時代的安全情勢要求。 進入智慧化時代,寬網路、大數據、大模型、雲端運算、深度學習等技術快速發展,各政治集團、國家、民族之間的聯繫更加廣泛。 在政治多元、經濟交融、社會開放、科技革命等多重因素作用下,非傳統安全興起並與傳統威脅交織,智慧化戰爭主體與範疇不斷拓展,戰爭時間與空間不斷外延,戰爭與和平如影相 隨並交織一體,戰爭體系將進一步超越局部地域限制,從相對封閉走向更開放,形成更高層次和更大範圍的對抗。 耗散戰強調智慧化戰爭體系在物理域、資訊域和認知域的綜合發力,把政治較量、經濟比拼、軍事攻防、文化衝突和外交制衡等形式高度統一併納入敵我對抗範疇,適應了 世界安全情勢發展的時代要求。

符合戰爭形態演變的客觀法則。 戰爭體系的耗散現象自戰爭產生以來便始終存在,只不過在智能化戰爭形態出現之前,由於技術的製約,一直處於較為低級的、簡單的狀態,戰爭對抗僅能表現為物質消耗、能量釋 散和訊息擴散中的某一種形式。 農業時代,戰爭形態主要表現為以物質要素為主導的、以人體為中心的冷兵器戰爭。 工業化時代,戰爭形態主要表現為以能量要素為主導的、以平台為中心的熱核兵器和機械化戰爭。 在資訊化時代,戰爭形態主要表現為以資訊要素為主導的、以網信體系為中心的資訊化戰爭。 進入智慧化時代,智慧化科技將敵我對抗中的認知優勢、決策優勢和行動優勢高度統一起來,實質是將物質、能量和資訊三者高度統一,透過以智賦能、以智聚能、 以智釋能,形成了以智慧要素為主導的、以智慧演算法為中心的智慧化戰爭形態,主要表現形式即為反映智慧化戰爭複雜體系對抗的耗散戰。

具有堅實的哲學理論基礎支撐。 社會形態是戰爭形態的母體,探索和認識智能化戰爭,必須基於歷史唯物主義和辯證唯物主義的基本原理,綜合考察戰爭形態的演進和智能化戰爭所處的社會形態,構建新的戰爭概念和 語境體系。 從哲學角度看,物質、能量和資訊是構成世界的三大要素,物質體現本源的存在,能量體現運動的存在,訊息則體現聯繫的存在,三者遞進交替主導著社會形態和戰爭形態的 演進和運行。 依照辯證唯物論的否定之否定原理,在資訊時代之後的智慧時代,主導社會的要素將繼物質、能量、資訊後再次輪到物質,只不過這個物質是高度資訊化後螺旋式上升後形成的 新型物質,其主要特徵就是具有了智慧化技術屬性。 因此,從本質上講,耗散戰是智慧要素將以前低階戰爭形態中物質、能量和資訊的特性優勢高度統一起來,將戰爭中普遍存在的物質消耗、能量釋散和資訊擴散等形式高度 統一起來,反映了智慧化戰爭的典型特徵。



對抗綜合博弈。 隨著智慧化戰爭形態加速向更高深度和廣度發展,政治、經濟、文化、外交等領域相互聯繫和影響更具廣泛性,戰爭重心開始從軍事系統向社會系統偏移,戰爭利益攸關方 的對抗將體現為政治較量、經濟比拼、軍事攻防、文化衝突和外交制衡等多種形式的綜合博弈,追求的戰爭優勢不再只限於軍事對抗領域。 戰爭制勝方必須適應戰爭體系的開放性、複雜性和湧現性要求,從單一物質、能量和資訊的粗放式消耗和運用轉變到以智慧優勢主導戰爭體系的耗散,力爭在多領域的綜合博弈 中贏得主動和優勢。

主體跨域多元。 智慧化戰爭的主體日益泛化,傳統戰爭需要動員的戰爭潛在力量將處於常態化對抗狀態。 政治力量、各類機構和人員與傳統意義上在戰場廝殺的部隊和軍人一起構成戰爭的主體。 多元化戰爭主體將跨越現實域和虛擬域,出現在陸、海、空、天、電、心理等多個空間域,涵蓋物理域、資訊域、認知域等,涵蓋政治、經濟、文化、 外交等多類社會域。 如社會平民可以用智慧型手機收集軍事戰場上的信息並傳遞給戰爭利益攸關方,造成對戰爭關鍵訊息的擴散,進而影響戰爭決策或一場戰役和戰鬥的勝敗。

力量一體富聚。 虛實力量一體。 圍繞著戰爭目的,一切可能運用的現實力量和虛擬力量將在智能化技術支撐下實現一體化,在平行戰場上按職履責、按規行動;有無力量一體。 無人作戰力量將在經歷人工操作、人工授權、人為監督階段後,實現高度的自主性,並可與各類有人力量按需部署、按需組合,在共同的戰爭規則約束下有效協同、並行 共生;多方力量一體。 基於各領域的廣泛聯繫和戰爭體系的共同目的,黨政軍警民等各方力量將軍事行動與政治、經濟、外交、輿論、法理鬥爭密切配合、統一行動,形成綜合戰力。 總之,在國家或政治集團的一體籌劃下,智慧化戰爭的多元參戰力量雖然物理分散,但能夠圍繞共同的戰爭目的,實現邏輯集中、即時富聚,優勢互補、一體聚優。

效能累積湧現。 高階戰爭形態在具有新質技術特徵的同時,仍涵括低階戰爭形態的特徵優勢。 耗散戰強調在多域持續進行綜合對抗,這既包括物質層面的彈藥、物資、器材甚至作戰人員的消耗,也包括能量層面的不斷匯集和釋放,更包括透過資訊層面的數據、知識、演算法 等的擴散與融合,對人的思考認知、價值追求、道德觀念、情感意志、行為模式等產生不可限制的影響。 在核武的常態嚇阻下,智慧化戰爭呈現出血腥味下降,但政治孤立、經濟封鎖、文化衝突、外交扼殺等將更加嚴峻激烈的局面。 當軍事、政治、經濟、文化、外交等各系統角色持續發揮,效能累積達到某一程度,戰爭體係就會增加負熵,進而實現戰力突變和體系效能湧現,從而獲得戰爭優勢。


智慧化戰爭體系透過對內富聚融合,對外突變湧現,跨域增效、以智耗散,達成體係作戰效能最大化,這是耗散戰蘊含的製勝機理。 要在智慧化戰爭中贏得勝勢,必須明確耗散戰的作戰重心,針對對手體系短板弱點,找準戰爭準備的發力點。

著眼體系開放性,封閉孤立對手戰爭體系。 截斷對手戰爭體系與外在戰場環境的物質、能量和資訊交流,使之缺乏物質、能量和資訊來源管道,逐漸走向孤立、封閉和虛弱狀態。 如在戰略層面,採取政治孤立的方式,使對手戰爭體系處於孤立狀態,造成體系熵增。 在戰役層面,可利用切斷資料來源、毀滅資料備份、資料作假、竄改資訊等方法,綜合採用軟硬手段,迫其戰爭體係向封閉狀態轉化,進而降低對方體系效能。

著眼體系複雜性,分域破擊對手戰爭體系。 智慧化戰爭體係要素間連結越多、連結程度越緊密,體系結構可靠性就越低。 運用複雜系統中各分層相對獨立的原理,可製訂戰略全局、戰役局部和戰術行動策略,實現對敵戰爭體系的分層分域破擊。 如在戰略層面,採用經濟封鎖的方式,大大削弱對手的戰爭實力和發展潛力。 在戰役層面,利用作戰系統通訊網路的脆弱性,以網電複合攻擊為基本路徑與手段,採用「毀端、擊元、孤群、斷網、破雲」等方式,破擊對方作戰系統結構 ,促使對方戰爭體系「坍塌」。

著眼體系湧現性,拆解疏散對手戰爭體系。 智慧化戰爭體系只有出現突變和湧現效應,才能快速形成發揮體系效能,獲得耗散戰優勢。 如果只是單一組分或要素發揮作用,不可能形成優勢湧現。 可以預見,當前興起的ChatGPT等技術以及未來更高級的智慧化技術,將提供理解和發現戰爭複雜體系運作行為、狀態和規律的全新思維方式,以及探知客觀規律、改造自然和社會的新手段, 戰爭對抗優勢方將透過虛實結合、平行一體的對抗方式,降低對手戰爭體系的耦合度,達成拆解疏散敵戰爭體系的目的。

Modern English:


With the rapid development of intelligent technology and its widespread application in military affairs, intelligent warfare is becoming a new form of warfare after information warfare, and dissipative warfare has become a typical method of intelligent warfare. The so-called dissipative warfare refers to a combat method in which the intelligent warfare system achieves comprehensive combat power integrating material consumption, energy release and information diffusion through internal integration and integration and external mutation. Strengthening research on dissipative warfare will help us deeply reveal the winning mechanism of intelligent warfare and win the initiative in future war games.

Dissipative war is the inevitable result of the development of the times

Dissipative warfare is manifested in the comprehensive confrontation of the physical domain, information domain and cognitive domain in the intelligent era. It is reflected in the high degree of unity in the form of political contest, economic competition, military offense and defense, cultural conflict and diplomatic checks and balances, reflecting the intelligent war system. openness, complexity and emergence.

Adapt to the security situation requirements of the intelligent era. Entering the era of intelligence, technologies such as wide networks, big data, big models, cloud computing, and deep learning are developing rapidly, and the connections between political groups, countries, and ethnic groups have become more extensive. Under the influence of multiple factors such as political pluralism, economic integration, social openness, and technological revolution, non-traditional security has emerged and is intertwined with traditional threats. The subjects and categories of intelligent warfare have continued to expand. The time and space of war have continued to expand. War and peace are like shadows. As they become more integrated, the war system will further transcend local geographical restrictions, move from a relatively closed world to a more open one, and form a higher-level and wider-scale confrontation. Dissipative warfare emphasizes the comprehensive development of intelligent warfare systems in the physical, information and cognitive domains. It highly unifies political contests, economic competitions, military offense and defense, cultural conflicts and diplomatic checks and balances into the scope of confrontation between ourselves and the enemy, adapting to the The requirements of the times as the world security situation develops.

It is in line with the objective laws of the evolution of war forms. The dissipation phenomenon of the war system has always existed since the birth of war. However, before the emergence of intelligent warfare, due to technological constraints, it has always been in a relatively low-level and simple state. War confrontation can only be manifested in material consumption and energy release. A form of dispersion and information diffusion. In the agricultural era, the main form of war was cold weapon warfare dominated by material elements and centered on the human body. In the era of industrialization, the main forms of warfare are thermonuclear weapons and mechanized warfare dominated by energy elements and centered on platforms. In the information age, the form of war is mainly information-based war dominated by information elements and centered on the network information system. Entering the era of intelligence, intelligent technology highly unifies the cognitive advantages, decision-making advantages and action advantages in the confrontation between ourselves and the enemy. In essence, it highly unifies matter, energy and information. Through intelligent empowerment, intelligent energy gathering, Interpreting energy through intelligence has formed an intelligent war form dominated by intelligent elements and centered on intelligent algorithms. The main form of expression is dissipative warfare that reflects the confrontation of the complex systems of intelligent warfare.

It is supported by a solid philosophical theoretical foundation. Social form is the matrix of war forms. To explore and understand intelligent warfare, we must be based on the basic principles of historical materialism and dialectical materialism, comprehensively examine the evolution of war forms and the social form in which intelligent warfare occurs, and construct a new war concept and context system. From a philosophical perspective, matter, energy and information are the three major elements that make up the world. Material embodies the existence of the source, energy embodies the existence of movement, and information embodies the existence of connections. The three progressively and alternately dominate the formation of social forms and war forms. Evolve and run. According to the principle of negation of dialectical materialism, in the intelligent age after the information age, the dominant element of society will be material again after matter, energy, and information. However, this material is formed after a spiral of high informatization. The main characteristic of new materials is that they have intelligent technical properties. Therefore, in essence, dissipative warfare is the intelligent element that highly unifies the characteristic advantages of matter, energy and information in previous low-level warfare forms, and highly integrates the common forms of material consumption, energy release and information diffusion in war. Unified, it reflects the typical characteristics of intelligent warfare.

Deeply grasp the inner essence of dissipative warfare

Dissipative warfare is based on the real world and covers the virtual world. It adapts to the rapid development of intelligent technology, the rise of non-traditional security threats, and the continuous expansion of war subjects and categories, and presents many new characteristics.

Against comprehensive games. As the form of intelligent warfare accelerates to develop to a higher depth and breadth, the political, economic, cultural, diplomatic and other fields are more interconnected and have more extensive influence. The focus of war begins to shift from the military system to the social system, and the war stakeholders The confrontation will be reflected in various forms of comprehensive games such as political competition, economic competition, military offense and defense, cultural conflicts, and diplomatic checks and balances. The pursuit of war advantages is no longer limited to the field of military confrontation. The winner of the war must adapt to the openness, complexity and emergence requirements of the war system, transform from the extensive consumption and use of single materials, energy and information to the dissipation of the war system dominated by intelligent advantages, and strive to compete in comprehensive games in multiple fields Gain the initiative and advantage.

Subjects are diverse across domains. The subjects of intelligent warfare are becoming increasingly generalized, and the potential war forces that need to be mobilized for traditional warfare will be in a state of normalized confrontation. Political forces, various institutions and personnel, together with the troops and soldiers fighting on the battlefield in the traditional sense, constitute the main body of the war. Diversified war subjects will span the real domain and the virtual domain, appearing in land, sea, air, space, electricity, psychology and other spatial domains, covering the physical domain, information domain, cognitive domain, etc., covering politics, economy, culture, Diplomacy and other social fields. For example, civilians can use smartphones to collect information on military battlefields and pass it on to war stakeholders, causing the spread of key war information, which in turn affects war decisions or the victory or defeat of a campaign or battle.

Strength is gathered into one body. Virtual and real power are integrated. Focusing on the purpose of war, all possible real and virtual forces that may be used will be integrated with the support of intelligent technology, and they will perform their duties and act according to regulations on parallel battlefields; they will be integrated with and without forces. Unmanned combat forces will achieve a high degree of autonomy after going through the stages of manual operation, manual authorization, and human supervision. They can be deployed and combined with various manned forces on demand, and can effectively coordinate and operate in parallel under the constraints of common war rules. Symbiosis; multiple forces integrated into one. Based on the extensive connections in various fields and the common purpose of the war system, the party, government, military, police and civilians and other forces closely coordinate and act in a unified manner with political, economic, diplomatic, public opinion, and legal struggles to form a comprehensive combat capability. In short, under the unified planning of the country or political group, although the diverse participating forces in intelligent warfare are physically dispersed, they can achieve logical concentration, instant enrichment, complementary advantages, and integration of excellence around the common war purpose.

Effectiveness emerges cumulatively. While high-level warfare forms have new technological features, they still include the characteristic advantages of lower-level warfare forms. Dissipative warfare emphasizes continuous comprehensive confrontation in multiple domains. This includes not only the consumption of ammunition, materials, equipment and even combat personnel at the material level, but also the continuous collection and release of energy at the energy level. It also includes the use of data, knowledge, and algorithms at the information level. The diffusion and integration of information, etc. will have an unlimited impact on people’s thinking and cognition, value pursuit, moral concepts, emotions, will, behavior patterns, etc. Under the constant deterrence of nuclear weapons, intelligent warfare will become less bloody, but political isolation, economic blockade, cultural conflict, diplomatic stranglehold, etc. will become more serious and intense. When the military, political, economic, cultural, diplomatic and other systems continue to play their roles and the cumulative effectiveness reaches a certain level, the war system will increase negative entropy, thereby achieving a sudden change in combat power and the emergence of system effectiveness, thereby gaining a war advantage.

Choose the right focus to fight the dissipation war well

The intelligent warfare system maximizes the combat effectiveness of the system through internal aggregation and integration, external mutation emergence, cross-domain efficiency enhancement, and intelligent dissipation. This is the winning mechanism contained in dissipative warfare. To win in intelligent warfare, it is necessary to clarify the focus of dissipative warfare, target the shortcomings and weaknesses of the opponent’s system, and identify the focus of war preparations.

Focus on the openness of the system and close and isolate the opponent’s war system. Cut off the material, energy and information exchange between the opponent’s war system and the external battlefield environment, causing it to lack material, energy and information source channels, and gradually move towards a state of isolation, closure and weakness. For example, at the strategic level, political isolation is adopted to isolate the opponent’s war system, causing an increase in system entropy. At the operational level, methods such as cutting off data sources, destroying data backups, falsifying data, and tampering with information can be used to force the opponent’s war system to transform into a closed state, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the opponent’s system.

Focus on the complexity of the system and attack the opponent’s war system by domain. The more connections and the closer the connections between the elements of an intelligent warfare system, the lower the reliability of the system structure. Using the principle that each layer in a complex system is relatively independent, we can formulate overall strategic, local campaign and tactical action strategies to achieve layered and domain-based attacks on the enemy’s war system. For example, at the strategic level, the use of economic blockade can greatly weaken the opponent’s war strength and development potential. At the operational level, the vulnerability of the communication network of the combat system is exploited, and network and electricity composite attacks are used as the basic path and means, and methods such as “destroying terminals, attacking elements, lone groups, disconnecting networks, and breaking clouds” are used to destroy the opponent’s combat system structure. , prompting the opponent’s war system to “collapse”.

Focus on the emergent nature of the system and dismantle and disperse the opponent’s combat system. Only when mutation and emergence effects occur in an intelligent warfare system can it quickly form and exert its effectiveness and gain advantages in dissipative warfare. If only a single component or element plays a role, it is impossible to form an advantage. It is foreseeable that the currently emerging technologies such as ChatGPT and more advanced intelligent technologies in the future will provide a new way of thinking for understanding and discovering the operating behaviors, states and laws of complex systems of war, as well as new means of exploring objective laws and transforming nature and society. The dominant side in war confrontation will reduce the coupling degree of the opponent’s war system through a combination of virtual and real, parallel and integrated confrontation methods, and achieve the purpose of dismantling and dispersing the enemy’s war system.



To Win The Information-based Intelligent War China’s People’s Liberation Army Must Find Science and Technology Integration Point To Evolve Innovation of Tactics

戰法,即作戰方法,指作戰中運用的策略和技術。 戰法創新,既要深謀“策”,也要鑽研“技”。 有“策”無“技”,心有餘而力不足;有“技”無“策”,雖用力而不得法。 既要有策略指導,又具備技術支撐,方能百戰百勝。 打贏資訊化智能化戰爭,開展以謀為先、以智取勝的戰法創新,必須「策」「技」並施,有效解決理論創新與技術應用脫節、作戰行動與技術路徑脫軌等問題。

思維認知「融」。 現代科技快速發展,正推動未來作戰向高端戰爭演進。 既要搶佔理論制高點,又要塑造技術新優勢,理技深度融合創新戰法,是製勝戰場的要訣。 軍人作為戰法創新的主體,必須深刻認知現代戰爭制勝機理,根植理技融合理念,拓展理技融合思維。 目前,兩個突出問題和傾向值得注意:一是科技素養不夠,容易導致對新的戰爭形態認識不深不透,僅憑以往經驗套路研究戰法,對作戰體系中哪些技術起作用、什麼技術 真管用、對敵形成技術優勢從何入手、與強敵存在哪些技術差、如何避免被敵技術壓制等知之不深,重戰法輕技術、重“智謀”輕“智能”,創新的戰法 看似管用,其實缺乏技術支撐,風險度大。 二是把握不准作戰需求,未來戰場景象描繪不夠清晰,雖然技術原理、制勝機理明白了,但對科技在作戰行動中的運用知之不夠,忽略了人的主觀能動性對作戰效能發揮起到的決定性 作用,重技術輕戰法,就技術研技術,或只鑽研技術性能而不考慮戰法運用,或只知技術功效卻不嘗試戰法創新。 凡此,應把指戰員學科技、懂科技、用科技與科技人員學軍事、懂打仗、研戰法統籌起來協調推進,建立戰技專家融合創新機制,對接研究制勝機理,協同嵌入理技融合理念 ,交互幫帶提升戰法創新素質,形成以作戰行動牽引科技運用、以科技運用支撐作戰行動的思想認識,厚實理技融合開展戰法創新的根基。

作戰設計「融」。 世界上從來沒有完全相同的兩場戰爭,戰法創新可以繼承借鑒,不能複製翻版。 目前,軍事理論創新步伐加快、先進科技發展日新月異,戰爭形態深刻變革,呈現出混合多元、變幻莫測的顯著特徵,顛覆性技術、創新性概念、重塑性理論層出不窮。 理技融合設計未來作戰,才能找準提升戰法創新的起點。 要以敢領世界先的勇氣突破思維定勢,用超前眼光、獨特視角創新作戰理論,開發並落地作戰概念,構想作戰場景,創新戰法打法,先把未來戰場的「底圖」勾勒 好,以此對接現代科技應用、牽引先進技術研發。 同時,設計未來作戰不能超越科技極限過於遙遠地“空想”,應立足於一定時期內的科技可行性,在具有現實或可預期科技運用支撐、擁有技術實現路徑的前提下創新戰法,將技術 阻斷、技術突襲、技術壓制、技術調控嵌入作戰行動。

技高一籌「融」。 在現代戰爭中,人是決定性因素的地位沒有變,而科技對戰爭勝負的影響更加凸顯,爭奪科技勝勢在很大程度上決定戰爭勝負,必須始終把科技運用嵌入作戰鏈條、貫穿作戰全程 ,以技術效應支撐戰法運用,以技術優勢驅動作戰效能發揮。 當前,戰法創新中的理技融合,主要矛盾並非技術中少理論,而是理論中缺乏技術,最迫切的是著力推進前沿科技向作戰理論融合滲透。 要加強以武器裝備平台為依託的實質融合,著眼於最大限度地啟動作戰效能,廣泛進行基於行動效能釋放的裝備作戰運用研究、裝備作戰試驗鑑定,透過模擬推演、數據分析來偵測作戰行動的有效性 ,以「數算」驗證「勝算」。 要加強基於作戰任務選擇「最優解」技術手段的深度性融合,從研究作戰對手、確定行動方法,到擬製作戰預案、組織對抗演訓,都要充分考慮敵我技術力量對比,貫徹非對稱 作戰思想,把以優制劣、避強擊弱作為基本原則,謀求技術壓制並防敵壓制,謀求技術阻斷並防敵阻斷,謀求技術顛覆並防敵顛覆,最大限度發揮技術優勢,竭 全力限制敵方技術發揮,以此塑造有利態勢、支撐戰法運用。

集智聚力「融」。 資訊化智能化時代,不論是理論研究,或科技創新,都呈現出開放連結、交叉滲透的顯著特徵。 理技融合進行戰法創新,開放共享是重要的成長點。 推進人機一體式戰法創新,人出智謀、機器來算,以算的結果反推修訂戰法成果,在人機交互中實現理技融合;推進指技人才團隊式戰法創新,組建“ 科學家+指揮官」「戰鬥員+技術員」混合群體,實行聯調聯試、聯演聯訓、聯算聯謀,以戰法的科學性、技術的先進性謀求聯戰聯勝;推進開源眾 籌式戰法創新,軍內軍外結合,線上線下互動,以更開闊的視野、更靈活的形式,集中廣大官兵和各類專業化人才的聰明智慧,開展戰法創新領域的「創客 ”活動,發展匯聚新戰法“資源池”“成果庫”,以實現理技融合的最大效益。

實踐迭代“融”。 理論成果在實務運用中得到檢驗和昇華,科技手段在作戰行動中顯現功能與效益。 戰法創新非一日之功,理技融合也應迭代進步、滾動發展。 要注重整合應用資訊科技與智慧技術,虛擬構設未來作戰景象,在感觸與體驗智慧化作戰環境中創新戰法;要深入開展戰法創新成果虛擬模擬論證,透過虛擬實驗、模擬檢驗,充分驗證 戰法設計的可行性、作戰行動的有效性;要結合演訓活動進行技術性能檢測,透過武器裝備與資訊系統的聚能與釋能實際狀況分析,充分檢驗技術應用的功效與缺陷所在。 從而,在複盤研討、反覆論證、資料檢驗中動態發現與解決問題,理論不適用的修改理論,技術行不通的升級技術,讓戰法引進新領域技術,讓技術顛覆傳統式戰法,實現 技戰一體有機結合,持續推動戰法創新螺旋上升滾動發展。

Modern English:

Find the integration point of theory and technology for innovative tactics

Tactic, that is, combat methods, refers to the strategies and techniques used in combat. To innovate tactics, we must not only think deeply about “strategies”, but also study “techniques”. If there is “strategy” but no “skill”, the mind will be more than sufficient but the strength is insufficient; if there is “skill” but no “strategy”, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to achieve the goal. It requires both strategic guidance and technical support to be victorious in every battle. To win information-based and intelligent wars and carry out strategic innovation that puts strategy first and wins by outsmarting, we must implement both “policy” and “technique” to effectively solve problems such as the disconnect between theoretical innovation and technological application, and the derailment of combat operations and technological paths.

“Integration” of thinking and cognition. The rapid development of modern science and technology is promoting the evolution of future combat to high-end warfare. It is necessary to seize the theoretical commanding heights and create new technological advantages. In-depth integration of science and technology and innovative tactics are the keys to victory on the battlefield. As the main body of innovation in tactics, military personnel must have a deep understanding of the winning mechanism of modern warfare, root the concept of integrating science and technology, and expand the thinking of integrating science and technology. At present, two outstanding problems and tendencies are worth noting: First, insufficient scientific and technological literacy, which can easily lead to an in-depth understanding of new forms of warfare. Only relying on past experience and routines to study tactics, and which technologies are effective and which technologies in the combat system. I don’t know much about how effective it is, where to start to form a technological advantage over the enemy, what are the technical differences with powerful enemies, how to avoid being suppressed by the enemy’s technology, etc. We emphasize tactics over technology, emphasis on “wisdom” over “intelligence”, and innovative tactics. It seems to work, but in fact it lacks technical support and is highly risky. The second is that the combat needs are not accurately grasped, and the future battlefield scene is not clearly described. Although the technical principles and winning mechanisms are understood, the application of science and technology in combat operations is not known enough, and the decisive role of human subjective initiative in combat effectiveness is ignored. Function, focusing on technology over tactics, researching technology based on technology, or only studying technical performance without considering the application of tactics, or only knowing the efficacy of technology without trying to innovate tactics. In this regard, officers and soldiers should learn, understand, and use science and technology and science and technology personnel should learn military affairs, understand warfare, and study warfare methods in a coordinated and coordinated manner, establish an integration and innovation mechanism for combat technology experts, conduct joint research on winning mechanisms, and collaboratively embed the concept of science and technology integration , interactively help and improve the quality of tactical innovation, form an ideological understanding that combat operations drive the application of science and technology, and use science and technology application to support combat operations, and lay a solid foundation for integrating theory and technology to carry out tactical innovation.

Combat design “integration”. There are never two identical wars in the world. Innovation in tactics can be inherited and learned from, but cannot be copied. At present, the pace of military theoretical innovation is accelerating, advanced science and technology are developing at a rapid pace, and the form of warfare is undergoing profound changes, showing the distinctive characteristics of being mixed, diverse, and unpredictable. Subversive technologies, innovative concepts, and reshaping theories are emerging one after another. Only by integrating science and technology to design future operations can we find and improve the starting point for tactical innovation. We must have the courage to lead the world and break through the stereotypes, use forward-looking and unique perspectives to innovate combat theories, develop and implement combat concepts, conceive combat scenarios, innovate tactics, and first outline the “base map” of the future battlefield. Well, in this way, we can connect the application of modern science and technology and promote the research and development of advanced technology. At the same time, the design of future operations cannot be too far-fetched and “utopian” beyond the limits of science and technology. It should be based on the feasibility of science and technology within a certain period of time, and on the premise of having the support of realistic or foreseeable technology application and having a path for technological implementation, innovate tactics and integrate technology. Interdiction, technological surprise, technological suppression, and technological control are embedded in combat operations.

“Integration” with superior skills. In modern wars, the status of people as the decisive factor has not changed, but the impact of technology on the outcome of wars has become more prominent. The fight for technological victory determines the outcome of wars to a large extent. The use of science and technology must always be embedded in the combat chain and throughout the entire combat process. , use technical effects to support the application of tactics, and use technical advantages to drive combat effectiveness. At present, the main contradiction in the integration of theory and technology in the innovation of tactics is not the lack of theory in technology, but the lack of technology in theory. The most urgent thing is to promote the integration of cutting-edge technology into combat theory. It is necessary to strengthen the substantive integration based on weapons and equipment platforms, focus on activating combat effectiveness to the maximum extent, carry out extensive research on the combat application of equipment based on operational effectiveness release, equipment combat testing and identification, and test the effectiveness of combat operations through simulation deductions and data analysis. , verify the “probability of winning” with “number calculations”. It is necessary to strengthen the in-depth integration of technical means to select “optimal solutions” based on combat tasks. From studying combat opponents and determining action methods to formulating combat plans and organizing confrontation exercises, we must fully consider the technical strength comparison between the enemy and ourselves, and implement asymmetric The operational philosophy takes the superiority of the inferior and the avoidance of the strong to attack the weak as the basic principle, seeks technological suppression and prevents the enemy from suppressing it, seeks technological blockage and prevents the enemy from blocking it, seeks technological subversion and prevents the enemy from subverting it, maximizes the use of technological advantages, and does everything possible. Make every effort to limit the enemy’s technological performance in order to create a favorable situation and support the use of tactics.

Gather wisdom and strength to “integrate”. In the era of informationization and intelligence, both theoretical research and scientific and technological innovation show the remarkable characteristics of open linkage and cross-penetration. The integration of science and technology carries out strategic innovation, and open sharing is an important growth point. Promote the innovation of man-machine integrated tactics, where people use their ingenuity and machines do calculations, and use the calculation results to revise the results of tactics, and realize the integration of science and technology in human-computer interaction; promote the innovation of team-based tactics for finger-technical talents, and form a ” A mixed group of “scientists + commanders” and “combatants + technicians” implements joint debugging and testing, joint exercises and training, and joint calculations and calculations, and seeks joint victory with the scientific nature of tactics and advanced technology; promotes open source and mass Tactics innovation, integration within and outside the military, online and offline interaction, with a broader vision and more flexible form, pool the wisdom of officers and soldiers and various professional talents to carry out “makers” in the field of tactics innovation “Activities, develop and gather new tactics “resource pools” and “results libraries” to achieve maximum benefits from the integration of science and technology.

Practice iterative “integration”. Theoretical achievements have been tested and sublimated in practical applications, and scientific and technological means have demonstrated their functions and benefits in combat operations. Innovation in tactics is not something that can be accomplished in a day, and the integration of science and technology should also be iteratively progressed and developed on a rolling basis. It is necessary to focus on the integrated application of information technology and intelligent technology, to virtually construct future combat scenarios, and to innovate tactics while feeling and experiencing the intelligent combat environment; it is necessary to carry out in-depth virtual simulation demonstrations of the innovative results of tactics, and fully verify them through virtual experiments and simulation tests. The feasibility of tactical design and the effectiveness of combat operations; technical performance testing must be carried out in conjunction with drills and training activities, and the efficacy and flaws of technical applications must be fully tested by analyzing the actual energy collection and release of weapons, equipment and information systems. Therefore, problems can be discovered and solved dynamically during review discussions, repeated demonstrations, and data testing, and we can modify theories where the theory is not applicable and upgrade technologies where technology is not feasible, so that tactics can introduce new field technologies, and technology can subvert traditional tactics and achieve success. The organic combination of technology and combat continues to promote the spiral and rolling development of tactical innovation.

中國國防部原文來源: http://www.mod.gov.cn/gfbw/jmsd/888沒有湯適合你.html


Insight into Chinese Military’s Evolution of Winning Wars through the use of Intelligent Warfare


軍事理論家常說,勝利往往向那些能預見戰爭特性變化的人微笑,而不是向那些等待變化發生後才去適應的人微笑。 近年來,以人工智慧為代表的顛覆性技術發展迅速,並廣泛應用於軍事領域,使戰爭形態加速向智慧化演變,與之相應的戰爭觀也正在發生嬗變。 及時發現變化,主動應對變化,積極適應變化,才能夠在未來戰爭中立於不敗之地。


「強勝弱敗」是帶有一定普遍性的戰爭制勝法則。 即使是那些以弱勝強的戰例,往往也必須在局部和特定時段形成對敵的力量優勢才能真正取勝。 在智慧化戰爭時代,智力優勢對戰鬥力的貢獻率遠高於其他要素。

在智慧化戰爭對抗中,人的智慧廣泛滲透到作戰領域、移植到武器系統,全域多維、各種類型的智慧化作戰平台能夠快速耦合作戰力量,根據任務需求建構作戰體系,自主實施協同作戰, 任務結束迅速回歸待戰狀態,呈現智慧自主趨勢。 智慧程度更高更強的一方,能夠更好地開發和運用「以智制拙」機理,甚至據此設計戰爭、主導戰局發展,取得最終勝利。 也要看到,智慧化戰爭時代很可能存在由低到高的多個發展階段,盡可能讓自己處於高級階段,攻擊對手使其處於低維度的階段,也是以高打低「智勝」機理 的運用。


隨著戰爭形態加速向智慧化演進,作戰空間逐漸由物理域、資訊域拓展至認知域,以有形戰場擴展到無形戰場,由人的精神和心理活動構成的認知空間已成為新的作戰 空間。 與傳統戰爭中以消滅敵人有生力量為主要目的不同,智能化戰爭將更著重於削弱敵方的士氣,瓦解敵方的意志,摧毀敵方的認知。

透過智慧分析對手的性格偏好、心理特徵、決策習慣,可有針對性地「量身定制」威懾訊息,利用智慧化等前沿技術優勢,以形象逼真的方式向對手展現強大實力,使焦慮、猜疑 、恐慌等情緒在其內部不斷發酵,最終導致不攻自破。 被譽為「新石油」的大數據在豐富情報來源的同時,也成為作用於對手認知的重要「武器」。 透過對大數據進行加工處理,並刻意“洩露”給對手,將給其製造新的“戰爭迷霧”,使其陷入認知迷茫的境地。 在智慧化戰爭中,圍繞著攻心奪誌所展開的鬥爭博弈將更加激烈,而佔據認知優勢的一方將比對方先勝一籌,更加容易掌握主動、先機。


在傳統戰爭中,軍事力量的組織與運用均以人為主。 隨著智慧技術的廣泛應用,無人裝備的比例不斷提高。 在智慧化戰爭中,作戰任務將由人機協同完成,兩者將實現有機融合、優勢互補。 外軍提出的第三次「抵銷戰略」將人機協作等作為重點發展的關鍵技術,其先後提出的「忠誠僚機」等概念也旨在探索實現有人/無人協同作戰。 可以預見,人機協同將在未來戰爭中發揮重要作用。

利用無人偵察力量進行立體多維的戰場態勢感知,可為有人作戰力量即時提供情報支援;利用無人平台攜帶中繼負荷,可為有人作戰力量持續提供通訊中繼支援;利用無人作戰力量深入 前方戰場,可吸引敵方攻擊,迫敵暴露位置,為有人作戰力量提供目標引導和火力支援;利用無人運輸裝備為前線提供物資補給,可提高後勤保障效率,降低運輸成本,減少非必要的 人員傷亡。 在人工智慧的輔助下,有人作戰力量與無人作戰力量將在數量規模、功能作用等方面實現科學分工與合理搭配,從而使整體效能最大化。


在傳統戰爭中,往往需要透過增加兵力數量來彌補在裝備性能等方面的短板。 “兵之情主速”,軍事智能化的飛速發展大大提升了信息傳遞速度和武器打擊精度,大幅縮減了偵察預警、情報處理、指揮決策、火力打擊、毀傷評估的時間,加速OODA殺傷鏈循環 ,使「發現即摧毀」成為可能。

高超音波飛彈、雷射武器、微波武器、電磁脈衝武器等新型快速殺傷武器進一步將戰爭節奏推向「秒殺」。 在海灣戰爭中,OODA環的迴路時間需要3天;在伊拉克戰爭中,迴路時間已縮短至10分鐘以內;而在敘利亞戰爭中,迴路已幾乎實現了近實時。 在智慧化戰爭中,利用察打一體無人平台對敵方的核心指揮所、高層指揮官等高價值目標進行快速定點清除,將使對方還來不及反應就遭受重創,甚至面臨癱瘓的險境。 可見勝利不一定眷顧軍力規模龐大的一方,行動迅速而精準的一方將更有可能贏得戰場先機。 根據統計,人工智慧應對戰場變化所需的反應時間比人類快400倍以上。 面對瞬息萬變的戰場態勢,人們將更傾向於借助人工智慧技術實現指控係統的自適應規劃和自主決策,使指控模式由“人在環路上”轉變為“人在環路外”,從而在減輕 指揮人員負擔的同時,提高作戰效率和執行任務的成功率。


傳統的裝備發展概念是將大量資金投入到高度整合的高精尖武器平台研發中,以期在戰爭中憑藉代際優勢和性能優勢實現對敵方的降維打擊。 然而,開發部署多功能高階平台不僅需要耗費大量的時間和經費,當把多個軟硬體模組整合到單一武器平台時,還可能出現彼此之間不相容的情況。 一旦該平台被摧毀,將造成重大損失。 人工智慧等顛覆性技術的軍事應用促使無人群聚快速發展。 無人集群具有數量規模大、綜合成本低、去中心化等優勢,無人平台之間相互協調、分工合作,可自主決策並有組織地執行作戰任務,即使部分無人平台被毀,也不 影響整體作戰效能。 外軍提出的「決策中心戰」「馬賽克戰」等作戰概念,即著眼利用無人集群完成作戰任務。 在智慧化戰爭中,透過將偵察監視、資訊通聯、指揮控制、火力打擊等功能分散到大量功能單一的無人作戰單元中,建構高魯棒性、高彈性的“殺傷網”,然後根據任務 需要對組合方式進行調整,將使其湧現出強大的群體智能,給對手製造極大的不確定性,進而把對手困在OODA環的判斷環節,無法做出有效決策。 此外,由於無人集群數量龐大,可使對手的探測、跟踪、攔截能力迅速達到飽和,對手因無法摧毀集群中的所有無人平台,而不得不面臨防禦工事失效的困境。


傳統戰爭主要依賴暴力手段使敵方屈服於己方意志,通常具有較強的戰爭強度,平時與戰時界線分明。 隨著軍事鬥爭領域向太空、網路、智慧等新型領域不斷拓展,以及經濟、文化、外交、法律等手段在戰爭中的作用不斷凸顯,智能化戰爭將在「灰色地帶」為代表的多個領域 以「多管齊下」的形式展開。 戰爭強度可能會減弱,平戰界線將更加模糊。 無論是2019年沙烏地阿拉伯油田因遭到無人機攻擊而導致一半石油停產,或是2021年美國最大輸油管因遭遇網路攻擊而導致大面積油料短缺,各類新型攻擊手段所帶來的深遠影響均 不可小覷。

隨著智慧化技術的發展成熟,綜合運用多種手段對對手的工業、交通、金融、通訊、能源、醫療等設施和網路發動的攻擊將更加普遍。 智慧化戰爭的門檻將呈現下降趨勢,參戰方可能採取不宣而戰的方式發起融合經濟戰、外交戰、網路戰、輿論戰、心理戰、法律戰等多種樣式的混合戰爭,使對手疲 於應付。


在傳統條件下,由於缺乏科學的模擬模擬與評估工具,因此只有在實戰中才能檢驗出軍隊的真實能力。 在智慧化條件下,利用虛擬實境技術可基於實際的戰場環境和任務背景創造具有較強立體感和真實感的虛擬場景。 該場景不僅可以從聲音、外觀、性能等多個維度對武器裝備等客觀事物進行還原,還能模擬大霧、大雨和暴風雪等各種惡劣天氣,以可視化的形式展現戰場的地形、氣象、水文 、電磁、核化等訊息,接近戰場的真實狀況。

根據現實中敵方的特徵設定虛擬環境中的假想敵,並對戰局的可能走向進行智慧模擬仿真,可使官兵在正式開戰前就已在虛擬實境中數次「親歷」戰爭,從而對裝備性能 、戰爭節奏、敵我情況都了然於胸,在執行現實任務時將更加游刃有餘。 在伊拉克戰爭爆發前,美軍曾秘密開發了一款模擬巴格達作戰環境的電腦遊戲,在派遣到伊拉克執行任務的人員中,接受過遊戲訓練的人員生存率高達90%。 隨著現實中收集到的數據不斷豐富完善,虛擬戰場的搭建將更加逼真,對戰場態勢的走向預測將更加準確,關於演習的綜合評估將更加可信,敵對雙方都力圖通過智能推演即可預先 獲知戰爭結果,將可能出現不戰或小戰就「屈人之兵」的情況。

Modern English:

Insight into the evolution of the winning mechanism of intelligent warfare

■Xie Kai, Zhang Dongrun, Liang Xiaoping


Military theorists often say that victory tends to smile on those who can foresee changes in the character of warfare, rather than on those who wait for changes to occur and then adapt. In recent years, disruptive technologies represented by artificial intelligence have developed rapidly and are widely used in the military field, accelerating the evolution of war into intelligence. Correspondingly, the concept of war is also changing. Only by discovering changes in a timely manner, proactively responding to changes, and actively adapting to changes can we remain invincible in future wars.

From “using the strong to defeat the weak” to “using wisdom to control the weak”

“The strong wins and the weak loses” is a certain universal law for winning wars. Even in those battles in which the weak defeat the strong, it is often necessary to form a strength advantage over the enemy locally and at a specific period of time in order to truly win. In the era of intelligent warfare, the contribution rate of intelligence superiority to combat effectiveness is much higher than other factors.

In intelligent warfare, human intelligence has widely penetrated into the combat field and been transplanted into weapon systems. All-domain, multi-dimensional, and various types of intelligent combat platforms can quickly couple combat forces, build combat systems based on mission requirements, and independently implement collaborative operations. After the mission ends, it quickly returns to the ready-to-fight state, showing a trend of intelligent autonomy. The side with higher and stronger intelligence can better develop and use the “wisdom to control” mechanism, and even design wars based on this, dominate the development of the war situation, and achieve final victory. It should also be noted that in the era of intelligent warfare, there are likely to be multiple stages of development from low to high. Try to keep yourself in an advanced stage and attack the opponent to a low-dimensional stage. This is also the mechanism of “outsmarting” by using high to defeat low. application.

From “destroying power” to “destroying cognition”

As the form of war accelerates to evolve towards intelligence, the combat space gradually expands from the physical domain and information domain to the cognitive domain, and extends from the tangible battlefield to the invisible battlefield. The cognitive space composed of human spirit and psychological activities has become a new combat space. space. Different from the main purpose of traditional war, which is to eliminate the enemy’s physical strength, intelligent warfare will pay more attention to weakening the enemy’s morale, disintegrating the enemy’s will, and destroying the enemy’s cognition.

By intelligently analyzing the opponent’s personality preferences, psychological characteristics, and decision-making habits, deterrence information can be “tailored” in a targeted manner, and the advantages of cutting-edge technologies such as intelligence can be used to demonstrate powerful strength to the opponent in a realistic way, making anxiety and suspicion Emotions such as fear and fear continued to ferment within it, eventually leading to its self-defeat. Big data, known as the “new oil”, not only enriches the source of intelligence, but also becomes an important “weapon” that affects the opponent’s cognition. By processing big data and deliberately “leaking” it to the opponent, a new “fog of war” will be created for it, making it fall into a state of cognitive confusion. In intelligent warfare, the struggle for the heart and mind will become more intense, and the party with the cognitive advantage will be better than the other party, making it easier to seize the initiative and take advantage of opportunities.

From “people-oriented” to “human-machine collaboration”

In traditional warfare, the organization and use of military force are dominated by people. With the widespread application of smart technology, the proportion of unmanned equipment continues to increase. In intelligent warfare, combat tasks will be completed by man-machine collaboration, and the two will achieve organic integration and complementary advantages. The third “offset strategy” proposed by foreign military forces focuses on human-machine collaboration as a key technology for development. Concepts such as “loyal wingman” proposed by them are also aimed at exploring the realization of manned/unmanned collaborative operations. It is foreseeable that human-machine collaboration will play an important role in future wars.

The use of unmanned reconnaissance forces to carry out three-dimensional and multi-dimensional battlefield situation awareness can provide real-time intelligence support for manned combat forces; the use of unmanned platforms to carry relay loads can continuously provide communication relay support for manned combat forces; the use of unmanned combat forces can provide in-depth The forward battlefield can attract enemy attacks, force the enemy to expose their positions, and provide target guidance and fire support for manned combat forces; using unmanned transportation equipment to provide material supplies to the front line can improve logistics support efficiency, reduce transportation costs, and reduce unnecessary Casualties. With the assistance of artificial intelligence, manned combat forces and unmanned combat forces will achieve scientific division of labor and reasonable coordination in terms of quantity, scale, functions, etc., thereby maximizing overall effectiveness.

From “eating the small with the big” to “eating the slow with the fast”

In traditional wars, it is often necessary to increase the number of troops to make up for shortcomings in equipment performance and other aspects. “Soldiers love the main speed”, the rapid development of military intelligence has greatly improved the speed of information transmission and weapon strike accuracy, greatly reduced the time for reconnaissance and early warning, intelligence processing, command decision-making, fire strikes, damage assessment, and accelerated the OODA kill chain cycle , making “discovery and destruction” possible.

New rapid-kill weapons such as hypersonic missiles, laser weapons, microwave weapons, and electromagnetic pulse weapons have further pushed the pace of war to “instant kill.” In the Gulf War, the loop time of the OODA loop took 3 days; in the Iraq War, the loop time has been shortened to less than 10 minutes; and in the Syrian War, the loop time has almost achieved near real-time. In intelligent warfare, the use of unmanned platforms that integrate surveillance and combat to quickly and precisely eliminate high-value targets such as the enemy’s core command posts and high-level commanders will cause the opponent to suffer heavy damage before it has time to respond, and may even face the danger of paralysis. It can be seen that victory does not necessarily favor the side with large military strength. The side that moves quickly and accurately will be more likely to gain the upper hand on the battlefield. According to statistics, the reaction time required for artificial intelligence to respond to battlefield changes is more than 400 times faster than that of humans. Faced with the ever-changing battlefield situation, people will be more inclined to use artificial intelligence technology to realize adaptive planning and autonomous decision-making of the command and control system, so that the command and control mode changes from “people on the loop” to “people outside the loop”, thereby mitigating the While reducing the burden on command personnel, it can improve combat efficiency and the success rate of mission execution.

From “Integration to Win” to “Cluster to Win”

The traditional equipment development concept is to invest a large amount of money in the research and development of highly integrated, sophisticated weapon platforms, in order to achieve dimensionality reduction against the enemy by virtue of generational advantages and performance advantages in war. However, the development and deployment of multi-functional high-end platforms not only requires a lot of time and money, but when multiple software and hardware modules are integrated into a single weapon platform, there may also be mutual incompatibility. Once the platform is destroyed, significant losses will occur. The military application of disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence has promoted the rapid development of unmanned swarms. Unmanned clusters have the advantages of large scale, low overall cost, and decentralization. The unmanned platforms coordinate with each other, divide labor and cooperate, and can make decisions independently and carry out combat tasks in an organized manner. Even if some unmanned platforms are destroyed, there will be no Affect overall combat effectiveness. The operational concepts such as “decision-centered warfare” and “mosaic warfare” proposed by foreign military forces focus on using unmanned swarms to complete combat missions. In intelligent warfare, by dispersing reconnaissance and surveillance, information communication, command and control, fire strike and other functions into a large number of unmanned combat units with single functions, a highly robust and elastic “kill network” is constructed, and then based on the mission The combination method needs to be adjusted, which will allow it to emerge with powerful group intelligence, creating great uncertainty for the opponent, thereby trapping the opponent in the judgment link of the OODA loop and unable to make effective decisions. In addition, due to the large number of unmanned swarms, the opponent’s detection, tracking, and interception capabilities can quickly reach saturation. Because the opponent cannot destroy all unmanned platforms in the swarm, the opponent has to face the dilemma of defense failure.

From “military dominance” to “diversified mixture”

Traditional war mainly relies on violent means to make the enemy succumb to one’s own will. It usually has a strong war intensity and has a clear boundary between peacetime and wartime. As the field of military struggle continues to expand into new fields such as space, network, and intelligence, and the role of economic, cultural, diplomatic, legal and other means in war continues to become more prominent, intelligent warfare will be carried out in many fields represented by “grey zones” In the form of “multi-pronged approach”. The intensity of war may weaken, and the boundaries between peace and war will become more blurred. Whether it is the Saudi oil fields that were attacked by drones in 2019, which caused half of its oil production to cease, or the largest oil pipeline in the United States that suffered a cyber attack in 2021, which caused a large-scale oil shortage, the far-reaching impact of various new attack methods has been Not to be underestimated.

As intelligent technology develops and matures, it will become more common to use a variety of means to launch attacks on opponents’ industrial, transportation, financial, communications, energy, medical and other facilities and networks. The threshold for intelligent warfare will show a downward trend, and warring parties may resort to undeclared warfare to launch hybrid wars that integrate economic warfare, diplomatic warfare, cyber warfare, public opinion warfare, psychological warfare, legal warfare and other styles to tire out their opponents. To cope.

From “actual combat test” to “experimental exercise”

Under traditional conditions, due to the lack of scientific simulation and evaluation tools, the true capabilities of the military can only be tested in actual combat. Under intelligent conditions, virtual reality technology can be used to create virtual scenes with a strong three-dimensional sense and realism based on the actual battlefield environment and mission background. This scene can not only restore objective things such as weapons and equipment from multiple dimensions such as sound, appearance, and performance, but can also simulate various severe weather such as heavy fog, heavy rain, and blizzards, and visually display the terrain, meteorology, and hydrology of the battlefield. , electromagnetic, nuclear and other information, close to the real situation on the battlefield.

Setting the imaginary enemy in the virtual environment based on the characteristics of the enemy in reality and conducting intelligent simulation of the possible direction of the war situation can enable officers and soldiers to “experience” the war several times in virtual reality before the official war begins, thereby having a better understanding of the performance of the equipment. , the rhythm of war, and the situation between ourselves and the enemy are all clear, and you will be more comfortable when performing realistic tasks. Before the outbreak of the Iraq War, the US military secretly developed a computer game that simulated the combat environment in Baghdad. Among the personnel sent to perform tasks in Iraq, the survival rate of those who received game training was as high as 90%. As the data collected in reality continue to be enriched and improved, the construction of the virtual battlefield will become more realistic, the prediction of the direction of the battlefield situation will be more accurate, and the comprehensive assessment of the exercise will be more credible. Both sides of the enemy will strive to predict the situation through intelligent deduction. Knowing the outcome of the war, it may be possible to “subdue the enemy’s troops” without fighting or with a small battle.


Chinese Military Readies for War with Scientific Research Designed to Achieve Domination on the Battlefield

4月下旬,軍事科學院戰爭研究院順利完成上報兩項作戰重大問題研究工程的立項論證建議書。 這是研究院著眼履行核心職能,科研攻關始終瞄準備戰打仗的具體實踐。

戰爭研究院是全軍專門研究戰爭、設計戰爭的科學研究機構。 作為新組成單位,大項任務多、臨時任務多、論證申報任務多是他們科學研究工作的主要特徵。 年初,針對人少事急、科研任務壓茬推進的實際情況,該研究院黨委對照戰鬥力標準,把旨在強軍勝戰的科研工作擺在重要位置。 他們依據備戰急需、打仗急用、部隊急盼的標準,調整確立了戰爭與作戰問題研究、條令法規編排等方向的重點科研任務,壓減了10餘項偏離主責主業的課題,新增 了一批戰爭形態、作戰風格等聚焦備戰打仗的課題研究。 該研究院領導介紹,院黨委要求班子成員在重大科研任務中既掛帥又出征,做到主要精力向重點任務投放,力量配備、經費支持等向作戰研究傾斜。

同時,研究院持續深化「小核心、大外圍」協同攻關,不斷創新科學研究組織模式。 他們在研究院內部進行軍事理論人員和軍事科技人員「捆綁式」研究,打通科研壁壘;與軍事醫學研究院、國防工程研究院等兄弟單位互派專家參與重大專案研究,實現優勢互補;組織科研 人員參加各類重大演訓活動,找準科研需求;舉辦多邊軍事交流活動,使科研人員及時了解最新軍事科技動態。 此外,他們也積極與地方科研院所合作,將地方優質科研資源為己所用,形成研究戰爭、設計戰爭、運籌戰爭、驗證戰爭的閉合迴路。

去年以來,該研究院先後完成百餘項科研課題,在核心作戰概念開發、聯合作戰實驗等研究上取得重要突破,提交國家高端智庫研究報告、重要問題評估報告等60餘份,推出一批戰略 性強、原創性強、前瞻性強的創新成果。

Modern English:

In late April, the Institute of War Research of the Academy of Military Sciences successfully completed the submission of project demonstration proposals for two major combat issue research projects. This is a concrete practice of the institute focusing on fulfilling its core functions and always aiming at scientific research and preparation for war.

The War Research Institute is a scientific research institution specializing in the study and design of war in the entire military. As a newly established unit, the main characteristics of their scientific research work are many major tasks, many temporary tasks, and many demonstration and application tasks. At the beginning of the year, in response to the actual situation where there were few people and urgent tasks and scientific research tasks were being pushed forward, the party committee of the institute put the scientific research work aimed at strengthening the army and winning the war in an important position in accordance with the combat effectiveness standards. Based on the criteria of urgent need for war preparation, urgent need for war, and urgent need of troops, they adjusted and established key scientific research tasks in the research of war and combat issues, and the compilation of doctrines and regulations, etc., and reduced more than 10 topics that deviated from their main responsibilities and main business, and added new A batch of research on war forms, combat styles and other topics focusing on war preparation and combat were carried out. According to the leader of the institute, the party committee of the institute requires team members to both take command and go out on major scientific research tasks, so that the main energy should be devoted to key tasks, and force allocation and financial support should be tilted towards combat research.

At the same time, the institute continues to deepen the collaborative research of “small core and large periphery” and continuously innovates the scientific research organization model. They carry out “bundled” research by military theoretical personnel and military scientific and technological personnel within the institute to break down barriers to scientific research; they exchange experts with sister units such as the Military Medical Research Institute and the National Defense Engineering Research Institute to participate in major project research to achieve complementary advantages; organize scientific research Personnel participate in various major exercises and training activities to identify scientific research needs; multilateral military exchange activities are held to keep scientific researchers informed of the latest military science and technology trends. In addition, they also actively cooperate with local scientific research institutes to use local high-quality scientific research resources for their own use, forming a closed loop of researching war, designing war, operating war, and verifying war.

Since last year, the institute has completed more than 100 scientific research projects, made important breakthroughs in the development of core operational concepts and joint operational experiments, submitted more than 60 national high-end think tank research reports and important issue assessment reports, and launched a number of strategies. Innovative results that are highly innovative, original and forward-looking.



China’s Use of Artificial Intelligence as a Weapon System

繼可自主執行對地攻擊的F-16無人僚機、X-58“女武神”和X-62 VISTA自主飛行項目之后,美軍開啟“毒液”項目,將人工智能引擎廣泛應用於當前和未來的各型飛機上,意圖讓其獲得自主飛行能力。與此同時,ChatGPT的出現讓人驚嘆於人工智能的強大。那麼,在以信息化和智能化作為重要發展方向的未來軍事中,人工智能的應用將擔任什麼角色,造成什麼影響呢?













Modern English:

Following the F-16 unmanned wingman, X-58 “Valkyrie” and X-62 VISTA autonomous flight projects that can independently perform ground attacks, the US military launched the “Venom” project to widely apply artificial intelligence engines to current and future aircraft. On various types of aircraft, the intention is to allow them to obtain autonomous flight capabilities. At the same time, the emergence of ChatGPT makes people marvel at the power of artificial intelligence. So, in the future military where informatization and intelligence are important development directions, what role will the application of artificial intelligence play and what impact will it have?

Seeing the subtleties and knowing the work – looking at the future from today’s development

Artificial intelligence was first proposed in 1956. After more than 60 years of continuous development, it has become an extensive cross-cutting and cutting-edge science, and a major strategic means for countries to enhance national competitiveness and maintain national security.

The United States released a series of strategic deployments on artificial intelligence in 2019 to increase investment and development in artificial intelligence and related technologies; by the end of 2022, China’s national AI innovation application pilot zones will have increased to 11, covering major strategic regions and the Yangtze River Midstream city agglomeration: The artificial intelligence used in Russia’s economy accounts for about 20% of the overall management volume, and plans to increase it to 50% in 2024.

The Maritime Destroyer, launched by Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, uses artificial intelligence and decision-making algorithms. It can use artificial intelligence to conduct deep learning cruise missiles to adapt to various scenarios. As the world’s first highly intelligent cruise missile, the missile can automatically identify targets and accurately hit targets autonomously even when GPS fails.

With the help of artificial intelligence, various types of unmanned equipment perform corresponding tasks to meet the functions of early warning, detection, reconnaissance, combat, etc., independently analyze the situation, obtain intelligence, and make intelligent decisions, command and control accordingly, and ultimately achieve adaptation Complex, high-intensity, high-uncertainty battlefield environment.

Sharp spears and sharp shields—promoting growth through offensive and defensive opposition

With the continuous development of informatization, the characteristics of modern warfare such as high intensity, high dynamics, and multiple fields have become more and more obvious. It is gradually evolving from informatization to intelligence. It is necessary to compress the OODA loop, give full play to the advantages of smart weapons, and continuously improve the battlefield situation. The ability to sense quickly and make quick and accurate decisions improves the equipment’s swarm combat capability.

In actual combat, the real battlefield situation is constantly changing, and there are many influencing factors such as weather, soldier status, and material conditions. The resulting data volume is large, and it is relatively difficult for artificial intelligence to process it. At the same time, if both sides use artificial intelligence to guide the war, the amount of data one side needs to process will increase exponentially with the amount of predictions, and the weak artificial intelligence currently used may not be able to handle such a huge amount of data. Moreover, artificial intelligence’s analysis of battlefield data has a black-box structure. Commanders cannot predict the logical judgment and expected effects of their decisions, which can easily be inconsistent with the real-time war situation and lead to serious decision-making errors.

At present, all countries in the world have realized the importance of artificial intelligence in warfare and are actively developing new and stable artificial intelligence. As early as 2018, the United States has invested US$5.1 billion to establish a specialized artificial intelligence research institution, and various countries are also continuing to cooperate with civilian artificial intelligence systems to continuously strengthen military artificial intelligence and use it for automated drones. , and equip this machine with weapons and equipment and a identification system for identifying friend and foe. At the same time, artificial intelligence’s encryption of communications and powerful and effective analysis of data images will cause satellites of various countries to receive close attention, which can easily trigger the sensitive nerves of various countries and break the strategic confrontation.

Observe the past and know the future – learn from traditional experience and good rules

The recently popular strong artificial intelligence ChatGPT has reached a level that can help humans write papers, and even makes the academic community lament that it is “erudite and professional”. With the development of the information age, countries have realized that traditional forms of warfare are no longer fully suitable for modern warfare. Under the influence of today’s high-intensity network information, artificial intelligence can be used to influence a country’s technological research and development, public opinion and even elections, producing higher benefits at lower costs.

Based on the current performance of artificial intelligence, it may gradually take over some matters to handle and provide reference opinions in future wars. However, the main body of the war is still human beings, so we should work together to strengthen the management of artificial intelligence and apply it to people’s livelihood. In the non-military field, we strive to improve human life in all aspects and work together to safeguard national security and human peace and well-being.

中國人民解放軍 作者:國防科技大學國際問題研究中心研究員 梁庭宇、李彥達、楊靖凱、梅鐘文 (責編:陳羽、鄧志慧)



Chinese Military Perspective on the New Development Trends in Foreign Military Network Warfare

After decades of development, cyberspace has become an important field of production and life in human society, and has become the fifth-dimensional battlefield after “land, sea, air, and sky.” In recent years, the United States and other developed countries have rushed to introduce cyberspace strategies, build (expand) cyber warfare forces, and implement cyber offensive and defensive operations. The moves in the construction, development, and application of cyber warfare deserve the attention of the world.

Pay attention to cyberspace security, and accelerate the establishment of supporting strategies and regulations

Since cyberspace security is a security issue in an emerging field, most countries lack supporting strategies and systems of laws and regulations. In recent years, major countries in the world have positioned it as a major security field, and the pace of promulgating network security strategies and regulations has been significantly accelerated. For example, since the first national network security strategy was proposed in 2000, the United States has continuously formulated, expanded, and updated various policies, strategies, regulations, and regulations in the field of network security. The network strategy alone includes the “National Network Strategy”, “International Cyberspace Strategy”, ” The Cyber ​​Strategy of the Ministry of National Defense and the cyber strategy of the military services, etc., are used to standardize and guide the development and application of cyber warfare. In October 2014, the U.S. military also issued the world’s first joint doctrine “Cyberspace Operations”, which elaborated and standardized the concepts, actions, and tasks of cyberspace operations. In response to cyber attacks by the United States and NATO, Russia announced the “Russian Federation Cyber ​​Security Strategic Concept” in 2014, and promulgated a new version of the “Information Security Doctrine” in 2016, proposing to ensure network information security. In order to strengthen the overall guidance of network security affairs, India issued the “National Cyber ​​Security Policy” in 2013 and plans to issue a “National Cyber ​​Security Strategy”; the Indian military has formulated policies such as the “Army Cyber ​​Security Policy” and “Navy Information Security Policy” regulations.

Strengthen the professional construction of cyber warfare forces, and pay attention to the use of non-governmental network forces

In recent years, the establishment, integration, and expansion of specialized cyber warfare forces have become a trend among foreign militaries. The United States was the first country to propose the concept of cyber warfare, and it was also the first country to form a professional cyber warfare force. The U.S. military established the Cyber ​​Command in 2010, and upgraded it to a first-level joint operations command in 2018. The number of cyber task forces under its jurisdiction has reached 133, with about 6,200 personnel. Russia established a professional information warfare unit in 2013, and cyber warfare is an important function of it. The Japanese Self-Defense Force established the Cyber ​​Defense Team in 2014, initially with more than 100 members, and has now increased to nearly 300, and plans to expand to a thousand in the future. The United Kingdom also announced in 2020 that it will soon create a national cyber force. On this basis, foreign militaries have generally carried out systematic design and layout of cyber warfare forces. In the field of cyber warfare, forces such as network attack, network defense, and network operation and maintenance are inseparable; externally, network warfare forces are integrated and integrated with information warfare forces such as signal reconnaissance and electronic warfare. For example, the commander of the U.S. Cyber ​​Command also serves as the director of the National Security Agency, and the network attack and defense are integrated with signal intelligence and reconnaissance. The Japanese Self-Defense Force has set up a special first-level command to oversee space, network, and electronic warfare affairs.

It is worth noting that foreign military forces constitute the “regular army” of cyber warfare forces, and private cybersecurity companies, technology companies, hacker organizations, etc. have also become important cyber offensive and defensive forces and have attracted much attention. The notorious “Eye of Sauron” and “Equation Group” and other hacker organizations are inextricably linked to the US military. In recent years, Iran, Russia, and Venezuela have encountered cyber attacks, all of which have the shadow of “Equation Group”. The Indian Army is also considering absorbing its rich IT talents to form a cyber warfare reserve force to further strengthen its cyber warfare capabilities.

Actively develop and build a network arsenal, and intelligent weapon systems are beginning to emerge

Cyber ​​weapons are special weapons used for network attack and defense. They can be viruses, loopholes, denial of service attacks, phishing attacks and other offensive and defensive technologies, or network attack and defense system platforms. Anatoly Smirnov, chairman of the International Information Security Association of the Russian Federation, disclosed in 2019 that many Western countries were developing cyber weapons; the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan also made no secret of possessing cyber weapons. According to the disclosures of Snowden and WikiLeaks, U.S. intelligence agencies and the U.S. military have built a systematic offensive cyber arsenal, some of which can be called “weapons of mass destruction” in cyberspace. In 2020, Patrick Saunders, commander of the British Strategic Command, took the initiative to declare that the UK has developed a “destructive” cyber weapon, which can effectively kill the enemy’s power grid and other facilities and equipment.

In terms of network system platforms, the U.S. military has built the most complete network warfare system platform in the world, including accusation management systems such as joint network command and control and unified platform, basic systems for network warfare planning and execution such as the IKE project, and network warfare and network warfare systems such as “Shute”. A weapon system with integrated firepower. In terms of network monitoring and defense, India has developed and built system platforms such as a central monitoring system, network traffic analysis system, and network security monitoring and evaluation system.

Cyber ​​weapons have a natural “kinship” with smart technology. At present, weapon systems in the fields of network situation monitoring, network attack and defense, and password deciphering have already taken shape in intelligentized countries in cyberspace dominant countries. With the development of artificial intelligence technology, the trend of intelligent network weapons will become more and more obvious.

Focus on enhancing the actual combat capabilities of network attack and defense, and innovate network training methods

In view of the reality and destructiveness of cyber threats, foreign militaries attach great importance to testing the security of information network systems and improving the cyber offensive and defensive capabilities of military and government agencies through cyber exercises and training activities in the context of actual combat.

In terms of participating forces, it covers the military, government agencies, reserves and civilian cyber forces. In the method mode, opponents are generally set to ensure the confrontation of the exercise. Some also innovatively use the method of offering rewards to attract hackers to “legally” attack specific target networks and help find network system defense loopholes. In terms of the training environment, actively build a network shooting range to simulate the information network environment of one’s own side and the opponent’s. The United States, Britain, Japan, Canada and NATO have all established professional cyber ranges. As the world’s largest multinational cyber exercise, NATO’s “Lock Shield” exercise simulated a country’s information network environment in 2019. The content of the drill includes responsiveness testing, defense vulnerability inspection, and election interference analysis. India regularly holds “Cyber ​​Fortress” exercises. It is said that in the “Cyber ​​Fortress-8” exercise organized in 2015, the Indian Army’s cyber brigade used remote penetration and other means to successfully obtain the administrator authority of a certain network system of the Indian Army, and found that 13 major categories of security vulnerabilities were identified. In addition, the U.S. military has begun to practice the integration of cyber warfare and operations in other fields. In the U.S. military’s “Schriever” exercise, the integration of space operations and cyber warfare is one of the important contents.

At present, some countries have regarded some serious cyber attacks as acts of war. As the international rules of conduct in cyberspace restrict and deter cyber attacks more and more, cyber exercises may replace real network operations and become foreign military training and upgrading. The primary path to network offensive and defensive capabilities.

Emphasis on pre-emptive offensive operations, actual combat tends to integrate deterrence and multi-domain integration

The hugeness, complexity, and fragility of the network system make network defense difficult and costly. For this reason, the United States and other countries have gradually changed their network security policy and operational thinking from the initial comprehensive defense to preemptive offensive operations, emphasizing Conduct pre-emptive offensive operations in hostile networks to eliminate potential or actual threats.

Driven by offensive thinking, cyber warfare is common in international conflicts, and the targets of attacks are no longer limited to military targets. The United States is the first country to apply cyber warfare to actual combat. In 2009, the U.S. military used the “Stuxnet” virus to carry out cyber attacks on Iran’s nuclear facilities, causing more than 1,500 centrifuges to be scrapped and the Iranian nuclear process to be paused. In 2020, after the assassination of Soleimani, the U.S. military launched cyber attacks on the command and control of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, missiles, and air defense systems to deter and prevent Iran from carrying out military retaliation. Of course, the idea of ​​offensive cyber warfare does not require absolute cyber superiority. Some non-cyber powers have also proposed the idea of ​​using asymmetric cyber capabilities to carry out preemptive attacks on the enemy’s weaknesses, and then achieve the goal of using the small to gain the big and the weak in the network game. Mandatory.

It is worth noting that in recent international conflicts, the trend of multi-domain integration in the fields of cyber warfare and firepower warfare, electromagnetic spectrum warfare, and cognitive domain warfare has become very obvious. For example, when armed conflicts broke out between Azerbaijan and Armenia in the Naka region in 2020, the two sides launched cyber offenses and defenses in cyberspace on the one hand, and on the other hand launched fierce confrontations in the cognitive domain around international and domestic public opinion, military morale, legal principles and morals.

At present, the low-intensity and ambiguous nature of cyber warfare attracts some international actors to frequently carry out cyberspace operations regardless of the consequences, and the risk of conflict escalation out of control is constantly accumulating. To this end, all countries in the world should start consultations and negotiations on international rules of conduct in cyberspace and cyber arms control as soon as possible, jointly restrict military activities in cyberspace, create a new pattern of cybersecurity, and build a community of shared future in cyberspace.

Original Mandarin Chinese:

經過幾十年的發展,網絡空間已經成為人類社會生產生活的重要領域,成為繼“陸、海、空、天”之後的第五維戰場。 近年來,美國等發達國家紛紛出台網絡空間戰略,建設(壯大)網絡戰力量,實施網絡攻防作戰。 網絡戰建設、發展和應用的動向值得世人關注。


由於網絡空間安全是一個新興領域的安全問題,大多數國家缺乏配套的戰略和法律法規體系。 近年來,世界主要國家將其定位為重大安全領域,出台網絡安全戰略和法規的步伐明顯加快。 例如,自2000年第一個國家網絡安全戰略提出以來,美國不斷制定、擴充和更新網絡安全領域的各種政策、戰略、規章制度。 僅網絡戰略就有《國家網絡戰略》、《國際網絡空間戰略》、《國防部網絡戰略》和《軍種網絡戰略》等,用於規範和指導發展 2014年10月,美軍還發布了世界上第一個聯合條令“網絡空間作戰”,對網絡空間作戰的概念、行動和任務進行了闡述和規範。 北約、俄羅斯2014年公佈《俄羅斯聯邦網絡安全戰略構想》,2016年頒布新版《信息安全條令》,提出保障網絡信息安全。為加強網絡安全統籌指導 事務方面,印度2013年出台《國家網絡安全政策》,併計劃出台《國家網絡安全戰略》;印度軍方制定了《陸軍網絡安全政策》、《海軍信息安全政策》等政策 安全策略”的規定。


近年來,網絡戰專業化力量的建立、整合和壯大成為外軍發展趨勢。 美國是最早提出網絡戰概念的國家,也是最早組建專業網絡戰部隊的國家。 美軍於2010年成立網絡司令部,2018年升格為一級聯合作戰司令部,下轄的網絡特遣部隊已達133個,人員約6200人。 俄羅斯於2013年成立專業信息戰部隊,網絡戰是其重要職能。 日本自衛隊在2014年成立了網絡防衛隊,最初有100多名成員,現在已經增加到近300人,未來還計劃擴大到千人。 英國也在2020年宣布將很快創建一支國家網絡部隊。 在此基礎上,外軍普遍進行了網絡戰力量的系統化設計和佈局。 在網絡戰領域,網絡攻擊、網絡防禦、網絡運維等力量密不可分; 對外,網絡戰力量與信號偵察、電子戰等信息戰力量融合融合。 比如美國網絡司令部司令兼任國家安全局局長,網絡攻防與信號情報偵察相結合。 日本自衛隊設立了專門的一級司令部,負責監管太空、網絡和電子戰事務。

值得注意的是,外國軍隊構成了網絡戰力量的“正規軍”,民間網絡安全公司、科技公司、黑客組織等也成為重要的網絡攻防力量,備受關注。 臭名昭著的“索倫之眼”和“方程組”等黑客組織都與美軍有著千絲萬縷的聯繫。 近年來,伊朗、俄羅斯、委內瑞拉等國都遭遇過網絡攻擊,都有“方程組”的影子。 印度陸軍也在考慮吸納其豐富的IT人才,組建網絡戰後備力量,進一步加強網絡戰能力。



攻防。 它們可以是病毒、漏洞、拒絕服務攻擊、釣魚攻擊等攻防技術,也可以是網絡攻防系統平台。 俄羅斯聯邦國際信息安全協會主席阿納托利·斯米爾諾夫在2019年透露,許多西方國家正在研發網絡武器; 美國、英國、德國和日本也毫不掩飾擁有網絡武器。 根據斯諾登和維基解密的披露,美國情報機構和美國軍方已經建立了一個系統的進攻性網絡武器庫,其中一些武器堪稱網絡空間的“大規模殺傷性武器”。 2020年,英國戰略司令部司令帕特里克桑德斯主動宣稱,英國已經研製出“破壞性”網絡武器,可以有效殺傷敵方電網等設施設備。

在網絡系統平台方面,美軍建成了世界上最完備的網絡戰系統平台,包括聯合網絡指揮控制、統一平台等指控管理系統,IKE等網絡戰規劃與執行基礎系統。 項目,以及“樹特”等網絡戰和網絡戰系統。 具有綜合火力的武器系統。 在網絡監控防禦方面,印度開發建設了中央監控系統、網絡流量分析系統、網絡安全監控評估系統等系統平台。

網絡武器與智能技術有著天然的“親緣關係”。 目前,網絡態勢監測、網絡攻防、密碼破譯等領域的武器系統在網絡空間主導國家的智能化國家已經形成。 隨著人工智能技術的發展,網絡化武器的智能化趨勢將越來越明顯。



在參與力量方面,它涵蓋了軍隊、政府機構、預備役和民間網絡力量。 在方法模式中,一般都會設置對手,以保證練習的對抗性。 有的還創新性地採用懸賞的方式,吸引黑客“合法”攻擊特定目標網絡,幫助尋找網絡系統防禦漏洞。 在訓練環境方面,積極建設網絡靶場,模擬己方和對方的信息網絡環境。 美國、英國、日本、加拿大和北約都建立了專業的網絡靶場。 作為全球規模最大的多國網絡演習,北約“鎖盾”演習模擬了2019年一個國家的信息網絡環境,演練內容包括響應能力測試、防禦漏洞檢查、選舉干擾分析等。 印度定期舉行“網絡堡壘”演習。 據稱,在2015年組織的“網絡堡壘-8”演習中,印陸軍網絡旅利用遠程滲透等手段,成功獲取了印軍某網絡系統的管理員權限,並發現13 確定了主要類別的安全漏洞。 此外,美軍也開始實踐網絡戰與其他領域作戰的融合。 在美軍的“施里弗”演習中,太空作戰與網絡戰的融合是重要內容之一。

目前,一些國家已將一些嚴重的網絡攻擊行為視為戰爭行為。 隨著網絡空間國際行為準則對網絡攻擊的約束和威懾越來越強,網絡演習有可能取代真正的網絡作戰,成為外國軍事訓練和升級。 網絡攻防能力的主要途徑。


網絡系統的龐大性、複雜性和脆弱性使得網絡防禦難度大、成本高。 為此,美國等國逐漸將網絡安全政策和作戰思路從最初的全面防禦轉變為先發製人的進攻作戰,強調在敵對網絡中進行先發製人的進攻作戰,以消除潛在或實際的威脅。


攻擊目標不再局限於軍事目標。 美國是第一個將網絡戰應用到實戰中的國家。 2009年,美軍利用“震網”病毒對伊朗核設施進行網絡攻擊,導致1500多台離心機報廢,伊朗核進程暫停。 2020年,蘇萊曼尼遇刺後,美軍對伊朗革命衛隊的指揮控制、導彈、防空系統等發起網絡攻擊,以威懾和阻止伊朗進行軍事報復。 當然,進攻性網絡戰的思路並不需要絕對的網絡優勢。 一些非網絡大國也提出了利用非對稱網絡能力對敵方弱點進行先發製人攻擊的想法,進而在網絡博弈中達到以小博大、以弱勝強的目的。 強制的。

值得注意的是,在近期的國際衝突中,網絡戰與火力戰、電磁頻譜戰、認知域戰等領域的多域融合趨勢十分明顯。 例如,2020年阿塞拜疆與亞美尼亞在納卡地區爆發武裝衝突,雙方一方面在網絡空間展開網絡攻防,另一方面圍繞國際國內展開認知領域的激烈交鋒。 民意、軍隊士氣、法理和道德。

當前,網絡戰的低烈度和模糊性,吸引了一些國際行為體不顧後果地頻繁開展網絡空間作戰,衝突失控升級的風險不斷累積。 為此,世界各國應盡快啟動網絡空間國際行為規則和網絡軍控磋商談判,共同製約網絡空間軍事活動,打造網絡安全新格局,構建網絡空間共享共同體。 網絡空間的未來。

Chinese Military Source: http://www.81.cn/jfjbmap/content/2021-04/08/content_XXXXX.htm

加快推進國防和人民解放軍現代化建設Accelerating the Modernization of National Defense and the People’s Liberation Army


現代漢語:// Modern Chinese:

國防和軍隊現代化建設是全面建設社會主義現代化國家的一項戰略任務。 《綱要》著眼於到2035年基本實現社會主義現代化建設遠景目標和到2027年建軍百年目標,對加快推進國防和軍隊現代化建設作出戰略部署,充分體現了 以習近平同志為核心的黨中央發展大局和安全大局。 富國強軍的戰略定力和深远战略謀劃。 要堅決貫徹落實《綱要》部署要求,在新的歷史起點上以更大的努力、更大的作為,努力開創國防和軍隊現代化建設新局面。 一、深刻認識國防和軍隊現代化時代特徵 黨的十八大以來,習主席把實現中國夢和強軍夢作為工作重點。 他開創和形成了習近平強軍思想。 現代化建設取得歷史性成就。 我軍思想政治基礎更加牢固,組織形式重塑重構,國防科技和武器裝備發展水平顯著提高,全軍隊伍建設得到加強,國防建設取得突破性進展。 法治建設和軍隊建設進一步聚焦備戰打戰。 創新驅動變革,軍事戰略能力大幅躍升。 但也要看到,我軍現代化水平與國家安全需要、與世界先進水平相比還有差距。 我軍打現代戰爭的能力和各級幹部指揮現代戰爭的能力亟待提高。 “十四五”時期,國際戰略形勢和國家安全環境面臨新的重大變化。 要適應國家發展戰略、安全戰略和軍事戰略的新要求,加快國防和軍隊現代化進程,切實維護國家主權、安全和發展利益。 . (一)國防和軍隊現代化建設必須為中華民族偉大復興提供更有力的戰略支撐 當前,世界大變局加速發生。 新冠肺炎疫情影響廣泛而深遠。 大國之間的戰略博弈明顯升溫。 國際力量對比深刻調整,國際形勢的不穩定不確定性明顯增加。 我國正處於由大變強的關鍵發展階段。 中華民族偉大復興既迎來了前所未有的歷史機遇,也面臨著前所未有的風險挑戰。 我們越發展、越成長,遇到的阻力和壓力就越大。 軍隊作為維護國家安全的重要手段,必須充分發揮軍事力量建設和運用對維護國家安全的戰略作用,加快發展軍事力量,加快形成強大的戰略威懾力和實戰能力,確保 切實履行新時代軍事使命使命,有力支持中華民族偉大復興。

國防和軍隊現代化建設是全面建設社會主義現代化國家的一項戰略任務。 《綱要》著眼於到2035年基本實現社會主義現代化建設遠景目標和到2027年建軍百年目標,對加快推進國防和軍隊現代化建設作出戰略部署,充分體現了 以習近平同志為核心的黨中央發展大局和安全大局。 富國強軍的戰略定力和深远战略謀劃。 要堅決貫徹落實《綱要》部署要求,在新的歷史起點上以更大的努力、更大的作為,努力開創國防和軍隊現代化建設新局面。


黨的十八大以來,習主席把實現中國夢和強軍夢作為工作重點。 他開創和形成了習近平強軍思想。 現代化建設取得歷史性成就。 我軍思想政治基礎更加牢固,組織形式重塑重構,國防科技和武器裝備發展水平顯著提高,全軍隊伍建設得到加強,國防建設取得突破性進展。 法治建設和軍隊建設進一步聚焦備戰打戰。 創新驅動變革,軍事戰略能力大幅躍升。 但也要看到,我軍現代化水平與國家安全需要、與世界先進水平相比還有差距。 我軍打現代戰爭的能力和各級幹部指揮現代戰爭的能力亟待提高。 “十四五”時期,國際戰略形勢和國家安全環境面臨新的重大變化。 要適應國家發展戰略、安全戰略和軍事戰略的新要求,加快國防和軍隊現代化進程,切實維護國家主權、安全和發展利益。 .


當前,世界大變局加速發生。 新冠肺炎疫情影響廣泛而深遠。 大國之間的戰略博弈明顯升溫。 國際力量對比深刻調整,國際形勢的不穩定不確定性明顯增加。 我國正處於由大變強的關鍵發展階段。 中華民族偉大復興既迎來了前所未有的歷史機遇,也面臨著前所未有的風險挑戰。 我們越發展、越成長,遇到的阻力和壓力就越大。 軍隊作為維護國家安全的重要手段,必須充分發揮軍事力量建設和運用對維護國家安全的戰略作用,加快發展軍事力量,加快形成強大的戰略威懾力和實戰能力,確保 切實履行新時代軍事使命使命,有力支持中華民族偉大復興。


國防和軍隊現代化建設進入轉型升級關鍵階段。 要將提質增效與加快現代化進程有機統一起來,加強先進作戰能力有效供給,發揮創新驅動在全面現代化建設中的核心作用,轉變發展觀念, 創新發展模式,增強發展動力,確保高質量發展。

加快軍事理論現代化。 人民軍隊不斷發展壯大,從勝利走向勝利,關鍵在於黨先進軍事指導理論的指導。 要繼續深入學習貫徹習近平強軍思想,自覺用黨的軍事指導理論的最新成果解決軍事鬥爭和軍隊建設中的實際問題。 善於戰略謀劃,注重戰略引領和創新,是我們黨的鮮明特色和獨特優勢。 要深入貫徹落實習近平軍事戰略思想,深入研究現代戰爭特點規律和製勝機制,不斷創新發展我軍作戰方式和戰略導向,完善新時代軍事戰略體系。 時代。 要緊跟戰爭形態和作戰方式變化,加強作戰問題研究和作戰理念研製驗證,加快建設先進作戰理論體系。

加快軍隊編制現代化建設。 改革永遠在路上。 要堅持方向一致、道路正確、力量不減,深化國防和軍隊改革,不斷解放和發展戰鬥力,解放和增強軍隊活力。 現代化的軍隊需要現代化的管理。 要深入推進軍隊管理革命,更新管理理念,優化管理流程,完善管理機制,提高軍隊系統運行效率和國防資源使用效率。 現代戰爭強調系統戰和聯合勝利。 要加快軍隊和武警部隊轉型建設,壯大新領域、新素質的戰略力量和作戰力量,豐富戰略選擇,提升戰略權重,打造高水平的戰略威懾和作戰力量。 聯合作戰系統。 要強化練兵備戰導向,加強軍隊聯合訓練、聯合保障、聯合使用,提高基於網絡信息系統的聯合作戰能力和全域作戰能力。

加快軍隊人才現代化建設。 歸根結底,現代戰爭是人才的競爭。 要貫徹新時代軍事教育方針,著力培養聯合作戰指揮人才、新型作戰力量人才、高層次科技創新人才、高層次戰略管理人才,加快鍛造 培養高素質、專業化、德才兼備的新型軍事人才。 . 要完善軍隊院校、軍事訓練實踐、軍事職業教育三位一體的新型軍事人才培養體系,創新軍隊人力資源開發和管理,完善人才識別、集聚、 培訓、就業,加快形成適合崗位、人盡其才的人才隊伍。 ,人才輩出的生動局面。

加快武器裝備現代化建設。 武器裝備是軍隊現代化的重要標誌。 要堅持自主創新戰略立足點,以國防科技自主創新和原始創新為重點,加強基礎理論和基礎技術研究,加快突破關鍵核心技術,牢牢把握發展命脈。 要密切關注全球科技創新趨勢,加快發展戰略前沿和顛覆性技術,積極搶占軍事競爭戰略制高點。 要加快武器裝備更新換代和智能化武器裝備發展,加強高技術新概念武器裝備建設


與國家現代化進程相適應,適應國家構建新發展格局,加強跨軍隊、跨部門、跨領域力量和資源整合配置,健全組織管理、工作運作、政策體系, 人才隊伍、風險防控體系。 整合國家戰略體系和能力,實現發展與安全並舉,富國強軍。

做好戰略規劃。 把經濟建設和國防建設統籌安排在國家總體戰略中,是我們黨長期治國理政的成功經驗。 要加強戰略規劃銜接。 國家在製定戰略規劃時充分考慮軍事需要。 軍隊發展戰略和建設規劃貫徹落實黨和國家的總體部署,確保有關建設部署有計劃、有協調。 要深化資源要素共享,打破利益壁壘,完善有利於優勢軍地資源雙向高效流動的暢通機制。 要加強政策制度協同,做好流程銜接和任務協同,提高軍民相關政策制度對接度。

推動重點區域、重點領域、新興領域協調發展,進一步盤活存量資源,優化增量資源,提高資源利用水平。 加強經濟建設項目落實國防要求,推進空中交通管理改革,增強對經濟建設和國防建設的統籌支持。 要注重依托國民教育體系培養軍人,加快建立現代軍人交流使用、資格認證等製度,探索建立軍地干部有序交流機制。 要結合國家重大工程建設,集中力量實施國防領域重大工程,更好服務國家安全發展戰略需求。

優化國防科技產業佈局。 當前,我國國防科技工業總體上大而不強,還不適應強國強軍的要求。 要深化國防科技工業體制改革,調整軍隊科研生產能力結構,構建技術先進、佈局合理、反應靈活、開放融合的國防科技工業體系。 要激發軍品市場活力,推進武器裝備市場准入改革,調整軍品價格和稅收政策,營造公平競爭環境。 要加快標準化、通用化進程,在國防和軍隊建設中積極採用先進民用標準,促進先進軍民技術雙向轉移利用。

匯聚強大力量,推進強國強軍事業。 我們的軍隊是人民軍隊,我們的國防是全民的國防。 要健全國防動員體系,加強突發事件應對協調,構建黨中央集中統一領導、軍地各司其職的國防動員新格局。 各司其職,密切配合。 要健全邊防強邊機制,黨、政、軍、警、民共同努力,構建與中國特色社會主義制度相適應的邊防治國格局。 要加強全民國防教育,鞏固軍政軍民團結,為建設鞏固國防和人民軍隊提供有力支撐。


“十四五”時期,國防和軍隊現代化建設任務艱鉅艱鉅。 要按照《綱要》決策部署,凝聚力量,下苦功夫,確保各項工作落到實處。


充分發揮黨總攬全局、協調各方的作用,把黨的領導落實到經濟建設和國防建設的各個領域和各個環節。 堅定不移堅持黨對軍隊的絕對領導,全面深入落實軍委主席負責制,全面加強全軍黨的建設,把中國特色社會主義制度優勢轉化為推動全軍發展的強大力量 國防和軍隊現代化建設。


堅持戰鬥力基本標準,密切關注國家安全形勢變化,始終對敵情保持高度敏感,保持高度警惕。 以提升系統作戰能力為重點,強長補短、強本壘,加強鬥志修養,著力做好各項戰略方向軍事鬥爭準備工作。 統籌推進傳統安全領域和新型安全領域的軍事鬥爭準備,確保有事能打勝仗。


把改革創新作為解放和發展戰鬥力的根本出路,緊盯戰爭形態變化和科技發展變化,不斷深化自我提升和自主創新,推動改革舉措落到實處,發布 發揮改革紅利,突出原創創新超越,加強戰略必爭領域前瞻佈局,全面推進軍事理論、技術、組織、管理、文化等方面的創新,努力建設創新型人民軍隊。


貫徹落實習近平依法治軍思想,堅持依法治軍、從嚴治軍,善於運用法治思想和方法推進建設開展工作,加強軍隊建設 中國特色法治建設,構建實用系統的軍事法律體系,加快推進軍隊治理模式發生根本性轉變,國防和軍隊現代化建設法治化水平不斷提高 得到不斷改進。

The modernization of national defense and the army is a strategic task for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. The “Outline” focuses on basically realizing the long-term goal of socialist modernization by 2035 and the century-old goal of building the army by 2027. It makes a strategic deployment for accelerating the modernization of national defense and the army, which fully embodies the overall development and security of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core. The strategic determination and far-reaching strategic planning to enrich the country and strengthen the army. We must resolutely implement the deployment requirements of the “Outline”, and strive to create a new situation in the modernization of national defense and the army at a new historical starting point with greater efforts and greater actions.

  1. A deep understanding of the characteristics of the era of national defense and military modernization

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Chairman Xi has focused on the realization of the Chinese Dream and the dream of strengthening the military. He has created and formed Xi Jinping’s thought on strengthening the military. Historic achievements have been made in the modernization drive. The ideological and political foundation of our army has become stronger, the organizational form has been reshaped and reconstructed, the development level of national defense technology and weaponry has been significantly improved, the integrity of the military personnel has been strengthened, breakthroughs have been made in the construction of the rule of law, and the military construction has further focused on preparing for and fighting wars. Innovation drives transformation, and military strategic capabilities have leapt sharply. But we must also see that there is still a gap between our military’s modernization level and national security needs, and compared with the world’s advanced level. Our military’s ability to fight modern warfare and the ability of cadres at all levels to command modern warfare need to be improved urgently. During the ” 14th Five-Year Plan ” period, the international strategic situation and national security environment are facing new and major changes. It is necessary to adapt to the new requirements of the national development strategy, security strategy and military strategy, accelerate the modernization process of national defense and the military, and effectively safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests. .

  (1) National defense and military modernization must provide stronger strategic support for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

  At present, the world’s major changes are accelerating. The impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic is extensive and far-reaching. The strategic game between major powers has obviously heated up. The international balance of power has been profoundly adjusted, and the instability and uncertainty of the international situation have increased significantly. Our country is in a critical stage of development from big to strong. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has ushered in unprecedented historical opportunities, as well as unprecedented risks and challenges. The more we develop and grow, the greater the resistance and pressure we will encounter. As a means of safeguarding national security, the military must give full play to the strategic role of military power building and utilization in maintaining national security, accelerate the development of military power, accelerate the formation of strong strategic deterrence and actual combat capabilities, and ensure the effective fulfillment of military missions in the new era mission and strongly support the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  (2) The modernization of national defense and the military must accelerate the integration of mechanization, informationization and intelligence

  The world’s new military revolution is developing rapidly, the degree of informatization of modern warfare is constantly improving, and the characteristics of intelligence are becoming more and more obvious. Unmanned combat systems are heavily used in actual combat, which has a profound impact on the concept, elements, and methods of winning wars. The major military powers are speeding up the construction of an intelligent military system and seeking new advantages in military competition, which has created enormous strategic pressure on us. We must enhance scientific and technological insight and war insight, adhere to mechanization as the basis, informationization as the leading, and intelligence as the direction, promote the integration and development of mechanization, informationization, and intelligence, actively cultivate and incubate new growth poles of combat effectiveness, and promote the process of intelligence. Develop highly developed mechanization and a higher level of informatization, leading the transformation and upgrading of national defense and military modernization.

  (3) National defense and military modernization must be deeply integrated into the national modernization strategic layout

  my country has become the world’s second largest economy, but its national defense strength is still not compatible with my country’s international status, and it is necessary to take effective measures to speed up the modernization of national defense and the military. Adapting to the development of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution, our party has lost no time in proposing major goals such as building a scientific and technological power, a marine power, an aerospace power, and a cyber power. On the one hand, a series of strategic measures have been introduced, which will provide more substantial material and technical support for the modernization of national defense and the army. We must more consciously integrate into the overall layout of national development, make full use of the achievements of national modernization and development and high-quality social resources, promote the sound and rapid development of the cause of strengthening the military, and promote the simultaneous improvement of national defense strength and economic strength.

  2. Accurately Grasp the Strategic Task of Accelerating the Modernization of National Defense and the Army

  The “Outline” clarifies the overall thinking and objectives and tasks for accelerating the modernization of national defense and the armed forces. In general, we must implement Xi Jinping’s thinking on strengthening the military, implement the military strategic guidelines for the new era, uphold the Party’s absolute leadership over the people’s military, insist on building the military politically, strengthening the military through reform, strengthening the military through technology, strengthening the military with talents, and governing the military according to the law. The integrated development of modernization and intelligence will comprehensively strengthen military training and preparations, improve the strategic ability to defend national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and ensure the realization of the century-old goal of the army in 2027 .

  (1) Improving the quality and efficiency of national defense and military modernization

  The modernization of national defense and the military has entered a critical stage of transformation and upgrading. It is necessary to organically unify the improvement of quality and efficiency with the acceleration of the modernization process, strengthen the effective supply of advanced combat capabilities, give play to the core role of innovation-driven in the overall modernization, change the concept of development, and innovate the development model , enhance development momentum and ensure high-quality development.

  Accelerate the modernization of military theory. The key to the continuous development and growth of the people’s army, from victory to victory, lies in the guidance of the party’s advanced military guidance theory. It is necessary to continue to deepen the study and implementation of Xi Jinping’s thought on strengthening the army, and consciously use the latest achievements of the party’s military guidance theory to solve practical problems in military struggle and army building. It is the distinctive feature and unique advantage of our party to be good at strategic planning and focus on strategic guidance and innovation. It is necessary to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s military strategic thinking, in-depth study of the characteristics and laws of modern warfare and the mechanism of victory, constantly innovate and develop our military’s warfare and strategic guidance, and improve the military strategic system in the new era. It is necessary to keep up with changes in the form of war and combat methods, strengthen the research on combat issues and the development and verification of combat concepts, and accelerate the construction of an advanced combat theory system.

  Accelerate the modernization of the military organization. Reform is always on the way. We must adhere to the same direction, the right path, and the undiminished strength, deepen the reform of national defense and the army, continuously liberate and develop combat effectiveness, and liberate and enhance the vitality of the army. A modern army needs modern management. It is necessary to further promote the military management revolution, update management concepts, optimize management processes, improve management mechanisms, and improve the operational efficiency of military systems and the efficiency of the use of national defense resources. Modern warfare emphasizes systematic warfare and joint victory. It is necessary to speed up the transformation and construction of the armed forces and the armed police force, strengthen strategic forces and combat forces in new domains and new qualities, enrich strategic options, increase strategic weight, and create a high-level strategic deterrence and joint combat system. It is necessary to strengthen the clear orientation of military training and preparation, strengthen joint training, joint support, and joint use of military forces, and improve joint combat capabilities and all-domain combat capabilities based on network information systems.

  Accelerate the modernization of military personnel. In the final analysis, modern warfare is a competition for talents. It is necessary to implement the military education policy for the new era, focus on the training of joint combat command talents, new combat force talents, high-level scientific and technological innovation talents, and high-level strategic management talents, and accelerate the forging of high-quality, professional new-type military talents with both ability and political integrity. . It is necessary to improve the three-in-one new military personnel training system of military academies, military training practices, and military vocational education, innovate the development and management of military human resources, improve the system and mechanism of talent identification, gathering, training, and employment, and accelerate the formation of people who are suitable for posts and make full use of their talents. , A vivid situation where talents emerge in large numbers.

  Accelerate the modernization of weapons and equipment. Weaponry is an important symbol of military modernization. We must adhere to the basic point of the independent innovation strategy, focus on independent innovation and original innovation in national defense science and technology, strengthen basic theory and basic technology research, accelerate breakthroughs in key core technologies, and firmly grasp the lifeline of development. It is necessary to keep a close eye on global technological innovation trends, accelerate the development of strategic frontier and disruptive technologies, and actively seize the strategic commanding heights of military competition. It is necessary to accelerate the upgrading of weapons and equipment and the development of intelligent weapons and equipment, strengthen the construction of high-tech and new-concept weapons and equipment, and promote the modernization of weapons and equipment to accelerate into the world’s advanced ranks.

  (2) Promote the simultaneous improvement of national defense strength and economic strength

  Consistent with the country’s modernization process and adapting to the country’s construction of a new development pattern, strengthen the integration and allocation of cross-military, cross-departmental, and cross-field forces and resources, improve organizational management, work operations, policy systems, talent teams, and risk prevention and control systems. Integrate the national strategic system and capabilities to achieve both development and security, enrich the country and strengthen the military.

  Do a good job in strategic planning. Coordinating economic construction and national defense construction in the overall national strategy is our party’s long-term successful experience in governing the country. It is necessary to strengthen the connection of strategic planning. The state fully considers military needs when formulating strategic planning. The military development strategy and construction plan implement the overall deployment of the party and the state to ensure that relevant construction arrangements are planned and coordinated. It is necessary to deepen the sharing of resource elements, break down barriers of interest, and improve a smooth mechanism that is conducive to the two-way and efficient flow of superior military and local resources. It is necessary to strengthen the coordination of policies and systems, do a good job in process connection and task coordination, and improve the coupling of military-civilian related policies and systems.

  Promote the coordinated development of key regions, key areas, and emerging areas, further revitalize existing resources, optimize incremental resources, and improve the level of resource utilization. Strengthen the implementation of national defense requirements for economic construction projects, promote the reform of air traffic management, and enhance the overall support for economic construction and national defense construction. We must pay attention to relying on the national education system to cultivate military personnel, accelerate the establishment of modern military personnel exchange and use, qualification certification and other systems, and explore the establishment of an orderly exchange mechanism for military and local cadres. It is necessary to combine the construction of major national projects and concentrate on implementing major projects in the field of national defense to better serve the strategic needs of national security development.

  Optimize the layout of national defense science and technology industry. At present, my country’s national defense science and technology industry is generally large but not strong, and it is not yet adapted to the requirements of a strong country and a strong army. It is necessary to deepen the reform of the defense science and technology industry system, adjust the structure of military scientific research and production capabilities, and build a defense science and technology industry system with advanced technology, reasonable layout, flexible response, openness and integration. It is necessary to stimulate the vitality of the military product market, promote the reform of market access for weapons and equipment, adjust the price and tax policies of military products, and create a level playing field. It is necessary to speed up the process of standardization and generalization, actively adopt advanced civilian standards in national defense and military construction, and promote the two-way transfer and utilization of advanced military and civilian technologies.

  Bring together powerful forces to advance the cause of a strong country and a strong military. Our army is the people’s army, and our national defense is the national defense of the whole people. It is necessary to improve the national defense mobilization system, strengthen coordination in response to emergencies, and build a new pattern of national defense mobilization under the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, with both the military and the local government performing their own responsibilities and closely coordinating. It is necessary to improve the mechanism of strong border defense, the party, the government, the army, the police and the people should work together to build a border governance pattern that is compatible with the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. It is necessary to strengthen national defense education for all, consolidate the unity of the military, the government, the military and the people, and provide strong support for building and consolidating national defense and a strong people’s army.

  3. Conscientiously implement the requirements for measures to accelerate the modernization of national defense and the military

  During the ” 14th Five-Year Plan ” period, the national defense and military modernization tasks are arduous and arduous. It is necessary to make decisions and deploy in accordance with the “Outline”, gather strength and work hard to ensure the implementation of various tasks.

  (1) Give full play to institutional advantages

  Give full play to the role of the party in overseeing the overall situation and coordinating all parties, and implement the party’s leadership in all fields and links of economic construction and national defense construction. Unswervingly uphold the Party’s absolute leadership over the military, comprehensively and thoroughly implement the responsibility system of the Chairman of the Military Commission, comprehensively strengthen Party building in the military, and transform the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics into a powerful force to promote the modernization of national defense and the military.

  (2) Focus on being able to fight and win

  Adhere to the basic standard of combat effectiveness, pay close attention to changes in the national security situation, always maintain a high degree of sensitivity to the enemy’s situation, and maintain a high level of alertness. Focusing on improving the combat capability of the system, we will forge our strengths, make up for our weaknesses, and strengthen our bases, strengthen the cultivation of fighting spirit, and step up efforts to complete various strategic directions Preparations for military struggles. Coordinate the promotion of military struggle preparations in traditional and new security fields to ensure that once something happens, we can win the battle.

  (3) Deepen reform and innovation

  Take reform and innovation as the fundamental way to liberate and develop combat effectiveness, keep an eye on changes in the form of warfare and changes in technological development, continue to deepen self-improvement and self-innovation, promote the implementation of reform measures, release reform dividends, highlight originality, innovation and transcendence, and strengthen Forward-looking layout in strategically contested fields, comprehensively promote innovation in military theory, technology, organization, management, culture, etc., and strive to build an innovative people’s army.

  (4) Improving the protection of the rule of law

  Implement Xi Jinping’s thought on the rule of law, adhere to the principle of governing the military according to the law and strictly, be good at using the rule of law thinking and methods to promote construction and carry out work, strengthen the construction of the military rule of law with Chinese characteristics, build a practical and systematic military legal system, and accelerate the advancement of military governance Fundamental changes have been made in the mode, and the level of rule of law in the modernization of national defense and the armed forces has been continuously improved.

People’s Republic of China’s Practice of Network Power // 中華人民共和國網絡權力實踐

People’s Republic of China’s Practice of Network Power //


People’s Daily (April 19, 2018 01 edition)

In today’s world, the information technology revolution is changing with each passing day.

  In contemporary China, the development of the network business has advanced by leaps and bounds.

  From mobile payment everywhere to new high-level online transaction volume; from the nationwide e-government system to the booming big data industry… General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on network security and informationization work published two years ago, China’s online letter With the rapid and healthy development of the business, the Internet has increasingly become an important driving force for national development, and the digital field has continuously achieved leap-forward development.


        Under the guidance of the strategic blueprint for the “two hundred years” struggle goal, China, which is opening a new era, is striding towards a new journey of network power.

  Looking ahead and judging the situation, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core points the way forward for building a network power

  In March 2018, the “Deepening the Party and State Institutional Reform Plan” issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China opened a new chapter in the national network letter business – the Central Cyber ​​Security and Informatization Leading Group was changed to the Central Cyber ​​Security and Informatization Committee, responsible for Top-level design, overall layout, overall coordination, overall promotion, and supervision and implementation of major work in this field.

  This is the far-sightedness of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core of the national network letter, and it is also the implementation of the important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the symposium on cybersecurity and informationization.

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has accurately grasped the general trend of the times, actively responded to the requirements of practice, deeply examined the major changes in the main social contradictions, and issued a series of important speeches on the development of the network business, clearly proposing the strategic thinking of the network power.

  ”To develop a network business, we must implement a people-centered development thinking.”

  ——According to the ups and downs of Internet technology changes, General Secretary Xi Jinping always puts the people at the highest position, clearly defining “to adapt to people’s expectations and needs, speed up the popularization of information services, reduce application costs, and provide them with affordable and affordable The well-used information service has enabled hundreds of millions of people to gain more sense of sharing Internet development results.”

  “Big data is a new stage in the development of information technology.”

  ——In the face of the information-based competitive environment that you chase after me, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a keen judgment to “understand the current status and trends of big data development and its impact on economic and social development, and analyze the achievements of China’s big data development and Problems exist to promote the implementation of the national big data strategy.”

  ”Building a community of cyberspace destiny.”

  ——Investigating the profound changes in the global Internet governance system, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed “four principles” and “five points of proposition”, calling for “the Internet is invisible, but the people who use the Internet are tangible, and the Internet is the common home of mankind. It is the common responsibility of the international community to make this home more beautiful, cleaner and safer.


  New ideas lead new practices, and new strategies open up new journeys. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, a colorful network of powerful powers is slowly unfolding.

  One-point deployment, nine-point implementation, a series of new policies and new measures for the reform and development of the network letter business are turning into new achievements and new changes

  ”Party committees and governments at all levels should strengthen Internet thinking, be good at using the advantages of the Internet, and focus on integrating, sharing, facilitating, and security, promoting scientific decision-making in government, refining social governance, and improving the efficiency of public services. Perceive the social situation, open communication channels, assist decision-making and governance, and facilitate the masses to do things.

  On April 13, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions during the inspection of the Hainan Provincial Government Affairs Data Center, once again in order to speed up the development of big data and use information technology to point the way.

  Without informatization, there is no modernization.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on cybersecurity and informatization work has been published for two years. All localities and departments have kept pace with the times, pioneering and innovating, and introduced a series of new policies and new measures to promote the cause of major strategic opportunities in the network letter industry and usher in new Development, new leap.

  ——Continuously strengthen the top-level design, and the information development will add institutional guarantee.

  The Outline of the National Informatization Development Strategy was published, which depicts the development of digital China’s construction in the next 10 years, and clearly sets a clear timetable and roadmap for the construction of a network power. The “13th Five-Year National Informationization Plan” was released. It is proposed to achieve significant results in the construction of digital China as the overall goal of China’s informatization development.

  In the past two years, the informatization development strategy, the national big data strategy, and the “Internet +” action plan have been frequently deployed, and the foundation of the network is solid.

  ——The infrastructure is more perfect, and the digital development paves the way.

  In 2017, the length of new optical cable lines in China was 7.05 million kilometers. The total length of national optical cable lines reached 37.47 million kilometers, an increase of 23.2% over the previous year; the number of Internet broadband access ports reached 779 million, an increase of 9.3%.

  The Action Plan for Promoting the Scale Deployment of the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) was issued and implemented, and the scale of IPv6 deployment was comprehensively improved. As of December 31, 2017, the total number of IPv6 address allocations in China was 23,430 (/32).

  In the past two years, the quality and coverage of mobile network services have continued to improve, and the development of next-generation Internet has shown great prospects.

  – Internet innovative social governance tools, e-government work into the fast lane.

  At the Taxation Hall of the State Taxation Bureau of Jinjiang City, Fujian Province, the financial manager Shi Jinxing received dozens of special value-added tax invoices through the self-service terminal. He felt that “it took a half-day to become a few minutes, and the government service became more and more convenient. Efficient.”

  Innovative services to benefit the people. The data shows that the current total number of government websites in the country is nearly 32,000; the new government media has become a new channel for communication between the public and the public.

  In December 2017, the Central Network Information Office and other departments jointly launched a two-year national e-government comprehensive pilot project in eight provinces including Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu to explore the development of e-government development experience that can be used for promotion, and more convenient and efficient e-government experience. Just around the corner.

  Take the matter at any time, make meritorious deeds from the capital, and profit from the power of all things.

  The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China formulated a blueprint for the development of a new era, and proposed to build a network power, digital China, and a smart society, promote the deep integration of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and the real economy, develop the digital economy, share the economy, and foster new growth. Point, form new kinetic energy.

  In Zhejiang, the digital economy, which is dominated by software services, Internet of Things, cloud computing, and big data, has exceeded 10 trillion yuan for three consecutive years. In Guizhou, where poverty alleviation is the main battlefield, big data has become one of the three development strategies. Its economic growth rate has been in the forefront of the country for seven consecutive years.

  A series of data and an item of results reflect a series of historical achievements and historic changes in the digital development of China in recent years.

  Let hundreds of millions of people gain more sense of sharing the Internet development achievements, and build a strong power for building a network power.

  At the end of each course, Zhang Fan, an online training teacher, will carefully review the “Magic Mirror System” analysis of the students’ class status and adjust and optimize the teaching plan accordingly.

  Through this system, the camera captures the classroom state, such as raising hands, practicing, listening to classes, speaking, etc., and even facial expression changes at any time. Through multi-dimensional measurement of data, a unique learning report for each student is generated.

  With the help of digital technology, the goal of “there is no education, teaching students in accordance with their aptitudes”, which is the sage of the past dynasties, is now entering an ordinary life.

  No longer just online shopping, sharing bicycles, today, digital technology represented by big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence is increasingly infiltrating into every aspect of Chinese life: the construction of cancer big data portraits makes health dreams clearer; The guardian platform gives the minors a clearer cyberspace; the 5G “super speed” makes the screen “flashing” words become history…

  New products from the Internet have emerged, and digital technology has turned people’s imagined new life into reality. From the introduction of the network security law to the new stage of legal governance, to the digital economy, the “big artery” is more smooth… The world of the people of the world is more colorful because of the Internet, and the lives of the people are more abundant because of the Internet.

  Promoting the development of the Internet and making good use of the power of the Internet are the basic projects that promote social progress and enhance people’s well-being.

  Liuyu Village is located in the selenium-rich area of ​​southern Meizhou, Guangdong Province, and has a long history of growing tea. However, due to the remote location, poor traffic and information, the sales of tea has not been opened.

  Since the staying tea has been stationed in the Guangdong mobile e-commerce informationization poverty alleviation platform to achieve online sales, the problem of slow sales of tea has been solved. In the past year, the tea sold by the “Lingnan Life” platform has reached 6,000 kilograms, and the single-day sales order has reached a maximum of 1423.

  Statistics show that in 2017, China’s digital economy reached 27.2 trillion yuan, accounting for 32.9% of GDP; e-commerce and online retail continued to grow, e-commerce promoted the steady expansion of rural consumption, and rural consumer infrastructure such as logistics, telecommunications, and transportation. further improvement.

  ”Adhere to the people as the center”, digital development is constantly satisfying people’s yearning for a better life, and the people have more sense of gaining in sharing the development of the Internet.

  “The way of benefit, and the time.”

  In just over 20 years, starting from a network cable with a network speed of only 64 kilobits per second, China now has 700 million netizens and more than 4 million websites. It has built the world’s largest 4G network, and the scale of online retail transactions has jumped. The world’s first… a series of “great”, witnessed a slap in the face of a network power to the network power.

  In just two years, from the speed increase and decrease of the network to the implementation of the Cyber ​​Security Law, from the continuous hosting of the four World Internet Conferences to the Alibaba Cloud Data Center, which covers the major Internet markets in the world, a series of “big-handed” highlights China’s move to a network powerhouse. Determination and confidence.

  In December 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized in the second collective study of the Political Bureau of the 19th Central Committee that “the situation will be judged, carefully planned, advanced, and proactive” “accelerate the construction of digital China and better serve China’s economic and social development and people. Life improvement.”

  The construction of digital China is an important measure to implement the internship General Secretary General Ping Ping’s strategic thinking on network power. It is an effective way to adhere to the people-centered development thinking and continuously enhance the people’s sense of acquisition. It is an inevitable requirement for seizing development opportunities and accelerating the modernization process.

  This is an urgent call for the new era, and it is a firm declaration of China in the new era.

  Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the development of China’s network information industry will surely take greater steps in the construction of a network powerhouse, and create a more awkward innovation for the Chinese dream of building a well-off society in an all-round way and realizing the great rejuvenation of the nation. power.


Original Mandarin Chinese:























































Referring URL: http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2018-04/

Chinese General: If hostile forces invade my network sovereignty China can use military means to fight & hack back // 中國將軍:如果敵對勢力入侵我的網絡主權,中國可以用軍事手段進行反擊和反擊

Chinese General: If hostile forces invade my network sovereignty China can use military means to fight & hack back //



Original: “National Defense Reference”, No. 3, 2017

The cyberspace was born in the military field. For example, the first computer, the APA network and the GPS navigation system all originated from the military. Today, cyberspace security has been closely related to national security, and the military has once again become the protagonist of maintaining national cyberspace security. Whether facing normalized network penetration or large-scale cyberattacks, it is urgent for the military to move from guarding the “network camp gate” to guarding the “network country gate”, breaking through the traditional military missions and missions, and breaking through the traditional war preparation mode. With a new network of national defense thinking, the founding of the network era of the country’s strong shield.

From the “network camp door” to the “network country door”, the new era brings a new trend of military mission

Cyberspace is not only related to the maintenance of national strategic interests, but also directly affects political, economic, cultural security and social development. It has also become the blood and link of modern battlefield joint operations. The Chinese military cannot be limited to maintaining the internal network security of the military camp. It must also actively adapt to the trend of the times and take the responsibility of the country that guards the “network country.” Network strong army is an important part of the construction of a network powerhouse. From the “network camp door” to the “network country door” is the inevitable trend of the development of the domestic and international situation in the information age.

Guarding the “network country door” is forced by the cyberspace security situation. As the first big Internet country, China’s security situation is not optimistic, and strategic opponents have never stopped preparing for our network operations. The United States, Britain, France and other countries are actively preparing for cyberspace, giving military functions through cyberspace security legislation, developing cyber warfare forces, developing cyber warfare weapons and equipment, and advancing war to the “fifth space” of mankind, especially in China. In the historical process of the rise, under the leadership of the Cold War mentality and the containment subversion strategy, Western countries have used network technology and communication methods to implement uninterrupted harassment, subversion and cyberattacks, seriously affecting China’s national security and social development, and China has gradually become The hardest hit by cybersecurity threats, the test sites for virus attacks, and the destinations of conscious penetration, national security faces enormous risks.

In the coming period, as a new emerging country, China’s conflicts of interest with other parties will intensify. Firmly promoting the network defense strategy and strengthening the operational preparation of cyberspace are the inevitable ways to actively strive for the dominance and discourse power of cyberspace, and also the rise of China. The only way to go. As the main force of national security and stability, the military must adapt to the characteristics of cyberspace characteristics, become the backbone and main force to resist network intrusion and network subversion, and safeguard national security and social stability.

Winning cyber warfare is the trend of new military revolution in the information age. As one of the most advanced productivity in the information age, network technology has made cyberspace warfare a leading factor in guiding the evolution of modern warfare and affecting the overall situation of war. In recent years, from the “seismic net” attack in Iran, the cyber warfare in the Russian-Georgian conflict, the large-scale obstruction of the Ukrainian power grid, and the cyberattack of the US military against IS, the huge role played by cyberspace in actual combat has gradually emerged, indicating that cyber warfare Has become an important style of future joint operations.

The US military attaches great importance to the construction of cyberspace armaments, the establishment of the cyberspace command, the launch of cyberspace joint operations, the extensive expansion of cyber warfare forces, the maintenance of its cyberspace hegemony, and the formation of cyberspace control capabilities as a “third offset strategy”. “Absolute advantage is the most important competitive content.

Many countries in the world have followed suit, and the trend of militarization of cyberspace is obvious. The rigorous cyberspace military struggle situation requires the Chinese military to focus on the changes in the network battlefield space, adapt to the requirements of the information war era, and achieve the strong military goal of smashing and winning in cyberspace.

Effective network warfare is an intrinsic need to accelerate the construction of a network powerhouse. In the process of China’s development from a network power to a network power, it is inseparable from the strong cyberspace military power as a guarantee. The international competition in cyberspace is a comprehensive game of the country’s comprehensive strength. Among them, the quality of network military capacity building is directly related to national security and stability, and it is the core element of the entire national security field.

At present, the interests of countries in the world in the cyberspace are mutually infiltrated, and there is a situation in which you have me, I have you, cooperate with each other, and develop together. However, this kind of common development is not equal. The US and Western powers have taken advantage of the cyberspace dominance and have already achieved certain network warfare advantages, which has made my network development and interests subject to people. How can the military fulfill its mission of defending the earth in the construction of a network-strength country? The premise is to form a network environment that can contain the crisis and control the opponent’s network attack and defense capabilities and ensure peaceful development.

Therefore, the military needs to establish a deterrent strategic goal of effective warfare, form a strategic check and balance ability that can “destroy each other” with the enemy, thereby enhancing strategic competitiveness, ending cyberspace aggression, and ensuring the smooth advancement of the network power strategy.

From “keeping the soil to the responsibility” to “protecting the net and defending the country”, the new situation requires the military to undertake new tasks.

The military is the main force and pillar of national security, and cyberspace is no exception. The National Security Law, which was enacted on July 1, 2015, stipulates: “Citizens of the People’s Republic of China, all state organs and armed forces, political parties and people’s organizations, enterprises and institutions, and other social organizations have the responsibility to safeguard national security. And obligations.” The Cyber ​​Security Law, promulgated in November 2016, emphasizes the need to maintain cyberspace sovereignty and national security.

On the basis of the laws of these two countries, on December 27, 2016, the National Cyberspace Security Strategy (hereinafter referred to as the “Strategy”) was officially launched, providing overall guidance for creating a new pattern of network powers at a new starting point. Basically follow, clearly put forward nine strategic tasks, further embodying the mission of the military in the process of building a network power.

With the national mission of protecting the network, the military must be a strong pillar to defend the cyberspace sovereignty. The first of the nine strategic tasks listed in the “Strategy” is “firmly defending the cyberspace sovereignty” and clearly proposes to “take all measures including economic, administrative, scientific, technological, legal, diplomatic, military, etc., and unswervingly maintain our network.” Space sovereignty.” It can be seen that the military must assume the military mission of using physical space and defend the national mission of the sovereign security and interests of virtual cyberspace.

Cyberspace sovereignty is the core interest of the state and an important component of national sovereignty. It indicates the independence, equal, self-defense and management power of the state in cyberspace. Once the hostile forces violated my cyberspace sovereignty, it would be equivalent to infringing on the national sovereignty of the physical space such as land, sea and air. China will have the right to take all measures including military means to give a firm response.

Internationally, the United States has long proposed a cyberspace deterrence strategy, declaring that attacks on US network information facilities are equivalent to war acts, and the United States will take military strikes to retaliate. Military means are the means of safeguarding national sovereignty and play a vital role in safeguarding national cyberspace security. Therefore, the military, air, sea and air military forces have been given the historical mission of protecting the cyberspace sovereignty. They must rely on the powerful physical space to defend the national interests of cyberspace and effectively deter the hostile forces from cyber-damaging attempts.

In accordance with the era of the Internet, the military must be the ballast stone to defend national security. The second item of the “Strategy” mission emphasizes the need to resolutely safeguard national security, prevent, deter and punish any use of the Internet for treason, secession, sedition, subversion or incitement to subvert the people’s democratic dictatorship.

In the era of information network, the military of all countries in the world has become an important participant in cyberspace. The level of cyberspace capability has become the main indicator for assessing the modernization of a country’s military. It is one of the main duties of the informationized military to carry out cyberspace missions and maintain national security.

Judging from the historical process of China’s development, it is necessary to be highly vigilant against the danger of the country being invaded, subverted, and divided in cyberspace in order to adapt to the national security strategy needs of building a well-off society in an all-round way. Highly alert to the reform caused by cyberspace. The danger of developing the overall situation is destroyed, and we are highly wary of the danger of interference and destruction in the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Preventing problems before they occur requires the state to have the means to cope with and deal with these risks, and to have the powerful force to prevent, stop and legally punish cyberspace violations. Defending the country has always been an unshirkable historical responsibility of the military. The inherent mission and mission have determined that the Chinese military must assume the role of taking various measures in the cyberspace to safeguard the country’s political, economic, cultural security and social stability.

The strategic mission of both offensive and defensive, the military must be a strong backing to enhance the ability of cyberspace protection. The third and eighth items of the Nine Major Tasks in the Strategy clearly state that all necessary measures must be taken to protect key information infrastructure and its important data from attack and destruction, and that technology and management should be adhered to, protected and shocked; We will build a network space protection force that is commensurate with China’s international status and adapts to the network power. We will vigorously develop network security defense methods, timely discover and resist network intrusion, and build a strong backing for national security. Among all the political, diplomatic, military, and scientific and technological capabilities of the country to maintain security, military power has always been the foundation and support for all capabilities, the fundamental guarantee for all capabilities, and the ultimate support for national security.

Therefore, the military must undertake the strategic task of strengthening the national cyberspace protection capability. In the real society, the military is the reassurance of safeguarding national security, and it should also become the security dependence and guarantee of the people in cyberspace. As an important part of the national cyberspace protection capability, the military must achieve both offensive and defensive capabilities and a unified warfare. It has the ability to resolutely safeguard the interests and security of the country and the people in cyberspace, and effectively eliminate the various crises caused by cybersecurity threats. The turbulence of thoughts enables the people to truly feel that production and life are effectively protected and become the confidence of the people of the whole country in their confidence in the national network protection capabilities.

With the global responsibility of UNPROFOR, the military must be an important support for maintaining global cybersecurity. The last item of the “Strategy” mission clearly proposes to strengthen international cooperation in cyberspace, support the United Nations in playing a leading role, promote the development of universally accepted international rules on cyberspace, international anti-terrorism conventions on cyberspace, and improve the judicial assistance mechanism against cybercrime. International cooperation in the areas of policy and law, technological innovation, standards and regulations, emergency response, and protection of key information infrastructure.

Cyber ​​terrorism and cybercrime are new forms of global threat catalyzed by information network fermentation. They pose a huge threat to the political, economic, military and cultural security of all countries in the world. It is not enough to rely solely on the power of the government and the people. Western countries have given the military the responsibility to protect cybersecurity and the power to fight cyber terrorism. Maintaining the security and stability of global cyberspace is in the fundamental interests of China and the rest of the world. The military should become an important defender of global cyberspace security and an important force in combating global cyber terrorism and cybercrime.

The globalization and unbounded nature of the Internet determine the international demand for combating cyber terrorism and transnational cybercrime. The military should promote military cooperation in network governance between countries under the framework of the UN Security Council, and use the strategies and technologies of the network era to establish joint defense and joint defense. Mechanism to effectively safeguard the security of the national and world cyberspace.

From “field training” to “network preparation”, new areas require new preparations for the military

Under the new historical situation, cyberspace puts forward new requirements for the military training and preparation mode. It should adapt to the new characteristics of cyberspace and the new mission of the military to carry out innovative reforms on the traditional model, and take the goal of strengthening the country and strengthening the military as the overall plan, and strengthen macro-coordination. Focusing on the legal needs of military operations in cyberspace, it closely follows the natural attributes of the “military and civilian integration” of cyberspace, builds a network security attack and defense system that combines peacetime and warfare, and builds a network defense force of “military and land use”.

Legislation empowerment provides a legal basis for the military to carry out its functional mission. The countries of the world, especially the western developed countries, attach great importance to the issue of network defense in cyber security legislation. The United States has successively issued a series of policies and regulations such as “National Security No. 16 Presidential Decree”, “Network Space Action Strategy”, and has continuously deepened and standardized on how to protect national network security in the field of network defense.

At present, it is necessary to clarify the duties and responsibilities of the cyberspace military from the legal level. It should be based on the National Security Law and the Cyber ​​Security Law, and introduce the network defense law and related cyberspace military operational regulations, for the construction of the network defense field and the military. The action provides regulatory support and a program of action to make the military’s responsibilities and mission in cyberspace more specific and specific.

First, through network defense legislation to further define network sovereignty and network frontiers, clear the scope of the military’s responsibilities.

The second is to establish the operational authority of the military to defend the national cyberspace security through the construction of cyber warfare laws and regulations, and to distinguish military means against network intrusion and network destruction. Third, through the cyberspace international cooperation policy, the military will coordinate with other countries and civilian forces to combat international cyber terrorism and cybercrime.

The integration of military and civilian provides an innovative driving force for the construction of a network powerhouse. The integration of military and civilian is the main practice for the world powers to enhance the competitiveness of cyberspace. For the construction of China’s network powerhouses, building a military-civilian network security attack and defense system and developing a military-land dual-use defense information infrastructure is to inspire the innovation of military cyberspace combat capability. Source.

The first is to coordinate the military, civilian, and functional departments of the state, the military, and various levels of government, set up special command and coordination agencies, mobilize all national network forces, and build a network security attack and defense system that combines “military and civilian integration” and “peace and war.”

The second is to issue guidance on the in-depth development of cybersecurity military-civilian integration as soon as possible, and gradually carry out basic legal research and demonstration of military-civilian integration to guide the development of medium- and long-term military-civil integration.

Third, relying on the country’s existing public mobile communication network, optical fiber communication network and satellite system, the military and civilians will jointly build an information infrastructure covering the entire army of the whole country, and realize the unified construction and sharing of military and civilian.

The fourth is to establish an emergency response mechanism for military-civilian joints, increase the ability to train military authorities to control events, strengthen experts and emergency professional strength, and enhance the ability to quickly recover damaged networks or information systems.

Military-civilian joint training provides a practical environment for the generation of cyberspace military capabilities. The military-civilian sharing characteristics of cyberspace make military-civilian joint training an important means of military training in cyberspace around the world. The United States and NATO countries and other cyberspace joint military and civilian exercises have formed a series of, “network storm” and “network guards” and other exercises have attracted the participation of the government, enterprises, research institutions and even civilian hackers. Our military cyberspace military strength training also needs to attract a wide range of civil forces to participate.

First, do a good job in military and political cooperation, establish a military-civilian joint offensive and defensive drill mechanism, learn from the red-blue confrontation training methods in cyber warfare drills in developed countries such as the United States, actively build a “national network shooting range”, plan a series of joint exercises of the government and non-government organizations, and enhance the integration of military and civilian. The level of attack and defense of the network of the government and the people.

The second is to do a good job in military-enterprise cooperation, relying on net-based enterprises to set up a training field on the Internet, to promote the ability of the military and civilians to attack and defend, and jointly improve the ability to prevent unknown risks.

The third is to organize private network security companies and hacker talents, carry out network security competitions and other activities, and verify each other to jointly improve the level of network security protection technology and tactics.

The network reserve service provides a source of strength for building a powerful network army. As a backup supplement to the national defense force, reserve service has both military and civilian characteristics and is a powerful measure to realize the organic unification of cyberspace economic development and national defense construction.

First, it is led by the national security department, and overall planning is carried out according to national interests. A series of laws and regulations conducive to the construction of the network national defense reserve are introduced. From the top level, the main division of labor, promotion strategy, interest coordination, etc. of the military and civilian construction in the network defense reserve construction are solved. problem.

The second is to innovate the reserve organization and comprehensive coordination mechanism, and plan to integrate the reserve construction into all levels and fields of national network information development.

The third is to focus on the reform of the military and local management modes. Based on the management mechanisms of the provincial and municipal governments, the military, and local enterprises and institutions, establish a network of national defense reserve personnel to jointly cultivate and use the mechanism, improve the national emergency mobilization mechanism, and establish a national network defense special talent. The database will include the construction of network militia and reserve forces into the scope of mobilization of the people’s armed forces. In normal times, they will be incorporated into the militia emergency detachment for training. In an emergency, select the capable personnel to participate in the non-war military operations missions, and the wartime will be recruited according to the requirements. To transform the national defense potential into national defense strength. 

Original Mandarin Chinese:














軍隊是保衛國家安全的主力和柱石,網絡空間也不例外。 2015年7月1日施行的《國家安全法》規定:“中華人民共和國公民、一切國家機關和武裝力量、各政黨和各人民團體、企業事業組織和其他社會組織,都有維護國家安全的責任和義務。”2016年11月頒布的《網絡安全法》強調了要維護網絡空間主權和國家安全。


全力護網的國家使命,軍隊要做捍衛網絡空間主權的堅強柱石。 《戰略》中列出的九大戰略任務首項就是“堅定捍衛網絡空間主權”,明確提出要“採取包括經濟、行政、科技、法律、外交、軍事等一切措施,堅定不移地維護我國網絡空間主權”。可見,軍隊須承擔起運用實體空間的軍事手段,保衛虛擬網絡空間主權安全和利益的國家使命。



依網衛國的時代擔當,軍隊要做保衛國家安全的壓艙石。 《戰略》任務的第二項著力強調要堅決維護國家安全,防範、制止和依法懲治任何利用網絡進行叛國、分裂國家、煽動叛亂、顛覆或者煽動顛覆人民民主專政政權的行為。




攻防兼備的戰略任務,軍隊要做提升網絡空間防護能力的堅強後盾。 《戰略》中九大任務的第三項和第八項明確提出,要採取一切必要措施保護關鍵信息基礎設施及其重要數據不受攻擊破壞,要堅持技術和管理並重、保護和震懾並舉;要建設與我國國際地位相稱、與網絡強國相適應的網絡空間防護力量,大力發展網絡安全防御手段,及時發現和抵禦網絡入侵,鑄造維護國家網絡安全的堅強後盾。在國家所有維護安全的政治、外交、軍事、科技能力中,軍事力量歷來是所有能力的基礎和支撐,是所有能力的根本保障,是國家安全的最終依托。


聯防聯治的全球責任,軍隊要做維護全球網絡安全的重要支撐。 《戰略》任務最後一項明確提出要強化網絡空間國際合作,支持聯合國發揮主導作用,推動制定各方普遍接受的網絡空間國際規則、網絡空間國際反恐公約,健全打擊網絡犯罪司法協助機制,深化在政策法律、技術創新、標準規範、應急響應、關鍵信息基礎設施保護等領域的國際合作。






















Referring url: http://military.people.com.cn/n1/2017/0417/c1011-29215670.html

Communist Chinese Cyber Fundamentals : Strategic Thinking of Network Power //共產主義中國網絡基礎:網絡權力的戰略思考

Communist Chinese Fundamentals : Strategic Thinking of Network Power //


Author: 中國共產黨

Date: 2017

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping has attached great importance to and vigorously promoted cybersecurity and informationization, profoundly grasped the characteristics of the development of the information age of human society, and objectively analyzed the current national conditions of China’s Internet development and the development of global Internet. The situation has successively issued a series of important speeches, and put forward a series of new ideas, new ideas and new theories on the governance of the Internet, and scientifically answered the major question of “why build a network power, build a network power and how to build a network power”. Formed Xi Jinping’s strategic thinking of network power. Seriously studying these new ideas is of great significance to promoting the building of a network-building nation and realizing the “two hundred years” struggle goal and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

First, why build a network power

On February 27, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping initially proposed the vision of building a network power in the first meeting of the Central Network Security and Informatization Leading Group, and systematically explained the background, situation, tasks and connotations of the network power. Requirements, thus making this idea a relatively complete, systematic theoretical system.

Xi Jinping put forward a rigorous logical relationship between the strategic thinking of the network power, starting from the foundation of the big power network, in view of the overall situation of the network business and the new situation changes, especially objectively analyzing the existing gap and strengthening the strategy of building a network power. aims. In his speech, Xi Jinping pointed out that in today’s world, the information technology revolution is changing with each passing day, which has had a profound impact on the development of international politics, economy, culture, society and military. Informatization and economic globalization have promoted each other, and the Internet has been integrated into all aspects of social life, profoundly changing people’s production and lifestyle. China is in the midst of this tide and is getting more and more affected. China’s Internet and informatization work has achieved remarkable development achievements. The network has entered thousands of households, and the number of Internet users is the highest in the world. China has become a big network country. This is our basic premise. He pointed out that the Internet is a big platform for social information. The hundreds of millions of Internet users have access to information and exchange information. This will have an important impact on their ways of seeking knowledge, ways of thinking, and values. In particular, they will be against the country, society, and Work and perceptions of life have an important impact. Xi Jinping emphasized that cybersecurity and informatization are all about the whole world of a country. We must recognize the situation and tasks we are facing, fully understand the importance and urgency of doing a good job, and seek for the situation. Take the trend and follow the trend. This is all about the whole. Xi Jinping pointed out that with the development of the Internet, especially the mobile Internet, the social governance model is shifting from one-way management to two-way interaction, from offline to online and offline integration, from simple government supervision to more emphasis on social coordinated governance. This is a change in the situation. In today’s world, information technology is developing very fast. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. Compared with the world’s advanced level, compared with the strategic goal of building a network power, we still have a lot of gaps in many aspects, especially in terms of Internet innovation capability, infrastructure construction, information resource sharing, and industrial strength. The biggest gap is in core technology.

Second, what kind of network power to build

Xi Jinping pointed out that without cyber security, there would be no national security, and without informationization, there would be no modernization. To build a network power, we must have our own technology and have strong technology; we must have rich and comprehensive information services, a prosperous and developing network culture; we must have a good information infrastructure to form a strong information economy; we must have a high-quality network. Security and information technology talent team; we must actively carry out bilateral and multilateral Internet international exchanges and cooperation. He also stressed that cyberspace is the spiritual home of hundreds of millions of people. The cyberspace is clear and ecological, and is in line with the interests of the people. The cyberspace is smouldering and deteriorating, and it is not in the interests of the people.

In a nutshell, there are at least six major signs of network power: First, the network information infrastructure must be at the world’s leading level. The second is to have a clear cyberspace strategy and a network voice in the international community. Third, the key technologies must be self-controllable, especially the operating system and CPU technology. Fourth, network security must have sufficient safeguards and capabilities. Fifth, network applications should be at the world’s leading level in terms of scale and quality. Sixth, in the cyberspace strategy, we must have the ability and strength to occupy the commanding heights.

The Outline of the National Informatization Strategy proposes that the construction of a network powerhouse is divided into three steps: the first step is to 2020, the total amount of information consumption will reach 6 trillion yuan, and the scale of e-commerce transactions will reach 38 trillion yuan. At the international advanced level, the international competitiveness of the information industry has been greatly enhanced, and information technology has become the leading force driving the modernization drive. The second step is to 20 billion yuan in information consumption by 2025, and the scale of e-commerce transactions has reached 67 trillion yuan. The leading mobile communication network fundamentally changes the core key technologies to be controlled by people, realizes the strategic goals of advanced technology, developed industry, advanced application, and insecure network security. A large number of large-scale multinational network enterprises with strong international competitiveness emerge; By the middle of this century, informationization has comprehensively supported the building of a socialist modernized country with rich, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious relations. The status of a network powerhouse has been increasingly consolidated, and it has made greater achievements in leading the development of global informationization.

Xi Jinping planned the timetable for building a network powerhouse. The strategic deployment of building a network powerhouse should be promoted in parallel with the goal of “two hundred years”, the basic popularization of network infrastructure, the enhancement of independent innovation capability, the comprehensive development of information economy, and network security. Ensuring strong goals continue to advance.

Third, how to build a network power

(1) Fundamental requirements: People-centered

Governing the country is always the same, and the people are oriented. Xi Jinping emphasized that in order to develop the network business, it is necessary to implement the people-centered development thinking. It is necessary to adapt to people’s expectations and needs, accelerate the popularization of information services, reduce application costs, and provide useful, affordable and well-used information services for the people, so that hundreds of millions of people can gain more sense of sharing Internet development results. . Compared with cities, rural Internet infrastructure construction is our shortcoming. It is necessary to increase investment, speed up the pace of rural Internet construction, and expand the effective coverage of fiber-optic networks and broadband networks in rural areas. We can do a good job in the in-depth integration of informatization and industrialization, develop smart manufacturing, and drive more people to innovate and start a business; we can aim at the main direction of agricultural modernization, improve the level of agricultural production intelligence and network management, and help farmers increase their income; Give full play to the advantages of the Internet, implement “Internet + education”, “Internet + medical”, “Internet + culture”, etc., to promote the equalization of basic public services; can play the role of the Internet in helping to overcome poverty and promote accurate poverty alleviation and precision poverty alleviation, Let more difficult people use the Internet, let agricultural products go out of the country through the Internet, and enable children in the ravine to receive quality education; accelerate the promotion of e-government, encourage government departments at all levels to break down information barriers, improve service efficiency, and let the people run less errands. More information, running, solving problems that are difficult to handle, slow, and complicated. There are many things to do in these areas. Some Internet companies have already tried and achieved good economic and social benefits.

On November 29, 2016, the National Network Poverty Alleviation Work Promotion Meeting was held in Ningdu, Jiangxi. “We must implement the network poverty alleviation action, promote accurate poverty alleviation, and accurately eliminate poverty, so that poverty alleviation work can be accessible anytime and anywhere, so that people in poverty-stricken areas have more sense of gaining in the Internet construction and sharing.” General Secretary Xi is an important indicator in the old Red Revolution. Once again, the network’s poverty alleviation has become a new lever to win the overall well-off.

(II) Concept requirements: Practicing the five development concepts

The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward a new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing. This is based on profoundly summarizing domestic and foreign development experience and lessons, and in-depth analysis of domestic and international development trends. Our party has a new understanding of China’s economic and social development laws. Promoting China’s economic and social development in accordance with the new development concept is the general requirement and general trend of China’s development in the current and future period. The ancients said: “At any time, to raise things, to make meritorious deeds due to capital, and to profit from the power of all things.” The development of China’s online letter business should adapt to this general trend. Generally speaking, the network letter business represents new productivity and new development direction, and should be able to take the lead in practicing the new development concept.

Innovation is the core strength of the development of the network business. Innovation is the genes of Internet development. The concept innovation and technological innovation of the Internet are the needs of its own development. If there is no progress in the Internet tide, there will be no living space without innovation. We must always place innovation at the forefront, promote institutional and institutional innovation, concept innovation, technological innovation, and application innovation, and support the encouragement of Internet entrepreneurs, leading talents, and engineers to create and create innovative technologies for the development of the Internet. Xi Jinping pointed out at the 2nd World Internet Conference: “China is implementing the ‘Internet +’ action plan, promoting the construction of ‘Digital China’, developing the sharing economy, supporting various Internet-based innovations, and improving the quality and efficiency of development.”

Coordination is the inherent requirement of the development of the network business. Whether it is domestic or foreign, there are problems of unbalanced and uncoordinated development of network security and informationization. To solve these problems, we must establish a concept of coordinated development, eliminate the digital divide, narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, regional differences, and ensure information security. Balanced development, all-round development, and safe development. At the first meeting of the Central Network Security and Informatization Leading Group, Xi Jinping pointed out: “From the international and domestic general trend, the overall layout, co-ordinate all parties, innovation and development, and strive to build China into a network power.”

Green development is an important guarantee for the healthy development of the network business. The information industry is a green industry. Informationization and networking are supporting the application and upgrading of industries, agriculture, and national defense, and promoting green development, low-carbon development, and circular development. It is necessary to carry forward the main theme, spread positive energy, and make the cyberspace clear. At the symposium on April 19, 2016, Xi Jinping pointed out: “The cyberspace is clear and ecological, and it is in line with the interests of the people. The cyberspace is smouldering and ecologically degraded, which is not in the interest of the people.” He also stressed: “We want this Responsible for the society and responsible for the people, strengthen the cyberspace governance in accordance with the law, strengthen the construction of online content, strengthen the positive publicity on the Internet, foster a positive and healthy, up-to-good network culture, and nourish the social core values ​​and the outstanding achievements of human civilization. People’s hearts, nourish the society, and achieve positive energy and high melody, creating a clean and cyberspace for the majority of Internet users, especially young people.”

Openness is the essential feature of the development of the network business. The Internet has opened the door to openness in all countries of the world. Xi Jinping pointed out: “The Internet has turned the world into a global village where the sound of chickens and dogs is heard. People who are thousands of miles away are no longer ‘old and dead.’ It can be said that the world is more colorful because of the Internet, and life is more because of the Internet. Rich.” The development of China’s Internet industry is inseparable from the world, and the Internet industry in the world cannot be separated from China. Xi Jinping pointed out at the Second World Internet Conference: “The Internet in China is booming, providing a broad market space for enterprises and entrepreneurs in various countries. The door to China’s opening will never be closed, and the policy of using foreign capital will not change. Foreign-invested enterprises The protection of legitimate rights and interests will not change, and the direction for countries and enterprises to provide better services in China will not change. He also stressed: “All countries should promote open cooperation in the Internet field, enrich the open connotation, increase the level of openness, and build more Communicate and cooperate with the platform to create more points of interest, cooperation growth, and win-win new highlights, and promote mutual complementarity and common development in the cyberspace, so that more countries and people can take advantage of the information age of express trains and share Internet development results.” We must actively participate in international Internet exchanges and cooperation, learn from the advanced experience and technological achievements of countries around the world, grasp and lead the development trend of the Internet, and promote open cooperation and mutual benefit for cyberspace.

Sharing is the fundamental purpose of the development of the network business. Serving the people and benefiting the people’s livelihood is the fundamental starting point and the foothold of China’s Internet development. Xi Jinping stressed: “In order to develop the network, the company must implement the people-centered development thinking. It is necessary to adapt to the people’s expectations and needs, accelerate the popularization of information services, reduce the application cost, and provide the people with the necessary, affordable and useful. Good information services will enable hundreds of millions of people to gain more sense of sharing Internet development results. “We must push the network into thousands of households and guide the people to understand the world, master information, exchange ideas, innovate and improve, and improve through the Internet. Life, let the Internet development achievements not only benefit the 1.3 billion Chinese people, but also benefit the people of all countries in the world.

(3) Governance requirements: safety and development go hand in hand

In 2014, Xi Jinping emphasized at the first meeting of the Central Network Security and Informatization Leading Group that “maintenance of network space security and network data integrity, security, reliability, and maintenance of network space security capabilities.” He also called for the overall relationship between network security and informatization. “Network security and informatization are two wings and two wheels of integration. They must be unified planning, unified deployment, unified promotion, and unified implementation. Do a good job in network security and informationization. Work, we must handle the relationship between security and development, to achieve coherence, go hand in hand, to ensure development by safety, to promote safety through development, to strive to build a long-term security, growth and governance.” Two years later, at the symposium, he pointed out again “Network security and informatization are mutually reinforcing. Security is the premise of development, development is the guarantee of security, and security and development must advance simultaneously. From a global perspective, cybersecurity threats and risks are increasingly prominent, and increasingly toward politics, economy, Conductive penetration in the fields of culture, society, ecology, national defense, etc., especially the key information infrastructure of the country Face greater potential risks, prevention and control of network security capability is weak, it is difficult to effectively deal with national, organized high-strength network attacks. This is a problem for the world, we are certainly no exception. “

In addition, he pointed out that “in the face of complex and severe network security situation, we must remain clear-headed, and all parties must jointly manage and effectively maintain network security.” First, establish a correct view of network security. The idea determines the action. There are several main features of today’s network security. First, cybersecurity is holistic rather than fragmented. Second, network security is dynamic rather than static. Third, cybersecurity is open rather than closed. Fourth, cybersecurity is relative rather than absolute. Fifth, cybersecurity is common rather than isolated. Second, accelerate the construction of a key information infrastructure security system. Third, all-weather perception of the network security situation. Fourth, enhance network security defense capabilities and deterrence capabilities.

(4) Cadre requirements: Take the network mass line and build a concentric circle

The mass line is the fundamental line of our party. Xi Jinping pointed out: “The netizens come from the common people, the people are on the net, and the public opinion is on the net. Where are the people, where are our leading cadres going, or how to contact the masses? Party and government organs and leading cadres at all levels must learn Take the mass route through the Internet, often go online to see, dive, chat, and voice, understand what the masses think, collect good ideas and suggestions, and actively respond to netizens’ concerns and doubts. Be good at using the Internet to understand public opinion and work. It is the basic skill of leading cadres to do their work well under the new situation.”

How to take the network mass route? Xi Jinping gave the method. “The majority of netizens are ordinary people, come from all directions, and their experiences are different. The opinions and ideas must be varied. They cannot be asked to be so accurate and correct about all issues. To be more inclusive. And patience, timely absorption of constructive opinions, timely assistance for difficulties, timely referrals to those who do not understand the situation, timely clarification of vague understanding, timely resolution of complaints of resentment, timely guidance and correction of wrong opinions, Let the Internet become a new platform for us to communicate and communicate with the masses, and become a new way to understand the masses, be close to the masses, solve problems for the masses, and become a new channel for carrying forward people’s democracy and accepting people’s supervision.”

At the same time, Xi Jinping pointed out the efforts of cadres at all levels. “To correctly handle the relationship between security and development, openness and autonomy, management and service, and constantly improve the ability to grasp the laws of the Internet, the ability to guide the public opinion, and the development of informationization. Capabilities, the ability to guarantee network security, and the continuous advancement of network power construction.”

(5) Management requirements: unified leadership, management according to law

The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee conducted the 36th collective study on the implementation of the strategy of strengthening the country by the Internet. Accelerate the improvement of network management.

Xi Jinping put forward requirements from the institutional mechanism. He emphasized that the central cybersecurity and informationization leading group should play a centralized and unified leadership role, coordinate and coordinate major issues of cybersecurity and informatization in various fields, and formulate and implement national cybersecurity and informationization development strategies. , macro-planning and major policies, continuously enhance security and security capabilities.

Instructed from the management ideas, in China, more than 700 million people on the Internet, certainly need to manage, and this management is very complicated and very heavy. Enterprises must assume the responsibility of enterprises, and the party and the government must assume the responsibility of the party and the government. No side can give up their responsibilities. It is necessary to deeply understand the role of the Internet in state management and social governance, and to promote e-government and build a new smart city, and to build a nationally integrated national big data center with data concentration and sharing as a way to promote technology integration. Business integration, data integration, and cross-level, cross-regional, cross-system, cross-department, and cross-business collaborative management and services. It is necessary to strengthen the Internet thinking, take advantage of the flat, interactive and rapid advantages of the Internet, promote the scientific decision-making of the government, the precision of social governance, the efficiency of public services, and better use the means of information to better understand the social situation, smooth communication channels, and assist decision-making governance. .

From the legislative norms to point out the direction, we must promptly formulate legislative plans, improve Internet information content management, key information infrastructure protection and other laws and regulations, manage cyberspace in accordance with the law, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. It is necessary to strictly guard against cybercrime, especially new cybercrime, and safeguard the interests of the people and the harmony and stability of society. It is necessary to speed up the process of network legislation, improve the regulatory measures according to law, and resolve network risks. It is necessary to strengthen the management of big data in accordance with the law. Some data concerning national interests and national security are in the hands of Internet companies, and enterprises must ensure the security of these data. Enterprises should pay attention to data security. If the company has problems with data protection and security, it will also have an adverse impact on its own reputation.

It also puts forward hopes for the whole society. Network security is for the people, network security depends on the people, and maintaining network security is the common responsibility of the whole society. It requires the government, enterprises, social organizations and the majority of netizens to participate in the construction of a network security defense line. These characteristics must be well grasped by all relevant parties.

(6) Guarantee requirements: technological breakthroughs, construction of infrastructure and sharing systems

Xi Jinping emphasized that in order to grasp the initiative of China’s Internet development and safeguard Internet security and national security, we must break through the core technology and strive to achieve “curve overtaking” in certain areas and in certain aspects. To achieve breakthroughs in core technologies, we must have determination, perseverance, and focus. He hopes that the vast number of entrepreneurs, experts, scholars and scientific and technological personnel in the field of China’s online information should establish this ambition, strive for this tone, and strive to achieve new major breakthroughs in core technology as soon as possible. The so-called “days, not afraid of thousands of miles; often do, not afraid of thousands of things.”

Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to firmly hold the core technology of independent innovation, and to break through the cutting-edge technologies of network development and key core technologies with international competitiveness, accelerate the promotion of domestically controlled independent alternative plans, and build a safe and controllable information technology system. . First, correctly handle open and autonomous relationships. Second, concentrate on the scientific research investment to do big things. Third, actively promote the transformation of core technological achievements. Fourth, promote strong alliances and coordinated research. Fifth, we can explore the formation of an alliance of industry, academia and research, and open the list. To lay a solid foundation for the research and development of core technologies, it is necessary not only to blow up the charge, but also to blow up the collection number, that is, to accumulate the strongest forces together to form the commando and special forces.

Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to speed up the construction of a key information infrastructure security system. The key information infrastructure in the fields of finance, energy, electricity, communications, transportation, etc. is the nerve center of economic and social operation, the top priority of network security, and the target of possible key attacks. The “physical isolation” line of defense can be invaded across the network, the power allocation instructions can be maliciously tampered with, and the financial transaction information can be stolen. These are major risk hazards. If there is no problem, it will cause traffic disruption, financial disorder, power hupfer and other issues, which is very destructive and lethal. We must conduct in-depth research and take effective measures to effectively protect the country’s critical information infrastructure.

At the same time, he pointed out that it is necessary to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity through informationization, coordinate the development of e-government, build an integrated online service platform, promote the construction of new smart cities by hierarchical classification, open up information barriers, and build a national information resource sharing system. It is easy to use information technology to sense social situation, smooth communication channels, and assist scientific decision-making.

(7) Propaganda requirements: the most important thing, to build consensus

Xi Jinping pointed out that we must adhere to the attitude of being responsible to the society and responsible to the people, strengthen the cyberspace governance in accordance with the law, strengthen the construction of online content, strengthen the positive publicity on the Internet, foster a positive and healthy, up-to-good network culture, and use the socialist core values. outstanding achievements of human civilization and nourishing the heart, nourishing community, so that positive energy is abundant, the main theme of the high for the majority of Internet users, especially young people to create a Delicate gas is cyberspace.

Do online media work is a long-term task to improve the online promotion of innovation, the use of propagation network, promote the theme, stimulate positive energy, great efforts to cultivate and practice the socialist core values, when good grasp of the Internet to guide public opinion, and validity To make the cyberspace clear.

Forming a good online public opinion atmosphere is not to say that there can only be one voice, one tone, but that it cannot be used to confess right and wrong, reverse black and white, make a living, commit crimes, and cannot transcend the legal boundaries of the Constitution. An important means to put power into the cage of the system is to play the role of public opinion supervision, including Internet supervision. This article, party and government organs and leading cadres at all levels must pay special attention to, first of all, do a good job. We must not only welcome, but also carefully study and learn from the online criticism of goodwill and the supervision of the Internet, whether it is for the work of the party and the government or for the leading cadres, whether it is ruthless or loyal.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the new application of new technologies and new technologies in the Internet has made the social mobilization function of the Internet increasingly enhanced. To spread positive energy, enhance communication and guiding force. It is necessary to strictly guard against cybercrime, especially new cybercrime, and safeguard the interests of the people and the harmony and stability of society. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of network communication, experience, and sharing, listen to the will of the people, benefit the people’s livelihood, solve the people’s worries, and unite the social consensus. Online and offline networks should be united and coordinated, forming a good situation for jointly preventing social risks and building a concentric circle together. It is necessary to maintain the security of cyberspace and the integrity, security and reliability of network data, and improve the security of maintaining cyberspace.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the new application of new technologies and new technologies in the Internet has made the social mobilization function of the Internet increasingly enhanced. To spread positive energy, enhance communication and guiding force. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of network communication, experience, and sharing, listen to the will of the people, benefit the people’s livelihood, solve the people’s worries, and unite the social consensus. Online and offline networks should be united and coordinated, forming a good situation for jointly preventing social risks and building a concentric circle together.

(8) Talent requirements: unrestricted talents

“The people are happy, the losers are falling.” Xi Jinping stressed that to build a network power, we must bring together talent resources and build a strong team with strong politics, good business and good work style. “A thousand troops are easy to get, and one will be hard to find.” It is necessary to train scientists, network technology leaders, engineers, and high-level innovation teams that have created world-class skills.

In terms of ideas, he pointed out that the competition in cyberspace is, in the final analysis, talent competition. Building a network power, there is no outstanding talent team, no talent creation, vitality, and it is difficult to succeed. After reading the talents, you can get twice the result with half the effort. Our brains have to turn around, not only paying attention to capital, but also paying attention to talents. The intensity of introducing talents should be further increased, and the steps of reforming the talent system should be further developed. The field of network information can be tested first, and research should be carried out to formulate ways to attract talents, train talents, and retain talents.

In terms of scope, he pointed out that the development of China’s online letter industry must fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of entrepreneurs, experts, scholars and scientific and technological personnel. Entrepreneurs, experts, scholars, and scientific and technological personnel must have the responsibility of the state and social responsibility, and contribute their wisdom and strength to the development of the national network. Party committees and governments at all levels must respect knowledge and respect talents from the bottom of their hearts, create good conditions for talents to develop their intelligence, create a relaxed environment, and provide a broad platform.

In terms of methods, he pointed out that the Internet is mainly the cause of young people, and it is necessary to reduce talents. It is necessary to emancipate the mind, to recognize the talents, and to love the talents. To train netizen talents, we must make great efforts and make big money. We invite excellent teachers, compile excellent teaching materials, recruit outstanding students, and build a first-class cyberspace security college. Many talents in the Internet field are geeks and geniuses. They often do not take the usual routines and have many whimsy. There must be special policies for treating special talents, not requiring full blame, not arguing for seniority, and not using a ruler.

In terms of policy, he pointed out that it is necessary to adopt special policies, establish a personnel system and a salary system that adapt to the characteristics of online letters, and condense outstanding talents into technical departments, research departments, and management departments. It is necessary to establish a talent evaluation mechanism that adapts to the characteristics of online letters. The actual ability is the standard of measurement. It is not only academic, not only a thesis, not only a qualification, but also highlights professionalism, innovation and practicality. It is necessary to establish a flexible talent incentive mechanism to enable those who contribute to have a sense of accomplishment and a sense of acquisition. It is necessary to explore scientific research results, intellectual property rights, and interest distribution mechanisms in the field of online information, and formulate specific policies on talent stock participation, technology shareholding, and taxation. In the flow of talents, we must break the institutional boundaries and enable talents to achieve an orderly and smooth flow between the government, enterprises, and think tanks. The advantages of the “revolving door” system in foreign countries can also be used for reference.

At the station, he pointed out that there must be a global perspective on talent selection and the introduction of high-end talents. As China’s comprehensive national strength continues to increase, many countries’ talents also hope to come to China for development. We must take advantage of the trend, reform talents to introduce various supporting systems, and build a globally competitive talent system. No matter which country or region, as long as it is a good talent, it can be used for me. This work has been done by some enterprises and research institutes. I went to some enterprises and research institutes, and also talked with these talents imported from abroad. In this regard, we must increase our efforts to continuously improve our ability to allocate talent resources globally.

(9) Industry requirements: focus on self-discipline and healthy development

The development of a company is directly proportional to its social responsibility. Xi Jinping pointed out that China’s Internet enterprises have played an important role in stabilizing growth, promoting employment, and benefiting people’s livelihood, from small to large, from weak to strong. Let the company continue to develop healthily is not only the goal of entrepreneurs but also the needs of national development. The fate of a company is closely related to the development of the country. It is difficult to become stronger and bigger than the support of the state, the disengagement of the masses, and the service to the country and the people.

How to be stronger and bigger? Xi Jinping pointed out the direction: internally, it is necessary to introduce policies to support the development of enterprises, so that they become the main body of technological innovation and become the main body of information industry development. Externally, we must encourage and support China’s network enterprises to go out, deepen Internet international exchanges and cooperation, and actively participate in the construction of the “Belt and Road” to achieve “where the national interests are and where informationization will be covered”. Foreign Internet companies, as long as they comply with our laws and regulations, we are welcome.

How to avoid the phenomenon of “disconnecting one after another, killing one tube” that has often appeared in the past, and embarking on a new road of joint management and benign interaction? Xi Jinping gave the idea: First, insist on encouraging support and standard development in parallel. Enterprises should be encouraged and supported to become the main body of R&D, the main body of innovation, and the main body of industry. Encourage and support the cutting-edge technology of enterprise layout, promote independent innovation of core technologies, create and seize more opportunities, participate in international competition, and expand overseas development space. It is necessary to regulate market order and encourage healthy competition. The Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed to improve the system of property rights protection with fairness as the core principle, strengthen the protection of property rights of various ownership economic organizations and natural persons, and clean up laws and regulations that violate fairness. These requirements should be put in place as soon as possible. Second, adhere to policy guidance and management according to law. The government should create a favorable environment for enterprise development, accelerate the reform of the examination and approval system, financing system, and patent system, reduce duplication of testing and certification, implement a high-quality and high-price government procurement system, reduce the burden on enterprises, and remove institutional and institutional obstacles. At the same time, it is necessary to speed up the process of network legislation, improve the regulatory measures according to law, and resolve network risks. It is necessary to strengthen the management of big data in accordance with the law. Third, adhere to both economic and social benefits. Only a wealth of love is a truly meaningful asset. Only a company that actively assumes social responsibility is the most competitive and vital enterprise. It is hoped that the vast number of Internet companies will adhere to the unity of economic and social benefits, and at the same time of their own development, drink water and source, return the society and benefit the people. We must encourage and support our networked enterprises to go out, deepen the international exchanges and cooperation in the Internet, and actively participate in the construction of the “Belt and Road” to achieve “where the national interests are and where informationization will be covered”. Foreign Internet companies, as long as they comply with our laws and regulations, we are welcome.

(10) International requirements: building a community of destiny

With the multi-polarization of the world, economic globalization, cultural diversity, and in-depth development of social information, the Internet will play a greater role in promoting the progress of human civilization. At the same time, problems such as unbalanced development in the Internet field, unsound rules, and unreasonable order have become increasingly prominent. The information gap between different countries and regions is constantly widening. Existing cyberspace governance rules are difficult to reflect the wishes and interests of most countries; violations of personal privacy, intellectual property rights, cybercrime, etc. occur worldwide, network monitoring, cyber attacks, networks Terrorism and other activities have become global public nuisances.

Faced with these problems and challenges, the international community should strengthen dialogue and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and mutual trust, promote the reform of the global governance system of the Internet, and jointly build a cyberspace of peace, security, openness and cooperation, and establish multilateral, democratic and transparent. The global Internet governance system. It is proposed that “China is willing to work with the international community to adhere to the common prosperity of mankind, adhere to the concept of cyber sovereignty, promote global Internet governance in a more just and rational direction, and promote cyberspace to achieve equal respect, innovative development, open sharing, and security. The goal of the order.”

“The way of benefit is to go with time.” Cyberspace is the common space for human activities. The future of cyberspace should be mastered by all countries in the world. To promote the reform of the global Internet governance system, we should adhere to the four principles. Respect network sovereignty. Maintain peace and security. Promote open cooperation. Build a good order. Countries should strengthen communication, expand consensus, deepen cooperation, and jointly build a community of cyberspace destiny. In this regard, I would like to make five points. First, accelerate the construction of global network infrastructure and promote interconnection. Second, create an online cultural exchange and sharing platform to promote exchanges and mutual learning. Third, promote the innovation and development of the network economy and promote common prosperity. Fourth, safeguard network security and promote orderly development. Fifth, build an Internet governance system to promote fairness and justice. It has won the approval of most countries in the world.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the Internet is the common home of mankind and works together to build a community of cyberspace destiny. It is the common responsibility of the international community to make this home more beautiful, cleaner and safer. Let us join hands to jointly promote the interconnection and sharing of cyberspace, share common governance, and help create a better future for human development!

Original Mandarin Chinese:













2016年11月29日,全國網絡扶貧工作現場推進會在江西寧都召開。 “要實施網絡扶貧行動,推進精準扶貧、精準脫貧,讓扶貧工作隨時隨地、四通八達,讓貧困地區群眾在互聯網共建共享中有更多獲得感”,習總書記這一重要指示在紅色革命老區再次宣示,網絡扶貧成為決勝全面小康的新槓桿。





綠色發展是網信事業健康發展的重要保障。信息化產業就是綠色產業,信息化、網絡化正支撐著工業、農業、國防等各個領域的應用和升級,推動著綠色發展、低碳發展、循環發展。要弘揚主旋律,傳播正能量,使網絡空間清朗起來。在2016年4月19日的座談會上習近平指出:“網絡空間天朗氣清、生態良好,符合人民利益。網絡空間烏煙瘴氣、生態惡化,不符合人民利益。” 他還強調:“我們要本著對社會負責、對人民負責的態度,依法加強網絡空間治理,加強網絡內容建設,做強網上正面宣傳,培育積極健康、向上向善的網絡文化,用社會主義核心價值觀和人類優秀文明成果滋養人心、滋養社會,做到正能量充沛、主旋律高昂,為廣大網民特別是青少年營造一個風清氣正的網絡空間。”




2014年,習近平在中央網絡安全和信息化領導小組第一次會議上就特別強調,“要維護網絡空間安全以及網絡數據的完整性、安全性、可靠性,提高維護網絡空間安全能力。”同時,他還要求統籌好網絡安全和信息化的關係,“網絡安全和信息化是一體之兩翼、驅動之雙輪,必須統一謀劃、統一部署、統一推進、統一實施。做好網絡安全和信息化工作,要處理好安全和發展的關係,做到協調一致、齊頭並進,以安全保發展、以發展促安全,努力建久安之勢、成長治之業。” 兩年之後的座談會上,他再次指出,“網絡安全和信息化是相輔相成的。安全是發展的前提,發展是安全的保障,安全和發展要同步推進。從世界範圍看,網絡安全威脅和風險日益突出,並日益向政治、經濟、文化、社會、生態、國防等領域傳導滲透。特別是國家關鍵信息基礎設面臨較大風險隱患,網絡安全防控能力薄弱,難以有效應對國家級、有組織的高強度網絡攻擊。這對世界各國都是一個難題,我們當然也不例外。”















習近平強調,要加快構建關鍵信息基礎設施安全保障體系。金融、能源、電力、通信、交通等領域的關鍵信息基礎設施是經濟社會運行的神經中樞,是網絡安全的重中之重,也是可能遭到重點攻擊的目標。 “物理隔離”防線可被跨網入侵,電力調配指令可被惡意篡改,金融交易信息可被竊取,這些都是重大風險隱患。不出問題則已,一出就可能導致交通中斷、金融紊亂、電力癱瘓等問題,具有很大的破壞性和殺傷力。我們必須深入研究,採取有效措施,切實做好國家關鍵信息基礎設施安全防護。









“得人者興,失人者崩。”習近平強調,建設網絡強國,要把人才資源匯聚起來,建設一支政治強、業務精、作風好的強大隊伍。 “千軍易得,一將難求”,要培養造就世界水平的科學家、網絡科技領軍人才、卓越工程師、高水平創新團隊。















Original Referring URL:  http://theory.people.com.cn/n1/