現代漢語:// Modern Chinese:
國防和軍隊現代化建設是全面建設社會主義現代化國家的一項戰略任務。 《綱要》著眼於到2035年基本實現社會主義現代化建設遠景目標和到2027年建軍百年目標,對加快推進國防和軍隊現代化建設作出戰略部署,充分體現了 以習近平同志為核心的黨中央發展大局和安全大局。 富國強軍的戰略定力和深远战略謀劃。 要堅決貫徹落實《綱要》部署要求,在新的歷史起點上以更大的努力、更大的作為,努力開創國防和軍隊現代化建設新局面。 一、深刻認識國防和軍隊現代化時代特徵 黨的十八大以來,習主席把實現中國夢和強軍夢作為工作重點。 他開創和形成了習近平強軍思想。 現代化建設取得歷史性成就。 我軍思想政治基礎更加牢固,組織形式重塑重構,國防科技和武器裝備發展水平顯著提高,全軍隊伍建設得到加強,國防建設取得突破性進展。 法治建設和軍隊建設進一步聚焦備戰打戰。 創新驅動變革,軍事戰略能力大幅躍升。 但也要看到,我軍現代化水平與國家安全需要、與世界先進水平相比還有差距。 我軍打現代戰爭的能力和各級幹部指揮現代戰爭的能力亟待提高。 “十四五”時期,國際戰略形勢和國家安全環境面臨新的重大變化。 要適應國家發展戰略、安全戰略和軍事戰略的新要求,加快國防和軍隊現代化進程,切實維護國家主權、安全和發展利益。 . (一)國防和軍隊現代化建設必須為中華民族偉大復興提供更有力的戰略支撐 當前,世界大變局加速發生。 新冠肺炎疫情影響廣泛而深遠。 大國之間的戰略博弈明顯升溫。 國際力量對比深刻調整,國際形勢的不穩定不確定性明顯增加。 我國正處於由大變強的關鍵發展階段。 中華民族偉大復興既迎來了前所未有的歷史機遇,也面臨著前所未有的風險挑戰。 我們越發展、越成長,遇到的阻力和壓力就越大。 軍隊作為維護國家安全的重要手段,必須充分發揮軍事力量建設和運用對維護國家安全的戰略作用,加快發展軍事力量,加快形成強大的戰略威懾力和實戰能力,確保 切實履行新時代軍事使命使命,有力支持中華民族偉大復興。
國防和軍隊現代化建設是全面建設社會主義現代化國家的一項戰略任務。 《綱要》著眼於到2035年基本實現社會主義現代化建設遠景目標和到2027年建軍百年目標,對加快推進國防和軍隊現代化建設作出戰略部署,充分體現了 以習近平同志為核心的黨中央發展大局和安全大局。 富國強軍的戰略定力和深远战略謀劃。 要堅決貫徹落實《綱要》部署要求,在新的歷史起點上以更大的努力、更大的作為,努力開創國防和軍隊現代化建設新局面。
黨的十八大以來,習主席把實現中國夢和強軍夢作為工作重點。 他開創和形成了習近平強軍思想。 現代化建設取得歷史性成就。 我軍思想政治基礎更加牢固,組織形式重塑重構,國防科技和武器裝備發展水平顯著提高,全軍隊伍建設得到加強,國防建設取得突破性進展。 法治建設和軍隊建設進一步聚焦備戰打戰。 創新驅動變革,軍事戰略能力大幅躍升。 但也要看到,我軍現代化水平與國家安全需要、與世界先進水平相比還有差距。 我軍打現代戰爭的能力和各級幹部指揮現代戰爭的能力亟待提高。 “十四五”時期,國際戰略形勢和國家安全環境面臨新的重大變化。 要適應國家發展戰略、安全戰略和軍事戰略的新要求,加快國防和軍隊現代化進程,切實維護國家主權、安全和發展利益。 .
當前,世界大變局加速發生。 新冠肺炎疫情影響廣泛而深遠。 大國之間的戰略博弈明顯升溫。 國際力量對比深刻調整,國際形勢的不穩定不確定性明顯增加。 我國正處於由大變強的關鍵發展階段。 中華民族偉大復興既迎來了前所未有的歷史機遇,也面臨著前所未有的風險挑戰。 我們越發展、越成長,遇到的阻力和壓力就越大。 軍隊作為維護國家安全的重要手段,必須充分發揮軍事力量建設和運用對維護國家安全的戰略作用,加快發展軍事力量,加快形成強大的戰略威懾力和實戰能力,確保 切實履行新時代軍事使命使命,有力支持中華民族偉大復興。
國防和軍隊現代化建設進入轉型升級關鍵階段。 要將提質增效與加快現代化進程有機統一起來,加強先進作戰能力有效供給,發揮創新驅動在全面現代化建設中的核心作用,轉變發展觀念, 創新發展模式,增強發展動力,確保高質量發展。
加快軍事理論現代化。 人民軍隊不斷發展壯大,從勝利走向勝利,關鍵在於黨先進軍事指導理論的指導。 要繼續深入學習貫徹習近平強軍思想,自覺用黨的軍事指導理論的最新成果解決軍事鬥爭和軍隊建設中的實際問題。 善於戰略謀劃,注重戰略引領和創新,是我們黨的鮮明特色和獨特優勢。 要深入貫徹落實習近平軍事戰略思想,深入研究現代戰爭特點規律和製勝機制,不斷創新發展我軍作戰方式和戰略導向,完善新時代軍事戰略體系。 時代。 要緊跟戰爭形態和作戰方式變化,加強作戰問題研究和作戰理念研製驗證,加快建設先進作戰理論體系。
加快軍隊編制現代化建設。 改革永遠在路上。 要堅持方向一致、道路正確、力量不減,深化國防和軍隊改革,不斷解放和發展戰鬥力,解放和增強軍隊活力。 現代化的軍隊需要現代化的管理。 要深入推進軍隊管理革命,更新管理理念,優化管理流程,完善管理機制,提高軍隊系統運行效率和國防資源使用效率。 現代戰爭強調系統戰和聯合勝利。 要加快軍隊和武警部隊轉型建設,壯大新領域、新素質的戰略力量和作戰力量,豐富戰略選擇,提升戰略權重,打造高水平的戰略威懾和作戰力量。 聯合作戰系統。 要強化練兵備戰導向,加強軍隊聯合訓練、聯合保障、聯合使用,提高基於網絡信息系統的聯合作戰能力和全域作戰能力。
加快軍隊人才現代化建設。 歸根結底,現代戰爭是人才的競爭。 要貫徹新時代軍事教育方針,著力培養聯合作戰指揮人才、新型作戰力量人才、高層次科技創新人才、高層次戰略管理人才,加快鍛造 培養高素質、專業化、德才兼備的新型軍事人才。 . 要完善軍隊院校、軍事訓練實踐、軍事職業教育三位一體的新型軍事人才培養體系,創新軍隊人力資源開發和管理,完善人才識別、集聚、 培訓、就業,加快形成適合崗位、人盡其才的人才隊伍。 ,人才輩出的生動局面。
加快武器裝備現代化建設。 武器裝備是軍隊現代化的重要標誌。 要堅持自主創新戰略立足點,以國防科技自主創新和原始創新為重點,加強基礎理論和基礎技術研究,加快突破關鍵核心技術,牢牢把握發展命脈。 要密切關注全球科技創新趨勢,加快發展戰略前沿和顛覆性技術,積極搶占軍事競爭戰略制高點。 要加快武器裝備更新換代和智能化武器裝備發展,加強高技術新概念武器裝備建設
與國家現代化進程相適應,適應國家構建新發展格局,加強跨軍隊、跨部門、跨領域力量和資源整合配置,健全組織管理、工作運作、政策體系, 人才隊伍、風險防控體系。 整合國家戰略體系和能力,實現發展與安全並舉,富國強軍。
做好戰略規劃。 把經濟建設和國防建設統籌安排在國家總體戰略中,是我們黨長期治國理政的成功經驗。 要加強戰略規劃銜接。 國家在製定戰略規劃時充分考慮軍事需要。 軍隊發展戰略和建設規劃貫徹落實黨和國家的總體部署,確保有關建設部署有計劃、有協調。 要深化資源要素共享,打破利益壁壘,完善有利於優勢軍地資源雙向高效流動的暢通機制。 要加強政策制度協同,做好流程銜接和任務協同,提高軍民相關政策制度對接度。
推動重點區域、重點領域、新興領域協調發展,進一步盤活存量資源,優化增量資源,提高資源利用水平。 加強經濟建設項目落實國防要求,推進空中交通管理改革,增強對經濟建設和國防建設的統籌支持。 要注重依托國民教育體系培養軍人,加快建立現代軍人交流使用、資格認證等製度,探索建立軍地干部有序交流機制。 要結合國家重大工程建設,集中力量實施國防領域重大工程,更好服務國家安全發展戰略需求。
優化國防科技產業佈局。 當前,我國國防科技工業總體上大而不強,還不適應強國強軍的要求。 要深化國防科技工業體制改革,調整軍隊科研生產能力結構,構建技術先進、佈局合理、反應靈活、開放融合的國防科技工業體系。 要激發軍品市場活力,推進武器裝備市場准入改革,調整軍品價格和稅收政策,營造公平競爭環境。 要加快標準化、通用化進程,在國防和軍隊建設中積極採用先進民用標準,促進先進軍民技術雙向轉移利用。
匯聚強大力量,推進強國強軍事業。 我們的軍隊是人民軍隊,我們的國防是全民的國防。 要健全國防動員體系,加強突發事件應對協調,構建黨中央集中統一領導、軍地各司其職的國防動員新格局。 各司其職,密切配合。 要健全邊防強邊機制,黨、政、軍、警、民共同努力,構建與中國特色社會主義制度相適應的邊防治國格局。 要加強全民國防教育,鞏固軍政軍民團結,為建設鞏固國防和人民軍隊提供有力支撐。
“十四五”時期,國防和軍隊現代化建設任務艱鉅艱鉅。 要按照《綱要》決策部署,凝聚力量,下苦功夫,確保各項工作落到實處。
充分發揮黨總攬全局、協調各方的作用,把黨的領導落實到經濟建設和國防建設的各個領域和各個環節。 堅定不移堅持黨對軍隊的絕對領導,全面深入落實軍委主席負責制,全面加強全軍黨的建設,把中國特色社會主義制度優勢轉化為推動全軍發展的強大力量 國防和軍隊現代化建設。
堅持戰鬥力基本標準,密切關注國家安全形勢變化,始終對敵情保持高度敏感,保持高度警惕。 以提升系統作戰能力為重點,強長補短、強本壘,加強鬥志修養,著力做好各項戰略方向軍事鬥爭準備工作。 統籌推進傳統安全領域和新型安全領域的軍事鬥爭準備,確保有事能打勝仗。
把改革創新作為解放和發展戰鬥力的根本出路,緊盯戰爭形態變化和科技發展變化,不斷深化自我提升和自主創新,推動改革舉措落到實處,發布 發揮改革紅利,突出原創創新超越,加強戰略必爭領域前瞻佈局,全面推進軍事理論、技術、組織、管理、文化等方面的創新,努力建設創新型人民軍隊。
貫徹落實習近平依法治軍思想,堅持依法治軍、從嚴治軍,善於運用法治思想和方法推進建設開展工作,加強軍隊建設 中國特色法治建設,構建實用系統的軍事法律體系,加快推進軍隊治理模式發生根本性轉變,國防和軍隊現代化建設法治化水平不斷提高 得到不斷改進。
The modernization of national defense and the army is a strategic task for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. The “Outline” focuses on basically realizing the long-term goal of socialist modernization by 2035 and the century-old goal of building the army by 2027. It makes a strategic deployment for accelerating the modernization of national defense and the army, which fully embodies the overall development and security of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core. The strategic determination and far-reaching strategic planning to enrich the country and strengthen the army. We must resolutely implement the deployment requirements of the “Outline”, and strive to create a new situation in the modernization of national defense and the army at a new historical starting point with greater efforts and greater actions.
1. A deep understanding of the characteristics of the era of national defense and military modernization
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Chairman Xi has focused on the realization of the Chinese Dream and the dream of strengthening the military. He has created and formed Xi Jinping’s thought on strengthening the military. Historic achievements have been made in the modernization drive. The ideological and political foundation of our army has become stronger, the organizational form has been reshaped and reconstructed, the development level of national defense technology and weaponry has been significantly improved, the integrity of the military personnel has been strengthened, breakthroughs have been made in the construction of the rule of law, and the military construction has further focused on preparing for and fighting wars. Innovation drives transformation, and military strategic capabilities have leapt sharply. But we must also see that there is still a gap between our military’s modernization level and national security needs, and compared with the world’s advanced level. Our military’s ability to fight modern warfare and the ability of cadres at all levels to command modern warfare need to be improved urgently. During the ” 14th Five-Year Plan ” period, the international strategic situation and national security environment are facing new and major changes. It is necessary to adapt to the new requirements of the national development strategy, security strategy and military strategy, accelerate the modernization process of national defense and the military, and effectively safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests. .
(1) National defense and military modernization must provide stronger strategic support for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
At present, the world’s major changes are accelerating. The impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic is extensive and far-reaching. The strategic game between major powers has obviously heated up. The international balance of power has been profoundly adjusted, and the instability and uncertainty of the international situation have increased significantly. Our country is in a critical stage of development from big to strong. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has ushered in unprecedented historical opportunities, as well as unprecedented risks and challenges. The more we develop and grow, the greater the resistance and pressure we will encounter. As a means of safeguarding national security, the military must give full play to the strategic role of military power building and utilization in maintaining national security, accelerate the development of military power, accelerate the formation of strong strategic deterrence and actual combat capabilities, and ensure the effective fulfillment of military missions in the new era mission and strongly support the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
(2) The modernization of national defense and the military must accelerate the integration of mechanization, informationization and intelligence
The world’s new military revolution is developing rapidly, the degree of informatization of modern warfare is constantly improving, and the characteristics of intelligence are becoming more and more obvious. Unmanned combat systems are heavily used in actual combat, which has a profound impact on the concept, elements, and methods of winning wars. The major military powers are speeding up the construction of an intelligent military system and seeking new advantages in military competition, which has created enormous strategic pressure on us. We must enhance scientific and technological insight and war insight, adhere to mechanization as the basis, informationization as the leading, and intelligence as the direction, promote the integration and development of mechanization, informationization, and intelligence, actively cultivate and incubate new growth poles of combat effectiveness, and promote the process of intelligence. Develop highly developed mechanization and a higher level of informatization, leading the transformation and upgrading of national defense and military modernization.
(3) National defense and military modernization must be deeply integrated into the national modernization strategic layout
my country has become the world’s second largest economy, but its national defense strength is still not compatible with my country’s international status, and it is necessary to take effective measures to speed up the modernization of national defense and the military. Adapting to the development of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution, our party has lost no time in proposing major goals such as building a scientific and technological power, a marine power, an aerospace power, and a cyber power. On the one hand, a series of strategic measures have been introduced, which will provide more substantial material and technical support for the modernization of national defense and the army. We must more consciously integrate into the overall layout of national development, make full use of the achievements of national modernization and development and high-quality social resources, promote the sound and rapid development of the cause of strengthening the military, and promote the simultaneous improvement of national defense strength and economic strength.
2. Accurately Grasp the Strategic Task of Accelerating the Modernization of National Defense and the Army
The “Outline” clarifies the overall thinking and objectives and tasks for accelerating the modernization of national defense and the armed forces. In general, we must implement Xi Jinping’s thinking on strengthening the military, implement the military strategic guidelines for the new era, uphold the Party’s absolute leadership over the people’s military, insist on building the military politically, strengthening the military through reform, strengthening the military through technology, strengthening the military with talents, and governing the military according to the law. The integrated development of modernization and intelligence will comprehensively strengthen military training and preparations, improve the strategic ability to defend national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and ensure the realization of the century-old goal of the army in 2027 .
(1) Improving the quality and efficiency of national defense and military modernization
The modernization of national defense and the military has entered a critical stage of transformation and upgrading. It is necessary to organically unify the improvement of quality and efficiency with the acceleration of the modernization process, strengthen the effective supply of advanced combat capabilities, give play to the core role of innovation-driven in the overall modernization, change the concept of development, and innovate the development model , enhance development momentum and ensure high-quality development.
Accelerate the modernization of military theory. The key to the continuous development and growth of the people’s army, from victory to victory, lies in the guidance of the party’s advanced military guidance theory. It is necessary to continue to deepen the study and implementation of Xi Jinping’s thought on strengthening the army, and consciously use the latest achievements of the party’s military guidance theory to solve practical problems in military struggle and army building. It is the distinctive feature and unique advantage of our party to be good at strategic planning and focus on strategic guidance and innovation. It is necessary to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s military strategic thinking, in-depth study of the characteristics and laws of modern warfare and the mechanism of victory, constantly innovate and develop our military’s warfare and strategic guidance, and improve the military strategic system in the new era. It is necessary to keep up with changes in the form of war and combat methods, strengthen the research on combat issues and the development and verification of combat concepts, and accelerate the construction of an advanced combat theory system.
Accelerate the modernization of the military organization. Reform is always on the way. We must adhere to the same direction, the right path, and the undiminished strength, deepen the reform of national defense and the army, continuously liberate and develop combat effectiveness, and liberate and enhance the vitality of the army. A modern army needs modern management. It is necessary to further promote the military management revolution, update management concepts, optimize management processes, improve management mechanisms, and improve the operational efficiency of military systems and the efficiency of the use of national defense resources. Modern warfare emphasizes systematic warfare and joint victory. It is necessary to speed up the transformation and construction of the armed forces and the armed police force, strengthen strategic forces and combat forces in new domains and new qualities, enrich strategic options, increase strategic weight, and create a high-level strategic deterrence and joint combat system. It is necessary to strengthen the clear orientation of military training and preparation, strengthen joint training, joint support, and joint use of military forces, and improve joint combat capabilities and all-domain combat capabilities based on network information systems.
Accelerate the modernization of military personnel. In the final analysis, modern warfare is a competition for talents. It is necessary to implement the military education policy for the new era, focus on the training of joint combat command talents, new combat force talents, high-level scientific and technological innovation talents, and high-level strategic management talents, and accelerate the forging of high-quality, professional new-type military talents with both ability and political integrity. . It is necessary to improve the three-in-one new military personnel training system of military academies, military training practices, and military vocational education, innovate the development and management of military human resources, improve the system and mechanism of talent identification, gathering, training, and employment, and accelerate the formation of people who are suitable for posts and make full use of their talents. , A vivid situation where talents emerge in large numbers.
Accelerate the modernization of weapons and equipment. Weaponry is an important symbol of military modernization. We must adhere to the basic point of the independent innovation strategy, focus on independent innovation and original innovation in national defense science and technology, strengthen basic theory and basic technology research, accelerate breakthroughs in key core technologies, and firmly grasp the lifeline of development. It is necessary to keep a close eye on global technological innovation trends, accelerate the development of strategic frontier and disruptive technologies, and actively seize the strategic commanding heights of military competition. It is necessary to accelerate the upgrading of weapons and equipment and the development of intelligent weapons and equipment, strengthen the construction of high-tech and new-concept weapons and equipment, and promote the modernization of weapons and equipment to accelerate into the world’s advanced ranks.
(2) Promote the simultaneous improvement of national defense strength and economic strength
Consistent with the country’s modernization process and adapting to the country’s construction of a new development pattern, strengthen the integration and allocation of cross-military, cross-departmental, and cross-field forces and resources, improve organizational management, work operations, policy systems, talent teams, and risk prevention and control systems. Integrate the national strategic system and capabilities to achieve both development and security, enrich the country and strengthen the military.
Do a good job in strategic planning. Coordinating economic construction and national defense construction in the overall national strategy is our party’s long-term successful experience in governing the country. It is necessary to strengthen the connection of strategic planning. The state fully considers military needs when formulating strategic planning. The military development strategy and construction plan implement the overall deployment of the party and the state to ensure that relevant construction arrangements are planned and coordinated. It is necessary to deepen the sharing of resource elements, break down barriers of interest, and improve a smooth mechanism that is conducive to the two-way and efficient flow of superior military and local resources. It is necessary to strengthen the coordination of policies and systems, do a good job in process connection and task coordination, and improve the coupling of military-civilian related policies and systems.
Promote the coordinated development of key regions, key areas, and emerging areas, further revitalize existing resources, optimize incremental resources, and improve the level of resource utilization. Strengthen the implementation of national defense requirements for economic construction projects, promote the reform of air traffic management, and enhance the overall support for economic construction and national defense construction. We must pay attention to relying on the national education system to cultivate military personnel, accelerate the establishment of modern military personnel exchange and use, qualification certification and other systems, and explore the establishment of an orderly exchange mechanism for military and local cadres. It is necessary to combine the construction of major national projects and concentrate on implementing major projects in the field of national defense to better serve the strategic needs of national security development.
Optimize the layout of national defense science and technology industry. At present, my country’s national defense science and technology industry is generally large but not strong, and it is not yet adapted to the requirements of a strong country and a strong army. It is necessary to deepen the reform of the defense science and technology industry system, adjust the structure of military scientific research and production capabilities, and build a defense science and technology industry system with advanced technology, reasonable layout, flexible response, openness and integration. It is necessary to stimulate the vitality of the military product market, promote the reform of market access for weapons and equipment, adjust the price and tax policies of military products, and create a level playing field. It is necessary to speed up the process of standardization and generalization, actively adopt advanced civilian standards in national defense and military construction, and promote the two-way transfer and utilization of advanced military and civilian technologies.
Bring together powerful forces to advance the cause of a strong country and a strong military. Our army is the people’s army, and our national defense is the national defense of the whole people. It is necessary to improve the national defense mobilization system, strengthen coordination in response to emergencies, and build a new pattern of national defense mobilization under the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, with both the military and the local government performing their own responsibilities and closely coordinating. It is necessary to improve the mechanism of strong border defense, the party, the government, the army, the police and the people should work together to build a border governance pattern that is compatible with the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. It is necessary to strengthen national defense education for all, consolidate the unity of the military, the government, the military and the people, and provide strong support for building and consolidating national defense and a strong people’s army.
3. Conscientiously implement the requirements for measures to accelerate the modernization of national defense and the military
During the ” 14th Five-Year Plan ” period, the national defense and military modernization tasks are arduous and arduous. It is necessary to make decisions and deploy in accordance with the “Outline”, gather strength and work hard to ensure the implementation of various tasks.
(1) Give full play to institutional advantages
Give full play to the role of the party in overseeing the overall situation and coordinating all parties, and implement the party’s leadership in all fields and links of economic construction and national defense construction. Unswervingly uphold the Party’s absolute leadership over the military, comprehensively and thoroughly implement the responsibility system of the Chairman of the Military Commission, comprehensively strengthen Party building in the military, and transform the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics into a powerful force to promote the modernization of national defense and the military.
(2) Focus on being able to fight and win
Adhere to the basic standard of combat effectiveness, pay close attention to changes in the national security situation, always maintain a high degree of sensitivity to the enemy’s situation, and maintain a high level of alertness. Focusing on improving the combat capability of the system, we will forge our strengths, make up for our weaknesses, and strengthen our bases, strengthen the cultivation of fighting spirit, and step up efforts to complete various strategic directions Preparations for military struggles. Coordinate the promotion of military struggle preparations in traditional and new security fields to ensure that once something happens, we can win the battle.
(3) Deepen reform and innovation
Take reform and innovation as the fundamental way to liberate and develop combat effectiveness, keep an eye on changes in the form of warfare and changes in technological development, continue to deepen self-improvement and self-innovation, promote the implementation of reform measures, release reform dividends, highlight originality, innovation and transcendence, and strengthen Forward-looking layout in strategically contested fields, comprehensively promote innovation in military theory, technology, organization, management, culture, etc., and strive to build an innovative people’s army.
(4) Improving the protection of the rule of law
Implement Xi Jinping’s thought on the rule of law, adhere to the principle of governing the military according to the law and strictly, be good at using the rule of law thinking and methods to promote construction and carry out work, strengthen the construction of the military rule of law with Chinese characteristics, build a practical and systematic military legal system, and accelerate the advancement of military governance Fundamental changes have been made in the mode, and the level of rule of law in the modernization of national defense and the armed forces has been continuously improved.