Category Archives: Chinese Military – Network & Space Forces

China PLA General An Weiping: Developing Asymetric & Cyber Forces A Requirement for Winning


By Major General An Weiping, Deputy Chinese Army Commander of the PLA 16th Group Army

China’s new-type combat forces have developed rapidly in the past five years with great achievements, but we still lag far behind world military powers in that regard.

Going forward, the construction of new-type combat forces is of critical importance. China should focus on fostering advanced forces and means that are essential for us to seize the high ground in military competition and win information-based battles, and improve our combat capacity through leapfrog development.

New-type combat forces are the important source that leads military reform

Considering the development of the form of warfare, we should have a clear idea of the position and role of new-type combat forces.

First, it is a sharp weapon to win future warfare. The world history of military development shows us that new-type combat forces always decide the outcome of wars with “intergenerational” advantages.

Today, the U.S. and Russia still insist on the path of high-end technological advantages and emphasize the possession of strategic advantages over rivals. This tells us that whoever takes a preemptive step in fostering new-type combat forces will establish winning advantages in the war.

Second, it is the supportive force that pushes tactical innovation. New-type combat forces are a relative term that carries the characteristics of the time. It not only refers to the latest military practices in each period, but also directly drives tactical innovation.

From the famous theories on air/sea supremacy in military history to theories on blitzkrieg and firefight and to today’s air-sea integrated operations, precise and fast operations, cyberspace warfare and long-distance coordinated operations, they have all experienced the same process from emergence to development. The appearance of every tactical theory is backed by corresponding new-type combat forces.

Third, it is an important source that leads the military reform. With special combat mechanism, unique fighting efficiency and brand new fighting approaches, new-type combat forces are the vanguards that push the military reform.

We shall establish advantages featuring “we have what the enemy has not, we excel in what the enemy has”.

The several recent local warfare has proven that “all-domain, long-distance, integrated and precise” have become the typical features of combats in information-based conditions. To adapt to the needs of future warfare, we shall accelerate the construction of a range of new-type combat forces and establish advantages featuring “we have what the enemy has not, we excel in what the enemy has”.

We shall reinforce the aerospace early warning forces. Seizing the room for aerospace combat is not only an effective means to ensure a transparent status on the battlefield, but also an important way of forming relative advantages.

Based on our military aerospace weapon and reconnaissance satellites operating in the space, we shall form the aerospace support forces. Meanwhile, we shall also develop space weapon and foster space strike capability to secure the space supremacy.

We shall strengthen the strategic delivery force. Given its long strategic depth, China urgently needs a long-distance delivery force commensurate with its position as a strong power to effectively deal with international situations and safeguard the nation’s strategic security.

We shall insist on the development direction of military-civilian integration, rely on a number of military and civilian departments to build strategic delivery platforms and transportation mechanisms integrating railway, road, water transport, aviation and spaceflight, so as to guarantee military-civilian coordination, fast combat readiness and deployments in case of any situation.

We shall expand the unmanned combat force. Boasting such advantages as strong adaptability, fast response, long working hours and high functional integration, unmanned combat force is an important means to reduce casualties in future manned combats.

At present, China’s military unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has been developed and used at a fast rate, but the development of emerging unmanned forces such as unmanned vehicle, vessel and underwater vehicle is backward.

Therefore, we shall step up comprehensive construction and form a professional unmanned troop that can both fight independently and cooperate with manned troops, integrating reconnaissance, strike and evaluation.

Cyberspace combat is the strategic means to obtain asymmetrical advantages.

The cyberspace is an important battlefield to obtain the information supremacy and a strategic means to obtain asymmetrical advantages. As the U.S. has applied a string of cyber virus weapons such as Stuxnet, Flame and Suter, main countries around the world are all building their “cyber forces”.

Building a “cyber force” as soon as possible is a requirement raised by the time to safeguard national cyber security and sovereignty and win information-based war.

We shall foster a standard and professional new-type “cyber force” integrating cyber attack and defense as well as information security to obtain the cyber supremacy.

Moreover, cyber terrorism is a new form of terrorism arising from the information network, and fighting cyber terrorism has become a prominent topic in national security, international policies and relation.

Therefore, it is imperative to carry out international cooperation and form an “international peacekeeping” force to fight against cyber terrorism.

China’s PLA Secret Military Information Troop Strategy //中國軍隊揭秘我军首支战略支援部队

《 人民日报 》( 2016年01月24日 )


China’s People’s Liberation Army in 2016, a new combat force joins the PLA combat organization, it will become an important growth point of China’s  military combat capability and key strength leading to decisive nature of future wars…Secret military first team strategy support troops

December 31, 2015, and the Army leadership organization, listed with rocket forces, strategic support troops officially unveiled the PLA’s “family”!

“Strategic Support Unit is to safeguard the national security of the new combat forces, is an important qualitative growth of our military combat capability.” Chairman Xi Jinping stressed that the establishment of strategic support troops, military help to optimize the structure, improve the comprehensive support capabilities.Strategic support troops to adhere to system integration, civil-military integration, and strive to achieve leapfrog development in key areas, starting point to promote high standards of combat forces to accelerate the development of new, integrated development, strive to build a strong, modern strategic support units.

This is exactly what the troops support? Where highlights? Inception, the soldiers doing? Recently, this reporter approached the strategic support units, truly feel this nascent boom strong army troops.

“Without a high degree of integration, there will be no joint operations”

What is the strategic support? Case before us:

May 2011, the US military killed Osama bin Laden’s operations for the armed forces around the world a vivid lesson. On the surface, is the two “Black Hawk” helicopters and 24 “seal” commando on a mission, but behind it has a huge support system: Several pieces of reconnaissance and communications satellites, one responsible for real-time transmission and radio listening stealth unmanned reconnaissance missions, more aerial cover for the war to be F / A-18 fighter, an aircraft carrier battle groups responsible for strategic support, two of the five Central Asian bases and command centers, as well as various support guarantee ten thousand personnel……

This small-scale operations, major systems supporting combat style, demonstrating the winning mechanism of modern warfare. Information leading, system support, elite combat, joint victory, has become the basic characteristics of modern warfare.

“Strategic Support Unit is to support the battlefield, to ensure smooth operations, it is an important force in joint operations.” Military experts briefed reporters, figuratively speaking, strategic support troops for the army to provide accurate and reliable information to support efficient and strategies support guarantee, propped army system “information umbrella” that will blend action and armed with rocket forces, and throughout the war always, is the key to winning the war power.

“Without a high degree of integration, there will be no joint operations.” Strategic support units formed at the beginning, tightly pegged to the bottleneck restricting military joint operations in order to organize the work of planning military research started around how to understand the task, how construction and development, and how a good beginning in a higher starting point, different organizations Category troops, military leaders and experts in related fields, extensive research and discussion exchange, on major issues troop positioning functions, organization and structure, leadership and command system and other ongoing research and feasibility studies.Recently, the main leaders also dispatched military forces to the relevant units, mass fighting around the new generation to carry out special investigations.

Civil-military integration is the information war “nature.” According to statistics, the First World War, the number of industries involved in the development of weapons and equipment technology categories to ten dollars; World War II, extended to hundreds; to the Gulf War, it is in the thousands. In recent years, the proportion of military special technology United States, Britain, France, Germany, Japan and other developed countries, more and more low, while military and civilian technology for more than 80%, the construction of military information technology for more than 80% are from the civil information systems.

Around the realization of civil-military integration, strategic support units proposed aspects from planning, mechanisms, resources, projects, and talent continue to promote the use of the depth of integration. New Year’s a start, force planning construction of a number of strategies, many military enterprises, scientific research institutions, experts figure has emerged, based on a unit, for the country, strong army service, “says think-tank” on the horizon.

“Accelerate the cultivation of new mass combat capability, create new combat forces.”

In the 21st century, the new military revolution shock avalanche. Especially with the continuous breakthroughs in information, intelligence, invisible, nanotechnology and other emerging technologies strategy, the new combat forces into a military capability leapfrog development “growth pole”, a new military power to compete, “darling.”

Public information, the United States set up space combat troops, built a Cyber ​​Command under the jurisdiction of 100,000 troops, to create the world’s largest network warfare forces. Russia’s integration with the Air Force Space combat forces to establish air and space forces, formed a network warfare command structure and the forces. British promoter cutting-edge network warfare units “77th Brigade”, specializing in “unconventional information warfare” by Facebook website platform. Japan through the “Basic Universe” speed up the process of militarization of space, and actively organize a “cyberspace defense team.”

Faced with surging wave of this new revolution in military affairs, who insight into the initiative, who will win in the future. Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi and decisive decision-making, the formation of strategic support units, to create a new type of war to safeguard national security forces, and the quality of our military combat capability as an important growth point.

Around accelerate the cultivation of new mass combat troops established a technology weaponization of power systems, the ability to combat the direction of development, to enter the combat readiness as an index, advancing step by step actual combat capacity building.

Military construction focus to the war, the work to fight hard. Reporters in an interview that the strategic support units, at all levels of urgency in order to focus on reform, promote transformation, many feel accustomed to the keyboard and mouse of science and technology experts put training uniform, embarked on a parade ground. He has been shelved, parked in the research paper, was taken to the test site and the development of weapons and equipment training ground troop maneuvers, become a new quality to enhance the operational capability of the “multiplier.”

It is understood that a unit of strategic support troops adhere to seek a breakthrough in the prospective, pilot, exploration, disruptive technology, research and development of a new type of combat equipment has passed the preliminary assessment, damage the effectiveness of the equipment reached the international advanced level.

“Only innovation, to seize the strategic high ground military competition”

This year New Year period, strategic support military leaders by telephone, video and checking to your combat troops on duty. From the deep ocean to mountain forests, from the Gobi desert to the border of the motherland, the troops together full member, combat readiness, to meet the troops in combat roles established.

As a safeguard national security, new combat forces, strategic support troops to innovation as a source of power to seize the strategic high ground of military competition, cohesion innovative new combat forces in combat theory, organizational form and mode of development.

On the organizational form of innovation, focusing on a new command structure, strengthen research and exploration of new combat forces woven patterns and leadership and command relationships. Focus to achieve leapfrog development, troops raised to operational requirements for traction, with technological breakthroughs driven, problem-oriented Forced to compete for the development of model approaches beyond, out to chase style, imitative development of passive situation.

“The best way to maintain peace, in accordance with their own terms to redefine the war.” Focus on accelerating the transformation of troops functions, and actively adapt to the mission mandate expansion, strategic support troops keep up with world trends of new military revolution, advance planning the layout of the new combat forces, to establish their own led “war rules” to achieve asymmetric competitive advantage.

Reporters in an interview that the strategic support units, to the troops from the authorities, from the laboratory to the training ground, a “brainstorming” is being rolled rushes –

A unit organized the workshop, big data, cloud computing, 3D printing, a new term nanotechnology often blurted out in the discussion. Graduated from a prestigious university, Dr. Young told reporters a firm voice, “the military planning and preparation is always tomorrow’s war, and even the day after the war.”

In this interview, the reporter for the officers and soldiers often high-spirited spirit, sharp shock of forward thinking on the future of this nascent force confidence.

Orriginal Mandarin Chinese:




























Source: 《 人民日报 》( 2016年01月24日 )

People’s Republic of China: People’s Liberation Army General Officer Changes for New Military Commands

People’s Republic of China: People’s Liberation Army General Officer Changes for New Military Commands

China on Friday, January 1st, 2016 unveiled further details of one of its largest military reforms, launching three new bodies of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), including an army command, an upgraded missile force and a special force for space and cyber wars. Chinese President Xi Jinping, who also heads the Central Military Committee (CMC), on Thursday conferred military flags to the commanders of the three bodies, namely the PLA Army General Command, the PLA Rocket Force and the PLA Strategic Support Force, at their inauguration ceremony in Beijing. This is part of China’s key reforms aimed at enhancing the Communist Party of China’s (CPC) leadership over the military, and boosting the PLA’s combat capabilities by establishing a modern military system.


Newly Assigned PLA Generals of the Strategic Rocket and Support Forces

PLA’s New General Officer Assignments

[Pictured above starting with back row]

Army Commander Li Zuocheng (formerly the Chengdu Military Region Commander)

Army political commissar Liu Lei (former political commissar of the Lanzhou Military Region)

Lieutenant General Peng Bo (formerly the Lanzhou Military Region Deputy Commander)

Major General You Haitao (formerly the Nanjing Military Chief of Staff Region Deputy Commander)

Major General Ronggui Qing (formerly the Chengdu Military Region Commander)

Major General Shi Xiao (former deputy political commissar of the Lanzhou Military Region)

Major General Wu Gang (former deputy political commissar of the Nanjing Military Region, the Discipline Committee)

Major General Liuzhen Li (former General Armament Department of the Army equipment research)

Major General Zhangshu Guo (formerly the Beijing Military Region Political Department)

Major General Han Zhiqing (former Minister of Joint Logistics Department of the Jinan Military Region)

Major General Gao Bo (former chief minister of Minister of Joint Logistics Department of the Jinan Military Region)

Senior Colonel (Brigadier General Select)Lu Rong Yi (ordered to command the Ministry of Scientific Research)


People’s Liberation Army Command

The army used to be supervised by four headquarters – the General Staff Headquarters, the General Political Department, the General Logistics Department and the General Armament Department. The establishment of the Army General Command puts the control directly under the Central Military Commission. It is a major measure to improve the leadership and command system, the Ministry of National Defense said earlier.

Through a joint command and combat system, the Central Military Commission will be able to directly lead the army, the navy, the air force and rocket force, which will largely enhance the efficiency during wartime, said Song. At a Chinese military conferral ceremony, President Xi said the move to form the Army General Command, the Rocket Force and the Strategic Support Force is a major decision by the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission to realize the Chinese dream of a strong military, and a strategic step to establish a modern military system with Chinese characteristics. It will be a milestone in the modernization of the Chinese military and will be recorded in the history of the people’s armed forces, according to Xi.

The Central Military Commission has also released a guideline on deepening national defense and military reform, about a month after Xi ordered a military administration and command system overhaul at a key meeting. According to the guideline, a new structure will be established in which the CMC takes charge of the overall administration of the PLA, the Chinese People’s Armed Police and the militia and reserve forces, while battle zone commands focus on combat and various military services pursue development. The military reforms, which will involve massive restructuring and regrouping, are expected to “make major breakthroughs” and achieve concrete results by 2020, according to the CMC.

PLA Cyber and Space forces


Yang did not get into much detail about what the Strategic Support Force is, but said it is a force which combines the strategic, basic and support resources of the country’s new type of combat forces. But Song said this new force is mainly aimed at providing resources capable of protecting China’s cyber and space security. Song said the establishment of the Strategic Support Force shows the Chinese leadership’s vision of building a military that can meet the challenges of not only traditional warfare but also of new warfare centered on new technology.

PLA Rocket Force

Analysts said the establishment of the PLA Rocket Force is an upgrade of the previous Second Artillery Force, which operates strategic as well as conventional missile weapons.

The upgrade places the rocket force on an equal footing with the army, navy and air force, said Song Zhongping, a military expert. The name change to the Rocket Force from “Second Artillery Force” also shows China’s determination to enhance military transparency. It will also impose strong strategic deterrence, he said. The Defense Ministry on Friday stressed that the establishment of the Rocket Force does not mean a major change of its nuclear policy. Reiterating its no-first-use nuclear weapons policy and defensive nuclear strategy, spokesperson Yang Yujun said at a press conference that China’s nuclear policy remains consistent, and China always keeps its nuclear capability at the minimum level required for safeguarding its national security. “We will strive to build a strong and modern Rocket Force,” he said.


Major PLA Structural Announcements on a weekend?

Is anyone else out there wondering why China would make significant military announcements when the USGOV isn’t paying attention?


China upgrades missile force, adds space and cyber war forces

China on Friday unveiled further details of one of its largest military reforms, launching three new bodies of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), including an army command, an upgraded missile force and a special force for space and cyber wars.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, who also heads the Central Military Committee (CMC), on Thursday conferred military flags to the commanders of the three bodies, namely the PLA Army General Command, the PLA Rocket Force and the PLA Strategic Support Force, at their inauguration ceremony in Beijing.

This is part of China’s key reforms aimed at enhancing the Communist Party of China’s (CPC) leadership over the military, and boosting the PLA’s combat capabilities by establishing a modern military system.

Rocket force

Analysts said the establishment of the PLA Rocket Force is an upgrade of the previous Second Artillery Force, which operates strategic as well as conventional missile weapons.

The upgrade places the rocket force on an equal footing with the army, navy and air force, said Song Zhongping, a military expert.

The name change to the Rocket Force from “Second Artillery Force” also shows China’s determination to enhance military transparency. It will also impose strong strategic deterrence, he said.

The Defense Ministry on Friday stressed that the establishment of the Rocket Force does not mean a major change of its nuclear policy.

Reiterating its no-first-use nuclear weapons policy and defensive nuclear strategy, spokesperson Yang Yujun said at a press conference that China’s nuclear policy remains consistent, and China always keeps its nuclear capability at the minimum level required for safeguarding its national security.

“We will strive to build a strong and modern Rocket Force,” he said.

Cyber and space forces

Yang did not get into much detail about what the Strategic Support Force is, but said it is a force which combines the strategic, basic and support resources of the country’s new type of combat forces.

But Song said this new force is mainly aimed at providing resources capable of protecting China’s cyber and space security.

Song said the establishment of the Strategic Support Force shows the Chinese leadership’s vision of building a military that can meet the challenges of not only traditional warfare but also of new warfare centered on new technology.

Army command

The army used to be supervised by four headquarters – the General Staff Headquarters, the General Political Department, the General Logistics Department and the General Armament Department.

The establishment of the Army General Command puts the control directly under the Central Military Commission. It is a major measure to improve the leadership and command system, the Ministry of National Defense said earlier.

Through a joint command and combat system, the Central Military Commission will be able to directly lead the army, the navy, the air force and rocket force, which will largely enhance the efficiency during wartime, said Song.

At Thursday’s conferral ceremony, President Xi said the move to form the Army General Command, the Rocket Force and the Strategic Support Force is a major decision by the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission to realize the Chinese dream of a strong military, and a strategic step to establish a modern military system with Chinese characteristics.

It will be a milestone in the modernization of the Chinese military and will be recorded in the history of the people’s armed forces, according to Xi.

The Central Military Commission has also released a guideline on deepening national defense and military reform, about a month after Xi ordered a military administration and command system overhaul at a key meeting.

According to the guideline, a new structure will be established in which the CMC takes charge of the overall administration of the PLA, the Chinese People’s Armed Police and the militia and reserve forces, while battle zone commands focus on combat and various military services pursue development.

The military reforms, which will involve massive restructuring and regrouping, are expected to “make major breakthroughs” and achieve concrete results by 2020, according to the CMC.

Xinhua contributed to this story

The General Command of Army Badge. Photo source: weibo account of “yangshixinwen”.

The PLA Rocket Force Badge. Photo source: weibo account of “yangshixinwen”.

The PLA Strategic Support ForceBadge. Photo source: weibo account of “yangshixinwen”.