Category Archives: 中國解放軍敘事戰爭


Chinese Military Readies for War with Scientific Research Designed to Achieve Domination on the Battlefield

4月下旬,軍事科學院戰爭研究院順利完成上報兩項作戰重大問題研究工程的立項論證建議書。 這是研究院著眼履行核心職能,科研攻關始終瞄準備戰打仗的具體實踐。

戰爭研究院是全軍專門研究戰爭、設計戰爭的科學研究機構。 作為新組成單位,大項任務多、臨時任務多、論證申報任務多是他們科學研究工作的主要特徵。 年初,針對人少事急、科研任務壓茬推進的實際情況,該研究院黨委對照戰鬥力標準,把旨在強軍勝戰的科研工作擺在重要位置。 他們依據備戰急需、打仗急用、部隊急盼的標準,調整確立了戰爭與作戰問題研究、條令法規編排等方向的重點科研任務,壓減了10餘項偏離主責主業的課題,新增 了一批戰爭形態、作戰風格等聚焦備戰打仗的課題研究。 該研究院領導介紹,院黨委要求班子成員在重大科研任務中既掛帥又出征,做到主要精力向重點任務投放,力量配備、經費支持等向作戰研究傾斜。

同時,研究院持續深化「小核心、大外圍」協同攻關,不斷創新科學研究組織模式。 他們在研究院內部進行軍事理論人員和軍事科技人員「捆綁式」研究,打通科研壁壘;與軍事醫學研究院、國防工程研究院等兄弟單位互派專家參與重大專案研究,實現優勢互補;組織科研 人員參加各類重大演訓活動,找準科研需求;舉辦多邊軍事交流活動,使科研人員及時了解最新軍事科技動態。 此外,他們也積極與地方科研院所合作,將地方優質科研資源為己所用,形成研究戰爭、設計戰爭、運籌戰爭、驗證戰爭的閉合迴路。

去年以來,該研究院先後完成百餘項科研課題,在核心作戰概念開發、聯合作戰實驗等研究上取得重要突破,提交國家高端智庫研究報告、重要問題評估報告等60餘份,推出一批戰略 性強、原創性強、前瞻性強的創新成果。

Modern English:

In late April, the Institute of War Research of the Academy of Military Sciences successfully completed the submission of project demonstration proposals for two major combat issue research projects. This is a concrete practice of the institute focusing on fulfilling its core functions and always aiming at scientific research and preparation for war.

The War Research Institute is a scientific research institution specializing in the study and design of war in the entire military. As a newly established unit, the main characteristics of their scientific research work are many major tasks, many temporary tasks, and many demonstration and application tasks. At the beginning of the year, in response to the actual situation where there were few people and urgent tasks and scientific research tasks were being pushed forward, the party committee of the institute put the scientific research work aimed at strengthening the army and winning the war in an important position in accordance with the combat effectiveness standards. Based on the criteria of urgent need for war preparation, urgent need for war, and urgent need of troops, they adjusted and established key scientific research tasks in the research of war and combat issues, and the compilation of doctrines and regulations, etc., and reduced more than 10 topics that deviated from their main responsibilities and main business, and added new A batch of research on war forms, combat styles and other topics focusing on war preparation and combat were carried out. According to the leader of the institute, the party committee of the institute requires team members to both take command and go out on major scientific research tasks, so that the main energy should be devoted to key tasks, and force allocation and financial support should be tilted towards combat research.

At the same time, the institute continues to deepen the collaborative research of “small core and large periphery” and continuously innovates the scientific research organization model. They carry out “bundled” research by military theoretical personnel and military scientific and technological personnel within the institute to break down barriers to scientific research; they exchange experts with sister units such as the Military Medical Research Institute and the National Defense Engineering Research Institute to participate in major project research to achieve complementary advantages; organize scientific research Personnel participate in various major exercises and training activities to identify scientific research needs; multilateral military exchange activities are held to keep scientific researchers informed of the latest military science and technology trends. In addition, they also actively cooperate with local scientific research institutes to use local high-quality scientific research resources for their own use, forming a closed loop of researching war, designing war, operating war, and verifying war.

Since last year, the institute has completed more than 100 scientific research projects, made important breakthroughs in the development of core operational concepts and joint operational experiments, submitted more than 60 national high-end think tank research reports and important issue assessment reports, and launched a number of strategies. Innovative results that are highly innovative, original and forward-looking.



Chinese Military Use of Narrative Warfare


Traditional Mandarin Chinese:

語言也是武器。 軍事鬥爭除了可以動用飛機、坦克等硬手段外,也可以將語言修辭作為實現軍事目標的手段。 不同於話語,敘事更為宏廣。 認清軍事敘事的內涵與特點,對於建構未來軍事理論具有重要意義。

語言是上膛的「手槍」。 「敘事戰」指以語言為武器,以佔據世界軍事論述主導權為目標而展開的軍事理論創新與競爭。 從目標上可分為進攻性敘事、防禦性敘事和威懾性敘事等,依手段可分為作戰概念敘事、軍事理論敘事、軍事話語敘事、軍事話語敘事等。 內容既涉及國防和軍事建設、軍事戰略層面的敘事,也包括戰略、戰役、戰術層面作戰概念的敘事,還包括作戰標準、作戰規則的權威制定和議程設定。 把握敘事主導權,是贏得認知戰的前提與基礎。 把握了敘事主導權,也就掌握了國際意識形態鬥爭的主動權、領導權,進而獲得軍事論述主導權。

成功的敘事需要吸引力。 與嚴密的邏輯論證不同,敘事透過引人入勝的故事吸引觀眾,二戰時期德國「閃擊戰」神話就是如此。 這個橫空出世的戰術其實是一戰後期「胡蒂爾戰術」或「滲透戰術」的翻版,但在軍事界和各類媒體的華麗包裝下,迅速成為德國能夠橫掃歐洲的「魔法」。 目前,美軍各軍種都在推出令人眼花繚亂的作戰概念,儘管不少是對以往作戰思想的翻新和包裝,然而這種頗具「概念股」意味的營銷方式成功吸引了世界軍事界的注意和追捧 ,甚至影響了其他國家軍事變革的方向和軍事理論的製定。



敘事既是理論研究者腦中的思考脈絡,也是媒體口中的報道風格,它對內構成了理論研究的習慣,對外則成為描述對手的行文規範,涉及理論、概念、宣傳、話術手段等諸多內容 。 因此,可以從四個方面來認識敘事在軍事上發揮作用的方式。

作戰概念敘事影響未來軍事建設與發展。 作戰概念既是一種作戰理念,本身也是一種武器和作戰手段。 作戰概念的敘事競爭讓作戰雙方極力追求軍事技術運用和作戰方法手段的共同演化,力爭使雙方作戰理念和方法手段處於相近的水平。 當國家軍事實力差距龐大時,強大的國家力求主導設計戰場,實現對作戰對手的降維打擊。 當國家軍事實力差距不明顯時,雙方作戰概念的賽局結果可能是混沌未知的。 各方窮盡所有,在時代框架所能允許的範圍內,盡量全景描述可能的作戰方式和手段。 在你來我往的作戰概念「敘事戰」之中,新型戰爭方式最終會在雙方軍事理論家的「腦力激盪」中誕生,在演訓實踐中定型,最終在戰場對決中進行檢驗。

軍事理論敘事能左右軍事戰略的發展。 軍事理論敘事有助於確定國家安全利益、識別現實和潛在威脅,也有助於針對性規劃國防與軍隊發展戰略。 例如,馬漢「海權論」的提出,既有力滿足了本國海軍發展需求,同時也成為二戰後各國爭奪海洋利益、發展海上力量的重要思想源頭。 美軍1990年代以來對高新技術戰爭的敘事,引導了世界新軍事革命浪潮,帶來了武器裝備和部隊編制體制的重大變革。 近年來,美軍相繼提出「多域戰」「分散式海上作戰」等新作戰概念,反映出其希望藉助先進作戰概念繼續佔據世界軍事發展前沿、引領軍事變革方向的意圖。

軍事話語敘事可塑造軍事認知環境。 軍事論述透過構設術語,對軍事理論內容進行議程設置,塑造軍事語境,內化對手思考方向,讓其在既設的軍事框架內認知作戰環境、作戰手段,進而創設自己熟悉的作戰“ 劇本”,讓對手陷入其中卻渾然不知。 譬如美軍名義繁多的作戰概念,既有服務本軍種利益競爭的需要,也有試錯性的作戰概念推演,同時還有意無意地給對手製造「概念圈套」。

軍事話術敘事可主導話語權顛倒黑白。 透過名詞構造等話術,強勢敘事者可對既有概念做出新表述,模糊人們對原有概念的理解,形成強勢話語對弱勢話語的壓制。 透過高調宣傳、片面解讀、美化包裝和選擇性運用政策法規等手段,既妖魔化對手,又彰顯強勢敘事者自身行動的「正義性」和「合法化」。 近年來,西方國家把意識形態領域的政治語言敘事模式轉變成軍事話語權進行輸出,隱密地將價值評價植入軍事層面的敘事之中。 例如,描述同樣性質的作戰行動,西方國家自己會用「低強度戰爭」「航行自由行動」等帶有中性和正義色彩的詞彙,卻貶損別國為「灰色地帶行動」。


從內容來看,敘事屬於語言藝術範疇,並不神祕。 在認清其特徵及作用方式的基礎上,如何在軍事敘事的鬥爭維度上贏得勝利,是擺在我們面前的重要理論和現實問題。 筆者認為,爭奪「敘事戰」主導權,應該注意把握四點原則。

注重量體裁衣服務國家策略。 軍事服從政治。 軍事敘事不能天馬行空,應該與國家戰略敘事一致,否則二者的分裂將嚴重損害國家安全利益。 二戰前夕,法國奉行的以「馬奇諾防線」為代表的防禦性軍事敘事,無法支撐其政治上與東歐國家的同盟戰略體系,令法國失去了應對德國威脅的可信能力。 因此,軍事上的敘事貴在圍繞著國家戰略目標「就地取材」「你打你的,我打我的」。 我軍歷史上的「麻雀戰」「零敲牛皮糖」「小群多路戰」等作戰概念,有力支撐了我軍作戰實踐。 現今俄軍結合自身實際,創造性地發展了「混合戰爭」理論,為自身尋求到迥異於美軍卻適合俄羅斯特色的作戰方式,並在俄格衝突等行動中有效維護了其國家戰略利益。

靈巧拆解詞語進行反向敘事。 詞語建構是對已有概念作出新表述,模糊對原有概念的理解,從而達到引導輿論的目的,是建構話語體系常用的手段之一。 美軍當今大量所謂的新式作戰概念往往是新瓶裝舊酒。 例如“分散式海上作戰”,其實是“分散兵力”或“狼群戰術”借用網路領域概念的語言升級,“海上遠徵基地作戰”炒的則是“跳島戰術”的冷飯。 對待這些作戰概念,千萬不能人雲亦雲。 應運用批判性思維,透過反向敘事的方式擠出作戰概念敘事中的水分,撥開雲霧見真容。

積極奪取認知空間,對抗敘事霸權。 「敘事戰」的終極目標是奪取認知領域的話語權、制腦權。 如今網路是敘事的主戰場,自媒體、社群網路、直播影片等是認知對抗、「敘事戰」的重要平台。 西方軍事強國憑藉佔據全球輿論高點的優勢,用一套霸權性質的話術,構設了一套服務資本利益、維護霸權地位的價值和標準體系,形成了偏向於網絡霸權國家的選擇性敘事取向。 處在這種不利的敘事環境下,應著重探索弱勢敘事空間的話術手段,在媒體、智庫等敘事平台構造話語連動機制,逐步拓展敘事空間,贏得更多的社會認同、更多的公眾青睞和 影響力。

防止落入作戰概念的敘事陷阱。 作戰概念超前並不代表軍事實力領先。 戰爭對決,作戰概念從來不是製勝武器,更無法左右戰爭的結局。 冷戰後美國發起的幾場戰爭,均憑藉絕對的非對稱優勢以強對弱、以優勝劣,其背後密碼為:實力+新作戰概念,其中何者為決定因素還有待商榷。 因此,應避免落入對手作戰概念的敘事陷阱,防止被對手牽引追逐作戰概念創新以致被帶偏節奏。 要堅持「你打你的,我打我的」的原則,用清醒的頭腦、理智的思維謀求有中國特色的軍事理論敘事,練就制勝強敵的過硬「內功」。

Modern English Version:

With the development of psychological warfare, cyber warfare, social media warfare, cognitive warfare and other theories and their application in combat practice, the competition for military discourse power has become increasingly fierce. Using language as a weapon, a strong narrative can not only suppress the opponent to form discourse dominance, but also subtly shape the opponent’s thinking habits, guide the opponent to follow suit, and form an asymmetric advantage in discourse, thereby achieving “conceptual attack.”

Narrative can strangle the “throat” of military theory

Language is also a weapon. In addition to using hard means such as aircraft and tanks, military struggles can also use language and rhetoric as a means to achieve military goals. Unlike discourse, narrative is broader. Recognizing the connotation and characteristics of military narratives is of great significance to constructing future military theories.

Language is a loaded pistol. “Narrative warfare” refers to military theoretical innovation and competition that uses language as a weapon and aims to dominate the world’s military discourse. According to the goal, it can be divided into offensive narrative, defensive narrative and deterrent narrative. According to the means, it can be divided into operational concept narrative, military theory narrative, military discourse narrative, military rhetoric narrative, etc. The content involves not only the narrative of national defense and army construction and military strategy, but also the narrative of operational concepts at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels. It also includes the authoritative formulation and agenda setting of operational standards and operational rules. Grasping narrative dominance is the prerequisite and foundation for winning the cognitive war. By grasping the dominance of narrative, we also grasp the initiative and leadership of the international ideological struggle, and then gain the dominance of military discourse.

Successful narratives require appeal. Rather than strictly logical arguments, narrative engages the audience through a compelling story, as was the case with the German “Blitzkrieg” myth of World War II. This unexpected tactic was actually a replica of the “Hutier tactics” or “infiltration tactics” in the late World War I. However, under the gorgeous packaging of the military circles and various media, it quickly became the “magic” that allowed Germany to sweep across Europe. Currently, all branches of the U.S. military are launching dazzling combat concepts. Although many of them are refurbishments and packaging of previous combat ideas, this marketing method with a “concept stock” meaning has successfully attracted the attention and pursuit of the world’s military circles. , and even influenced the direction of military reforms and the formulation of military doctrines in other countries.

Narrative is the “designer” of military development

Narrative is not only the thinking thread in the minds of theoretical researchers, but also the reporting style in the media. It constitutes the habit of theoretical research internally, and it becomes the writing standard for describing opponents externally, involving theories, concepts, propaganda, rhetorical techniques and many other contents. . The way narrative works in the military can therefore be understood in four ways.

The operational concept narrative affects future military construction and development. The combat concept is not only a combat concept, but also a weapon and combat method. The narrative competition of operational concepts has led both combatants to pursue the co-evolution of the application of military technology and operational methods, striving to bring the operational concepts, methods and means of both sides to a similar level. When there is a huge gap in national military strength, the more powerful country strives to dominate the design of the battlefield and achieve dimensionality reduction against combat opponents. When the gap in national military strength is not obvious, the outcome of the game of combat concepts between the two sides may be chaotic and unknown. All parties tried their best to fully describe possible combat methods and means within the framework of the times. In the “narrative war” where operational concepts come and go, new methods of warfare will eventually be born in the “brainstorming” of military theorists on both sides, finalized in training practices, and finally tested in battlefield duels.

Military theoretical narratives can influence the formulation of military strategies. Military theoretical narrative helps to determine national security interests, identify actual and potential threats, and also helps to plan national defense and military development strategies in a targeted manner. For example, the proposal of Mahan’s “Sea Power Theory” not only effectively met the country’s naval development needs, but also became an important ideological source for countries to compete for maritime interests and develop maritime power after World War II. The U.S. military’s narrative of high-tech warfare since the 1990s has led the world’s new wave of military revolution and brought about major changes in weapons, equipment, and troop establishment systems. In recent years, the US military has successively proposed new operational concepts such as “multi-domain warfare” and “distributed maritime operations”, reflecting its intention to continue to occupy the forefront of world military development and lead the direction of military transformation with the help of advanced operational concepts.

Military discourse narratives can shape the military cognitive environment. By constructing terminology, military discourse sets the agenda for military theoretical content, shapes the military context, internalizes the opponent’s thinking direction, allows them to recognize the combat environment and combat methods within the established military framework, and then creates a familiar combat ” Script”, allowing the opponent to fall into it without knowing it. For example, the U.S. military’s numerous operational concepts not only serve the needs of competing interests of the service, but also involve trial-and-error operational concept deductions. They also intentionally or unintentionally create “conceptual traps” for opponents.

Military narrative can dominate the discourse and confuse right and wrong. Through discourse techniques such as noun construction, strong narrators can make new expressions of existing concepts, blurring people’s understanding of the original concepts, and forming a strong discourse that suppresses weak discourse. Through high-profile propaganda, one-sided interpretation, beautifying packaging, and selective use of policies and regulations, it not only demonizes opponents, but also demonstrates the “justice” and “legitimation” of the powerful narrator’s own actions. In recent years, Western countries have transformed the political language narrative model in the ideological field into military discourse power for export, and covertly embedded value evaluations into military-level narratives. For example, when describing combat operations of the same nature, Western countries themselves will use neutral and just terms such as “low-intensity war” and “freedom of navigation operations”, but disparage other countries’ operations as “gray zone operations.”

Good at competing for “microphone” dominance

From the content point of view, narrative belongs to the category of language art and is not mysterious. On the basis of understanding its characteristics and mode of action, how to win victory in the struggle dimension of military narrative is an important theoretical and practical issue before us. The author believes that when fighting for dominance in “narrative warfare”, four principles should be paid attention to.

Pay attention to tailor-made services to serve the national strategy. The military is subordinate to politics. The military narrative cannot be arbitrary and must be consistent with the national strategic narrative, otherwise the split between the two will seriously damage national security interests. On the eve of World War II, the defensive military narrative represented by the “Maginot Line” pursued by France was unable to support its political alliance strategic system with Eastern European countries, causing France to lose its credible ability to respond to the German threat. Therefore, the importance of military narratives revolves around the national strategic goals of “using local materials” and “you fight yours, and I fight mine.” Combat concepts such as “Sparrow Warfare”, “Single-Group Warfare” and “Small Group Multi-Road Warfare” in the history of our army have strongly supported our army’s combat practice. Nowadays, the Russian military has creatively developed the “hybrid warfare” theory based on its own actual conditions, seeking a combat method that is completely different from the US military but suitable for Russian characteristics, and has effectively safeguarded its national strategic interests in operations such as the Russia-Georgia conflict.

Cleverly dismantle words to create reverse narratives. Word construction is to make new expressions of existing concepts and blur the understanding of original concepts, so as to achieve the purpose of guiding public opinion. It is one of the commonly used means to build a discourse system. A large number of so-called new combat concepts in the US military today are often old wine in new bottles. For example, “distributed maritime operations” is actually a linguistic upgrade of “dispersed forces” or “wolf pack tactics” borrowing concepts from the cyber domain, while “maritime expeditionary base operations” are a waste of “island hopping tactics”. When dealing with these operational concepts, we must not follow others’ opinions. Critical thinking should be used to squeeze out the moisture in the narrative of the combat concept through reverse narrative, and see through the clouds and fog to see the true face.

Actively seize cognitive space and resist narrative hegemony. The ultimate goal of “narrative warfare” is to seize the right to speak and control the brain in the cognitive field. Nowadays, the Internet is the main battlefield for narrative, and self-media, social networks, live videos, etc. are important platforms for cognitive confrontation and “narrative warfare.” Relying on the advantage of occupying the commanding heights of global public opinion, Western military powers use a set of hegemonic rhetoric to construct a system of values ​​and standards that serve capital interests and maintain hegemonic status, forming a selective narrative orientation that favors cyber hegemons. In this unfavorable narrative environment, we should focus on exploring the means of discourse in the weak narrative space, construct a discourse linkage mechanism in narrative platforms such as media and think tanks, gradually expand the narrative space, and win more social recognition, more public favor, and Influence.

Avoid falling into the narrative trap of operational concepts. Being advanced in operational concepts does not mean leading in military strength. In war duels, combat concepts are never the winning weapon, let alone the outcome of the war. The several wars launched by the United States after the Cold War all relied on absolute asymmetric advantages to defeat the weak with the strong and win with the superior. The code behind this is: strength + new combat concepts. Which of these is the decisive factor remains to be discussed. Therefore, we should avoid falling into the narrative trap of our opponents’ operational concepts, and avoid being led by our opponents to pursue innovations in operational concepts, leading to being led astray. We must adhere to the principle of “you fight yours and I fight mine”, use a clear mind and rational thinking to seek a military theoretical narrative with Chinese characteristics, and develop excellent “internal strength” to defeat powerful enemies.

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